Eric Cantor lost his seat

Cantor got his WHOPPING DEFEAT for this one. simple. reason...

He lost touch with his constituency.

That's it.
Where does he say he wants to eliminate minimum wage. He opposes amnesty and mass immigration, which depresses the wages of working Americans and takes jobs from others. Democrats don't care because they want the votes of these immigrants, GOP leadership doesn't care because because they are bought and paid for by the chamber of commerce. You support illegals because you are too much a faggot to do some yardwork.:lol:

This morning, on Chuck Todd's show. Todd asked him directly, and he hemmed and hawed and refused to answer. Which is an answer in itself.

Brat has to learn the transition from primary to general election.

You know what this guy Brat said, when Todd pushed on the minimum wage?

“Um, I don't have a well-crafted response on that one”

:lol: Don't ask me any policy questions, Mr. Reporter!!! I haven't been told what to say yet!!!

Dave Brat-Eric Cantor's Career Killer-Nowhere Near Ready For Prime Time - Forbes
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The GOP will do fine. The TeaPs have had three significant victories and several dozens of losses to the establishment. Nope, the party is not being dragged farther right. There will be an omnibus immigration bill next year with border security, business oversight, and immigration reform.

Stay on those wackos who think government is taxing and spending too much, Jake. What a bunch of nuts...

If Republicans keep being indistinguishable from Democrats, what is the point in having a separate party exactly?

Only if the people like your policies, which they don't.

It's like building a really shitty old school theme park next to Disney World instead of a competing, innovative one, and saying "if we're going to be just like Disney, what is the point of having a separate theme park?".
This morning, on Chuck Todd's show. Todd asked him directly, and he hemmed and hawed and refused to answer. Which is an answer in itself.

Brat has to learn the transition from primary to general election.

You know what this guy Brat said, when Todd pushed on the minimum wage?

“I don’t have a well-crafted response to that one.”

:lol: Don't ask me any policy questions, Mr. Reporter!!! I haven't been told what to say yet!!!

Dave Brat-Eric Cantor's Career Killer-Nowhere Near Ready For Prime Time - Forbes

One of those times I appreciate the insight of WSJ & Forbes. Insight beyond the great hair, too perfect smile, and automatic slogans.
Where does he say he wants to eliminate minimum wage. He opposes amnesty and mass immigration, which depresses the wages of working Americans and takes jobs from others. Democrats don't care because they want the votes of these immigrants, GOP leadership doesn't care because because they are bought and paid for by the chamber of commerce. You support illegals because you are too much a faggot to do some yardwork.:lol:

This morning, on Chuck Todd's show. Todd asked him directly, and he hemmed and hawed and refused to answer. Which is an answer in itself.

Link. But even if he wants to get rid of it it as you claim(which I don't buy and which he wouldn't be able to do), mass immigration effects far more workers than minimum wage(at every income level from working class to professional). Minimum wage effects 2.8% of workers, most of whom are kids living with their parents and working part time.

Who makes minimum wage? | Pew Research Center
Who Earns the Minimum Wage? Suburban Teenagers, Not Single Parents
Here ya go:

Also, google the phrase “Um, I don't have a well-crafted response on that one”

Here - let me:“I+don’t+have+a+well-crafted+response+to+that+one.” :lol:

And immigration reform polls at over 70% in Cantor/Brat's district:

Poll: Immigration didn?t doom Eric Cantor -

What else can I do for you?
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This morning, on Chuck Todd's show. Todd asked him directly, and he hemmed and hawed and refused to answer. Which is an answer in itself.

Brat has to learn the transition from primary to general election.

You know what this guy Brat said, when Todd pushed on the minimum wage?

“I don’t have a well-crafted response to that one.”

:lol: Don't ask me any policy questions, Mr. Reporter!!! I haven't been told what to say yet!!!

Dave Brat-Eric Cantor's Career Killer-Nowhere Near Ready For Prime Time - Forbes
The question is, who will be telling him? He, so far, makes up the rules as he goes along.
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David Brat's actual position on immigration:

I support proposals that will secure our border, enforce our current laws, and restore an orderly and fair process to allow law abiding individuals to work towards becoming citizens of this great nation.

