Eric Cantor lost his seat

And, EXACTLY what are the qualifications you like about him?


No waffling. No sideways skittering. Just a straight out answer.

What positions of Brat's are you in favor of?

Opposes Mass Immigration/ Amnesty

Wants to Audit/Reform Federal Reserve

Wants to Repeal Obamacare, provide free market reform

Opposes Nation Building, Believes troops should be used in guard our borders instead of being used in fail nation building missions abroad

Opposes NSA/ Patriot Act

Those are the first things that come to mind.

Dave Brat for Congress | Issues

I KNEW you would run to his site and do a quick copy/paste.

Read Interpol's post ^^ and read more of Brat's own words.

He's an empty shirt, a cipher.

IOW, he's the perfect tee potty candidate.

His stance against Immigration Reform is retarded.

He's just another moronic Lou Dobbs on the issue. Just wants to complain but doesn't actually want to solve the problem.

This administration heightened border security and upped the amount of deportations already. Those are well-established facts.

The economic data shows that it's in America's interests to put the people already here on a comprehensive pathway to citizenship. It's more cost-effective to do that because America NEEDS those workers anyway.

On a separate note, this is the kind of moron who would've complained after the Boston bombings that our government has grown too large and militarized by the images of the police force in that city when they basically locked down part of it.

But on Immigration Reform, this idiot thinks it's better to just expand our law enforcement and just go door-to-door trying to find every single illegal so we can boot them out.

The anti-immigration zealots are retarded people. They represent a strain of the GOP that actually isn't totally Tea Party, but which the Tea Party does seem to support.

It costs our country more to do nothing on immigration or to militarize ourselves internally even more than we are now.

It costs less and yields greater tax revenues in the long run to put these working illegals on the books so they can finally contribute on a federal level like everyone else who's working.

David Brat is not just wrong; he's a stupid person whose ignorance has a good shot of sinking him this year because he's got no other skill other than to rile up the portion of the GOP that loves being riled up over bullshit issues that have totally logical ways of being solved.

If Democratic candidate Jack Trammell (who is a sociology professor at the same college Brat teaches at, coincidentally) can make a decent play for the moderates coupled with Brat suffering from the Tea Party's foot-in-mouth disease, we might just see another upset in November.
Cantor's defeat is a gift to Hillary in 2016 however. The Democrats will spin Cantor's defeat as evidence the Republicans are hostile to immigration reform, and they will lose three quarters of the non-white vote again along with the Presidential election.

That's silly, no one is going to vote for Hillary for saying that.

Luger and Castle were so liberal I don't see the point in having a "Republican." As for Nevada, the angry dwarf is way more nuts than the tea partier. Missouri was certainly a shame, but it wasn't his views that were nuts, he was just nuts.
Liberal Faggots and Wannabe Neo Nazi Palestinians don't like David Brat, lol, enemies like these.

And, EXACTLY what are the qualifications you like about him?


No waffling. No sideways skittering. Just a straight out answer.

What positions of Brat's are you in favor of?

One: He has a Phd in economics.
Two: He opposed amnesty
three: He wants to cut the size of government.

LOL, Luddy believes in lawyer economics. You do what you want, you say what you want to do will cause what you want to happen even though it makes no sense, you blame the failure of your policies on the Republicans, your minions repeat your talking points like parrots.

Luddy is one of the parrots...
And, EXACTLY what are the qualifications you like about him?


No waffling. No sideways skittering. Just a straight out answer.

What positions of Brat's are you in favor of?

Opposes Mass Immigration/ Amnesty

Wants to Audit/Reform Federal Reserve

Wants to Repeal Obamacare, provide free market reform

Opposes Nation Building, Believes troops should be used in guard our borders instead of being used in fail nation building missions abroad

Opposes NSA/ Patriot Act

Those are the first things that come to mind.

Dave Brat for Congress | Issues

I KNEW you would run to his site and do a quick copy/paste.

Read Interpol's post ^^ and read more of Brat's own words.

He's an empty shirt, a cipher.

IOW, he's the perfect tee potty candidate.

So he didn't want to answer a question on minimum wage. I can't blame him, it is a loaded issue with a lot of misconception behind it.

