EPA Engaging in Backdoor Gun Control


Army Strong
Nov 22, 2013
breitbart.com/Big-Government Allen-West-EPA-Engaging-in-Backdoor-Gun-Control

The EPA has shut down the The Doe Run Lead Smelter in Herculaneum, Missouri. It was the last plant that smelted lead ore. The EPA regulations were placed only on this plant and would cost the plant millions to comply with. This means lead ore mined in the US will have to be shipped overseas, processed, and then shipped back. The price of lead is going to skyrocket which will affect the cost of ammunition. Now we know why the gov has been stockpiling ammo.

The gov also doesn’t seem to realize (in their dictator style attack on gun ownership) that shutting down this plant will negatively impact others that use lead, such as hospitals which use lead aprons in their x-ray rooms. They don’t seem to care who it affects just as long as they can control gun ownership in some form.
Whatever it takes to finish his agenda, including making America safe for an assault by Obama's Muslim jihadi brethren.

Obama is fiully aware of Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto's admonition to the Japanese Imperial General Staff that Japan could never invade America because it would be "Met by a rifle behind every blade of grass" Once Comrade Barack has all of America's guns under his control, it'll be time to "Let the Worldwide Islamic Caliphate "roll.

Americans widespread possession of firearms saved the country once, seventy two years ago. Comrade Barack wants to make sure it doesn't happen again, at least not for what he has planned for America.
Sheesh, you would think with all the ammo the fruitloops already have we could conduct several world wars.
Sheesh, you would think with all the ammo the fruitloops already have we could conduct several world wars.

DHS bought most of it. Also, can you tell us us how much ammunition a responsible gun owner will go through in the act of becoming a proficient marksman at the gun range? Can you tell us how often a smart gun owner should practice in order to keep up his skills?
Have we had our fun making shit up? Good.

Now let's get down to...you know...facts. Those annoying realities which blow conspiracy theories out of the water.

Here is the smelter's press release about the closure: Herculaneum Smelter Closure

Over the operating life of the smelter, the Company spent millions of dollars in environmental and other upgrades. Continuing to upgrade the aging smelter to attempt to meet the increasingly stringent environmental regulations imposed on primary lead smelters was not economically feasible given the many other requirements of our business.* We shared this news in 2010 in a press release available on our website.

Here is the Breitbart link which the OP cannot post since he is a newbie: Allen West: EPA Engaging in Backdoor Gun Control

Here is what Allen West the nut says:

The closedown is due to new, extremely tight air quality restrictions placed on this specific plant. President Obama and his EPA raised the regulations tenfold, and it would have cost the plant $100 million to comply.

West says it was Obama and his EPA which raised the regulations tenfold.

Now, I want you to notice the little asterisk the Doe Run smelter press release has in that part I quoted from their press release.

Let's go to the bottom of that press release to see what that is about, shall we?

*In 2008, the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for lead was reduced from 1.5 µg/m3 (micrograms of lead per cubic meter of air) to 0.15 µg/m3.

2008. 1.5 µg/m3 to 0.15 µg/m3. A tenfold raise.

IN 2008!

I know the nuts like to blame Obama retroactively for the economic crash, and now we find them blaming Obama retroactively for raising the regulations tenfold for lead smelting.


Backdoor gun control. Jesus H. Christ. :rolleyes:
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National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) | Air and Radiation | US EPA


November 12, 2008.

Going to the footnote:

Final rule signed October 15, 2008. The 1978 lead standard (1.5 µg/m3 as a quarterly average) remains in effect until one year after an area is designated for the 2008 standard, except that in areas designated nonattainment for the 1978, the 1978 standard remains in effect until implementation plans to attain or maintain the 2008 standard are approved.
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You have to wonder what special kind of imbeciles Breitbart has working for them that they couldn't fact check an article like I just did in less than five minutes.

Stop drinking the retards' piss! You are getting infected.
Anyone who reads Breitbart deserves to be lied to.

Anyone that listens to Obama will be lied to, period.

So bury Obama with the truth! If you are so retarded you can't bury him with the truth and have to make shit up instead, then is it any wonder Obama keeps winning? He has the unprecedented good fortune of being opposed by idiots more incompetent than himself!

Coddling retards who buy into this stupid DHS ammo stockpiling conspiracy theory just makes the Right look dumber and dumber by the day.

It's time to kick the morons like Allen West to the curb and start kicking Obama in the nuts with facts and superior ideas.
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You have to wonder what special kind of imbeciles Breitbart has working for them that they couldn't fact check an article like I just did in less than five minutes.

Stop drinking the retards' piss! You are getting infected.

The president has no say in the EPA creating regulations. This is according to the EPA, themselves, on the process of creating new regulations www2. epa.gov/laws-regulations/basics-regulatory-process Even though Stephen L. Johnson, EPA administration, was appointed by Bush he was kicked out in Dec 2008 following a serious investigation into is unethical behavior.

“On October 22, 2012, the EPA Office of Inspector General (OIG) announced that an investigation was underway to determine "whether EPA, as part of its research, followed applicable laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidance when it exposed human subjects to diesel exhaust emissions or concentrated airborne particles."” There is also a big concern with “the EPA’s rulemaking process and seeking more transparency on a costly planned rule that would regulate fine particulate matter.”
Now, in light of concern over the validity of the data used for the 2008 NAAQS and the ethical practices that lead to the data, wouldn’t a responsible president put a hold on the enforcement of the standards until a full investigation was conducted?

www. epw.senate.gov/ public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Minority.PressReleases&ContentRecord_id=abec2684-0bc3-3687-43a9-5589c3f28b4e

http:// capitalresearch.org/2013/01/whats-next-energy-and-the-environment-in-president-obamas-second-term/
You have to wonder what special kind of imbeciles Breitbart has working for them that they couldn't fact check an article like I just did in less than five minutes.

