Eric Cantor lost his seat

Who Is David Brat? Meet the Economics Professor Who Defeated Eric Cantor - Washington Wire - WSJ


“God acted through people on my behalf,” Mr. Brat told Fox News during an interview Tuesday night. “It’s an unbelievable miracle.”

See there atheists. Miracles DO happen. (roll eyes)

Mr. Brat’s victory is the biggest House primary upset in generations – and wasn’t predicted by anyone, including Mr. Brat.

Unh hunh.

Who is David Brat?

The college economics professor is suddenly the tea party’s newest star ....
There are clues to Mr. Brat’s ideology in his academic CV. His current book project is titled “Ethics as Leading Economic Indicator? What went Wrong? Notes on the Judeo-Christian Tradition and Human Reason.”

His other published works include the titles “God and Advanced Mammon – Can Theological Types Handle Usury and Capitalism?” and “An Analysis of the Moral Foundations in Ayn Rand.”

Voters Say Cantor "Too Jewish" in Recent Poll - National Report | National Report

Meanwhile, a staggering 93.4% told us that Cantor’s Judaism was a key factor in their disapproval of him. And quite a few Republican voters were quick to mention that in their comments.

“Cantor is a Jew, did you know that? I thought they all lived in New York,” one respondent claimed. “You can call me an anti-Samsonite [anti-Semite] if you want, but that just ain’t right. America is a Christian nation, founded by Christians and made for Christians. All those other people can live here, so long as they ain’t illegals, but I’ll be damned if they’re representing us in Congress. No sir.”

Another respondent said she voted for Cantor specifically because he’s Jewish, but that her opinion of him has faded over the years. “Our family’s accountant is a nice Jewish man. I voted for [Cantor] because I figured they’re all good with money and math. But the national deficit is up to trillions of dollars now, thanks to [Cantor] and that Kenyan in the White House. I’m voting for Dave Brat. We tried a Jewish congressman and a black president, and it didn’t work. So let’s go with what DOES work.”

Bachmann Lived on Kibbutz, Staunchly Pro-Israel
For Rep. Michele Bachmann, staunch support for Israel is a personal matter: Teenage Bachmann spent a summer working on a kibbutz in Israel.

Today, Bachmann is a member of Christians United for Israel and one of Israel’s strongest supporters in Congress. She has visited the Jewish state several times since taking office.

One Jewish Minnesota Republican has told Continetti of speeches at local Republican Jewish Coalition events where Bachmann has brought cheering audiences to their feet.

Zionists Devour Tea Party With Palin Trojan Horse | Real Jew News
IT’S A SIMPLE FACT OF POLITICAL LIFE in America that NO viable, honest political movement shall be permitted to take ten healthy breaths before being probed thoroughly and then taken over by the Zionist political machine…which makes Dr. Frankenstein’s lab success look like Mother Theresa.

The Vicious Babushka: Zionists Capture Michele Bachmann's Brain, Take it Out for a Test Drive | Noah David Simon

At a Republican Jewish Coalition event in Los Angeles last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann offered a candid view of her positions on Israel: Support for Israel is handed down by God and if the United States pulls back its support, America will cease to exist.

Eric Cantor is beat by TEA party Dave Brat. - Page 5
Brat, another con artist backed by television talking heads.

All is lost.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 36426283

It's funny how these con artist show up out of nowhere, like Obama, and they sure look slick on television, like they had years of grooming.

Brat Pack, how clever, like a television sold toy.
Diversity or Community, take your pick. I want a nation, a true community, not a babylon of cultures and peoples that fit cosmopolitan liberal sensibilities.

Then the United States is not for you.

Find another country and move there.

"If you don't like it, leave."

I notice that both parties say this when they're party is in the White House.

And it just keeps getting worse. This country may indeed split up one day, it will a terrible thing, and the narcissistic partisan ideologues will be to blame.

"Tolerance" and "inclusion", my ass.


thats why i have said both parties should round up their farther left and right people and get their names and never let them run for any office that has a bearing on peoples lives....
Who Is David Brat? Meet the Economics Professor Who Defeated Eric Cantor - Washington Wire - WSJ


“God acted through people on my behalf,” Mr. Brat told Fox News during an interview Tuesday night. “It’s an unbelievable miracle.”

