Erdogan likens Israeli ‘brutality’ in Gaza to Nazi murder of Jews

'high-rate of' should be 'quickly'
'if I speak wrong' should be 'if I make mistakes '
Regarding the OP, Erdogan is a thug, about as smart as Trump, and it's no surprise he's validated Godwin's law again.
Well, Erdogan should know, seeing as he's very knowledgeable about brutality.
He should know Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia
What Israel do even not close a bit to that...

Well, Erdogan wasn't alive for that one.
It is his part of the Turkey history...
He should learn it...

That's very well and good. But what does this have to do with this topic?
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?

Sadly, the correct answer is kind of.
The Israeli buffer zone is a walled off blockade which has armed guards who shoot to keep Palestinians inside the Buffer zone, basically Palestinians who leave are subjected to being shot at, or killed, this is what happened the other week.

The only things I can think of that resembles this so closely, is how the Nazi Germans created a buffer zone at the Warsaw Ghetto with armed guards, who also shot, and killed Jews trying to leave.
Last edited:
'high-rate of' should be 'quickly'
'if I speak wrong' should be 'if I make mistakes '
Regarding the OP, Erdogan is a thug, about as smart as Trump, and it's no surprise he's validated Godwin's law again.
He should know Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia
What Israel do even not close a bit to that...

Well, Erdogan wasn't alive for that one.
It is his part of the Turkey history...
He should learn it...

That's very well and good. But what does this have to do with this topic?
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?

Sadly, the correct answer is kind of.
The Israeli buffer zone is a walled off blockade which has armed guards who shoot to keep Palestinians inside the Buffer zone, basically Palestinians who leave are subjected to being shot at, or killed, this is what happened the other week.

The only things I can think of that resembles this so closely, is how the Nazi Germans created a buffer zone at the Warsaw Ghetto with armed guards, who also shot, and killed Jews trying to leave.
It is a lie also...

first of all, you cant pass from country to another in illegal ways.. you must have the right to pass from country to another. (for example from Gaza to Israel)
And you lie because Israel give a lot of them the right to pass from Gaza to Israel (for example to work)
You have to remember there is a border between countries... (Gaza is not part of Israel)
and if you from US you cant just go to any another country whenever you want... you have to do it in a legal way...
addition, Hamas that is a terror organization rule in Gaza and Israel must save the border with army power against this terror organization.

Palestinian workers in Israel - Wikipedia

Before the Holocaust, the Jews didn't make terror attacks in Germany,
Israel does not put all the Palestinian in a ghetto and shoot who want to leave...
Israel gives them an easy way to get the option to come to Israel for work...
Why don't you ask what happens to the Palestinian who want to go into Egypt?
To Gaze have a border with Egypt too...
The Muslims peoples in Israel have a good life and I know in personal.
they free to do whatever they want to free to say whatever they want.. (If it is a legal thing, for example, if they want to steal something from someone they don't have the right to do so... because it is illegal... )

At the end of the day, I cant see how you can compare what the Nazis did to Israel...

You even can see how the life in Gaza and West Bank of the Palestinians are much longer than even Egypt....

World Development Indicators - Google Public Data Explorer
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'high-rate of' should be 'quickly'
'if I speak wrong' should be 'if I make mistakes '
Regarding the OP, Erdogan is a thug, about as smart as Trump, and it's no surprise he's validated Godwin's law again.
He should know Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia
What Israel do even not close a bit to that...

Well, Erdogan wasn't alive for that one.
It is his part of the Turkey history...
He should learn it...

That's very well and good. But what does this have to do with this topic?
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?

Sadly, the correct answer is kind of.
The Israeli buffer zone is a walled off blockade which has armed guards who shoot to keep Palestinians inside the Buffer zone, basically Palestinians who leave are subjected to being shot at, or killed, this is what happened the other week.

The only things I can think of that resembles this so closely, is how the Nazi Germans created a buffer zone at the Warsaw Ghetto with armed guards, who also shot, and killed Jews trying to leave.

Well, there are borders all over the place where people who try and cross them illegally might end up being shot.
'high-rate of' should be 'quickly'
'if I speak wrong' should be 'if I make mistakes '
Regarding the OP, Erdogan is a thug, about as smart as Trump, and it's no surprise he's validated Godwin's law again.
Well, Erdogan wasn't alive for that one.
It is his part of the Turkey history...
He should learn it...

That's very well and good. But what does this have to do with this topic?
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?

Sadly, the correct answer is kind of.
The Israeli buffer zone is a walled off blockade which has armed guards who shoot to keep Palestinians inside the Buffer zone, basically Palestinians who leave are subjected to being shot at, or killed, this is what happened the other week.

The only things I can think of that resembles this so closely, is how the Nazi Germans created a buffer zone at the Warsaw Ghetto with armed guards, who also shot, and killed Jews trying to leave.

Well, there are borders all over the place where people who try and cross them illegally might end up being shot.