Stop drinking the retards' piss! You are getting infected.

The president has no say in the EPA creating regulations. This is according to the EPA, themselves, on the process of creating new regulations www2. epa.gov/laws-regulations/basics-regulatory-process Even though Stephen L. Johnson, EPA administration, was appointed by Bush he was kicked out in Dec 2008 following a serious investigation into is unethical behavior.

“On October 22, 2012, the EPA Office of Inspector General (OIG) announced that an investigation was underway to determine "whether EPA, as part of its research, followed applicable laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and guidance when it exposed human subjects to diesel exhaust emissions or concentrated airborne particles."” There is also a big concern with “the EPA’s rulemaking process and seeking more transparency on a costly planned rule that would regulate fine particulate matter.”
Now, in light of concern over the validity of the data used for the 2008 NAAQS and the ethical practices that lead to the data, wouldn’t a responsible president put a hold on the enforcement of the standards until a full investigation was conducted?

www. epw.senate.gov/ public/index.cfm?FuseAction=Minority.PressReleases&ContentRecord_id=abec2684-0bc3-3687-43a9-5589c3f28b4e

http:// capitalresearch.org/2013/01/whats-next-energy-and-the-environment-in-president-obamas-second-term/


One second, you are trying to pin the closing of the smelter on Obama. After finding out it was Bush, you are saying the President has nothing to do with it!


Don't be such a pathetic partisan hack. You drank from Breitbart's piss fountain.
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breitbart.com/Big-Government Allen-West-EPA-Engaging-in-Backdoor-Gun-Control

The EPA has shut down the The Doe Run Lead Smelter in Herculaneum, Missouri. It was the last plant that smelted lead ore. The EPA regulations were placed only on this plant and would cost the plant millions to comply with. This means lead ore mined in the US will have to be shipped overseas, processed, and then shipped back. The price of lead is going to skyrocket which will affect the cost of ammunition. Now we know why the gov has been stockpiling ammo.

The gov also doesn’t seem to realize (in their dictator style attack on gun ownership) that shutting down this plant will negatively impact others that use lead, such as hospitals which use lead aprons in their x-ray rooms. They don’t seem to care who it affects just as long as they can control gun ownership in some form.

Saved for posterity. This post opens with a link to an article blaming Obama for the closing of a lead smelter, claiming it is to control guns.

Well, Monday kicked off with a pretty high level of crazy. You've set a bar for the week that will be hard to beat.
You have to wonder what special kind of imbeciles Breitbart has working for them that they couldn't fact check an article like I just did in less than five minutes.

Stop drinking the retards' piss! You are getting infected.

The president has no say in the EPA creating regulations.


Do you honestly believe that this President doesn't call the head of an agency that he appointed and tell them to take what ever steps they can to hurt gun owners? Especially after he threw his little temper tantrum when he didn't get his gun control bill?

He's already promised that he was going to take every step he can take without going through Congress to get his anti-gun plans through.
That is the "executive order method" implementation.

EPA should be SUED on this

Do you honestly believe that this President doesn't call the head of an agency that he appointed and tell them to take what ever steps they can to hurt gun owners? Especially after he threw his little temper tantrum when he didn't get his gun control bill?

He's already promised that he was going to take every step he can take without going through Congress to get his anti-gun plans through.

and that is EXACTLY what he is doing.
You don't like putting two and two together do you? Typical liberal. If the NAAQS was shit science and it happened under Bush, then why aren’t the left wing nut jobs jumping up and down with joy and screaming to have it stopped? Why is it with any other bad policy under Bush people like you rush to end it? Even when OB was a senator he stated the new standards were too strict and would cause problems for companies regarding cost, but he’s embracing that standard now.

Not a word. Not even a single sound from the left. The reason being is because you ass clowns can use this shit NAAQS standard to help your agenda.
You don't like putting two and two together do you? Typical liberal. If the NAAQS was shit science and it happened under Bush, then why aren’t the left wing nut jobs jumping up and down with joy and screaming to have it stopped? Why is it with any other bad policy under Bush people like you rush to end it? Even when OB was a senator he stated the new standards were too strict and would cause problems for companies regarding cost, but he’s embracing that standard now.

Not a word. Not even a single sound from the left. The reason being is because you ass clowns can use this shit NAAQS standard to help your agenda.

You are new here, so let me tell you - this one is a rabid leftard posing as a "conservative" or "republican" or whatever - there are few of those pretending to be something else, than they really are. Usually those types are the most hard-headed ones.

As to the topic - if the regulation by EPA was issued in 2008 ( supposedly) why did the factory had to comply with it only NOW and closed NOW?
As to the topic - if the regulation by EPA was issued in 2008 ( supposedly) why did the factory had to comply with it only NOW and closed NOW?

Read the links and you will know why it took so long.

The wheels turn slowly. First, the rule change did not take effect until 2009. And the smelter spent money trying to comply with the rule change, but was unable to achieve the desired results. They finally came to the realization it would require a more modernized smelter than they wanted to spend the money on.

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