EPA Employees Weren't Properly Potty Trained


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
I've often seen the Lefties claim that Federal Employees deserve high pay and benefits because they could earn So Much More in the private sector, and are making an enormous sacrifice by deigning to be in Public Service.

Well, I've been in the private sector for quite awhile, and I've ever had to admonish my employees for not being properly potty trained.

Deputy Regional Administrator Howard Cantor wrote an email to staff earlier this year lecturing them about bathroom behavior and telling them not to defecate in the hallways, Government Executive reported.

Cantor told employees about multiple inappropriate incidents, including "an individual placing feces in the hallway" near a restroom and someone clogging the toilets with paper towels, according to Government Executive.

"Management is taking this situation very seriously and will take whatever actions are necessary to identify and prosecute these individuals," Cantor wrote in the email, asking employees to notify their supervisors with any knowledge about the incidents.

The EPA consulted a workplace violence expert, John Nicoletti, who said the poop-related incidents were "very dangerous" and that feces in the hallway posed a health risk to workers.

EPA Memo To Employees: Please Stop Pooping In The Hallway
I'm going to file this under: Anals of Our Unionized Public Service Employees
I've often seen the Lefties claim that Federal Employees deserve high pay and benefits because they could earn So Much More in the private sector, and are making an enormous sacrifice by deigning to be in Public Service.

Well, I've been in the private sector for quite awhile, and I've ever had to admonish my employees for not being properly potty trained.

Deputy Regional Administrator Howard Cantor wrote an email to staff earlier this year lecturing them about bathroom behavior and telling them not to defecate in the hallways, Government Executive reported.

Cantor told employees about multiple inappropriate incidents, including "an individual placing feces in the hallway" near a restroom and someone clogging the toilets with paper towels, according to Government Executive.

"Management is taking this situation very seriously and will take whatever actions are necessary to identify and prosecute these individuals," Cantor wrote in the email, asking employees to notify their supervisors with any knowledge about the incidents.

The EPA consulted a workplace violence expert, John Nicoletti, who said the poop-related incidents were "very dangerous" and that feces in the hallway posed a health risk to workers.

EPA Memo To Employees: Please Stop Pooping In The Hallway

Since when did the EPA start actively recruiting The Wall Street Shitters errr Occupiers?

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