Erdogan says he has evidence US led forces supported ISIS

Since Hillary and Barry were running weapons to them and Al Qaeida....since Hillary and Barry financed them, supplied them, armed them, trained them, defended them, protected their black market oil industry that supported 50% of it's terrorist activities - like the attack on France...since He and Hillary dragged the US into 2 UN-Sanctioned UN-Constitutional wars to help Al Qaeda and ISIS take over their own countries....Since Barry allowed ISIS to freely flow over the Iraqi border un-challenged - all0oweing them to take over territory our military had liberated at great cost...since Obama warned ISIS France and Russia were coming to bomb their oil refineries after the Paris attack.....this news is...


Hold on.

You guys complain that obama is droning all these innocent people. And is warring everywhere.

But he is also helping isis?!

You need to make up your mind .
Hold on.

You guys complain that obama is droning all these innocent people. And is warring everywhere.

But he is also helping isis?!

You need to make up your mind .
Please provide evidence of people complaining about Obama droning Muslims.

I'll wait

Oh, Ron Paul nut job supporter threads do not count as "you guys"
Hold on.

You guys complain that obama is droning all these innocent people. And is warring everywhere.

But he is also helping isis?!

You need to make up your mind .
Please provide evidence of people complaining about Obama droning Muslims.

I'll wait

Oh, Ron Paul nut job supporter threads do not count as "you guys"

Are you kidding ? I'm currently arguing about this in another thread right now !

Obama's 'Midnight Rage': His Final F-U's To America
Hold on.

You guys complain that obama is droning all these innocent people. And is warring everywhere.

But he is also helping isis?!

You need to make up your mind .
Please provide evidence of people complaining about Obama droning Muslims.

I'll wait

Oh, Ron Paul nut job supporter threads do not count as "you guys"

Are you kidding ? I'm currently arguing about this in another thread right now !
Drone them into oblivion as far as I care.
Jeez you righties are an intelligent bunch and right on top of things, I was surprised how you guys enlisted the Easter bunny as your political advisor and how you all received training from the tooth fairy on flying with paper wings. And I heard you read Dr Seuss for historical knowledge and inspiration. You guys are an admirable bunch guess that's why you all praise your new leader draft dodger Donnie?
Hold on.

You guys complain that obama is droning all these innocent people. And is warring everywhere.

But he is also helping isis?!

You need to make up your mind .

Hey fucko read the OP. It isn't a right winger making the accusations it is a POS tyrannical Muslim leader making it.

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Recep Tayyip Erdogan, now there's a credible source, I mean if you can't take the word of the corrupt despot who can you trust?
I knew that all along. But what he's not telling you, is that he also supported ISIS. Wikileaks exposed the fact that Obama and Hillary Clinton were well-aware that Saudi Arabia and other 'allies' in the region were funding & arming ISIS in Syria.

But they kept it secret from the American People. They did it because they were already all-in on their 'Regime Change' agenda in Syria. They committed themselves to another horrific blunder in the region. I think it's criminal too.
The american politcal and economic system has been bedding down with the Saudi's for quite some time, utterly bipartisan.
The american politcal and economic system has been bedding down with the Saudi's for quite some time, utterly bipartisan.

The US struck a deal with the Devil. It's all about that cash. In my opinion, Saudi Arabia is probably the most evil nation on earth. It's at the heart of radical Islam. Its violent Sunni Wahhabist teachings has spawned bloody Terrorist orgs like Al Qaeda and ISIS. I wish my Government would seriously reevaluate its close relationships with countries like Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, now there's a credible source, I mean if you can't take the word of the corrupt despot who can you trust?

Erdogon has turned Turkey into a police state, clamped down on any descent, destroyed the free media. Not sure how credible his claims are given he is one of the fingers stirring the Syrian pot now and best buds with Putin.
Turkey is supporting ISIS too....Russia proved it showing ISIS oil convoys rolling across the border.......
Recep Tayyip Erdogan, now there's a credible source, I mean if you can't take the word of the corrupt despot who can you trust?

Erdogon has turned Turkey into a police state, clamped down on any descent, destroyed the free media. Not sure how credible his claims are given he is one of the fingers stirring the Syrian pot now and best buds with Putin.

Turkey is one of America's closest allies. Anything going on in Turkey, is on the US. Erdogan has been propped up by the US. So it's pretty disingenuous for an American to blame other countries for its own Government's creation. And like i said, both the US and Turkey funded & armed ISIS. It was all about their 'Regime Change.'
Turkey is supporting ISIS too....Russia proved it showing ISIS oil convoys rolling across the border.......

Well, it's not so much anymore. Like the US, Saudi Arabia and others, Turkey's decided to turn on its Frankenstein. It's now working very hard to exterminate ISIS, and the Kurds too. Erdogan realizes he's in real danger. Closer ties with Assad and Russia could help him out with the Kurds especially. So alliances are shifting.
Turkey is supporting ISIS too....Russia proved it showing ISIS oil convoys rolling across the border.......

Well, it's not so much anymore. Like the US, Saudi Arabia and others, Turkey's decided to turn on its Frankenstein. It's now working very hard to exterminate ISIS, and the Kurds too. Erdogan realizes he's in real danger. Closer ties with Assad and Russia could help him out with the Kurds especially. So alliances are shifting.
He wants pieces of Syria so I dont think thats happening
Turkey is supporting ISIS too....Russia proved it showing ISIS oil convoys rolling across the border.......

Well, it's not so much anymore. Like the US, Saudi Arabia and others, Turkey's decided to turn on its Frankenstein. It's now working very hard to exterminate ISIS, and the Kurds too. Erdogan realizes he's in real danger. Closer ties with Assad and Russia could help him out with the Kurds especially. So alliances are shifting.
He wants pieces of Syria so I dont think thats happening

He does want that, but i think he's gonna have to give up on it. The Kurds are too well-armed and funded by the West. His only hope now is to work with Assad and Russia on some kind of agreement on the Kurds.

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