Epitaph For The Rubio Campaign...

yeah , 'roobio' did pander to his special group of people and he pandered to them in a foreign language while running for USA President . Good to see that his pandering failed . here is some older info that addresses the pandering issue that 'roobio' did Tom . --- New America: Marco Rubio Defends Speaking Spanish on Campaign Trail - Breitbart ---

Breitbart? :lmao:
------------------------------------------ kinda doubt that the foam party roobio boy would do much of anything as Trump carries and Trump is an old man . Hey look , if you support roobio , well roobio types are my political enemies , simple as that . As far as laughing at Breitbart , hey the news is the news and I believe that 'roobio' pandering in a foreign language to HIS special people is accurate as I have seen that news on many different site . roobio is no better than the jebito bush when it comes to pandering to third worlders Tom .
It was very simple people choose style over substance sure worked out well the last time America did that. General election 2008.
--------------------------- might be time for payback depending on how things are viewed BHawk !!
It would be easy to blame Campaign Manager Terry Sullivan and Deputy Campaign Manager Rich Beeson for what happened. Did their tactics of keeping Marco "on message" create what Fatso did to him before New Hampshire. Did they mistake that tactic which Obama used so well instead of letting him free-lance, showing him as the quick witted and eloquent off-the cuff candidate he actually was? YES. But of more concern was their lack of follow-up after a Rubio appearance. Receptive crowds showed up, listened, liked what they heard and then the show was gone and......nothing. The Iowa campaign was ONE field office in the Des Moines suburbs. Cruz meanwhile had multiple offices and almost 100 appearances. Sullivan and Beeson theorized having Marco on the network shows was more effective than the rubber chicken circuit. And it cost them Iowa. And yet they didn't learn.

A LAZY campaign that never followed up after absentee ballots were mailed in each state. The old school knows you have to pester those people to get their attention and their vote. And then they decided to out-insult Trump. And it WORKED but was taken too far and went against the grain of what the voters had seen out of Rubio before. They didn't like it....only Trump's moonbats go for that kind of behavior and they weren't about to switch to a candidate that could actually speak Spanish (Cruz the Cuban no habla espanola). And there was Bush, and Fatso, and Carson, and Kasich keeping the votes divided letting Trump win with 30%. The Rubio team had to run a PERFECT counter given the circumstances but were more enthralled with keeping the donors happy than the possible voters. And in the end the donors got off the train and STILL there was nothing new...same speech, dwindling crowds, the media hacks descending down like buzzards on carrion. And now he's gone and maybe permanently scarred for his effort and their ignorance.

This is an easy one....the Gang of 8......the biggest mistake of his political career......
It was very simple people choose style over substance sure worked out well the last time America did that. General election 2008.
--------------------------- might be time for payback depending on how things are viewed BHawk !!
Seems to me it could be a lot like what will be the last eight years when the next President is sworn in. I find the similarities between the Obama campaign of 2008 and the Trump campaign of 2016 striking. Both came out of nowhere both rode a wave of voter anger both campaigns are largely speeches and a couple of catchphrases with few if any specifics neither had any governing or foreign policy experience and both think there the greatest man to walk the earth since Jesus.
and '2aguy' cleared everything up didn't he Tom Horn . His post should / maybe new info for you but 'gang of eight' did it for sure . Course his campaign pandering in a foreign language to HIS special people tells me that he considers himself to be one of them . Agree or disagree is cool , roobio is probably done for now . ------------------------------ And here , here is a bit of info on the foreign language issue . --- In Debate, Rubio Fires Back At Trump Over Speaking Spanish --- think its NBC if that's good enough for you TOM !!
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I'm Marco Rubio and I will now repeat the same 20 second speech every 21 seconds for the next 6 months.
It was very simple people choose style over substance sure worked out well the last time America did that. General election 2008.
--------------------------- might be time for payback depending on how things are viewed BHawk !!
Seems to me it could be a lot like what will be the last eight years when the next President is sworn in. I find the similarities between the Obama campaign of 2008 and the Trump campaign of 2016 striking. Both came out of nowhere both rode a wave of voter anger both campaigns are largely speeches and a couple of catchphrases with few if any specifics neither had any governing or foreign policy experience and both think there the greatest man to walk the earth since Jesus.
--------------------------------------------- still better than the other rinos that were running , imo . So now its Trump or Hilary for me . I'm going to give Trump a chance and hope for the best . I know what the 'rinos' will do and I know for sure that I don't like it BHawk !!
It was very simple people choose style over substance sure worked out well the last time America did that. General election 2008.
--------------------------- might be time for payback depending on how things are viewed BHawk !!
Seems to me it could be a lot like what will be the last eight years when the next President is sworn in. I find the similarities between the Obama campaign of 2008 and the Trump campaign of 2016 striking. Both came out of nowhere both rode a wave of voter anger both campaigns are largely speeches and a couple of catchphrases with few if any specifics neither had any governing or foreign policy experience and both think there the greatest man to walk the earth since Jesus.