See there atheists. Miracles DO happen. (roll eyes)

Mr. Brat’s victory is the biggest House primary upset in generations – and wasn’t predicted by anyone, including Mr. Brat.

Unh hunh.

Voters Say Cantor "Too Jewish" in Recent Poll - National Report | National Report

Bachmann Lived on Kibbutz, Staunchly Pro-Israel

Zionists Devour Tea Party With Palin Trojan Horse | Real Jew News

The Vicious Babushka: Zionists Capture Michele Bachmann's Brain, Take it Out for a Test Drive | Noah David Simon

At a Republican Jewish Coalition event in Los Angeles last week, Rep. Michele Bachmann offered a candid view of her positions on Israel: Support for Israel is handed down by God and if the United States pulls back its support, America will cease to exist.

Eric Cantor is beat by TEA party Dave Brat. - Page 5
Brat, another con artist backed by television talking heads.

All is lost.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 36426283

It's funny how these con artist show up out of nowhere, like Obama, and they sure look slick on television, like they had years of grooming.

Brat Pack, how clever, like a television sold toy.

Holston....slow down, son. "Godlikeproductions" really? Using a "Anonymous Coward 36426283" as your source? Sheesh.

I don't know how anyone can take your post seriously.....when you use blogs with opinions as fact. :eusa_whistle:
As long as an American - Tea Party or Republican - is winning, vs. a Communist-Flag Waving Chickenhawk fucking Pinko Libberhoid Pussy - it's all good.

as long as an American who is not a far lefty or righty is winning then we all win.....those fuckers do nothing but try and keep everyone divided....
Then the United States is not for you.

Find another country and move there.

"If you don't like it, leave."

I notice that both parties say this when they're party is in the White House.

And it just keeps getting worse. This country may indeed split up one day, it will a terrible thing, and the narcissistic partisan ideologues will be to blame.

"Tolerance" and "inclusion", my ass.


thats why i have said both parties should round up their farther left and right people and get their names and never let them run for any office that has a bearing on peoples lives....

Or just help them find another hobby.

Oh, to dream...

I thought the TP was just a flash in the pan.:eusa_whistle:

It will be spun that the tea party got him because they hate Jews. And it will be the establishment republicans who assassinate Brats character for the Democrats. Im glad for Virginia and our country this man beat Cantor. But Brat will pay for winning. I hope he can stand it.
At the end of the day, this VA election will make no difference.

The two parties are collaborating to gain wealth and power for themselves, and too hell with the nation. We are well down the statist progressive road to ruin.

Sadly too many Americans fail to see the hoax...and like many posters here, fall for the media and power elite spin to keep us divided.

Cool! Another person who thinks he is so much smarter than everyone else!

"Woe is me! If only everyone could grasp the truth like me!" "Why can't they see that they are being deceived? How can they all be so stupid?"

and yet here you are defending being a party person....who is being deceived?...
Now the Republicans will commit suicide by being even more against any kind of status for immigrants' children.

Good times.

Exactly. The Republicans now all have to embrace a screaming anti-immigrant position so they don't lose their primaries. That means the latino vote goes even more heavily Democratic.

No, I don't expect the Democrat to win Cantor's old district, being it's so heavily Republican, but it will help other Democrats win. So, a big thank is in order for all the Tea Partiers.
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Now the Republicans will commit suicide by being even more against any kind of status for immigrants' children.

Good times.

Exactly. The Republicans now all have to embrace a screaming anti-immigrant position so they don't lose their primaries. That means the latino vote goes even more heavily Democratic.

No, I don't expect the Democrat to win Cantor's old district, being it's so heavily Republican, but it will help other Democrats win.

So, a big thank is in order for all the Tea Partiers.
It will also totally guarantee that the Republican presidential candidates are either going to have to piss off Latinos or RWNJ "conservatives" and we will have another Dem in office after Obama.

I can hardly wait for the fireworks.

Now the Republicans will commit suicide by being even more against any kind of status for immigrants' children.

Good times.

