EPIC hurricane drought continues!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Remember in 2005 when every single ACD climate nut said Cat 5 hurricanes would be devestating us multiple times every year ( to a person, these fools said it !!!! :2up:)

Well.......guess what???

NOAA Record 117-Month Major Hurricane Drought Continues

So what are we going to hear next frm these fake, phoney frauds? That the drought in hurricanes is "DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE???"

Get ready s0ns............its coming!!!!:spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner:
Remember in 2005 when every single ACD climate nut said Cat 5 hurricanes would be devestating us multiple times every year ( to a person, these fools said it !!!! :2up:)

Well.......guess what???

NOAA Record 117-Month Major Hurricane Drought Continues

So what are we going to hear next frm these fake, phoney frauds? That the drought in hurricanes is "DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE???"

Get ready s0ns............its coming!!!!:spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner:
I mentioned it years ago.

Two of the predicted worst evers ended up being mild and the chicken littles said; well duh, it's b/c of well duh, global warming duh

It's funny, getting the opposite of what you claim is going to happen is proof of your claim.
That's why it's called climate change.

See? That's how the scam works. Call it climate change and then anything that happens can be attributed to it even if it's the opposite of what is predicted.
Personally, I'm loving all this climate change. Getting nice afternoon showers here in Florida that cool things off and make my yard look fabulous.

It's been a great summer so far. Nice weather, no wildfires, lake levels up, pollen down, no hurricanes.....run those SUVs!
Like religion, climate change has few if any undeniable facts that support it.
Remember in 2005 when every single ACD climate nut said Cat 5 hurricanes would be devestating us multiple times every year ( to a person, these fools said it !!!! :2up:)

No they didn't. You're just lying your ass off again. Like you always do. It's what defines you, your constant pathological dishonesty.

Well.......guess what???

Another one of your cherrypicking fallacies. What a surprise. You're concentrating on the USA and ignoring the rest of planet earth, which has been getting cat-5 hurricane slammed regularly.

Damn, your science sucks. All denier science sucks. They are just profoundly stupid people, every last one of them. After all, if they weren't morons, they wouldn't have gotten sucked into the stupid cult.

Now, run along and find something new to lie about. We all know you will. It's what you do. Wusses are like that.
Remember in 2005 when every single ACD climate nut said Cat 5 hurricanes would be devestating us multiple times every year ( to a person, these fools said it !!!! :2up:)

Well.......guess what???

NOAA Record 117-Month Major Hurricane Drought Continues

So what are we going to hear next frm these fake, phoney frauds? That the drought in hurricanes is "DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE???"

Get ready s0ns............its coming!!!!:spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner:
Ignorance is not attractive...just saying.
Natural Threats to Rainforests
Impacts of El Ni o and La Ni a on the hurricane season NOAA Climate.gov
Climate Change Could Double Likelihood of Super El Ninos Climate Central
I'm assuming you know how to click and read and comprehend. Assuming... that might be my mistake (head tilt).
Actually, a couple years back, the meteorologists fingered the cause for that bummer year.
It was too much "warm air aloft" off the coast of Africa.. Which supports what I've said all along, that weather runs off of Differentials. Not absolute temperature, pressure, humidity, wind...

Imagine that -- Warm Air crapping on the Warmers predictions..
2015 Hurricane Season Off to Record Start: 11 Storms in Central, Eastern Pacific, Atlantic Basins Combined


More with video @ http://www.weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/hurricane-season-record-start-pacific-atlantic-july2015

Maybe you think there's a drought of the darned things but the truth is ..... :disagree:
2015 Hurricane Season Off to Record Start: 11 Storms in Central, Eastern Pacific, Atlantic Basins Combined


More with video @ http://www.weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/hurricane-season-record-start-pacific-atlantic-july2015

Maybe you think there's a drought of the darned things but the truth is ..... :disagree:
2015 Hurricane Season Off to Record Start: 11 Storms in Central, Eastern Pacific, Atlantic Basins Combined


More with video @ http://www.weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/hurricane-season-record-start-pacific-atlantic-july2015

Maybe you think there's a drought of the darned things but the truth is ..... :disagree:

You are confusing number of named storms with intensified hurricane activity. Many of these storms acheive Tropical Storm status for 36 hours or less. Not exactly the GWarming dire prediction of MORE intensification and stronger Hurricanes -- is it?