Not accurate....Trump is a successful business man who has been a public figure for decades....obama....did little to nothing before running for political office.

Trump has actual experience in leading people to get things done...obama.....no experience....

Trump is running on fixing things....obama ran on pixie dust....
It was very simple people choose style over substance sure worked out well the last time America did that. General election 2008.
--------------------------- might be time for payback depending on how things are viewed BHawk !!
Seems to me it could be a lot like what will be the last eight years when the next President is sworn in. I find the similarities between the Obama campaign of 2008 and the Trump campaign of 2016 striking. Both came out of nowhere both rode a wave of voter anger both campaigns are largely speeches and a couple of catchphrases with few if any specifics neither had any governing or foreign policy experience and both think there the greatest man to walk the earth since Jesus.

Not accurate....Trump is a successful business man who has been a public figure for decades....obama....did little to nothing before running for political office.

Trump has actual experience in leading people to get things done...obama.....no experience....

Trump is running on fixing things....obama ran on pixie dust....
Trump may be a successful businessman but running a business even a international one is not in the same league as running a country Trump has been a public figure and it seems to me his views change to whatever benefits him at the moment. On Trumps experience on leading and getting things done I go back to first point on the difference between running a business and country. Everybody runs on fixing things just like they all breathe air.
It was very simple people choose style over substance sure worked out well the last time America did that. General election 2008.
--------------------------- might be time for payback depending on how things are viewed BHawk !!
Seems to me it could be a lot like what will be the last eight years when the next President is sworn in. I find the similarities between the Obama campaign of 2008 and the Trump campaign of 2016 striking. Both came out of nowhere both rode a wave of voter anger both campaigns are largely speeches and a couple of catchphrases with few if any specifics neither had any governing or foreign policy experience and both think there the greatest man to walk the earth since Jesus.

Not accurate....Trump is a successful business man who has been a public figure for decades....obama....did little to nothing before running for political office.

Trump has actual experience in leading people to get things done...obama.....no experience....

Trump is running on fixing things....obama ran on pixie dust....
Trump may be a successful businessman but running a business even a international one is not in the same league as running a country Trump has been a public figure and it seems to me his views change to whatever benefits him at the moment. On Trumps experience on leading and getting things done I go back to first point on the difference between running a business and country. Everybody runs on fixing things just like they all breathe air.

Trump is more than just a successful business man.......his experience at dealing with the governments and bureaucrats from foreign countries is vast.....he has had to deal with people from all over the world to actually build his buildings...that is not an easy thing....

And is more in line with being the President than the non experience of obama...there is really no comparison between the two.....

And what exactly has any of the Senators had as far as leadership experience that might make them suitable for the Presidency...they haven't really done anything either.....

Of all the candidates..the Governors and Trump have the most experience that would directly correlate with being the President....even Carly Fiorina....she ran an existing company...she didn't build anything up from the ground....
It was very simple people choose style over substance sure worked out well the last time America did that. General election 2008.
--------------------------- might be time for payback depending on how things are viewed BHawk !!
Seems to me it could be a lot like what will be the last eight years when the next President is sworn in. I find the similarities between the Obama campaign of 2008 and the Trump campaign of 2016 striking. Both came out of nowhere both rode a wave of voter anger both campaigns are largely speeches and a couple of catchphrases with few if any specifics neither had any governing or foreign policy experience and both think there the greatest man to walk the earth since Jesus.

Not accurate....Trump is a successful business man who has been a public figure for decades....obama....did little to nothing before running for political office.

Trump has actual experience in leading people to get things done...obama.....no experience....

Trump is running on fixing things....obama ran on pixie dust....
Trump may be a successful businessman but running a business even a international one is not in the same league as running a country Trump has been a public figure and it seems to me his views change to whatever benefits him at the moment. On Trumps experience on leading and getting things done I go back to first point on the difference between running a business and country. Everybody runs on fixing things just like they all breathe air.
------------------------------------------ and then everyone has a different opinion on who would be better than Trump and I don't like their roobio , bush , carson , Kasich , yada , yada alternatives . I'll take a chance with Trump , if he messes up that's ok . Or if he goes the way that moderate rinos hate , well , that's also ok with me BHawk !!
It was very simple people choose style over substance sure worked out well the last time America did that. General election 2008.
--------------------------- might be time for payback depending on how things are viewed BHawk !!
Seems to me it could be a lot like what will be the last eight years when the next President is sworn in. I find the similarities between the Obama campaign of 2008 and the Trump campaign of 2016 striking. Both came out of nowhere both rode a wave of voter anger both campaigns are largely speeches and a couple of catchphrases with few if any specifics neither had any governing or foreign policy experience and both think there the greatest man to walk the earth since Jesus.

