Eric Cantor lost his seat

You may notice that some people say this....and it has nothing to do with who is in the WH. Your observation skills are weak.

If the nation were to split...where will you be? I suppose sitting on your ass watching CNN like a NASCAR fan rooting for a 10 car pileup. Drinking from your "I Told Ya So" coffee mug.

What an active imagination! What you don't know, you just make up.

My little stalker friend just makes stuff up as he goes, offering little more than catty and snarky comments on the margins.

You get used to it.


I've noticed a good bit of that debate "tactic" in here.

It's good news as long as Brat can beat the Dim in November.

If not, then the Tea Party will have done nothing other than pulled another Sharon Angle, and lost a seat they should have won.

As 'Her Thigness Clinton' might have said; At this point who cares?

For real- It's more about punishing those who have allowed the country to go down the crapper. So what if a Dem wins? Not much difference IMHO between the Democrat and Cantor so it would be transparent.

I've never seen Liberals and Conservatives so happy for the same outcome. But, if I were a Liberal, I would want the Republicans to continue running the Cantor, McConnell, Cochran, McCain, Romney types .... RINOs and otherwise milquetoasts who clamor to be accepted and liked by the media and Hollywood and otherwise Washington elites. These RINOs are like sheep that get slaughtered every time.

As a Conservative, I want a Ben Carson, Allen West, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz. Liberals are more scared of these conservatives because they are not scared of what the Left thinks of them or the child like Alinsky smears.

Please do run Ben Carson, Sarah Palin or Ted Cruz

They provide sound bites we can use against ALL Republicans

Libturds are delusional about how popular their policies are.

Be careful what you wish for.
Rep. Cantor can take comfort in the fact clear to everyone: That even White people generally are not Tea Party connected, or fellow travelers or ideological, party comrades. Now they can even be described as not just anti-Hispanic, but as anti-Semitic to boot.

At the national level, that clearly speaks to the partisan brand, the Boehner brand, the McConnell brand, the Palin brand, the John McCain brand.

As the national discussions go forward, then the minority of the minority party will continue to show GOP not relevant to much of anything.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe now Rep. Cantor move to Holy Land, and settle amongst the Palestinian Minority there, on that reservation!)
At the end of the day, this VA election will make no difference.

The two parties are collaborating to gain wealth and power for themselves, and too hell with the nation. We are well down the statist progressive road to ruin.

Sadly too many Americans fail to see the hoax...and like many posters here, fall for the media and power elite spin to keep us divided.
"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you - When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - You may know that your society is doomed.”-Atlas Shrugged
At the end of the day, this VA election will make no difference.

The two parties are collaborating to gain wealth and power for themselves, and too hell with the nation. We are well down the statist progressive road to ruin.

Sadly too many Americans fail to see the hoax...and like many posters here, fall for the media and power elite spin to keep us divided.

Cool! Another person who thinks he is so much smarter than everyone else!

"Woe is me! If only everyone could grasp the truth like me!" "Why can't they see that they are being deceived? How can they all be so stupid?"
So the election will be a Democrat vs. David Brat of the COP KILLER party.

Democrats vs Democrats? Hardly.

Who is buds with a well known cop-killer? (Bill Ayers)

Barack Obama.

I think this is big government vs the people of the United States.

Illegal alien invaders vs American citizens.

The Taliban vs our troops.

Democrats vs everybody.

I can see why Democrats are scared shitless.

Scared? Nope.

Worried the GOP will marginalize itself even more? Yes.
At the end of the day, this VA election will make no difference.

The two parties are collaborating to gain wealth and power for themselves, and too hell with the nation. We are well down the statist progressive road to ruin.

Sadly too many Americans fail to see the hoax...and like many posters here, fall for the media and power elite spin to keep us divided.

As a life-long resident of Virginia, let me explain what's going on here.
This is a red state. Period. We carry guns, we drive pick-up trucks, we love America.
On I-95 heading North, once you cross over into Prince William County, some of that red-ness begins to wear off. The sightings of Prius' and pole-smoking Liberals becomes more frequent. Once you get into Alexandria - you're into full-blown "fag-ville" as 98% of these assholes work in DC but are too tight to pay the taxes to live there!

Unfortunately, the population up that way is quite dense (literally) with Libberhoids who cheat, vote numerous times, fix-elections and vote Dem (Communist).

If these Chickenhawk faggots would "succeed" to D.C. - we'd help them pack.
At the end of the day, this VA election will make no difference.

The two parties are collaborating to gain wealth and power for themselves, and too hell with the nation. We are well down the statist progressive road to ruin.

Sadly too many Americans fail to see the hoax...and like many posters here, fall for the media and power elite spin to keep us divided.

Cool! Another person who thinks he is so much smarter than everyone else!

"Woe is me! If only everyone could grasp the truth like me!" "Why can't they see that they are being deceived? How can they all be so stupid?"

Just my opinion. Do you have opinions?