And this blooming of "named storms" is largely because of the increasingly better satellite and air surveillance that has occurred since the 70s. Before -- a 24 hour blip of a TStorm would be totally missed.

If all the hysteria about INTENSIFIED hurricanes and more of them were true -- the Weather Channel wouldn't have to be covering areas of typically bad tropical weather and counting them..
Remember in 2005 when every single ACD climate nut said Cat 5 hurricanes would be devestating us multiple times every year ( to a person, these fools said it !!!! :2up:)

Well.......guess what???

NOAA Record 117-Month Major Hurricane Drought Continues

So what are we going to hear next frm these fake, phoney frauds? That the drought in hurricanes is "DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE???"

Get ready s0ns............its coming!!!!:spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner:
I mentioned it years ago.

Two of the predicted worst evers ended up being mild and the chicken littles said; well duh, it's b/c of well duh, global warming duh

It's funny, getting the opposite of what you claim is going to happen is proof of your claim.
they can't prove anything, so everything is up for sale as far as being blamed. So everything that happens in the world is due to global warming and therefore, they can never be wrong.
Hurricanes are caused by global warming.

Lack of hurricanes are caused by global warming.

California is in a drought - part of the natural cycle of the state,

NOAA measurements indicate that we are entering the strongest El Nino cycle in a decade. There WILL be major flooding and mud slides in California. Already the cult is saying that the coming floods are due to global warming...

To the cult, everything confirms their faith, no matter what it is.
Hurricanes are caused by global warming.

Lack of hurricanes are caused by global warming.

California is in a drought - part of the natural cycle of the state,

NOAA measurements indicate that we are entering the strongest El Nino cycle in a decade. There WILL be major flooding and mud slides in California. Already the cult is saying that the coming floods are due to global warming...

To the cult, everything confirms their faith, no matter what it is.
like I said, everything.
Hurricanes are caused by global warming.

Lack of hurricanes are caused by global warming.

California is in a drought - part of the natural cycle of the state,

NOAA measurements indicate that we are entering the strongest El Nino cycle in a decade. There WILL be major flooding and mud slides in California. Already the cult is saying that the coming floods are due to global warming...

To the cult, everything confirms their faith, no matter what it is.

And not a shred of EMPIRICAL REAL WORLD evidence to prove it...
I'm sure the people in the western Pacific suffering through one cyclone after another don't give a damn what's causing them to destroy their lives.
Remember in 2005 when every single ACD climate nut said Cat 5 hurricanes would be devestating us multiple times every year ( to a person, these fools said it !!!! :2up:)

No they didn't. You're just lying your ass off again. Like you always do. It's what defines you, your constant pathological dishonesty.

Well.......guess what???

Another one of your cherrypicking fallacies. What a surprise. You're concentrating on the USA and ignoring the rest of planet earth, which has been getting cat-5 hurricane slammed regularly.

Damn, your science sucks. All denier science sucks. They are just profoundly stupid people, every last one of them. After all, if they weren't morons, they wouldn't have gotten sucked into the stupid cult.

Now, run along and find something new to lie about. We all know you will. It's what you do. Wusses are like that.

AGWCult said Katrina was caused by Global Warming and that Cat 5 hurricane would be a common occurrence
I'm sure the people in the western Pacific suffering through one cyclone after another don't give a damn what's causing them to destroy their lives.
I agree, the big piece to remember however, is the fact that they are due to normal weather patterns due to ocean circulation and temperature. Not global warming. That is the thread.
Hurricanes are caused by global warming.

Lack of hurricanes are caused by global warming.

California is in a drought - part of the natural cycle of the state,

NOAA measurements indicate that we are entering the strongest El Nino cycle in a decade. There WILL be major flooding and mud slides in California. Already the cult is saying that the coming floods are due to global warming...

To the cult, everything confirms their faith, no matter what it is.

lmao..........always thought cults were :gay:

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