Eric Cantor lost his seat

I've never seen Liberals and Conservatives so happy for the same outcome. But, if I were a Liberal, I would want the Republicans to continue running the Cantor, McConnell, Cochran, McCain, Romney types .... RINOs and otherwise milquetoasts who clamor to be accepted and liked by the media and Hollywood and otherwise Washington elites. These RINOs are like sheep that get slaughtered every time.

As a Conservative, I want a Ben Carson, Allen West, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz. Liberals are more scared of these conservatives because they are not scared of what the Left thinks of them or the child like Alinsky smears.

Not a conservative, but I am happy about the outcome. Cantor was a scummy progressive statist most politicians in DC.

If the R party actually does become conservative, at least we would no longer have a one party system.
No room for any sort of ethnic diversity in that party anymore

Diversity or Community, take your pick. I want a nation, a true community, not a babylon of cultures and peoples that fit cosmopolitan liberal sensibilities.

Then the United States is not for you.

Find another country and move there.

I think you are confused about America. Up until 1965, we had very strict immigration laws, it was only then that we open the floodgates to mass third world immigration(cheap labor for the chamber of commerce and votes for the democrats).

My family fought in the American Revolution. You are really in no position to tell me what to do, you should be thankful me and mine let in you and your's. And quite frankly, as a nation, we have a right to self determination and a right to preserve our culture(and us as a people) and this includes restricting immigration and securing the borders. Two more than reasonable proposals, not only for the above reasons, but also for the sake of national security and protecting American workers.

So I suggest you get out, because there will be a rising tide of voters voting out establishment sell outs like cantor when proper constitutional conservatives/populists run as opposition. Your delicate sensibilities might not be able to handle it.
The Libberhoids are cheering a "Tea Party" victory?
This is fantastic.
It's about time you idiots started to take back our country.

They won't admit to it, but there is an underlying fear. I can smell it like a shark smells blood in the water from miles away.

If I didn't know better, I'd think that you are simply tossing out platitudes. But it is obvious that you can smell the fear that liberals have of the extreme wing of the GOP. Like a shark smells blood.

The thing I can't understand is why I am smiling so much up learning of Cantor's defeat? I mean...shouldn't this make me terribly upset?

I hear ya...If I'm as "feared" as some claim, why can't I keep from grinning ear to ear and giggling like a schoolgirl every time I read that Cantor got teabagged?
No room for any sort of ethnic diversity in that party anymore

Diversity or Community, take your pick. I want a nation, a true community, not a babylon of cultures and peoples that fit cosmopolitan liberal sensibilities.

Then the United States is not for you.

Find another country and move there.

"If you don't like it, leave."

I notice that both parties say this when they're party is in the White House.

And it just keeps getting worse. This country may indeed split up one day, it will a terrible thing, and the narcissistic partisan ideologues will be to blame.

"Tolerance" and "inclusion", my ass.

The Libberhoids are cheering a "Tea Party" victory?
This is fantastic.
It's about time you idiots started to take back our country.

They won't admit to it, but there is an underlying fear. I can smell it like a shark smells blood in the water from miles away.

Actually, the TeaTards serve a purpose. They don't terroriize Liberals, we would rather run against a Teatard than a sane opponent. What TeaTards do is terrorize mainstream Republicans. You better not compromize....EVER. Better not agree to raize taxes....EVER. Better not cozy up to those Mexicans....EVER.

TeaTards do their bit to make sure that mainstream Republicans are not palitable to the nationwide electorate
I've never seen Liberals and Conservatives so happy for the same outcome. But, if I were a Liberal, I would want the Republicans to continue running the Cantor, McConnell, Cochran, McCain, Romney types .... RINOs and otherwise milquetoasts who clamor to be accepted and liked by the media and Hollywood and otherwise Washington elites. These RINOs are like sheep that get slaughtered every time.

As a Conservative, I want a Ben Carson, Allen West, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz. Liberals are more scared of these conservatives because they are not scared of what the Left thinks of them or the child like Alinsky smears.

Please do run Ben Carson, Sarah Palin or Ted Cruz

They provide sound bites we can use against ALL Republicans
Diversity or Community, take your pick. I want a nation, a true community, not a babylon of cultures and peoples that fit cosmopolitan liberal sensibilities.

Then the United States is not for you.

Find another country and move there.

"If you don't like it, leave."

I notice that both parties say this when they're party is in the White House.

And it just keeps getting worse. This country may indeed split up one day, it will a terrible thing, and the narcissistic partisan ideologues will be to blame.

"Tolerance" and "inclusion", my ass.


You may notice that some people say this....and it has nothing to do with who is in the WH. Your observation skills are weak.

If the nation were to split...where will you be? I suppose sitting on your ass watching CNN like a NASCAR fan rooting for a 10 car pileup. Drinking from your "I Told Ya So" coffee mug.
It's good news as long as Brat can beat the Dim in November.

If not, then the Tea Party will have done nothing other than pulled another Sharon Angle, and lost a seat they should have won.
As long as an American - Tea Party or Republican - is winning, vs. a Communist-Flag Waving Chickenhawk fucking Pinko Libberhoid Pussy - it's all good.
The Libberhoids are cheering a "Tea Party" victory?
This is fantastic.
It's about time you idiots started to take back our country.

