EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million

states provide all of that protection. so again, your screaming the sky is falling doesn't work any longer chief.
Already addressed but since you're a non reader or very selective reader... you avoided it.
So when one state allows pollution which carries to the adjacent state it sets up lawsuits and big problems.

It's mind boggling how you Trump whores can't even agree clean drinking water is important and a valid pursuit of the EPA.

Pruitt was hired to dismantle the EPA.

Funny how that rule did little to prevent the disaster in New Mexico, but hey Obama was President so no big deal if a river got polluted but now that Trump want to remove something Obama did you all of a sudden care.
Another red herring which is your side's typical response. Because there was a problem once.. let's throw the baby out with the bath water. Pathetic.

Awww, my side and the Obama voters considers anyone that disagree with his bullshit thread as the enemy. The fact is you did not care about the water in this country when Obama was President because if you did you would realize the EPA was a mess when he was the President of this country and the individual he appointed to the position was a pathetic joke.

So again how did thatrule protect the people of Colorado and New Mexico from the Toxic Sludge?
No the EPA wasn't a mess when Obama was president. And once again because there were some problems in 8 years you deem the EPA a mess in order to go along with Trump's plan to threaten the drinking water for 117 million Americans..
Your excuses are pathetic... your red herrings are lame and your values are deplorable.

Trump's plan to threaten the drinking water for 117 million Americans..

Why did Obama let 117 million Americans drink polluted water for 7 years?
Was he stupid, or just an evil bastard?

I'm leaning toward both.
Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

NOWHERE do the frantic nannies EVER discuss the SPECIFICS of this "dismantling".. But there are MANY late added instances of BRAIN-DEAD EPA rulings that NEED to be reversed. Like the ones that prevent Munis from dumping "excess snow" into the rivers..

Sorry -- but that's ridiculous. Especially for cities that have limited volume of storm water treatment facilities.
Keeping cities safe and operating in Snow events is MORE important than a rule like that...
Unless I'm mistaken I think repeal of tbe rule will also save lots of money for golf course owners like Trump. Surprise, surprise.

You mean like the rule that required all the ball washers to be removed? Because they didn't WANT the "contamination" from the course being CONCENTRATED in those devices?

That's Mindless Moron territory actually.. It's slap your head stupid --- rules and regs....
Awww, my side and the Obama voters considers anyone that disagree with his bullshit thread as the enemy. The fact is you did not care about the water in this country when Obama was President because if you did you would realize the EPA was a mess when he was the President of this country and the individual he appointed to the position was a pathetic joke.

So again how did thatrule protect the people of Colorado and New Mexico from the Toxic Sludge?
No the EPA wasn't a mess when Obama was president. And once again because there were some problems in 8 years you deem the EPA a mess in order to go along with Trump's plan to threaten the drinking water for 117 million Americans..
Your excuses are pathetic... your red herrings are lame and your values are deplorable.

Well according to you there was no problem under Obama and Trump does evil mean things.

You have yet to address how that rule would have protected the State of New Mexico from the EPA mistake, and yes it was a mess but you are such a partisan nutter that you can not admit it!
You can't debate so you have to lie. I never said there weren't problems in 8 years.
And you continuing to have to focus on one incident instead of the current bad policy of this EPA, shows what a partisan hack you are.

No, it is showing you are only defending this rule because Obama made it. Had Trump made this rule you would be spitting on it while claiming that Americans should not be oppressed by the rules of the GOP. It also shows the fact the EPA failed to protect Native Americans and their lands from toxic sludge and the rule did very little.

So it seem you are the partisan nutter here because if you were really for clean drinking water you would have admitted the failure of the EPA under Obama but you refuse to even do that and it was me pointing out the reality to you!

Now got anything else like I lick the ass cheeks of Putin or allow Ann Coulter to ass fuck me with her dick?
For the 5th time.. a single problem doesn't make the whole EPA under Obama a failure.
The Natural Resources Defense Council on Tuesday lambasted the move, calling it a “big mistake." They have infinitely more credibility than any trump supporter.
WOW... Talk about unreasonable and totally clueless...

So the little Obama/Socialist, dirty cock sucking, puke wants total socialist, top down, control that the Obama EPA was doing by lieing about their purpose, invoking useless regulations meant to deprive private citizens of their property without enumeration. And now the lying little cock sucking puke wants others to believe that we don't care about our environment in a effort to continue with the thefts.

