Eric Cantor lost his seat

this boiled down to amnesty. The tea party didn't fund this guy because even they didn't think he could win. Cantor pushed amnesty stupididly thinking like a democrat and lost because NO REPUBLICAN VOTER wants it.

Really? A years long wait list and repaying back taxes is "amnesty"? No...when you go to kiss your Reagan love doll tonight, think about what St Ronnie did...THAT was amnesty.

Look at the ignorant progressive trying to twist history.... The bill Regan signed into law was to clamp down on illegal immigration....It was DEMOCRATS that ignored said bill and refused to fund it after amnesty..,..What it proved historically is that democrats cant be trusted.
this boiled down to amnesty. The tea party didn't fund this guy because even they didn't think he could win. Cantor pushed amnesty stupididly thinking like a democrat and lost because NO REPUBLICAN VOTER wants it.

Really? A years long wait list and repaying back taxes is "amnesty"? No...when you go to kiss your Reagan love doll tonight, think about what St Ronnie did...THAT was amnesty.

Yes, that is amnesty. They have to pay the taxes they would have paid anyway if they were legal, and they live in the United States while they're waiting, so where's the penalty?
this boiled down to amnesty. The tea party didn't fund this guy because even they didn't think he could win. Cantor pushed amnesty stupididly thinking like a democrat and lost because NO REPUBLICAN VOTER wants it.

Really? A years long wait list and repaying back taxes is "amnesty"? No...when you go to kiss your Reagan love doll tonight, think about what St Ronnie did...THAT was amnesty.

Look at the ignorant progressive trying to twist history.... The bill Regan signed into law was to clamp down on illegal immigration....It was DEMOCRATS that ignored said bill and refused to fund it after amnesty..,..What it proved historically is that democrats cant be trusted.
Yep. Reagan got bit by Tip O'Neal and the Democrats. They had no intention of honoring it. But Democrat and HONOR do not mix.
Lewis Black said that Eric Cantor looked like the manager of the Asshole Store.

Why does anybody even listen to Republicans when they tell us what the polls say? Remember they were sure Romney was going to win?

n the run-up to the primary, Cantor’s supporters said they expected him to win with more than 60 percent of the vote. For the past few months, his D.C. allies were wondering how big they could goose the margins.
But there were warning signs that kept piling up — signs that his supporters brushed off consistently. In April, Brat supporters vastly outnumbered Cantor allies at local GOP meetings. Then in May, tea party fueled activists knocked off Cantor’s choice for local GOP chair in Cantor’s home base of Henrico County. But Cantor’s aides consistently brushed off the challenge, telling reporters and fellow GOP aides that the contest didn’t merit the media coverage it was getting.

So are they :cuckoo: or :eusa_liar: ?

Read more: Eric Cantor loses Virginia primary election -
Cantor is going to be on This Week tomorrow. Setup your recorders, this should be funny. :lol:
Cantor is going to be on This Week tomorrow. Setup your recorders, this should be funny. :lol:

Actually, losing his bid for reelection may free him up to be honest for a change. What a concept.

By the way, wasn't Cantor at one point considered a conservative darling?

He was so confident about winning. People saw him having a leisurly breakfast that morning, this loss totally blindsided him.

He may try to be honest but honesty in this case would require him being totally pissed off.
Only if the people like your policies, which they don't.

It's like building a really shitty old school theme park next to Disney World instead of a competing, innovative one, and saying "if we're going to be just like Disney, what is the point of having a separate theme park?".

Government is like Disney World, LOL. Talk about living in a fantasy world...

Your fantasy is that you believe our GOP is offering a good alternative to the Dems.

We aren't, and if we don't change, we will keep losing.

If by "we" you mean Republican's you're right.

Mind you I am not conceding that you ARE a Republican, but if Republican's want to win they ARE going toaveto change because they cannot win with out us.
Cantor, amnesty for illegals, and the Jewish multiculturalist agenda.

Cantor: Jews Struggled Like Immigrants of Today
Cantor compared the current immigration debate in the United States to the experience Jews have had for thousands of years.

“When I say ‘our people’ I mean our people do. And it is also testament to what the country is testament to but the way I look at it, as an American Jew, and it is different. And I say that, because first of all, as a people for thousands and thousands of years didn’t belong anywhere. We didn’t have a homeland. A couple of thousands of years exiled from the land of the Israel,” Cantor said.

