Epitaph For The Rubio Campaign...


Still pushing that Rubio lie I see
, Cruz proved he could speak Spanish right on the debate stage and you still can't figure it out. Now crawl out of your little pouty corner and get out there and support a real Constitutionalist, Cruz.

Yep folks, that's the way to win over us Rubio voters to Cruz.....call us liars! :eusa_snooty:
---------------------------------------------- that's the thing , I don't look to win enemies to my side TomHorn !! ---------------------------------- As to Cruz , I liked him , he was my first choice until a day or 2 ago when he failed to support Trumps Free Speech . Also , Ted seems to like 'H1B' visas plus he was in favor of 'TPP' . --------- another very recent problem surfaced as a few minutes ago that 'little sumpthin Lindsey graham' just came out in support of Cruz and that's a bad sign when a rino supports Cruz TomHorn !!

That just shows Graham as the hypocrite, not Cruz. Graham is probably working an angle for a position, but in Cruz defense he will have to work with Graham if he's elected. No reason to alienate him.
-------------------------- so what do you think of Cruz and his support of mrobama pushed 'TPP' , i think that Cruz supported it when he coulda just waited until mrobama leaves the office . [thats what i told Cruz office] --------------------------------- what about Cruz support of H1B Visas that displace American workers or at least depress wages for Americans . ----------------------------- what about Cruz coming down on Trumps Freedom of Speech . Just looking for feedback , i supported Cruz with Trump second but may change my mind OKTEXAS .

First you have to realize that Cruz is 1% of the senate, he is 1/535th of the congress overall. None of the votes Cruz made would have made any difference had he voted the other way. Being a junior senator there's no reason to rock the boat knowing all your going to do is piss people off, why, because somewhere down the line you have to rely on those same people to back your play. That's politics.

H1B visas are set by congress, they've been set at 85,000 for several years, with 20,000 reserved for people with US Masters degrees or higher. If any president wants to change the quotas then they have to make their case to congress, they can't do it unilaterally. BTW where does Trump stand on this, I've heard him comment positively and negatively.

As far as Trumps freedom of speech goes, at no time did Ted say Trump shouldn't or couldn't say what ever the hell he wants. He did disagree with some of the things he said, that's his right. Hell, I even think Trump should have stopped at just saying get the protesters out of here. He went too far when he told people to knock the hell out of them, Trump is damn lucky no one acted when he said it, he could have gone to jail for inciting violence, and rightfully so. Sometimes it's nice to see someone put a voice to the way we feel. But for the same reason we don't just walk up and knock the shit out of someone we think truly deserves it, sometimes it's better to leave it unsaid also.

Your decision is who you think you can trust to keep their word if elected, for me that's Cruz, it may not be for you.
Little Marco's epitaph:


He was the dupe. The got him out front and center to sell the amnesty. He was used like an inexperienced kid.
If you're not interested in facts go with Trump. That was just one in a long line of swings and misses. How'd those internal campaign polls work out for ya?

The internals were spot on, fool. But they only reflected current activity not the half who'd already voted. While we're at it, how many states did Cruz win Tuesday? None? Maybe you should try more reading and less writing here....I wouldn't vote for Creepshow Cruz unless there was several thousand dollars in it for me.

How'd Cruz do Tuesday, got a hell of a lot more delegates than your guy and he's still in the race. Nuff said.
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happy to see it happen , damn amnesty boy, he learned at the side of jebito bush .

Hey moron.....try your own OP instead of trolling mine.....ask a mod to teach you how.
----------------------------- hey Tom Horn , looks like your hispanic or latino , cubano or whatever roobio is is toast and better than that , his kids are supposedly ashamed of him !! :afro:

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