The fact is, most on minimum wage are kids working part time who live with their parent and/or go to school. Raising minimum wage keeps these kids out of the labor market and prevents them from getting work experience(and most don't stay at minimum wage for long). As for worthless striver poors, (who are older than 25, this is like 1% of the labor force) who suck up undeserved artificial wages, I don't care if they take a little wage hit(which would be minimized and neutralized and most likely result in higher waes anyway once we got rid of coolie third world labor). I care more about young kids in school getting work experience.

That is what he should say. Not in those words. But say, I oppose minimum wage because I don't want to shut out young kids from work opportunities and gaining experience to become more productive individuals in the future when they receive gainful employment.

It isn't like minimum wage helps anyone but large corporations. Lets not kid ourselves. Small businesses take it on the chin and large corporations automate their workforce further(thus putting more people on the welfare roles).

Almost Everything You Have Been Told About The Minimum Wage Is False - Forbes

Who makes minimum wage? | Pew Research Center

I oppose minimum wage as well, and support the Constitutional Populist platform he outlined.

What proof do you have those aren't his positions other than speculation?

The fact is, his positions are far more appealing than the police state, nanny state, interventionist nation-building and open borders position of the leadership of both parties.
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And LOL at interpol. I hope some Indian or Chinese college graduate replaces you at your job for half the cost you worthless faggot. We need more immigration my ass.

Only libertarian nerds with no concept of real world practicality or shitlibs who blindly support diversity, want more democrat votes, and think we need to be the world's basket case support more immigration
This was basically a vote against any kind of co-operation with Democrats. All Cantor wanted to do was pass sensible immigration reform. A bill where Democrats gave the house away to the GOP and included ALL the stuff they wanted, from having to wait in the back of the line, pay fines, learn English, etc.

Even though the GOP got everything they wanted in that bill, the hard right wants no part of it, and if you work with President Blackenstein on anything, we'll throw you out.

That's what happened tonight. The Tea Party failed almost unilaterally down the line on all these primaries, but tonight they knocked off a big fish.

In the end, it's good for the Democratic candidate in that district, who only needs to hang back and let the Tea Party wacko talk himself straight into defeat.
Well, this Bart fellow just got shot into infamy. We'll find out a LOT about him between now and November.

He doesn't LOOK wacko, even the few things I've heard him say, which was just tonight mind you, but...we'll see.


Nope. He's a moron. Eric Cantor and the other establishment guys got bit by trying so hard the last few years appealing to the stupid vote.

Now the stupid vote happened to win one.

Here is David Brat (he's a so-called "economist") on the minimum wage in an interview earlier with Chuck Todd:

"TODD: Should there be a minimum wage in your opinion?

BRAT: I don't have a well-crafted response on that one. All I know is if you take the long-run graph over 200 years of the wage rate, it cannot differ from your nation's productivity. Right? So you can't make up wage rates. Right? I would love for everyone in sub-Saharan Africa, for example -- children of God -- to make $100 an hour. I would love to just assert that that would be the case. But you can't assert that unless you raise their productivity, and then the wage follows."

Based on that answer, that would make Walmart's employees among the most productive in America when you look at Walmart's profitability.

You think he'll stand then for $100/hour for those American workers? Or McDonald's workers, who are about as equally as productive?

What makes him a moron is that he doesn't even appear to understand economics and seems to have zero knowledge of all empirical data on minimum wage in America since it's been recorded over the last 80ish years.

Democrats actually have an outside shot at this seat now, even though the district is 57% Republican.

Dave Brat, Economics Professor: 'I Don't Have A Well-Crafted Response' On Minimum Wage

You obviously didn't understand his answer. His mistake was answering like an economics professor rather than a politician. He has to spell things out easy to understand sound bites so the likes of you can understand.
It is not Democrat and Republican lite.

The TPs do not have the power any longer to make the GOP dance to its tune.

Governing requires two parties. When the TeaPs tried to burn down America last fall, that was the final straw for many GOP.

Everything you believe and say about the teaparty is wrong. But you know that.

You could have left off "about the teaparty" and you would still have been correct.

A loony and an anarco-commie in agreement.