Cantor discussed Washington’s letter to the congregants of the U.S.’s oldest synagogue in Rhode Island, the Hebrew Congregation of Newport. Paraphrasing Washington’s letter, Cantor said Washington told them ‘The U.S. government [would] provide no support for bigotry or assistance to persecution.’ Essentially, that does put a marker down about what our country is about.”

Notice the use of the word "our" in the context in which Cantor is using it.

When he calls on the name of Washington to say that Jews are "equal" citizens, the Talmudic interpretation of this should be taken to mean, the Jews now own the country and therefore have the "G-d given right" to run it how they damned well please.

Gutierrez, however, did talk to the press explaining that comprehensive immigration reform cannot pass without bipartisan support.

This means roughly that the Jews must have BOTH the Demwits AND the Rugrats in their pocket, which they practically do. They just need to find a way to pass this through THEIR Congress without causing a full scale riot by all the "right wing, angry white men Christian conservative TERRORISTS"!

Because you see, they still haven't managed to part them of their guns. And the Jewish men do not really desire to use THEIR Department of HOMELAND Security to run their blood in the streets.
If they did, all the Shicksa Hoes and their trophy wives might get mad and refuse to lie down with them.
Because as you see, all of those kind of women still have a good many Anglo Protestant type relatives and even their Fathers are still "angry old white men".

Therefore the Jewish intelligencia have to find a bloodless way to push their agenda.

I heard the Zionist sycophant, Glen Beck, say the other day that he had a discussion with an honorable and revered Rabbi who commented that he was afraid things were approaching the point in this country to where "we might be killing each other".

I'll leave it to you to guess who the different "we" parties are who might be "killing each other".

Anyway, Pastor Beck went on from there to urge his listening flock to "be more 'Christian'",
which is to say, it is "unChristian" to offer any kind of physical resistance to any sort of incursion into their private zones and as a "Christian", we are all obliged to "turn the other cheek" any and every time the Jewish Progressives feel the need to give us a slap in the face.

What's puzzling about this definition of what it means to be a 'Christian' as proffered by the Jews, is ....
how can they require 'Christians' to be completely docile and passive in obedience to the Zionists at home while at the same being expected to go and KILL the evil Muslims ( or anyone else for that matter).

If I accept the definition of "Christian" according to all those who would otherwise call me a "hypocrite", then I guess I would have to refuse to kill Israel's enemies if I am going to obey the Jewish masters at home.
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Cantor is going to be on This Week tomorrow. Setup your recorders, this should be funny. :lol:

Actually, losing his bid for reelection may free him up to be honest for a change. What a concept.

By the way, wasn't Cantor at one point considered a conservative darling?

Not in my book. He's always been the same thing that you apparently are, "an avowed Marxist Leninist", essentially the same thing as a Jewish Progressive.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), a proponent of tenets of the “Dream Act” for young illegal immigrants spoke before attendees at the Jewish Center of Jackson Heights in Queens, New York on Saturday. Cantor and Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) were the only two Republicans at the event, which was organized by the Faith & Politics Institute.

Here we have THE JEWS, running an ORGANIZATION called FAITH and politics.

Aren't these the people who are always whining most about "separation of church and state"?

They are the same ones who had Papa Bush sign the Noahide Law House Resolution.
They are the same tribe to which SUPREME Court Justice Madam GINSBERG belongs, who also commented on how HER RELIGION INFLUENCES the DECISIONS she makes.

This is the same bunch who always has to have some high ranking dignitary from the White House to participate in lighting the giant Menorah outside the White House every year about x-mas time in celebration of their victory over the gentiles!
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Cantor, amnesty for illegals, and the Jewish multiculturalist agenda.

Cantor: Jews Struggled Like Immigrants of Today
Cantor compared the current immigration debate in the United States to the experience Jews have had for thousands of years.

“When I say ‘our people’ I mean our people do. And it is also testament to what the country is testament to but the way I look at it, as an American Jew, and it is different. And I say that, because first of all, as a people for thousands and thousands of years didn’t belong anywhere. We didn’t have a homeland. A couple of thousands of years exiled from the land of the Israel,” Cantor said.

Cantor discussed Washington’s letter to the congregants of the U.S.’s oldest synagogue in Rhode Island, the Hebrew Congregation of Newport. Paraphrasing Washington’s letter, Cantor said Washington told them ‘The U.S. government [would] provide no support for bigotry or assistance to persecution.’ Essentially, that does put a marker down about what our country is about.”

Notice the use of the word "our" in the context in which Cantor is using it.

When he calls on the name of Washington to say that Jews are "equal" citizens, the Talmudic interpretation of this should be taken to mean, the Jews now own the country and therefore have the "G-d given right" to run it how they damned well please.

