Eric Cantor lost his seat

Nobody said they were a "flash in the pan". But, they're not a political party. They're just koch dupes and cranky old people.
Nobody said it was a political party. And actually, we're working age people with senses of humor.

The TEA Party is what many people say they are not, not realizing that it's what they actually are.

Anything that fractures the GOP is a net gain for the Democrats. Whatever it is, it's one of the best things to happen to the Dems because it forces the opposition further to the right and away from the middle where elections are won.

Yeah...because the last three middle-of-the-road GOP dudes that ran for president won...wait, no...the last three wishy-washy moderates the GOP ran got pasted!
When an incumbent purports to be Republican but is a thorough-going Democrat by his/her actions then there's little downside risk in running an actual Republican who might lose to a Democrat - but who also might not. Worst case? You're gonna end up with a Democrat you don't know or a Democrat who's in denial. Best case you're read of the closet freak and the newbie Democrat gets flushed forever.
I haven't got the time to read through all of these Cantor threads, so someone with a lot of knowledge on this tell me something.

Did Cantor get thrown out TRULY because the Republicans in his district were fed up, especially with his being friendly towards some sort of amnesty for illegals ?

Or was this a case of thousands of Dims listening to Cooter, and voting for Brat in an effort just to get rid of Cantor so they'll have a weaker opponent to run against in the general ?

It's hard to believe the polling could have been this wrong, and it's hard to believe Brat could have won basically with no money to fight Cantor who could spend millions.
Democrats need to turn up the heat on Immigration Reform

Force Republicans to vote against it

Here's an idea RW, lets just open our borders completely, let everyone in, put them all on welfare, food stamps, and social security, give them free medical and schooling, and maybe even a free house and car.

Why do you think the USA owes anything to people who enter the country illegally? What creates a financial obligation to criminal invaders?

second question----WTF is wrong with you?
Once upon a time, Mexicans didn't need visas to enter the US. They'd come here and work a few months and then return home.

We should return to that system.

Except...they don't fucking go home! They come here and just stay, working illegally, committing identity theft, killing Americans while driving their unregistered, uninsured shitbox cars with no license (often drunk), and collecting welfare.

Deport the fuckers!
Democraps running in that district on "amnesty for illegals" will get their asses whipped.

The blacks and whites in that district realize there is an invasion of Hispanic people that want their jobs and any leftover welfare benefits.

Cantor was just too stupid to see it.
Once upon a time, Mexicans didn't need visas to enter the US. They'd come here and work a few months and then return home.

We should return to that system.

They no longer return home, Ravi. Too many giveaways to leave.
They don't return home because they can't reasonably come back. If you have to pay a fortune to a mule to smuggle you in or take your chances crossing on your own, you aren't going to make that back and forth journey.

The visa requirement for Mexicans is what led to the current situation.

No...the welfare state and the utter lack of enforcement is what led to the current situation. The border NEEDS to be sealed.
Democraps running in that district on "amnesty for illegals" will get their asses whipped.

The blacks and whites in that district realize there is an invasion of Hispanic people that want their jobs and any leftover welfare benefits.

Cantor was just too stupid to see it.

Why all this black and white "either/or" thinking?
Either FOR amnesty or AGAINST
why not have EARNED Amnesty where requirements for citizenship
are proportional to past violations committed if any?

Why are our only choices either FOR ACA or AGAINST it?
Why not give equal free choice to follow those plans or develop equal alternatives?

Don't we need something other than 'the lesser of two evils' to choose from

Why not require BOTH parties to collaborate on AGREED solutions BEFORE passing laws,
or keep their agenda PRIVATE and out of govt if not all people agree to those choices?

Can we vote something other than true / false
yes / no or this vs. that?

Can't we use the internet to strategize BETWEEN party proposals and work
out the best plans or "equal options" from all the ideas put together?

Who says it HAS to be all one way or another?
Aren't America's population and needs of the people clearly more diverse than that?
Get rid of all establishment and legacy republicans. Including rand Paul

tapatalk post

I partly agree. Keep Rand Paul.

If he is for amnesty (and he seems to be), THROW THE FUCKER OUT!

Why not have all supporters of amnesty SPONSOR the applicants
and manage the programs for this?

With the federal exchanges set up for enrollees to register,
why not expand on that to register all applicants for citizenship and benefits.

If you support universal access, take responsibility.

Why not reward all citizens, groups, organizations, businesses, schools, churches,
nonprofits, and parties for taking on some of this demand, according to what each
can manage, and get tax credits or funding to run programs locally and accountably.
David Brat's actual position on immigration:

I support proposals that will secure our border, enforce our current laws, and restore an orderly and fair process to allow law abiding individuals to work towards becoming citizens of this great nation.

That's really just another way of saying you support amnesty.

How is he going to secure our borders? Any particulars, or just fluff.

Nobody having the stones to do it does not change the fact that it could be done.
No, he was born in Canada, not America.
And he's a conservative Republican.

"Anchor babies" only refer to freeloading Democrat voters.
So Cruz doesn't count, sorry!

Isn't Ted Cruz an anchor baby?

Obama doesn't count either, BTW.
Being born in Hawaii under Communist influences
makes him a "Marxist."

(Kinda reminds me of the game:
"What do you call a baby goose? or what do you call a group of owls?"
Where every group or species has its own special label. Hard to get them straight!)

This administration heightened border security and upped the amount of deportations already. Those are well-established facts.

yea so you deport 100 and a 100 more come in.....makes sense...

Well, maybe what is needed is to remove the incentives to come in.

If the government put all of its efforts into cracking down on illegal immigration on the employers, they could solve the problem.

You do that by setting up draconian punishments on employers who do so and rewards for employees who rat their employers out.

Fine by me, though probably doesn't go far enough. Anyone who employs, houses, shelters, or otherwise aids an illegal alien in any way beyond emergency medical care should get jail time.

This administration heightened border security and upped the amount of deportations already. Those are well-established facts.

yea so you deport 100 and a 100 more come in.....makes sense...

Well, maybe what is needed is to remove the incentives to come in.

If the government put all of its efforts into cracking down on illegal immigration on the employers, they could solve the problem.

You do that by setting up draconian punishments on employers who do so and rewards for employees who rat their employers out.

Not really. A $10,000 dollar fine on your run of the mill general contractor per illegal employed would be nust fine and go along way towards discouraging birding them. Not draconian at all. The down side would be lettuce would cost $9.00 a pound.

Nowhere near enough. Say...$1000 fine, per illegal, per day worked. Plus at least 5 years in prison for the first offense, 20 for the second, and mandatory LWOP for the third.

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