Epoch Times - 80% Of Americans Aged 17 to 24 Are Unfit For Military Service. And 55 Year Old AR-15 Fetishists Are Our Defense Against Tyranny?

What did America do BEFORE 2004?
How long before 2004?
Between 94 and 2004 if they already owned one they did nothing. As I have told you before it was grandfathered.

And if they didn’t own one they could buy the following, a ban compliant AR weapon. Which functions exactly the same:


Remember, the ban was all on visual features, not function.

Acknowledge you have been answered.

you are in over your head.
How long before 2004?
Between 94 and 2004 if they already owned one they did nothing. As I have told you before it was grandfathered.

And if they didn’t own one they could buy the following, a ban compliant AR weapon. Which functions exactly the same:

View attachment 772282
Remember, the ban was all on visual features, not function.

Acknowledge you have been answered.

you are in over your head.
We can tell....by the Narrative Dependence.

But then, citations consistently prove hostile to you assertions.

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