Gutierrez, however, did talk to the press explaining that comprehensive immigration reform cannot pass without bipartisan support.

This means roughly that the Jews must have BOTH the Demwits AND the Rugrats in their pocket, which they practically do. They just need to find a way to pass this through THEIR Congress without causing a full scale riot by all the "right wing, angry white men Christian conservative TERRORISTS"!

Because you see, they still haven't managed to part them of their guns. And the Jewish men do not really desire to use THEIR Department of HOMELAND Security to run their blood in the streets.
If they did, all the Shicksa Hoes and their trophy wives might get mad and refuse to lie down with them.
Because as you see, all of those kind of women still have a good many Anglo Protestant type relatives and even their Fathers are still "angry old white men".

Therefore the Jewish intelligencia have to find a bloodless way to push their agenda.

I heard the Zionist sycophant, Glen Beck, say the other day that he had a discussion with an honorable and revered Rabbi who commented that he was afraid things were approaching the point in this country to where "we might be killing each other".

I'll leave it to you to guess who the different "we" parties are who might be "killing each other".

Anyway, Pastor Beck went on from there to urge his listening flock to "be more 'Christian'",
which is to say, it is "unChristian" to offer any kind of physical resistance to any sort of incursion into their private zones and as a "Christian", we are all obliged to "turn the other cheek" any and every time the Jewish Progressives feel the need to give us a slap in the face.

What's puzzling about this definition of what it means to be a 'Christian' as proffered by the Jews, is ....
how can they require 'Christians' to be completely docile and passive in obedience to the Zionists at home while at the same being expected to go and KILL the evil Muslims ( or anyone else for that matter).

If I accept the definition of "Christian" according to all those who would otherwise call me a "hypocrite", then I guess I would have to refuse to kill Israel's enemies if I am going to obey the Jewish masters at home.

Sorry but republicans don't need Jew hating asshole. Go to the democrats or libertarians. We are the party of equal rights for everyone

tapatalk post
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Government is like Disney World, LOL. Talk about living in a fantasy world...

Your fantasy is that you believe our GOP is offering a good alternative to the Dems.

We aren't, and if we don't change, we will keep losing.

If by "we" you mean Republican's you're right.

Mind you I am not conceding that you ARE a Republican, but if Republican's want to win they ARE going toaveto change because they cannot win with out us.

Of course the GOP can win without you. Drop you and reach out to the demographic change groups. You folks will be forgotten like last week's kitty litter box.
Your fantasy is that you believe our GOP is offering a good alternative to the Dems.

We aren't, and if we don't change, we will keep losing.

If by "we" you mean Republican's you're right.

Mind you I am not conceding that you ARE a Republican, but if Republican's want to win they ARE going toaveto change because they cannot win with out us.

Of course the GOP can win without you. Drop you and reach out to the demographic change groups. You folks will be forgotten like last week's kitty litter box.

The teaparty gave the republicans the house fake..... Remember that
. . . kept us out the Senate and the presidency since.

We will lose another chance for the Senate this year if this keeps up, and the Dems could sweep the Board in 2014 if the TP keeps dragging the party down.

I do like Brat's victory over Cantor: the professor is not an ideologue and will be able to work with Pub and Dem.

Dan Patrick's victory over Dewhurst was a destruction of a long time politician that was a long time coming. Dan is aiming for the governorship and he just may be the last GOP governor for a century.
If by "we" you mean Republican's you're right.

Mind you I am not conceding that you ARE a Republican, but if Republican's want to win they ARE going toaveto change because they cannot win with out us.

Of course the GOP can win without you. Drop you and reach out to the demographic change groups. You folks will be forgotten like last week's kitty litter box.

The teaparty gave the republicans the house fake..... Remember that

Fakey can't even remember how to get home, let alone who voted for the Republican candidates.
When a true Republican must severely speak,
Little weirdo anarcho-commies wretchedly weep.

Of course the GOP can win without you. Drop you and reach out to the demographic change groups. You folks will be forgotten like last week's kitty litter box.

The teaparty gave the republicans the house fake..... Remember that

Fakey can't even remember how to get home, let alone who voted for the Republican candidates.

You must not remember how the tp lost the Senate for Republicans with all of their rape crazy talk. They may have taken Cantor's seat but they have a lot of work to do.

Ted Cruz walked away from his country thinking people will come out in droves to elect him president.

They're nuts! Everyone knows it except the cray cray Rs. :D

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