Not accurate....Trump is a successful business man who has been a public figure for decades....obama....did little to nothing before running for political office.

Trump has actual experience in leading people to get things done...obama.....no experience....

Trump is running on fixing things....obama ran on pixie dust....
Trump may be a successful businessman but running a business even a international one is not in the same league as running a country Trump has been a public figure and it seems to me his views change to whatever benefits him at the moment. On Trumps experience on leading and getting things done I go back to first point on the difference between running a business and country. Everybody runs on fixing things just like they all breathe air.
------------------------------------------ and then everyone has a different opinion on who would be better than Trump and I don't like their roobio , bush . carson , Kasich , yada , yada alternatives . I'll take a chance with Trump , if he messes up that's ok . Or if he goes the way that moderate rinos hate , well , that's also ok with me !!

The only goal....to keep hilary out of office....she is a criminal.....and has sold out this country in the past when her rapist husband was in office....

Everyone forgets hilary and what she did the first time they had power......they sold state secrets to the Chinese......
The only goal....to keep hilary out of office....she is a criminal.....and has sold out this country in the past when her rapist husband was in office....

Everyone forgets hilary and what she did the first time they had power......they sold state secrets to the Chinese......

I agree with this. After I'm over my bitterness, I'll reserve judgement on Trump and of course I'll remember those who called ME a lib or other names because I supported who I thought would be the best and unifying president. Like Marco says, who wants to live in a country where we all hate each other?
The only goal....to keep hilary out of office....she is a criminal.....and has sold out this country in the past when her rapist husband was in office....

Everyone forgets hilary and what she did the first time they had power......they sold state secrets to the Chinese......

I agree with this. After I'm over my bitterness, I'll reserve judgement on Trump and of course I'll remember those who called ME a lib or other names because I supported who I thought would be the best and unifying president. Like Marco says, who wants to live in a country where we all hate each other?

For me...Trump is 4 years...with a congress that will fight him if he does something they don't like...that would be a check on his power.....if the democrats take congress....you still have conflict....and a check on his power....

hilary.....she will appoint probably 4 Supreme court justices...that is about 30-40 years of rulings against the Constitution....and if she gets congress back...they will be able to push their agenda through.......

Trump is the way to go......even though I support Cruz.
The only goal....to keep hilary out of office....she is a criminal.....and has sold out this country in the past when her rapist husband was in office....

Everyone forgets hilary and what she did the first time they had power......they sold state secrets to the Chinese......

I agree with this. After I'm over my bitterness, I'll reserve judgement on Trump and of course I'll remember those who called ME a lib or other names because I supported who I thought would be the best and unifying president. Like Marco says, who wants to live in a country where we all hate each other?
-------------------------------- ME , ME me , I can't make friends with enemies like 'roobio' !! -------------- Also , did you find my NBC link to 'roobio' pandering to his people in 'spanish' enlightening TomHorn ??
The Tea Party is mostly responsible for electing Rubio to the Senate. Probably as surprised by his Senate victory as the rest of Florida, Rubio forgot who brought him to the dance. He pretty much turned his back on the people who helped get him elected and failed to even complete a first term before a swelled head prompted him to run for the big enchalada and T.P. activists abandoned support for him. It's simple as that. Rubio demonstrated his immaturity with the "big hands" rhetoric and it backfired big time with an embarrassing loss in his home state.
The Tea Party is mostly responsible for electing Rubio to the Senate. Probably as surprised by his Senate victory as the rest of Florida, Rubio forgot who brought him to the dance. He pretty much turned his back on the people who helped get him elected and failed to even complete a first term before a swelled head prompted him to run for the big enchalada and T.P. activists abandoned support for him. It's simple as that. Rubio demonstrated his immaturity with the "big hands" rhetoric and it backfired big time with an embarrassing loss in his home state.

Baloney. Trump won most of the early voting before the primaries....in Florida it was over half of the total. In every state since Super Tuesday he's been beaten for the walk-ups. As to Rubio "betraying" the TP, that's ridiculous....McCain and him tried to do something about the gridlock on immigration in Harry Reid's Senate. Ya know, I don't know why I bother....most of the Trump groupies are content to yelp about "open borders" and "little marco" and don't have a clue about what's going on.
For me...Trump is 4 years...with a congress that will fight him if he does something they don't like...that would be a check on his power.....if the democrats take congress....you still have conflict....and a check on his power....

hilary.....she will appoint probably 4 Supreme court justices...that is about 30-40 years of rulings against the Constitution....and if she gets congress back...they will be able to push their agenda through.......

Trump is the way to go......even though I support Cruz.

If/when Trump implodes or is a trojan horse, we're fucked. At least Rubio never took a cent from him or has vied for a VP slot...he's said from the jump it was president or back to private life.

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