If the U.S.A were to behave like this, they the (Zionists) would be going nuts, crying about the Human rights violations.
'high-rate of' should be 'quickly'
'if I speak wrong' should be 'if I make mistakes '
Regarding the OP, Erdogan is a thug, about as smart as Trump, and it's no surprise he's validated Godwin's law again.
Well, Erdogan wasn't alive for that one.
It is his part of the Turkey history...
He should learn it...

That's very well and good. But what does this have to do with this topic?
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?

Sadly, the correct answer is kind of.
The Israeli buffer zone is a walled off blockade which has armed guards who shoot to keep Palestinians inside the Buffer zone, basically Palestinians who leave are subjected to being shot at, or killed, this is what happened the other week.

The only things I can think of that resembles this so closely, is how the Nazi Germans created a buffer zone at the Warsaw Ghetto with armed guards, who also shot, and killed Jews trying to leave.

Well, there are borders all over the place where people who try and cross them illegally might end up being shot.

The life of the Palestinians in WB and Gaza are longer even from Egypt... If we (Israel) try to be like the Nazis we are really bad at that...

World Development Indicators - Google Public Data Explorer
It is his part of the Turkey history...
He should learn it...

That's very well and good. But what does this have to do with this topic?
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?

Sadly, the correct answer is kind of.
The Israeli buffer zone is a walled off blockade which has armed guards who shoot to keep Palestinians inside the Buffer zone, basically Palestinians who leave are subjected to being shot at, or killed, this is what happened the other week.

The only things I can think of that resembles this so closely, is how the Nazi Germans created a buffer zone at the Warsaw Ghetto with armed guards, who also shot, and killed Jews trying to leave.

Well, there are borders all over the place where people who try and cross them illegally might end up being shot.

If the U.S.A were to behave like this, they the (Zionists) would be going nuts, crying about the Human rights violations.
It depends on the situation... Every country has the right to save it border...
That's very well and good. But what does this have to do with this topic?
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?

Sadly, the correct answer is kind of.
The Israeli buffer zone is a walled off blockade which has armed guards who shoot to keep Palestinians inside the Buffer zone, basically Palestinians who leave are subjected to being shot at, or killed, this is what happened the other week.

The only things I can think of that resembles this so closely, is how the Nazi Germans created a buffer zone at the Warsaw Ghetto with armed guards, who also shot, and killed Jews trying to leave.

Well, there are borders all over the place where people who try and cross them illegally might end up being shot.

If the U.S.A were to behave like this, they the (Zionists) would be going nuts, crying about the Human rights violations.
It depends on the situation... Every country has the right to save it border...

If the U.S.A shot at over 1,000 Hispanics approaching the border, then yes the Zionist media, and even Zionists in Israel would probably be foaming at the mouth, saying the U.S.A is out of control.
But, when they do it....
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?

Sadly, the correct answer is kind of.
The Israeli buffer zone is a walled off blockade which has armed guards who shoot to keep Palestinians inside the Buffer zone, basically Palestinians who leave are subjected to being shot at, or killed, this is what happened the other week.

The only things I can think of that resembles this so closely, is how the Nazi Germans created a buffer zone at the Warsaw Ghetto with armed guards, who also shot, and killed Jews trying to leave.

Well, there are borders all over the place where people who try and cross them illegally might end up being shot.

If the U.S.A were to behave like this, they the (Zionists) would be going nuts, crying about the Human rights violations.
It depends on the situation... Every country has the right to save it border...

If the U.S.A shot at over 1,000 Hispanics approaching the border, then yes the Zionist media, and even Zionists in Israel would probably be foaming at the mouth, saying the U.S.A is out of control.
But, when they do it....

Only in your head... now come back to the reality...
It is his part of the Turkey history...
He should learn it...

That's very well and good. But what does this have to do with this topic?
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?

Sadly, the correct answer is kind of.
The Israeli buffer zone is a walled off blockade which has armed guards who shoot to keep Palestinians inside the Buffer zone, basically Palestinians who leave are subjected to being shot at, or killed, this is what happened the other week.

The only things I can think of that resembles this so closely, is how the Nazi Germans created a buffer zone at the Warsaw Ghetto with armed guards, who also shot, and killed Jews trying to leave.

Well, there are borders all over the place where people who try and cross them illegally might end up being shot.

If the U.S.A were to behave like this, they the (Zionists) would be going nuts, crying about the Human rights violations.

Sure they would.

The difference is that Israel is also suffering from abuse itself.

There lies the problem. Both sides (the right of both sides) like to escalate things for their own benefit.
Someone really thinks that Israel is doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to the jews?
And if so, how do you explain this soo high-rate of growing population?

World Development Indicators - Google Public Data Explorer

Erdogan likens Israeli ‘brutality’ in Gaza to Nazi murder of Jews

Well, Erdogan should know, seeing as he's very knowledgeable about brutality.
He should know Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia
What Israel do even not close a bit to that.. What Israel is doing is not even a bit close to that

Proof That College Is a Fraud Is Shown by the Grammar of the Graduates

As requested. Don't accept the posters' grammar.
'high-rate of' should be 'quickly'
'if I speak wrong' should be 'if I make mistakes '
Regarding the OP, Erdogan is a thug, about as smart as Trump, and it's no surprise he's validated Godwin's law again.
Well, Erdogan should know, seeing as he's very knowledgeable about brutality.
He should know Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia
What Israel do even not close a bit to that...

