Eric Cantor lost his seat

The GOP will do fine. The TeaPs have had three significant victories and several dozens of losses to the establishment. Nope, the party is not being dragged farther right. There will be an omnibus immigration bill next year with border security, business oversight, and immigration reform.

Stay on those wackos who think government is taxing and spending too much, Jake. What a bunch of nuts...

If Republicans keep being indistinguishable from Democrats, what is the point in having a separate party exactly?

Only if the people like your policies, which they don't.

It's like building a really shitty old school theme park next to Disney World instead of a competing, innovative one, and saying "if we're going to be just like Disney, what is the point of having a separate theme park?".

Government is like Disney World, LOL. Talk about living in a fantasy world...
The article How David Brat Turned Eric Cantor's Fundraising Advantage Against Him contains some interesting assertions:

He is the money guy in the Congress," Brat said in May, as he explained how Cantor had inherited the role previously occupied by disgraced former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas). "Number one, right?"

The top donors to Cantor's campaign were employees of the giant private equity and investment banking firm Blackstone and the investment bank Goldman Sachs. That became one of Brat's punchlines.

"All the investment banks up in New York and D.C., whatever, those guys should have gone to jail. Instead of going to jail, where'd they go? They went on to Eric's Rolodex," Brat said to an eruption of loud laughter in Mechanicsville. "And that's where they all are and they're sending him big checks."
That sentiment would seem to have been reflected in the activity of this woman (above). She was camped out at the Occupy Baltimore site on "Black Friday" in 2011 (the first shopping day after Thanksgiving) with the intent of attracting the attention of passing motorists to her political statement. Her placard read "Use R.I.C.O. for Bank Fraud". Her hand was raised up because she was waving to the passing traffic.
R.I.C.O. is the acronym for the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
I won't miss Cantor but it turns out Brat is a total nutjob who, get this, says Ayn Rand is his intellectual hero.

Never ever underestimate the complete stupidity of the tee potties nutters.

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You realize Cantor was defeated by the tea party candidate, no?

The scary part is people voted for a member of the Cop Killer Party.

Um..OK..whatever that means
Malkin is the daughter of two naturalized citizens. Try again, flea brain!

You do know what a "naturalized citizen" is, don't you? it means they weren't born here. they got their citizenship because their daughter was born here.

that makes her an anchor baby, snookums.

now what were you saying?


I do not believe you are correct Jilly...but then, that is a good bet on most of your posts.

Her parents earned their citizenship. Naturalized citizenship is not given to parents of children born in the US....well that is the way it was in the with your lying Messiah in charge, anything is possible.

Michelle is NOT an anchor baby....fool!

She was born to illegal aliens before they were naturalized, dope.

Anchor Baby Michelle Malkin So Mad About Immigrants For A Change
4. no anchor babies

Michelle Malkin is an anchor baby.


sorry to disappoint you

her parents where here legally on an employer sponsored visa

so this would not make her an anchor baby

but nice try
That still makes her an anchor baby.
You do know what a "naturalized citizen" is, don't you? it means they weren't born here. they got their citizenship because their daughter was born here.

that makes her an anchor baby, snookums.

now what were you saying?


I do not believe you are correct Jilly...but then, that is a good bet on most of your posts.

Her parents earned their citizenship. Naturalized citizenship is not given to parents of children born in the US....well that is the way it was in the with your lying Messiah in charge, anything is possible.

Michelle is NOT an anchor baby....fool!

She was born to illegal aliens before they were naturalized, dope.

Anchor Baby Michelle Malkin So Mad About Immigrants For A Change
they were never illegal dumbass
God helped a Brat defeat a Cantor:
When this election began, it looked like a mismatch. No majority leader, from either party, had ever been defeated in a primary. Cantor seemed unlikely to be the first: He raised more than $5 million, and outside groups also spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on Cantor’s behalf.

Brat, 49, an economist at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Va., had never held elective office before. He had little money — he raised about $200,000 — and little backing even from tea party groups.

“I mean, it’s a miracle,” Brat told Fox News’s Sean Hannity on Tuesday night, seemingly stunned at the victory himself. “First of all, I attribute it to God.”
See What went wrong for Eric Cantor? - The Washington Post
Supporting illegal immigration can be hazordous to ones re-election prospects it would seem...


Indeed. The American people have heard enough of this "immigration reform" crap. We don't need "reform". WE NEED ENFORCEMENT - regardless of what the Nazi left screams about.

Send their asses HOME and tell them to affect "change" in their own damned voucher tries - NOT OURS.
The election was two days ago. In Hillary-speak, so long ago that what difference does it make?

Ya gotta love the burdening Bitch. When asked what she thought of Brats stance on immigration, she replied with "Well, I think he's right".

nothing more needs to be said.
National Republican Party officials have concluded that passing legislation to change the immigration system is vital to improving their standing with Latino voters. President Barack Obama in 2012 beat Republican nominee Mitt Romney by 44 points among Latino voters, the widest gap in a decade.

Nearly 28.2 million Latinos will be eligible to vote in the 2016 presidential race, an increase of about 17 percent, according to an analysis of census data conducted by the Center for American Progress, a Washington-based research group. Hispanic influence may be even greater in key battleground states, such as Florida, where more will enter then voting pool than white voters.

Romney Disaster

“If the GOP does not correct course on the immigration issue and their Latino outreach, the Mitt Romney disaster of 2012 will be seen as the glory days,” said Matt Barreto, the co-founder of Latino Decisions, a polling and research firm based in Seattle, Washington. “They could very realistically sink to less than 20 percent of the Latino vote in 2014 and 2016 if they follow the path of anti-immigrant candidates.” ...

“This makes it harder to imagine how something gets done in the next few weeks,” said Tamar Jacoby, the Republican chief executive officer of ImmigrationWorks, a group advocating for immigration changes on behalf of small and mid-sized businesses.

Republican Weakness

“But we’re never going to see the inside of the White House unless we can win some of those swing states where Latino voters are so important,” she said. ...

“The fundamental fact is that Republicans are going to be shut out of the White House if they are not a more inclusive party,” said Ari Fleischer, a co-chair of party study committee. “Immigration is a vexing issue that needs to be addressed.”

Cantor Loss Hurts 2016 Republicans Seeking Hispanic Votes - Bloomberg
the difference between us is dems don't mind stooping to any low to pander to Hispanics

look at the humanitarian crisis going on right now on our southern border

libs are pigs
Malkin is the daughter of two naturalized citizens. Try again, flea brain!

You do know what a "naturalized citizen" is, don't you? it means they weren't born here. they got their citizenship because their daughter was born here.

that makes her an anchor baby, snookums.

now what were you saying?


Her parents were not illegal aliens.

Does it HURT to be this STUPID?
Anything that fractures the GOP is a net gain for the Democrats. Whatever it is, it's one of the best things to happen to the Dems because it forces the opposition further to the right and away from the middle where elections are won.

Yeah...because the last three middle-of-the-road GOP dudes that ran for president won...wait, no...the last three wishy-washy moderates the GOP ran got pasted!

Oh you poor soul.

Not sure who the 3rd was.

Mitt Romney, you bucket-headed jackass! :cuckoo:

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