How could you conclude I am 'smarter than everyone else' from that post? Do your really THINK I am the only one who thinks as I do?
Rep. Cantor can take comfort in the fact clear to everyone: That even White people generally are not Tea Party connected, or fellow travelers or ideological, party comrades. Now they can even be described as not just anti-Hispanic, but as anti-Semitic to boot.

At the national level, that clearly speaks to the partisan brand, the Boehner brand, the McConnell brand, the Palin brand, the John McCain brand.

As the national discussions go forward, then the minority of the minority party will continue to show GOP not relevant to much of anything.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe now Rep. Cantor move to Holy Land, and settle amongst the Palestinian Minority there, on that reservation!)

So now you're accusing Republicans of racism and antisemitism simply becuase they voted for Cantor's opponent? Really?

I keep saying there's nothing lower than a Democrap, and they keep proving me right.
So the election will be a Democrat vs. David Brat of the COP KILLER party.

Democrats vs Democrats? Hardly.

Who is buds with a well known cop-killer? (Bill Ayers)

Barack Obama.

I think this is big government vs the people of the United States.

Illegal alien invaders vs American citizens.

The Taliban vs our troops.

Democrats vs everybody.

I can see why Democrats are scared shitless.

Scared? Nope.

Worried the GOP will marginalize itself even more? Yes.

You mean you're worried they will win. You would be overjoyed at the prospect of them losing, but you know damn well that they aren't going to and your amnesty, big spending, high tax agenda is going down the tubes.

So, looking down the road to the general, what happens if Brat loses?

Would the Tea Party consider this a moral victory? Would this be good or bad?


It would be worth it to get rid of that weasel Cantor, but Brat isn't going to lose.

So, looking down the road to the general, what happens if Brat loses?

Would the Tea Party consider this a moral victory? Would this be good or bad?


The Tea Party didn't show this kind of concern when Sharon Angle and that chick who was a witch lost easily winnable elections.

Of course, this district is probably so gerrymandered that a Democrat can't win if he was Jesus.
Rep. Cantor can take comfort in the fact clear to everyone: That even White people generally are not Tea Party connected, or fellow travelers or ideological, party comrades. Now they can even be described as not just anti-Hispanic, but as anti-Semitic to boot.

At the national level, that clearly speaks to the partisan brand, the Boehner brand, the McConnell brand, the Palin brand, the John McCain brand.

As the national discussions go forward, then the minority of the minority party will continue to show GOP not relevant to much of anything.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe now Rep. Cantor move to Holy Land, and settle amongst the Palestinian Minority there, on that reservation!)
Is this a parody of the left? I can't tell. The TEA Party wins big and you say it's a big loss in the "national discussion" whatever that's supposed to mean. Apparently they didn't get the lefty memo that they are irrelevant. And if the GOP was irrelevant, we wouldn't have libs spending so much time and effort (juvenile that it is) trying to minimize them.
Rep. Cantor can take comfort in the fact clear to everyone: That even White people generally are not Tea Party connected, or fellow travelers or ideological, party comrades. Now they can even be described as not just anti-Hispanic, but as anti-Semitic to boot.

At the national level, that clearly speaks to the partisan brand, the Boehner brand, the McConnell brand, the Palin brand, the John McCain brand.

As the national discussions go forward, then the minority of the minority party will continue to show GOP not relevant to much of anything.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe now Rep. Cantor move to Holy Land, and settle amongst the Palestinian Minority there, on that reservation!)
Is this a parody of the left? I can't tell. The TEA Party wins big and you say it's a big loss in the "national discussion" whatever that's supposed to mean. Apparently they didn't get the lefty memo that they are irrelevant. And if the GOP was irrelevant, we wouldn't have libs spending so much time and effort (juvenile that it is) trying to minimize them.

Its a big win for TeaTards in Virginias 7th district

Its a big loss for Republicans nationwide
Rep. Cantor can take comfort in the fact clear to everyone: That even White people generally are not Tea Party connected, or fellow travelers or ideological, party comrades. Now they can even be described as not just anti-Hispanic, but as anti-Semitic to boot.

At the national level, that clearly speaks to the partisan brand, the Boehner brand, the McConnell brand, the Palin brand, the John McCain brand.

As the national discussions go forward, then the minority of the minority party will continue to show GOP not relevant to much of anything.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe now Rep. Cantor move to Holy Land, and settle amongst the Palestinian Minority there, on that reservation!)
Is this a parody of the left? I can't tell. The TEA Party wins big and you say it's a big loss in the "national discussion" whatever that's supposed to mean. Apparently they didn't get the lefty memo that they are irrelevant. And if the GOP was irrelevant, we wouldn't have libs spending so much time and effort (juvenile that it is) trying to minimize them.

Its a big win for TeaTards in Virginias 7th district

Its a big loss for Republicans nationwide

Yeah...the Rs need to be MORE like the Ds...that's the ticket...if you are DUMBASS!

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