Eric Cantor lost his seat

Textbook example of flaming

The flaming, Kaz, is your stupid assertion. Step along, please.

I didn't make the assertion, dumb ass. It's in your quote if you can read.

And the assertion said nothing about race. White liberals are just as big of moochers as other liberals, which is why it was flaming.

You are the one flaming. Move along if you can't debate.
A republican beat another republican. Whooptydoo.

No. A no name candidate beat a majority leader in the GOP without any money to do it.

This has never happened in US history in either party. Too bad people like you don't see the writing on the wall. :lol:

Too bad you confused me with someone who gives a shit.

Cantor's a piece of shit. Fuck him!

All politicians are a piece of shit. Fuck them!

Fixed it for ya.

Diversity or Community, take your pick. I want a nation, a true community, not a babylon of cultures and peoples that fit cosmopolitan liberal sensibilities.

Then the United States is not for you.

Find another country and move there.

I think you are confused about America. Up until 1965, we had very strict immigration laws, it was only then that we open the floodgates to mass third world immigration(cheap labor for the chamber of commerce and votes for the democrats).

My family fought in the American Revolution. You are really in no position to tell me what to do, you should be thankful me and mine let in you and your's. And quite frankly, as a nation, we have a right to self determination and a right to preserve our culture(and us as a people) and this includes restricting immigration and securing the borders. Two more than reasonable proposals, not only for the above reasons, but also for the sake of national security and protecting American workers.

So I suggest you get out, because there will be a rising tide of voters voting out establishment sell outs like cantor when proper constitutional conservatives/populists run as opposition. Your delicate sensibilities might not be able to handle it.

Wow hazlnut. If it wasn't for Steinlights' you wouldn't be here. Who knew?
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Democrats need to turn up the heat on Immigration Reform

Force Republicans to vote against it

Here's an idea RW, lets just open our borders completely, let everyone in, put them all on welfare, food stamps, and social security, give them free medical and schooling, and maybe even a free house and car.

Why do you think the USA owes anything to people who enter the country illegally? What creates a financial obligation to criminal invaders?

second question----WTF is wrong with you?
Once upon a time, Mexicans didn't need visas to enter the US. They'd come here and work a few months and then return home.

We should return to that system.

I have no problem with that, so long as we

1. keep track of where every one of them is
2. make them pay US taxes
3. get no US benefits
4. no anchor babies
5. if they want citizenship, they get in line and do it legally

The GOP will do fine. The TeaPs have had three significant victories and several dozens of losses to the establishment. Nope, the party is not being dragged farther right. There will be an omnibus immigration bill next year with border security, business oversight, and immigration reform.

Stay on those wackos who think government is taxing and spending too much, Jake. What a bunch of nuts...

If Republicans keep being indistinguishable from Democrats, what is the point in having a separate party exactly?

It is not Democrat and Republican lite.

The TPs do not have the power any longer to make the GOP dance to its tune.

Governing requires two parties. When the TeaPs tried to burn down America last fall, that was the final straw for many GOP.
Here's an idea RW, lets just open our borders completely, let everyone in, put them all on welfare, food stamps, and social security, give them free medical and schooling, and maybe even a free house and car.

Why do you think the USA owes anything to people who enter the country illegally? What creates a financial obligation to criminal invaders?

second question----WTF is wrong with you?
Once upon a time, Mexicans didn't need visas to enter the US. They'd come here and work a few months and then return home.

We should return to that system.

I have no problem with that, so long as we

1. keep track of where every one of them is
2. make them pay US taxes
3. get no US benefits
4. no anchor babies
5. if they want citizenship, they get in line and do it legally


That should be part of immigration reform, yes. I believe your exception on anchor babies in this case is a good one.
You're foolish if you believe that Hispanics who have been living here for generations give a damn about granting amenity to illegals. The only ones who care about it probably can't vote.

The 73% of Hispanics who will not vote Republican seem to disagree

Amnesty has nothing to do with the reason they vote democrat. They want free stuff. That's all there is to it.

what they want and what they get are 2 different things....
The GOP will do fine. The TeaPs have had three significant victories and several dozens of losses to the establishment. Nope, the party is not being dragged farther right. There will be an omnibus immigration bill next year with border security, business oversight, and immigration reform.

when do you switch identities? one minute jake the snake and the next RW the idiot. Why not settle on one identity?
The GOP will do fine. The TeaPs have had three significant victories and several dozens of losses to the establishment. Nope, the party is not being dragged farther right. There will be an omnibus immigration bill next year with border security, business oversight, and immigration reform.

Stay on those wackos who think government is taxing and spending too much, Jake. What a bunch of nuts...

If Republicans keep being indistinguishable from Democrats, what is the point in having a separate party exactly?

It is not Democrat and Republican lite.

The TPs do not have the power any longer to make the GOP dance to its tune.

Governing requires two parties. When the TeaPs tried to burn down America last fall, that was the final straw for many GOP.

Everything you believe and say about the teaparty is wrong. But you know that.
Good!! Now we can hear about how rape does not impregnate a human female...

Though we will continue to hear Democrat blame Republicans for the "war on women"
while Republicans point to Democrat leaders such as Kennedy and Clinton with reputations of abusing if not raping or killing women, while Democrats looked the other way.

While NEITHER party has ever addressed
holding MEN responsible for incest or rape leading to ABORTION

When will we hear about that? From either party?
The GOP will do fine. The TeaPs have had three significant victories and several dozens of losses to the establishment. Nope, the party is not being dragged farther right. There will be an omnibus immigration bill next year with border security, business oversight, and immigration reform.

Stay on those wackos who think government is taxing and spending too much, Jake. What a bunch of nuts...

If Republicans keep being indistinguishable from Democrats, what is the point in having a separate party exactly?