They won't admit to it, but there is an underlying fear. I can smell it like a shark smells blood in the water from miles away.

Actually, the TeaTards serve a purpose. They don't terroriize Liberals, we would rather run against a Teatard than a sane opponent. What TeaTards do is terrorize mainstream Republicans. You better not compromize....EVER. Better not agree to raize taxes....EVER. Better not cozy up to those Mexicans....EVER.

TeaTards do their bit to make sure that mainstream Republicans are not palitable to the nationwide electorate
As Cantor's campaign spent more at STEAKHOUSES than Brat did in his entire campaign, perhaps voter disillusion with the current crop is justified. The oligarchy is not in favor with the populace(.)
Then the United States is not for you.

Find another country and move there.

"If you don't like it, leave."

I notice that both parties say this when they're party is in the White House.

And it just keeps getting worse. This country may indeed split up one day, it will a terrible thing, and the narcissistic partisan ideologues will be to blame.

"Tolerance" and "inclusion", my ass.


You may notice that some people say this....and it has nothing to do with who is in the WH. Your observation skills are weak.

If the nation were to split...where will you be? I suppose sitting on your ass watching CNN like a NASCAR fan rooting for a 10 car pileup. Drinking from your "I Told Ya So" coffee mug.

What an active imagination! What you don't know, you just make up.
The Libberhoids are cheering a "Tea Party" victory?
This is fantastic.
It's about time you idiots started to take back our country.

They won't admit to it, but there is an underlying fear. I can smell it like a shark smells blood in the water from miles away.

Actually, the TeaTards serve a purpose. They don't terroriize Liberals, we would rather run against a Teatard than a sane opponent. What TeaTards do is terrorize mainstream Republicans. You better not compromize....EVER. Better not agree to raize taxes....EVER. Better not cozy up to those Mexicans....EVER.

TeaTards do their bit to make sure that mainstream Republicans are not palitable to the nationwide electorate

The splinter that has become the Tea Party is from those without fear. Something the Democrats could never muster because they are beyond reform. Compromise? Please.... It's not an infinite premise. Eventually you compromise away your liberty and freedoms to where eventually, you have no rights left to compromise.

"If you don't like it, leave."

I notice that both parties say this when they're party is in the White House.

And it just keeps getting worse. This country may indeed split up one day, it will a terrible thing, and the narcissistic partisan ideologues will be to blame.

"Tolerance" and "inclusion", my ass.


You may notice that some people say this....and it has nothing to do with who is in the WH. Your observation skills are weak.

If the nation were to split...where will you be? I suppose sitting on your ass watching CNN like a NASCAR fan rooting for a 10 car pileup. Drinking from your "I Told Ya So" coffee mug.

What an active imagination! What you don't know, you just make up.

My little stalker friend just makes stuff up as he goes, offering little more than catty and snarky comments on the margins.

You get used to it.

I've never seen Liberals and Conservatives so happy for the same outcome. But, if I were a Liberal, I would want the Republicans to continue running the Cantor, McConnell, Cochran, McCain, Romney types .... RINOs and otherwise milquetoasts who clamor to be accepted and liked by the media and Hollywood and otherwise Washington elites. These RINOs are like sheep that get slaughtered every time.

As a Conservative, I want a Ben Carson, Allen West, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz. Liberals are more scared of these conservatives because they are not scared of what the Left thinks of them or the child like Alinsky smears.

Please do run Ben Carson, Sarah Palin or Ted Cruz

They provide sound bites we can use against ALL Republicans

Yeah...that's what you dumbass commies said about Reagan.

Sadly, the progressive wing of the R party (the bushies) believe this stupidity from the you. So, we continue to have a one party system that commies like you can't see.
"If you don't like it, leave."

I notice that both parties say this when they're party is in the White House.

And it just keeps getting worse. This country may indeed split up one day, it will a terrible thing, and the narcissistic partisan ideologues will be to blame.

"Tolerance" and "inclusion", my ass.


You may notice that some people say this....and it has nothing to do with who is in the WH. Your observation skills are weak.

If the nation were to split...where will you be? I suppose sitting on your ass watching CNN like a NASCAR fan rooting for a 10 car pileup. Drinking from your "I Told Ya So" coffee mug.

What an active imagination! What you don't know, you just make up.

Oh look! It's the new dummy. Good morning, dummy.

Go ahead. Say something interesting.
The Libberhoids are cheering a "Tea Party" victory?
This is fantastic.
It's about time you idiots started to take back our country.

They won't admit to it, but there is an underlying fear. I can smell it like a shark smells blood in the water from miles away.

Actually, the TeaTards serve a purpose. They don't terroriize Liberals, we would rather run against a Teatard than a sane opponent. What TeaTards do is terrorize mainstream Republicans. You better not compromize....EVER. Better not agree to raize taxes....EVER. Better not cozy up to those Mexicans....EVER.

TeaTards do their bit to make sure that mainstream Republicans are not palitable to the nationwide electorate

Wrong, moron. Those positions are exactly what makes them electable. Americans don't want their taxes raised and they don't want the country flooded with illegal aliens.

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