Wake up fucktard... your a useless tool.. And a fool..

I can talk in your language and age group too...
Enumeration? What a fooking idiot. Perhaps you meant "remuneration" Billy? Perhaps you ought to try to restrict your comments to things you actually understand. I realize that would make you essentially silent, but listening could be really good for you.
so if there were problems, then the program sucked. so discontinuing it doesn't hurt anything.
You're really dumber than dirt.
If your car breaks down once... should you avoid driving the rest of your life?
What people say about you is true.

Funny thing is you are dumber than the person you are attempting to insult!
Says the idiot who can't debate because he's too far up trump's ass to even care about his own family's health.

Too you a debate is calling someone a cock sucker after being shown the rule you are defending failed to protect people!
This rule has protected millions but since there was a problem once.., get rid of it.
LIke I said... your debating tactics are as deplorable as your values.

Millions from what ? This is as big as a strawman argument as saying obozo care saved thousands of lives.

Enumeration? What a fooking idiot. Perhaps you meant "remuneration" Billy? Perhaps you ought to try to restrict your comments to things you actually understand. I realize that would make you essentially silent, but listening could be really good for you.
LOL....Money dumb fuck... and both terms are use to explain it.. Money amounts (price-enumeration) vs money given (actual monies received-renumeratation)... Now go away..
Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

GOOD! It was a complete assault on the COTUS. There are loads of laws out there to prevent those abuses, this was nothing more than a way for the federal government to steal peoples land.
Donald Trump's destruction of America continues.

The Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 to update a longstanding act passed during the advent of the EPA to clean up heavily polluted federal waterways ― one of which was so fouled with sewage, it burst into flames in the late 1960s.

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to undo yet another Obama-era environmental regulation after releasing a proposal on Tuesday meant to dismantle a rule protecting rivers and streams from pollution.

EPA To Dismantle Rule That Protects Drinking Water For 117 Million | HuffPost

GOOD! It was a complete assault on the COTUS. There are loads of laws out there to prevent those abuses, this was nothing more than a way for the federal government to steal peoples land.

Exactly and these proganda tools want to spin it saying it endangers clean water for millions..

Just another case why the electorial college is so needed now then ever.

Enumeration? What a fooking idiot. Perhaps you meant "remuneration" Billy? Perhaps you ought to try to restrict your comments to things you actually understand. I realize that would make you essentially silent, but listening could be really good for you.
LOL....Money dumb fuck... and both terms are use to explain it.. Money amounts (price-enumeration) vs money given (actual monies received-renumeratation)... Now go away..


[ih-noo-muh-reyt, ih-nyoo-]
See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
verb (used with object), enumerated, enumerating.
to mention separately as if in counting; name one by one; specify, asin a list:
Let me enumerate the many flaws in your hypothesis.
to ascertain the number of; count.

You're as stupid as stupid can get. You go away. It'd raise the average IQ around here by dozens.
Amazing that the trumpkins are actually defending this. Same with his attacking meat safety and air pollution.

I can only think they don't remember how bad it was.

Thing is, it's still bad. There are still many companies dumping shit in our water, not inspecting meat and pumping garbage into the air. The real problem is that the EPA isn't strong enough and the punishment no where near harsh enough.

But hey, as long as the 1% increase their bottom line, the trumpkins won't care about babies born with congenital defects and entire towns getting cancer.

Gullible RWNJs just keep shooting at their own feet.

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Amazing that the trumpkins are actually defending this. Same with his attacking meat safety and air pollution.

I can only think they don't remember how bad it was.

Thing is, it's still bad. There are still many companies dumping shit in our water, not inspecting meat and pumping garbage into the air. The real problem is that the EPA isn't strong enough and the punishment no where near harsh enough.

But hey, as long as the 1% increase their bottom line, the trumpkins won't care about babies born with congenital defects and entire towns getting cancer.

Gullible RWNJs just keep shooting at their own feet.

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Didn't read the article from the USPGA didya? This does NOTHING to "roll back" ANYTHING prior to 2015. The water will be as clean or BETTER than that. When the EPA stops fussing over every mud puddle, drainage ditch and golf course..
Amazing that the trumpkins are actually defending this. Same with his attacking meat safety and air pollution.