Call the press. :lol:

The Republicans consider opposing something, to be a policy.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have no problem with that, so long as we

1. keep track of where every one of them is
2. make them pay US taxes
3. get no US benefits
4. no anchor babies
5. if they want citizenship, they get in line and do it legally


if you are here working and paying into a system with your taxes like everyone else.....why should you not be able to partake?....for instance this health care thing....if a guy is paying his share of taxes for long as he is putting in....why should he not get to use it?....he isnt getting something for nothing...he is paying....just askin...

When I go to Europe I pay sales tax, hotel tax, food tax, etc. But I do not expect them to give me free medical care and welfare. If I work in Europe, I pay income taxes to the country I am working in, but they have no obligation to put me in their healthcare and welfare systems.

your idea is foolish. The income taxes they pay are to cover the expenses incurred in keeping track of them, etc.

yea they do a good job of that dont they? about being foolish....
Opposes Mass Immigration/ Amnesty

Wants to Audit/Reform Federal Reserve

Wants to Repeal Obamacare, provide free market reform

Opposes Nation Building, Believes troops should be used in guard our borders instead of being used in fail nation building missions abroad

Opposes NSA/ Patriot Act

Those are the first things that come to mind.

Dave Brat for Congress | Issues

I KNEW you would run to his site and do a quick copy/paste.

Read Interpol's post ^^ and read more of Brat's own words.

He's an empty shirt, a cipher.

IOW, he's the perfect tee potty candidate.

His stance against Immigration Reform is retarded.

He's just another moronic Lou Dobbs on the issue. Just wants to complain but doesn't actually want to solve the problem.

This administration heightened border security and upped the amount of deportations already. Those are well-established facts.

The economic data shows that it's in America's interests to put the people already here on a comprehensive pathway to citizenship. It's more cost-effective to do that because America NEEDS those workers anyway.

On a separate note, this is the kind of moron who would've complained after the Boston bombings that our government has grown too large and militarized by the images of the police force in that city when they basically locked down part of it.

But on Immigration Reform, this idiot thinks it's better to just expand our law enforcement and just go door-to-door trying to find every single illegal so we can boot them out.

The anti-immigration zealots are retarded people. They represent a strain of the GOP that actually isn't totally Tea Party, but which the Tea Party does seem to support.

It costs our country more to do nothing on immigration or to militarize ourselves internally even more than we are now.

It costs less and yields greater tax revenues in the long run to put these working illegals on the books so they can finally contribute on a federal level like everyone else who's working.

David Brat is not just wrong; he's a stupid person whose ignorance has a good shot of sinking him this year because he's got no other skill other than to rile up the portion of the GOP that loves being riled up over bullshit issues that have totally logical ways of being solved.

If Democratic candidate Jack Trammell (who is a sociology professor at the same college Brat teaches at, coincidentally) can make a decent play for the moderates coupled with Brat suffering from the Tea Party's foot-in-mouth disease, we might just see another upset in November.

This administration heightened border security and upped the amount of deportations already. Those are well-established facts.

yea so you deport 100 and a 100 more come in.....makes sense...
Opposes Mass Immigration/ Amnesty

Wants to Audit/Reform Federal Reserve

Wants to Repeal Obamacare, provide free market reform

Opposes Nation Building, Believes troops should be used in guard our borders instead of being used in fail nation building missions abroad

Opposes NSA/ Patriot Act

Those are the first things that come to mind.

Dave Brat for Congress | Issues

I KNEW you would run to his site and do a quick copy/paste.

Read Interpol's post ^^ and read more of Brat's own words.

He's an empty shirt, a cipher.

IOW, he's the perfect tee potty candidate.

His stance against Immigration Reform is retarded.

He's just another moronic Lou Dobbs on the issue. Just wants to complain but doesn't actually want to solve the problem.

This administration heightened border security and upped the amount of deportations already. Those are well-established facts.

The economic data shows that it's in America's interests to put the people already here on a comprehensive pathway to citizenship. It's more cost-effective to do that because America NEEDS those workers anyway.

On a separate note, this is the kind of moron who would've complained after the Boston bombings that our government has grown too large and militarized by the images of the police force in that city when they basically locked down part of it.