Democrats need to turn up the heat on Immigration Reform

Force Republicans to vote against it

RW the Democrats are not anymore serious about Immigration "reform" than the Republicans are.....i know they told you different....
Now the Republicans will commit suicide by being even more against any kind of status for immigrants' children.

Good times.

Exactly. The Republicans now all have to embrace a screaming anti-immigrant position so they don't lose their primaries. That means the latino vote goes even more heavily Democratic.

No, I don't expect the Democrat to win Cantor's old district, being it's so heavily Republican, but it will help other Democrats win. So, a big thank is in order for all the Tea Partiers.

it must be nice to be looked at as the so called "lessor of 2 evils"....
Now the Republicans will commit suicide by being even more against any kind of status for immigrants' children.

Good times.

Exactly. The Republicans now all have to embrace a screaming anti-immigrant position so they don't lose their primaries. That means the latino vote goes even more heavily Democratic.

No, I don't expect the Democrat to win Cantor's old district, being it's so heavily Republican, but it will help other Democrats win.

So, a big thank is in order for all the Tea Partiers.
It will also totally guarantee that the Republican presidential candidates are either going to have to piss off Latinos or RWNJ "conservatives" and we will have another Dem in office after Obama.

I can hardly wait for the fireworks.


Kind of kills the base for Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio
Brat is an economics professor at Randolph Macon. He was out spent 25-1. His Democrat opponent is also a professor at Randolph Macon.
This pairing should make for some interesting televised debates this fall between the two candidates. The candidate who could win the debates will get national attention and credibility.
Now the Republicans will commit suicide by being even more against any kind of status for immigrants' children.

Good times.

Democrats need to turn up the heat on Immigration Reform

Force Republicans to vote against it

Here's an idea RW, lets just open our borders completely, let everyone in, put them all on welfare, food stamps, and social security, give them free medical and schooling, and maybe even a free house and car.

Why do you think the USA owes anything to people who enter the country illegally? What creates a financial obligation to criminal invaders?

second question----WTF is wrong with you?
Exactly. The Republicans now all have to embrace a screaming anti-immigrant position so they don't lose their primaries. That means the latino vote goes even more heavily Democratic.

No, I don't expect the Democrat to win Cantor's old district, being it's so heavily Republican, but it will help other Democrats win.

So, a big thank is in order for all the Tea Partiers.
It will also totally guarantee that the Republican presidential candidates are either going to have to piss off Latinos or RWNJ "conservatives" and we will have another Dem in office after Obama.

I can hardly wait for the fireworks.


Kind of kills the base for Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio
I shall shed a tear.
Now the Republicans will commit suicide by being even more against any kind of status for immigrants' children.

Good times.

Exactly. The Republicans now all have to embrace a screaming anti-immigrant position so they don't lose their primaries. That means the latino vote goes even more heavily Democratic.

No, I don't expect the Democrat to win Cantor's old district, being it's so heavily Republican, but it will help other Democrats win.

So, a big thank is in order for all the Tea Partiers.
It will also totally guarantee that the Republican presidential candidates are either going to have to piss off Latinos or RWNJ "conservatives" and we will have another Dem in office after Obama.

I can hardly wait for the fireworks.


Ravi i got news for you.....the Democrats are not the Apple in little Jose's eyes....
Now the Republicans will commit suicide by being even more against any kind of status for immigrants' children.

Good times.

Democrats need to turn up the heat on Immigration Reform

Force Republicans to vote against it

RW the Democrats are not anymore serious about Immigration "reform" than the Republicans are.....i know they told you different....

Actually...they are

Democrats passed the bill in the Senate. Still waiting on the Republicans in the House

Maybe not this year
Maybe if you elect a Republican President
Maybe never
Now the Republicans will commit suicide by being even more against any kind of status for immigrants' children.

Good times.

Democrats need to turn up the heat on Immigration Reform

Force Republicans to vote against it

Here's an idea RW, lets just open our borders completely, let everyone in, put them all on welfare, food stamps, and social security, give them free medical and schooling, and maybe even a free house and car.

Why do you think the USA owes anything to people who enter the country illegally? What creates a financial obligation to criminal invaders?

second question----WTF is wrong with you?
Once upon a time, Mexicans didn't need visas to enter the US. They'd come here and work a few months and then return home.

We should return to that system.

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