EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million

Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

Threatening our clean water system isn't something this trump whore thinks is alarming.
When you've sold your mind and soul to the orange clown it's a position you're forced to take.
You can't debate so you have to lie. I never said there weren't problems in 8 years.
And you continuing to have to focus on one incident instead of the current bad policy of this EPA, shows what a partisan hack you are.
so if there were problems, then the program sucked. so discontinuing it doesn't hurt anything.
You're really dumber than dirt.
If your car breaks down once... should you avoid driving the rest of your life?
What people say about you is true.

Funny thing is you are dumber than the person you are attempting to insult!
Says the idiot who can't debate because he's too far up trump's ass to even care about his own family's health.

Too you a debate is calling someone a cock sucker after being shown the rule you are defending failed to protect people!
This rule has protected millions but since there was a problem once.., get rid of it.
LIke I said... your debating tactics are as deplorable as your values.
Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

Threatening our clean water system isn't something this trump whore thinks is alarming.
When you've sold your mind and soul to the orange clown it's a position you're forced to take.

And yet when Obama failed to protect millions of people because of his EPA failure you sat silent. Only when Trump want to remove a rule that did very little you now care.
Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

/---- A bad law with a nice sounding name is still a bad law. Now
eat your peas.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The clean water rule is a " bad law" according to this idiot.
Thanks for the laugh..
so if there were problems, then the program sucked. so discontinuing it doesn't hurt anything.
You're really dumber than dirt.
If your car breaks down once... should you avoid driving the rest of your life?
What people say about you is true.

Funny thing is you are dumber than the person you are attempting to insult!
Says the idiot who can't debate because he's too far up trump's ass to even care about his own family's health.

Too you a debate is calling someone a cock sucker after being shown the rule you are defending failed to protect people!
This rule has protected millions but since there was a problem once.., get rid of it.
LIke I said... your debating tactics are as deplorable as your values.

No, it protected no one and you only defend it because Obama wanted it.

Also your debating is accusing anyone that points out the rule failure as being a cock sucker that licks the balls of Trump. So before you claim my debating sucks, well you have yet to offer anything worthy to debate!

You just want others to agree with you like a good little troll!
Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

Threatening our clean water system isn't something this trump whore thinks is alarming.
When you've sold your mind and soul to the orange clown it's a position you're forced to take.

And yet when Obama failed to protect millions of people because of his EPA failure you sat silent. Only when Trump want to remove a rule that did very little you now care.
3 lies in one post. Well done.
You have no idea how I felt or thought about that problem. .. so you lie.
Trump wants to remove the law that has protected 117 million people most of the time.. that's ok with you.
" did very little."
Talking completely out of your ass.
Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

Threatening our clean water system isn't something this trump whore thinks is alarming.
When you've sold your mind and soul to the orange clown it's a position you're forced to take.

And yet when Obama failed to protect millions of people because of his EPA failure you sat silent. Only when Trump want to remove a rule that did very little you now care.
3 lies in one post. Well done.
You have no idea how I felt or thought about that problem. .. so you lie.
Trump wants to remove the law that has protected 117 million people most of the time.. that's ok with you.
" did very little."
Talking completely out of your ass.

Well if you cared so much you would have written about it when it happened and guess what you did not!


It would have been against Obama and God knows you would have never written a bad word about him. Instead those like you would have blamed the Governors of those three states for not stoping what the EPA failed to do.

Also that rule was in 2015, so what took Obama so long to care about your drinking water?

My guess it was because of Flint and he knew his EPA failed there like they failed in many states!

ALso now you just focus on that one incident claiming that was the only one and I pointed to Flint and you are just ignoring that because then it would show the Government of Flint failed along with the EPA...
This is great. There's absolutely nothing to worry about. Businesses don't want to poison their customers, they don't need regulations to do the right thing, and if they don't, the free market will fix everything. People will simply not buy stuff from those businesses. Remove all regulations!
Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost
For the 3rd time Obama UDATED the rule in 2015

Threatening our clean water system isn't something this trump whore thinks is alarming.
When you've sold your mind and soul to the orange clown it's a position you're forced to take.

And yet when Obama failed to protect millions of people because of his EPA failure you sat silent. Only when Trump want to remove a rule that did very little you now care.
3 lies in one post. Well done.
You have no idea how I felt or thought about that problem. .. so you lie.
Trump wants to remove the law that has protected 117 million people most of the time.. that's ok with you.
" did very little."
Talking completely out of your ass.

Well if you cared so much you would have written about it when it happened and guess what you did not!


It would have been against Obama and God knows you would have never written a bad word about him. Instead those like you would have blamed the Governors of those three states for not stoping what the EPA failed to do.

Also that rule was in 2015, so what took Obama so long to care about your drinking water?

My guess it was because of Flint and he knew his EPA failed there like they failed in many states!

ALso now you just focus on that one incident claiming that was the only one and I pointed to Flint and you are just ignoring that because then it would show the Government of Flint failed along with the EPA...
Obama UPDATED the rule in 2015.. it wasn't instituted in 2015. 2nd time saying this.
Just admit it. You'll have a zillion excuses for whatever horrendous anti environment tactics your fuhrer proposes.. like opening up our National Monuments to oil and gas drilling which is already being put into motion.
Deplorable logic: it's ok if the
EPA Dismantles a Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million
.. because of Obama.
Ha ha ha ha
states provide all of that protection. so again, your screaming the sky is falling doesn't work any longer chief.
Already addressed but since you're a non reader or very selective reader... you avoided it.
So when one state allows pollution which carries to the adjacent state it sets up lawsuits and big problems.

