Eric Cantor lost his seat

Now the Republicans will commit suicide by being even more against any kind of status for immigrants' children.

Good times.

Exactly. The Republicans now all have to embrace a screaming anti-immigrant position so they don't lose their primaries. That means the latino vote goes even more heavily Democratic.

No, I don't expect the Democrat to win Cantor's old district, being it's so heavily Republican, but it will help other Democrats win. So, a big thank is in order for all the Tea Partiers.

On behalf of liberals everywhere, Thanks TEA party.
At the end of the day, this VA election will make no difference.

The two parties are collaborating to gain wealth and power for themselves, and too hell with the nation. We are well down the statist progressive road to ruin.

Sadly too many Americans fail to see the hoax...and like many posters here, fall for the media and power elite spin to keep us divided.

As a life-long resident of Virginia, let me explain what's going on here.

This is a red state. Period. We carry guns, we drive pick-up trucks, we love America.

On I-95 heading North, once you cross over into Prince William County, some of that red-ness begins to wear off. The sightings of Prius' and pole-smoking Liberals becomes more frequent. Once you get into Alexandria - you're into full-blown "fag-ville" as 98% of these assholes work in DC but are too tight to pay the taxes to live there!

Unfortunately, the population up that way is quite dense (literally) with Libberhoids who cheat, vote numerous times, fix-elections and vote Dem (Communist).

If these Chickenhawk faggots would "succeed" to D.C. - we'd help them pack.

If Virginia is a red state, why have dems won it in the two most recent presidential elections and control all give statewide offices?

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Cantor was a wishy washy dork. It's good to see the Republican Party finally ditching losers like him. The Neocon frauds are pretty much at the end of their long run. It's time for something new. Cantor getting the boot is hopefully the start of something new & fresh.
Like I mentioned on another board, this should be an omen to Hillary Clinton for 2016 and encourage people like Elizabeth Warren and Jerry Brown to enter the fray. Hillary wll have to defend that 2002 Iraq vote, not popular with far left base of democratic Party, especially with the anti D.C. tidal wave out there in the nation. GOP will see Tea Party candidates from north and west, but so much the south.Southerners have always liked seniority and the economy is doing good in that region. Seems that a major cross-over vote from Dem's helped sink Cantor.
Like I mentioned on another board, this should be an omen to Hillary Clinton for 2016 and encourage people like Elizabeth Warren and Jerry Brown to enter the fray. Hillary wll have to defend that 2002 Iraq vote, not popular with far left base of democratic Party, especially with the anti D.C. tidal wave out there in the nation. GOP will see Tea Party candidates from north and west, but so much the south.Southerners have always liked seniority and the economy is doing good in that region. Seems that a major cross-over vote from Dem's helped sink Cantor.

Hitlery is by far the New World Order/Globalist Elite #1 choice. So she will be incredibly difficult to beat. However, the Republican Party will likely run a New World Order/Globalist Elite pick too. So we'll see which pick they choose. I still say Hiltery is their first choice. But as usual, it will probably be a Win/Win for the Globalist Elites of the World.
Here's an idea RW, lets just open our borders completely, let everyone in, put them all on welfare, food stamps, and social security, give them free medical and schooling, and maybe even a free house and car.

Why do you think the USA owes anything to people who enter the country illegally? What creates a financial obligation to criminal invaders?

second question----WTF is wrong with you?
Once upon a time, Mexicans didn't need visas to enter the US. They'd come here and work a few months and then return home.

We should return to that system.

They no longer return home, Ravi. Too many giveaways to leave.
They don't return home because they can't reasonably come back. If you have to pay a fortune to a mule to smuggle you in or take your chances crossing on your own, you aren't going to make that back and forth journey.

The visa requirement for Mexicans is what led to the current situation.
Roads crumble - Libs cheer....

Transportation advocates are worried the defeat of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) on Tuesday could put the brakes on congressional efforts to prevent the federal highway fund from going bankrupt this summer.

Cantor was unexpectedly defeated in a primary election Tuesday night by Tea Party challenger Dave Brat. The lame-duck majority leader was a leading champion of a Republican proposal to tie transportation funding to cuts at the U.S. Postal Service, raising questions about that plan's future.
AFL-CIO Transportation Trades Department President Ed Wytkind told The Hill Tuesday that lawmakers should not let Cantor’s defeat halt efforts to find bipartisan compromise on important legislation, in particular on transportation.
Once upon a time, Mexicans didn't need visas to enter the US. They'd come here and work a few months and then return home.