Well, Erdogan wasn't alive for that one.
It is his part of the Turkey history...
He should learn it...

That's very well and good. But what does this have to do with this topic?
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?
Don't Have Any Respect for the Media's Grammar Either

My topic was that if you think Israel behaves towards the Palestinians like the Nazis behaved towards the Jews.
'high-rate of' should be 'quickly'
'if I speak wrong' should be 'if I make mistakes '
Regarding the OP, Erdogan is a thug, about as smart as Trump, and it's no surprise he's validated Godwin's law again.
Well, Erdogan wasn't alive for that one.
It is his part of the Turkey history...
He should learn it...

That's very well and good. But what does this have to do with this topic?
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?
Well considering the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis,they of course use the same modus-operandi,they used it on NON-ZIONIST JEWS and sent millions to the GAS CHAMBERS.....of course the would try it on the Palestinians,the FILTHY ZIONIST TERRORISTS...these non-Jewish Converts to Judaism...That is why the Ultra Jews Detest them
You even watch what are you writing? "Zionists collaborated with the Nazis"?? I think I don't even need to respond to this conspiracy...

You did quite well otherwise.
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?
Of course not, Israel has slaughtered a tiny fraction of Hitler's tally.
But Israel has occupied Palestine for near on half a century, and have degraded the lives of the Palestinians to a truly appalling degree. Little wonder they retaliate.
Israel Using the minimal power they can for protecting the life of Israel ppl (Jews, Arabian and another as one)

Israel does not use any of Hitler tally's tallies

You must have learned that incredibly ignorant way to make a plural from the Internet.
'high-rate of' should be 'quickly'
'if I speak wrong' should be 'if I make mistakes '
Regarding the OP, Erdogan is a thug, about as smart as Trump, and it's no surprise he's validated Godwin's law again.
Well, Erdogan wasn't alive for that one.
It is his part of the Turkey history...
He should learn it...

That's very well and good. But what does this have to do with this topic?
My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?

Well your topic was about Erdogan saying the Israelis are like the Nazis.

Now, talking about stuff that isn't the Nazis, that happened way before anyone in power was a live, seems totally pointless
I am asking what you think about what he say says

Paradoxically, the singular of verbs takes an s, while the plural doesn't.
Someone really thinks that Israel is doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to the jews?
And if so, how do you explain this soo high-rate of growing population?

World Development Indicators - Google Public Data Explorer

Erdogan likens Israeli ‘brutality’ in Gaza to Nazi murder of Jews

Well, Erdogan should know, seeing as he's very knowledgeable about brutality.
He should know Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia
What Israel do even not close a bit to that.. What Israel is doing is not even a bit close to that

Proof That College Is a Fraud Is Shown by the Grammar of the Graduates

As requested. Don't accept the posters' grammar.
Now lets see how do you speak your second language
Someone really thinks that Israel is doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to the jews?
And if so, how do you explain this soo high-rate of growing population?

World Development Indicators - Google Public Data Explorer

Erdogan likens Israeli ‘brutality’ in Gaza to Nazi murder of Jews

Well, Erdogan should know, seeing as he's very knowledgeable about brutality.
He should know Armenian Genocide - Wikipedia
What Israel do even not close a bit to that.. What Israel is doing is not even a bit close to that

Proof That College Is a Fraud Is Shown by the Grammar of the Graduates

As requested. Don't accept the posters' grammar.
Now lets see how do you speak your second language
Patriotic Boomers Heard Too Many Booms

I suffered hearing loss in Vietnam, so it's useless for me to speak another language if I can't hear accurately what is said back to me.
Thank you posters for veering the topic of the thread way off its course.

Shall we get back to the topic, please?
'high-rate of' should be 'quickly'
'if I speak wrong' should be 'if I make mistakes '
Regarding the OP, Erdogan is a thug, about as smart as Trump, and it's no surprise he's validated Godwin's law again.

yeah another shill to add to my ever growing ignore list.

Of course not, Israel has slaughtered a tiny fraction of Hitler's tally.
But Israel has occupied Palestine for near on half a century, and have degraded the lives of the Palestinians to a truly appalling degree. Little wonder they retaliate.
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My topic was about if you think Israel behave to the Palestinian as the Nazis behave to the jews?
Of course not, Israel has slaughtered a tiny fraction of Hitler's tally.
But Israel has occupied Palestine for near on half a century, and have degraded the lives of the Palestinians to a truly appalling degree. Little wonder they retaliate.

The areas you call “ Palestine” were parts of Jordan and Egypt who initiated the 67 War.

No, they were considered by all occupied territory. And, the 67 war was initiated by Israel. Straight from the horses mouth, the CIA:

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.)
CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

you took the op and the rest of the sorry ass Israel apologists to school there giving them a major ass beating.:2up:

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