Eric Cantor lost his seat

This was Obama's & Biden's response to the news of Cantor's ouster....

You sure love using that racist terminology.

It has nothing to do with their race. The reason people vote Democrat is because they want free stuff.

People vote Democratic because Republicans have NOTHING to offer the middle class.

Democrats, on the other hand, offer their plantation slaves all sorts of free goodies. Especially Obamaphones and ATM cards. They know a dependent voter is a Democrat voter. What's puzzling is that anyone bothers to start of continue a business, especially to hire anyone, whilst swimming upstream against a flood tide of Democrat overregulation.

That's the Reagan phone. But since you aren't an American you wouldn't know that.

And again I ask; who exactly 'over is regulated?'
I won't miss Cantor but it turns out Brat is a total nutjob who, get this, says Ayn Rand is his intellectual hero.

Never ever underestimate the complete stupidity of the tee potties nutters.

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You realize Cantor was defeated by the tea party candidate, no?

The scary part is people voted for a member of the Cop Killer Party.
Malkin is the daughter of two naturalized citizens. Try again, flea brain!

You do know what a "naturalized citizen" is, don't you? it means they weren't born here. they got their citizenship because their daughter was born here.

that makes her an anchor baby, snookums.

now what were you saying?


I do not believe you are correct Jilly...but then, that is a good bet on most of your posts.

Her parents earned their citizenship. Naturalized citizenship is not given to parents of children born in the US....well that is the way it was in the with your lying Messiah in charge, anything is possible.

Michelle is NOT an anchor baby....fool!
This is one of the reasons why Eric Cantor got ousted...

The snake simply couldn't answer a simple, direct, appropriate question.
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Nobody said it was a political party. And actually, we're working age people with senses of humor.

The TEA Party is what many people say they are not, not realizing that it's what they actually are.

Anything that fractures the GOP is a net gain for the Democrats. Whatever it is, it's one of the best things to happen to the Dems because it forces the opposition further to the right and away from the middle where elections are won.

Yeah...because the last three middle-of-the-road GOP dudes that ran for president won...wait, no...the last three wishy-washy moderates the GOP ran got pasted!

Oh you poor soul.

Not sure who the 3rd was.

Nobody was going to beat the Democrats in 2008; Bush had poisoned the atmosphere so much with needless wars and a $700B bailout of banks...

In 2012, Mitt Romney was not going to beat anyone; not because he was a moderate but because he was Mitt Romney and he couldn't be trusted by anyone.

Jon Huntsmann would have given Obama fits.
One: He has a Phd in economics.
Two: He opposed amnesty
three: He wants to cut the size of government.

LOL, Luddy believes in lawyer economics. You do what you want, you say what you want to do will cause what you want to happen even though it makes no sense, you blame the failure of your policies on the Republicans, your minions repeat your talking points like parrots.

Luddy is one of the parrots...

you seem to be projecting. :rolleyes:

Projecting? That doesn't even make any sense

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