I can only think they don't remember how bad it was.

Thing is, it's still bad. There are still many companies dumping shit in our water, not inspecting meat and pumping garbage into the air. The real problem is that the EPA isn't strong enough and the punishment no where near harsh enough.

But hey, as long as the 1% increase their bottom line, the trumpkins won't care about babies born with congenital defects and entire towns getting cancer.

Gullible RWNJs just keep shooting at their own feet.

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EPA isn't strong enough and the punishment no where near harsh enough.

How much stronger than you want them to be?

Why am I asking you this, I forgot you post and always run.

Enumeration? What a fooking idiot. Perhaps you meant "remuneration" Billy? Perhaps you ought to try to restrict your comments to things you actually understand. I realize that would make you essentially silent, but listening could be really good for you.
LOL....Money dumb fuck... and both terms are use to explain it.. Money amounts (price-enumeration) vs money given (actual monies received-renumeratation)... Now go away..

Enumeration is an ordered list, remuneration is money received as compensation for something.
Amazing that the trumpkins are actually defending this. Same with his attacking meat safety and air pollution.

I can only think they don't remember how bad it was.

Thing is, it's still bad. There are still many companies dumping shit in our water, not inspecting meat and pumping garbage into the air. The real problem is that the EPA isn't strong enough and the punishment no where near harsh enough.

But hey, as long as the 1% increase their bottom line, the trumpkins won't care about babies born with congenital defects and entire towns getting cancer.

Gullible RWNJs just keep shooting at their own feet.

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I can only think they don't remember how bad it was.

You think this rule fixed a problem? LOL!
What did it fix? Spell it out.
Amazing that the trumpkins are actually defending this. Same with his attacking meat safety and air pollution.

I can only think they don't remember how bad it was.

Thing is, it's still bad. There are still many companies dumping shit in our water, not inspecting meat and pumping garbage into the air. The real problem is that the EPA isn't strong enough and the punishment no where near harsh enough.

But hey, as long as the 1% increase their bottom line, the trumpkins won't care about babies born with congenital defects and entire towns getting cancer.

Gullible RWNJs just keep shooting at their own feet.

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I can only think they don't remember how bad it was.

You think this rule fixed a problem? LOL!
What did it fix? Spell it out.

Exactly what did the 2015 law fix?

Amazing that the trumpkins are actually defending this. Same with his attacking meat safety and air pollution.

I can only think they don't remember how bad it was.

Thing is, it's still bad. There are still many companies dumping shit in our water, not inspecting meat and pumping garbage into the air. The real problem is that the EPA isn't strong enough and the punishment no where near harsh enough.

But hey, as long as the 1% increase their bottom line, the trumpkins won't care about babies born with congenital defects and entire towns getting cancer.

Gullible RWNJs just keep shooting at their own feet.

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I can only think they don't remember how bad it was.

You think this rule fixed a problem? LOL!
What did it fix? Spell it out.

This is hilarious so luddy thinks Obama's law fixed the lead pipes?

You only care about clean drinking water when a Republican is President and did not write a damn thing when the EPA under Obama failed to warn New Mexico about the toxic sludge coming down river.

Wastewater from Colorado Mine Reaches New Mexico
What the fuck? It was all over the news. Nobody in New Mexico listens to the news? If something is spilled in the river upstream from you, it surprises you that it reaches you? Do you have a single digit IQ?
Amazing that the trumpkins are actually defending this. Same with his attacking meat safety and air pollution.

I can only think they don't remember how bad it was.

Thing is, it's still bad. There are still many companies dumping shit in our water, not inspecting meat and pumping garbage into the air. The real problem is that the EPA isn't strong enough and the punishment no where near harsh enough.

But hey, as long as the 1% increase their bottom line, the trumpkins won't care about babies born with congenital defects and entire towns getting cancer.

Gullible RWNJs just keep shooting at their own feet.

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Didn't read the article from the USPGA didya? This does NOTHING to "roll back" ANYTHING prior to 2015. The water will be as clean or BETTER than that. When the EPA stops fussing over every mud puddle, drainage ditch and golf course..
Especially golf courses with the name of Trump on them, right?

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