Eric Cantor lost his seat

They won't admit to it, but there is an underlying fear. I can smell it like a shark smells blood in the water from miles away.

Actually, the TeaTards serve a purpose. They don't terroriize Liberals, we would rather run against a Teatard than a sane opponent. What TeaTards do is terrorize mainstream Republicans. You better not compromize....EVER. Better not agree to raize taxes....EVER. Better not cozy up to those Mexicans....EVER.

TeaTards do their bit to make sure that mainstream Republicans are not palitable to the nationwide electorate

The Koch Brother supply the majority of funding for the teabaggers. Irony comes to mind.

And Soros provides the majority of funding for the commie Democrats.
Then the United States is not for you.

Find another country and move there.

I think you are confused about America. Up until 1965, we had very strict immigration laws, it was only then that we open the floodgates to mass third world immigration(cheap labor for the chamber of commerce and votes for the democrats).

My family fought in the American Revolution. You are really in no position to tell me what to do, you should be thankful me and mine let in you and your's. And quite frankly, as a nation, we have a right to self determination and a right to preserve our culture(and us as a people) and this includes restricting immigration and securing the borders. Two more than reasonable proposals, not only for the above reasons, but also for the sake of national security and protecting American workers.

So I suggest you get out, because there will be a rising tide of voters voting out establishment sell outs like cantor when proper constitutional conservatives/populists run as opposition. Your delicate sensibilities might not be able to handle it.

So dead relatives gives you some kind of Carte blanche? :cuckoo:

That's right. Johnny come lately faggots like hazlnut really are in no position to tell me to leave and should be thankful we let them in in the first place. They ought to show us more respect and deference.
I'm not terribly worried about Kantor's welfare. Once he's out of Congress I'm sure Obama will find a cushy czarship for him. A token reward for favors past.

I have to applaud your total obliviousness to reality.

You're right! I was totally oblivious to the facts that Kantor has never been accused of any form of tax evasion nor convicted of any crime. Because of those missing qualifications he's intelligible for any Obama sinecure.
Question: will Cantor run as an independent and split the vote, ensuring a democrat win?

Nope, he's not a Democrat acting like a Republican.

But will Cantor do the right thing and make sure the Cop Killer Party is defeated? After all, Republicans have NOTHING to offer the middle class, and the Cop Killer Party has even less.

Since John Wayne Gacy was a loyal Democrat, can we label the democrat party the serial child rapist murderer party?

You are the biggest piece of shit in this forum, ya know that?
Stay on those wackos who think government is taxing and spending too much, Jake. What a bunch of nuts...

If Republicans keep being indistinguishable from Democrats, what is the point in having a separate party exactly?

It is not Democrat and Republican lite.

The TPs do not have the power any longer to make the GOP dance to its tune.

Governing requires two parties. When the TeaPs tried to burn down America last fall, that was the final straw for many GOP.

Everything you believe and say about the teaparty is wrong. But you know that.

You could have left off "about the teaparty" and you would still have been correct.
The 73% of Hispanics who will not vote Republican seem to disagree

Amnesty has nothing to do with the reason they vote democrat. They want free stuff. That's all there is to it.

Stupid wetbacks and *******. Only the white man is noble eh pat?

You sure love using that racist terminology.

It has nothing to do with their race. The reason people vote Democrat is because they want free stuff.
Once upon a time, Mexicans didn't need visas to enter the US. They'd come here and work a few months and then return home.

We should return to that system.

I have no problem with that, so long as we

1. keep track of where every one of them is
2. make them pay US taxes
3. get no US benefits
4. no anchor babies
5. if they want citizenship, they get in line and do it legally


if you are here working and paying into a system with your taxes like everyone else.....why should you not be able to partake?....for instance this health care thing....if a guy is paying his share of taxes for long as he is putting in....why should he not get to use it?....he isnt getting something for nothing...he is paying....just askin...

This is where the 'illegals don't pay taxes' argument falls apart. If you pay rent, buy stuff, work, you pay taxes.

Isn't Ted Cruz an anchor baby?
David Brat's actual position on immigration:

I support proposals that will secure our border, enforce our current laws, and restore an orderly and fair process to allow law abiding individuals to work towards becoming citizens of this great nation.

That's really just another way of saying you support amnesty.
Amnesty has nothing to do with the reason they vote democrat. They want free stuff. That's all there is to it.

Stupid wetbacks and *******. Only the white man is noble eh pat?

You sure love using that racist terminology.

It has nothing to do with their race. The reason people vote Democrat is because they want free stuff.

People vote Democratic because Republicans have NOTHING to offer the middle class.
Cantor is scheduled to have a media event in 2 minutes where he'll respond to his WHOPPING DEFEAT!!

Should be interesting.
Stupid wetbacks and *******. Only the white man is noble eh pat?

You sure love using that racist terminology.

It has nothing to do with their race. The reason people vote Democrat is because they want free stuff.

People vote Democratic because Republicans have NOTHING to offer the middle class.

You mean like free stuff? That's right, Republicans aren't offering to give you anything by looting it from someone else. That's strictly a Democrat policy.
David Brat's actual position on immigration:

I support proposals that will secure our border, enforce our current laws, and restore an orderly and fair process to allow law abiding individuals to work towards becoming citizens of this great nation.

That's really just another way of saying you support amnesty.

How is he going to secure our borders? Any particulars, or just fluff.
Stupid wetbacks and *******. Only the white man is noble eh pat?

You sure love using that racist terminology.

It has nothing to do with their race. The reason people vote Democrat is because they want free stuff.

People vote Democratic because Republicans have NOTHING to offer the middle class.

Democrats, on the other hand, offer their plantation slaves all sorts of free goodies. Especially Obamaphones and ATM cards. They know a dependent voter is a Democrat voter. What's puzzling is that anyone bothers to start of continue a business, especially to hire anyone, whilst swimming upstream against a flood tide of Democrat overregulation.
David Brat's actual position on immigration:

I support proposals that will secure our border, enforce our current laws, and restore an orderly and fair process to allow law abiding individuals to work towards becoming citizens of this great nation.

That's really just another way of saying you support amnesty.

restore an orderly and fair process to allow law abiding individuals to work towards becoming citizens of this great nation.

shhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone
David Brat's actual position on immigration:

I support proposals that will secure our border, enforce our current laws, and restore an orderly and fair process to allow law abiding individuals to work towards becoming citizens of this great nation.

That's really just another way of saying you support amnesty.

restore an orderly and fair process to allow law abiding individuals to work towards becoming citizens of this great nation.

shhhhhhhhhhh, don't tell anyone

They aren't "law abiding." They're illegals. what's fair about allowing people who broke the rules to get in ahead of people who followed the rules?
Republicans destroying one another..its better than comedy central.

Just a side show.....

The real comedy will come at The Democrat National Convention and Woman Bash. That's when you'll see Democrats toy with Hillary and Pocahontas for a day or two before the nominate a black/asian transgendered politically correct candidate. Or worse, Joe Biden.
Republicans destroying one another..its better than comedy central.

Democrats aren't defeated in primaries?

they absolutely are. but incumbents generally aren't. (note: I said generally).

or do we want to ignore the fact that cantor is the first house majority leader EVER defeated in a primary.

no doubt that isn't significant, i'm sure.
I won't miss Cantor but it turns out Brat is a total nutjob who, get this, says Ayn Rand is his intellectual hero.

Never ever underestimate the complete stupidity of the tee potties nutters.

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