But on Immigration Reform, this idiot thinks it's better to just expand our law enforcement and just go door-to-door trying to find every single illegal so we can boot them out.

The anti-immigration zealots are retarded people. They represent a strain of the GOP that actually isn't totally Tea Party, but which the Tea Party does seem to support.

It costs our country more to do nothing on immigration or to militarize ourselves internally even more than we are now.

It costs less and yields greater tax revenues in the long run to put these working illegals on the books so they can finally contribute on a federal level like everyone else who's working.

David Brat is not just wrong; he's a stupid person whose ignorance has a good shot of sinking him this year because he's got no other skill other than to rile up the portion of the GOP that loves being riled up over bullshit issues that have totally logical ways of being solved.

If Democratic candidate Jack Trammell (who is a sociology professor at the same college Brat teaches at, coincidentally) can make a decent play for the moderates coupled with Brat suffering from the Tea Party's foot-in-mouth disease, we might just see another upset in November.

Yep. He's a disaster but look at the posts from the tee potty types above. They don't know a thing about him and don't even care.

That's the problem with so many RWs. All they know is they have been told to hate Obama and love a non-existent "tea party".
And, EXACTLY what are the qualifications you like about him?


No waffling. No sideways skittering. Just a straight out answer.

What positions of Brat's are you in favor of?

One: He has a Phd in economics.
Two: He opposed amnesty
three: He wants to cut the size of government.

LOL, Luddy believes in lawyer economics. You do what you want, you say what you want to do will cause what you want to happen even though it makes no sense, you blame the failure of your policies on the Republicans, your minions repeat your talking points like parrots.

Luddy is one of the parrots...

you seem to be projecting. :rolleyes:

This administration heightened border security and upped the amount of deportations already. Those are well-established facts.

yea so you deport 100 and a 100 more come in.....makes sense...

Well, maybe what is needed is to remove the incentives to come in.

If the government put all of its efforts into cracking down on illegal immigration on the employers, they could solve the problem.

You do that by setting up draconian punishments on employers who do so and rewards for employees who rat their employers out.

This administration heightened border security and upped the amount of deportations already. Those are well-established facts.

yea so you deport 100 and a 100 more come in.....makes sense...

Well, maybe what is needed is to remove the incentives to come in.

If the government put all of its efforts into cracking down on illegal immigration on the employers, they could solve the problem.

You do that by setting up draconian punishments on employers who do so and rewards for employees who rat their employers out.

Not really. A $10,000 dollar fine on your run of the mill general contractor per illegal employed would be nust fine and go along way towards discouraging birding them. Not draconian at all. The down side would be lettuce would cost $9.00 a pound.
Why wouldn't they? Don't you guys have the best platform? The best plan for the country forward and all? Surely the hard-working, socially conservative Mexicans (which are legion) should relate to that message...right? So why are you predicting not getting their vote?

The vast number who simply go on welfare will, of course, vote to CONTINUE AND EXPAND said welfare...but you know that!

i live in the midst of Hispanics....Illegals and Legals.....dont know any on welfare....everyone is working,some 2 jobs...a lot of the woman work too....

Come to Massachusetts...I can show you hundreds. It's pretty common for them to work (illegally) AND collect welfare!
The vast number who simply go on welfare will, of course, vote to CONTINUE AND EXPAND said welfare...but you know that!

i live in the midst of Hispanics....Illegals and Legals.....dont know any on welfare....everyone is working,some 2 jobs...a lot of the woman work too....

Come to Massachusetts...I can show you hundreds. It's pretty common for them to work (illegally) AND collect welfare!

Galveston county here in Texas as well as Houston and surrounding areas its pretty common.
This was basically a vote against any kind of co-operation with Democrats. All Cantor wanted to do was pass sensible immigration reform. A bill where Democrats gave the house away to the GOP and included ALL the stuff they wanted, from having to wait in the back of the line, pay fines, learn English, etc.

Pablum. He wanted to pass AMNESTY, we both know it is true. "Sensible immigration reform" starts with ENFORCING THE DAMNED LAWS! Deport the illegals. Close the borders (by any means necessary). Prosecute the tax frauds and the identity thieves. Prosecute people who hire illegals. Lock up a few thousand and the rest might wise up!

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