Eric Cantor lost his seat

By eliminating the minimum wage? :lol:

Where does he say he wants to eliminate minimum wage. He opposes amnesty and mass immigration, which depresses the wages of working Americans and takes jobs from others. Democrats don't care because they want the votes of these immigrants, GOP leadership doesn't care because because they are bought and paid for by the chamber of commerce. You support illegals because you are too much a faggot to do some yardwork.:lol:

This morning, on Chuck Todd's show. Todd asked him directly, and he hemmed and hawed and refused to answer. Which is an answer in itself.

Brat has to learn the transition from primary to general election.
Actually...they are

Democrats passed the bill in the Senate. Still waiting on the Republicans in the House

Maybe not this year
Maybe if you elect a Republican President
Maybe never

You're foolish if you believe that Hispanics who have been living here for generations give a damn about granting amenity to illegals. The only ones who care about it probably can't vote.

The 73% of Hispanics who will not vote Republican seem to disagree

Amnesty has nothing to do with the reason they vote democrat. They want free stuff. That's all there is to it.
You're foolish if you believe that Hispanics who have been living here for generations give a damn about granting amenity to illegals. The only ones who care about it probably can't vote.

The 73% of Hispanics who will not vote Republican seem to disagree

Amnesty has nothing to do with the reason they vote democrat. They want free stuff. That's all there is to it.

Stupid wetbacks and *******. Only the white man is noble eh pat?
I thought the TP was just a flash in the pan.:eusa_whistle:

Thank God the Tea Party is alive and well! :eusa_clap: Nothing like the tea-baggers sticking around to throw the GOP into turmoil and chaos and threaten the viability of the Republican Party all around! YES!

Does the "rocks" in Kidrocks have to do with your brain ?

With the GOP set to take the senate and improve in the house it looks real bad for them.


Democrats need to turn up the heat on Immigration Reform

Force Republicans to vote against it

RW the Democrats are not anymore serious about Immigration "reform" than the Republicans are.....i know they told you different....

Actually...they are

Democrats passed the bill in the Senate. Still waiting on the Republicans in the House

Maybe not this year
Maybe if you elect a Republican President
Maybe never

well since i know just by what i hear from Democrats out here and their views on Illegals i dont believe the Democrats are any more serious than Republicans.....they would have lots of opposition from their own people if they try and pass what amounts to an amnesty bill....lots of parents out here were pretty pissed when Brown and a few Latino Assembly people tried to make it cheaper for the kids of Illegals to go to College than legal citizens...
The GOP will do fine. The TeaPs have had three significant victories and several dozens of losses to the establishment. Nope, the party is not being dragged farther right. There will be an omnibus immigration bill next year with border security, business oversight, and immigration reform.
The GOP will do fine. The TeaPs have had three significant victories and several dozens of losses to the establishment. Nope, the party is not being dragged farther right. There will be an omnibus immigration bill next year with border security, business oversight, and immigration reform.

Stay on those wackos who think government is taxing and spending too much, Jake. What a bunch of nuts...

If Republicans keep being indistinguishable from Democrats, what is the point in having a separate party exactly?
It will also totally guarantee that the Republican presidential candidates are either going to have to piss off Latinos or RWNJ "conservatives" and we will have another Dem in office after Obama.

I can hardly wait for the fireworks.


Ravi i got news for you.....the Democrats are not the Apple in little Jose's eyes....
Little Jose isn't an idiot. He knows now that Republicans will never, ever support things like the Dream Act.

your right little Jose is not an idiot.....he knows from personal experience that lots of those Democrats agree with the Republicans that Jose and his family should not be here...he also knows that the "lessor Diablos" tell him what he wants to hear, but say what they really feel behind his back....
Is there anyone happier about this than Hillary Clinton?

The far right takes down a guy who would have brokered immigration reform.

Who will the Republicans nominate in 2024 when President Clinton leaves office?
Actually...they are

Democrats passed the bill in the Senate. Still waiting on the Republicans in the House

Maybe not this year
Maybe if you elect a Republican President
Maybe never

You're foolish if you believe that Hispanics who have been living here for generations give a damn about granting amenity to illegals. The only ones who care about it probably can't vote.

The 73% of Hispanics who will not vote Republican seem to disagree

let the Country vote on if they should give amnesty or not to these folks and you might see 73% of the legal Hispanic population voting no....but ultimately it would depend on what the bill entails...
Like I mentioned on another board, this should be an omen to Hillary Clinton for 2016 and encourage people like Elizabeth Warren and Jerry Brown to enter the fray. Hillary wll have to defend that 2002 Iraq vote, not popular with far left base of democratic Party, especially with the anti D.C. tidal wave out there in the nation. GOP will see Tea Party candidates from north and west, but so much the south.Southerners have always liked seniority and the economy is doing good in that region. Seems that a major cross-over vote from Dem's helped sink Cantor.

jerry Brown?....the guy has one foot in the grave....just governing this State is taking years off his life....
By eliminating the minimum wage? :lol:

Where does he say he wants to eliminate minimum wage. He opposes amnesty and mass immigration, which depresses the wages of working Americans and takes jobs from others. Democrats don't care because they want the votes of these immigrants, GOP leadership doesn't care because because they are bought and paid for by the chamber of commerce. You support illegals because you are too much a faggot to do some yardwork.:lol:

This morning, on Chuck Todd's show. Todd asked him directly, and he hemmed and hawed and refused to answer. Which is an answer in itself.

Link. But even if he wants to get rid of it it as you claim(which I don't buy and which he wouldn't be able to do), mass immigration effects far more workers than minimum wage(at every income level from working class to professional). Minimum wage effects 2.8% of workers, most of whom are kids living with their parents and working part time.

Who makes minimum wage? | Pew Research Center
Who Earns the Minimum Wage? Suburban Teenagers, Not Single Parents
Ravi i got news for you.....the Democrats are not the Apple in little Jose's eyes....
Little Jose isn't an idiot. He knows now that Republicans will never, ever support things like the Dream Act.

your right little Jose is not an idiot.....he knows from personal experience that lots of those Democrats agree with the Republicans that Jose and his family should not be here...he also knows that the "lessor Diablos" tell him what he wants to hear, but say what they really feel behind his back....

DREAM Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They no longer return home, Ravi. Too many giveaways to leave.
They don't return home because they can't reasonably come back. If you have to pay a fortune to a mule to smuggle you in or take your chances crossing on your own, you aren't going to make that back and forth journey.

The visa requirement for Mexicans is what led to the current situation.

Agreed, but that is where politicians should have been focused, and they weren't.

They had their chance back in 1986 when they passed the first amnesty bill but didn't follow through on the borders.

They could have done it right but didn't do anything.

and there were estimated to be less than 3 million in the Country at that time too...i know you remember how back then 95% of the Mexicans you ran into were its probably around 30-40%....
They don't return home because they can't reasonably come back. If you have to pay a fortune to a mule to smuggle you in or take your chances crossing on your own, you aren't going to make that back and forth journey.

The visa requirement for Mexicans is what led to the current situation.

Agreed, but that is where politicians should have been focused, and they weren't.

They had their chance back in 1986 when they passed the first amnesty bill but didn't follow through on the borders.

They could have done it right but didn't do anything.
Of course they didn't. It's too much fun for them to use the issue as a political football, especially the Republicans.

the Democrats are just as bad Ravi.....geezus....

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