It's mind boggling how you Trump whores can't even agree clean drinking water is important and a valid pursuit of the EPA.

Pruitt was hired to dismantle the EPA.

Funny how that rule did little to prevent the disaster in New Mexico, but hey Obama was President so no big deal if a river got polluted but now that Trump want to remove something Obama did you all of a sudden care.
Another red herring which is your side's typical response. Because there was a problem once.. let's throw the baby out with the bath water. Pathetic.
so because it didn't protect states then, it's a red herring? nice deflection away from your own fking argument.
Moron doesn't know what a red herring is and why you lost the argument when you're forced to use it.
you have no idea that you contradicted yourself. do you?
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Awww, my side and the Obama voters considers anyone that disagree with his bullshit thread as the enemy. The fact is you did not care about the water in this country when Obama was President because if you did you would realize the EPA was a mess when he was the President of this country and the individual he appointed to the position was a pathetic joke.

So again how did thatrule protect the people of Colorado and New Mexico from the Toxic Sludge?
No the EPA wasn't a mess when Obama was president. And once again because there were some problems in 8 years you deem the EPA a mess in order to go along with Trump's plan to threaten the drinking water for 117 million Americans..
Your excuses are pathetic... your red herrings are lame and your values are deplorable.

Well according to you there was no problem under Obama and Trump does evil mean things.

You have yet to address how that rule would have protected the State of New Mexico from the EPA mistake, and yes it was a mess but you are such a partisan nutter that you can not admit it!
You can't debate so you have to lie. I never said there weren't problems in 8 years.
And you continuing to have to focus on one incident instead of the current bad policy of this EPA, shows what a partisan hack you are.
so if there were problems, then the program sucked. so discontinuing it doesn't hurt anything.
You're really dumber than dirt.
If your car breaks down once... should you avoid driving the rest of your life?
What people say about you is true.
and yet you admit they had problems. what kind of idiot are you? oh yeah a lib.
Awww, my side and the Obama voters considers anyone that disagree with his bullshit thread as the enemy. The fact is you did not care about the water in this country when Obama was President because if you did you would realize the EPA was a mess when he was the President of this country and the individual he appointed to the position was a pathetic joke.

So again how did thatrule protect the people of Colorado and New Mexico from the Toxic Sludge?
No the EPA wasn't a mess when Obama was president. And once again because there were some problems in 8 years you deem the EPA a mess in order to go along with Trump's plan to threaten the drinking water for 117 million Americans..
Your excuses are pathetic... your red herrings are lame and your values are deplorable.

Well according to you there was no problem under Obama and Trump does evil mean things.

You have yet to address how that rule would have protected the State of New Mexico from the EPA mistake, and yes it was a mess but you are such a partisan nutter that you can not admit it!
You can't debate so you have to lie. I never said there weren't problems in 8 years.
And you continuing to have to focus on one incident instead of the current bad policy of this EPA, shows what a partisan hack you are.

No, it is showing you are only defending this rule because Obama made it. Had Trump made this rule you would be spitting on it while claiming that Americans should not be oppressed by the rules of the GOP. It also shows the fact the EPA failed to protect Native Americans and their lands from toxic sludge and the rule did very little.

So it seem you are the partisan nutter here because if you were really for clean drinking water you would have admitted the failure of the EPA under Obama but you refuse to even do that and it was me pointing out the reality to you!

Now got anything else like I lick the ass cheeks of Putin or allow Ann Coulter to ass fuck me with her dick?
For the 5th time.. a single problem doesn't make the whole EPA under Obama a failure.
The Natural Resources Defense Council on Tuesday lambasted the move, calling it a “big mistake." They have infinitely more credibility than any trump supporter.
but it wasn't one, you claimed they had problems for 8 years. oops.
Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

/---- A bad law with a nice sounding name is still a bad law. Now
eat your peas.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The clean water rule is a " bad law" according to this idiot.
Thanks for the laugh..

/----- Oh the original law was good but in his over reach Obozo bastardized it. here's some info you you Spanky:
Lawmakers and officials from states with large rural areas praised the move.

“Out-of-state D.C. bureaucrats shouldn’t impose regulations that hurt Montana farmers, ranchers and landowners,” said the state's Republican senator, Steve Daines.

The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture welcomed the change, saying the 2015 rule was flawed and "fraught" with procedural issues, "making it necessary to start over with a new rule that protects clean water and respects state regulatory authority."
EPA and Army Corps seek to rescind clean water rule
Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

How does government control over private land that occasionally has a puddle form on it, protect drinking water?
Another example of Republican extremism. It seems we are trapped between two extremes. One that believes in over-regulating and one that believes in no regulation. Ensuring that water is clean is a federal issue not a state issue. States can be too easily bought off and many waterways border several states which means it is a interstate issue. Scott Pruitt is bought and paid for by industry. He is corrupt.
Good. It was a rule that did not accomplish anything, was not enforceable, and just added more red tape to prevent real environmental reform.

That is what happens when an outgoing President directs a cabinet level agency to enact a law for the sole purpose of making the opposition party look bad when they remove the useless regulation.

OP's failed plea to fear has been rejected.
" real environmental reform" like giving polluters carte blanche without immunity that is the Trump's administration's goal.
You make me laugh.,
Your outrage makes everyone laugh. You wouldn't know real environmental reform if you fell into it.

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