It is not Democrat and Republican lite.

The TPs do not have the power any longer to make the GOP dance to its tune.

Governing requires two parties. When the TeaPs tried to burn down America last fall, that was the final straw for many GOP.

The point is to hold Govt to the CONSTITUTION.
That takes ALL of us committing to the same laws, Tea Party or no Tea Party.
Jake, get it straight. We need BOTH parties to align on Constitutional principles.

If the Republicans/Conservatives can't even get it together,
there's no hope for the Democrats who have even farther to go in Constitutional education and enforcement among the party constituents.

The Libertarians, Republicans, and independent Constitutionalists and conservatives
have got to get in line. We can't have a cohesive choir or symphony if the
tenor and bass line are all over the damn place, divided against each other.

For God's sake, and America's, let's get on the SAME PAGE.
It's called the Constitution, not political party agenda.

Focus on principles of agreement, everything else will follow from there.
That's what our Constitution is for, to agree on the rules and stick to
principles and procedures. All other problems can be solved in that framework.
So the election will be a Democrat vs. David Brat of the COP KILLER party.

Democrats vs Democrats? Hardly.

Who is buds with a well known cop-killer? (Bill Ayers)

Barack Obama.

I think this is big government vs the people of the United States.

Illegal alien invaders vs American citizens.

The Taliban vs our troops.

Democrats vs everybody.

I can see why Democrats are scared shitless.

The old 'guilt by association' tactic which was tried and failed by better men than you. Get over it.

Bill Ayers is more of a teabagger supporter than anything else.
Little Jose isn't an idiot. He knows now that Republicans will never, ever support things like the Dream Act.

your right little Jose is not an idiot.....he knows from personal experience that lots of those Democrats agree with the Republicans that Jose and his family should not be here...he also knows that the "lessor Diablos" tell him what he wants to hear, but say what they really feel behind his back....

DREAM Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ok so?.....that has nothing to do with what i said.....the Mexicans out here KNOW that the Democrats dont look at them as people and they know they tell them the things they want to hear but they also know that they dont want them moving next door.....they are not as stupid as many Democrats think they are......basically Ravi what im saying is there is a reason the Democratic Party is considered the "Lessor of 2 evils" buy the Hispanics..... if they all decided to leave the Democrats and form their own party....the Democratic Party would be just as lowly as the Republicans to them.........
Diversity or Community, take your pick. I want a nation, a true community, not a babylon of cultures and peoples that fit cosmopolitan liberal sensibilities.

Then the United States is not for you.

Find another country and move there.

I think you are confused about America. Up until 1965, we had very strict immigration laws, it was only then that we open the floodgates to mass third world immigration(cheap labor for the chamber of commerce and votes for the democrats).

My family fought in the American Revolution. You are really in no position to tell me what to do, you should be thankful me and mine let in you and your's. And quite frankly, as a nation, we have a right to self determination and a right to preserve our culture(and us as a people) and this includes restricting immigration and securing the borders. Two more than reasonable proposals, not only for the above reasons, but also for the sake of national security and protecting American workers.

So I suggest you get out, because there will be a rising tide of voters voting out establishment sell outs like cantor when proper constitutional conservatives/populists run as opposition. Your delicate sensibilities might not be able to handle it.

So dead relatives gives you some kind of Carte blanche? :cuckoo:
your right little Jose is not an idiot.....he knows from personal experience that lots of those Democrats agree with the Republicans that Jose and his family should not be here...he also knows that the "lessor Diablos" tell him what he wants to hear, but say what they really feel behind his back....

DREAM Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ok so?.....that has nothing to do with what i said.....the Mexicans out here KNOW that the Democrats dont look at them as people and they know they tell them the things they want to hear but they also know that they dont want them moving next door.....they are not as stupid as many Democrats think they are......basically Ravi what im saying is there is a reason the Democratic Party is considered the "Lessor of 2 evils" buy the Hispanics..... if they all decided to leave the Democrats and form their own party....the Democratic Party would be just as lowly as the Republicans to them.........
I've no idea if what you say is true. I'm sure there are just as many racist Dems as there are racist Pubs.

Regardless, the Dems are the only ones currently voting for immigration reform or introducing legislation for it.
Here's an idea RW, lets just open our borders completely, let everyone in, put them all on welfare, food stamps, and social security, give them free medical and schooling, and maybe even a free house and car.

Why do you think the USA owes anything to people who enter the country illegally? What creates a financial obligation to criminal invaders?

second question----WTF is wrong with you?
Once upon a time, Mexicans didn't need visas to enter the US. They'd come here and work a few months and then return home.

We should return to that system.

I have no problem with that, so long as we

1. keep track of where every one of them is
2. make them pay US taxes
3. get no US benefits
4. no anchor babies
5. if they want citizenship, they get in line and do it legally


if you are here working and paying into a system with your taxes like everyone else.....why should you not be able to partake?....for instance this health care thing....if a guy is paying his share of taxes for long as he is putting in....why should he not get to use it?....he isnt getting something for nothing...he is paying....just askin...
The Libberhoids are cheering a "Tea Party" victory?
This is fantastic.
It's about time you idiots started to take back our country.

They won't admit to it, but there is an underlying fear. I can smell it like a shark smells blood in the water from miles away.

Actually, the TeaTards serve a purpose. They don't terroriize Liberals, we would rather run against a Teatard than a sane opponent. What TeaTards do is terrorize mainstream Republicans. You better not compromize....EVER. Better not agree to raize taxes....EVER. Better not cozy up to those Mexicans....EVER.

TeaTards do their bit to make sure that mainstream Republicans are not palitable to the nationwide electorate

The Koch Brother supply the majority of funding for the teabaggers. Irony comes to mind.
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