We should return to that system.

They no longer return home, Ravi. Too many giveaways to leave.
They don't return home because they can't reasonably come back. If you have to pay a fortune to a mule to smuggle you in or take your chances crossing on your own, you aren't going to make that back and forth journey.

The visa requirement for Mexicans is what led to the current situation.

Agreed, but that is where politicians should have been focused, and they weren't.

They had their chance back in 1986 when they passed the first amnesty bill but didn't follow through on the borders.

They could have done it right but didn't do anything.
They no longer return home, Ravi. Too many giveaways to leave.
They don't return home because they can't reasonably come back. If you have to pay a fortune to a mule to smuggle you in or take your chances crossing on your own, you aren't going to make that back and forth journey.

The visa requirement for Mexicans is what led to the current situation.

Agreed, but that is where politicians should have been focused, and they weren't.

They had their chance back in 1986 when they passed the first amnesty bill but didn't follow through on the borders.

They could have done it right but didn't do anything.
Of course they didn't. It's too much fun for them to use the issue as a political football, especially the Republicans.
I thought the TP was just a flash in the pan.:eusa_whistle:

Thank God the Tea Party is alive and well! :eusa_clap: Nothing like the tea-baggers sticking around to throw the GOP into turmoil and chaos and threaten the viability of the Republican Party all around! YES!
They don't return home because they can't reasonably come back. If you have to pay a fortune to a mule to smuggle you in or take your chances crossing on your own, you aren't going to make that back and forth journey.

The visa requirement for Mexicans is what led to the current situation.

Agreed, but that is where politicians should have been focused, and they weren't.

They had their chance back in 1986 when they passed the first amnesty bill but didn't follow through on the borders.

They could have done it right but didn't do anything.
Of course they didn't. It's too much fun for them to use the issue as a political football, especially the Republicans.

Both parties, Ravi.
Agreed, but that is where politicians should have been focused, and they weren't.

They had their chance back in 1986 when they passed the first amnesty bill but didn't follow through on the borders.

They could have done it right but didn't do anything.
Of course they didn't. It's too much fun for them to use the issue as a political football, especially the Republicans.

Both parties, Ravi.
As humans are involved, the fact that all those forced into political BOXES, should do so, is a disgrace.
Israel just lost one of their biggest supporters in Congress.

They have enough "support"( I assume you mean foreign aid we can't afford). We need someone that puts American interests abroad first and puts American workers first as David Brat does.

By eliminating the minimum wage? :lol:

Where does he say he wants to eliminate minimum wage. He opposes amnesty and mass immigration, which depresses the wages of working Americans and takes jobs from others. Democrats don't care because they want the votes of these immigrants, GOP leadership doesn't care because because they are bought and paid for by the chamber of commerce. You support illegals because you are too much a faggot to do some yardwork.:lol:
Eric Cantor 2014 campaign donations:

"Top 5 Contributors, 2013 - 2014, Campaign Cmte

Contributor Total Indivs PACs

Blackstone Group $66,500 $58,500 $8,000
Scoggin Capital Management $40,400 $40,400 $0
Goldman Sachs $26,600 $16,600 $10,000
Altria Group $25,600 $15,600 $10,000
Charmer Sunbelt Group $25,000 $25,000 $0

Top 5 Industries, 2013 - 2014, Campaign Cmte

Industry Total Indivs PACs

Securities & Investment $666,600 $576,600 $90,000
Real Estate $260,650 $210,650 $50,000
Retired $192,030 $192,030 $0
Insurance $191,550 $52,050 $139,500
Lawyers/Law Firms $179,413 $137,413 $42,000"

Conservative voters told NYC Investment Banks and California Tech Firms to shove it in this election, they can't buy the VA-7.
They have enough "support"( I assume you mean foreign aid we can't afford). We need someone that puts American interests abroad first and puts American workers first as David Brat does.

By eliminating the minimum wage? :lol:

Where does he say he wants to eliminate minimum wage. He opposes amnesty and mass immigration, which depresses the wages of working Americans and takes jobs from others. Democrats don't care because they want the votes of these immigrants, GOP leadership doesn't care because because they are bought and paid for by the chamber of commerce. You support illegals because you are too much a faggot to do some yardwork.:lol:

This morning, on Chuck Todd's show. Todd asked him directly, and he hemmed and hawed and refused to answer. Which is an answer in itself.

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