That's really just another way of saying you support amnesty.

that would be kind of ironic, wouldn't it?
4. no anchor babies

Michelle Malkin is an anchor baby.

Question: will Cantor run as an independent and split the vote, ensuring a democrat win?

Nope, he's not a Democrat acting like a Republican.

But will Cantor do the right thing and make sure the Cop Killer Party is defeated? After all, Republicans have NOTHING to offer the middle class, and the Cop Killer Party has even less.

Ice-T has a political party?

[ame=]Cop Killer by Ice-T - YouTube[/ame]

ok so?.....that has nothing to do with what i said.....the Mexicans out here KNOW that the Democrats dont look at them as people and they know they tell them the things they want to hear but they also know that they dont want them moving next door.....they are not as stupid as many Democrats think they are......basically Ravi what im saying is there is a reason the Democratic Party is considered the "Lessor of 2 evils" buy the Hispanics..... if they all decided to leave the Democrats and form their own party....the Democratic Party would be just as lowly as the Republicans to them.........
I've no idea if what you say is true. I'm sure there are just as many racist Dems as there are racist Pubs.

Regardless, the Dems are the only ones currently voting for immigration reform or introducing legislation for it.

I seriously doubt that.
I haven't got the time to read through all of these Cantor threads, so someone with a lot of knowledge on this tell me something.

Did Cantor get thrown out TRULY because the Republicans in his district were fed up, especially with his being friendly towards some sort of amnesty for illegals ?

Or was this a case of thousands of Dims listening to Cooter, and voting for Brat in an effort just to get rid of Cantor so they'll have a weaker opponent to run against in the general ?

It's hard to believe the polling could have been this wrong, and it's hard to believe Brat could have won basically with no money to fight Cantor who could spend millions.

The Democratic crossover vote has been debunked by Brit Hume and someone else (Josh Marshall?)

The consensus seems to be that he didn't pay enough attention to his district, 45 minutes away, because he was too busy being an entrenched Washingtonian, spending his time on leadership and national issues.

He also spent $169,000 on steak.
David Brat's actual position on immigration:

I support proposals that will secure our border, enforce our current laws, and restore an orderly and fair process to allow law abiding individuals to work towards becoming citizens of this great nation.

That's really just another way of saying you support amnesty.

How is he going to secure our borders? Any particulars, or just fluff.

Nobody having the stones to do it does not change the fact that it could be done.
Yeah - $100 Billion contract to some private contractor that turns into $800 Billion and 10 years late.
Holston....slow down, son. "Godlikeproductions" really? Using a "Anonymous Coward 36426283" as your source? Sheesh.

I don't know how anyone can take your post seriously.....when you use blogs with opinions as fact. :eusa_whistle:

I never said that this bloggers opinion was a fact. I posted it because it shows that there are others who have thought the same thing I have.

As far as facts go, where they are gathered from has no bearing on their validity.

Do you trust the mainstream media to tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

I don't.

Regardless of the source I am reading, I don't take everything there to be necessarily true.

I feel obligated to show some source for the information I post. I expect the reader to make his own mind up as to which parts or how much of any of it to accept.

Because I call attention to some points contained in a source does not mean that I endorse all of it or any of it. It is merely posted to show others where I got the information.

The specific information contained in "Godlike productions" referred to here can be found elsewhere. The political and philosophical positions expressed by Brat during his tenure as a professor have nothing to do with the source which repeated them. The source either conveyed them faithfully or they did not.
So the question is not whether "Godlikeproductions" is a tacky sounding name, it's whether Brat actually said what they said he did.

I frequently use Jewish sources to corroborate my assertions. But no one here is going to accuse me of doing so because I am a Zionist or have a predilection for Jews.

If you want to dispute the contention that Brat said the things which he was alleged to have said, it would be better to provide evidence that he did not. That would include evidence that those statements were made up, records which demonstrate that he made statements during that time which contradict those which are alleged, or simply denials by Brat himself that he ever said those things.

If I say that you said something which you didn't and make a public record of it, does that not set me up for charges of slander if those things would tend to damage your reputation or cast doubt on your credibility?
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