Eric Holder-AG-did know of Fast & Furious--and Lied about when he knew of it.

This on FOX NEWS RIGHT now---CONGRESS is calling for a special investigator to investigate Eric Holder for PERJURY----YES!---:clap2:
That only means if he doesn't resign by 5 pm tonight, they'll go after Barack Obama. President Obama wouldn't risk that, imho.

Resigns or not--lying to a congressional hearing is still PERJURY.
I'm here to tell you perjury is the least of Holder's worries right now. If he lied to a grand jury and Congress found out about it via electronic or any other form of proof, it's called Obstruction of Justice.

Perjury sucks, but obstruction will bite his sorry ass in the butt until there's nothing left of him or his superior.
No, Holder should be indicted and enjoy a lengthy trial that bankrupts him and then spend a nice long time in prison so he has enough time to figure out just what a fucking moron he is.

House Republicans are requesting a Special Counsel to probe Holder on the Fast and Furious scandal.

I think this may be the beginning of the end of Holder. I don't even have the words to describe what I think of the highest law lying in front of his peers to save himself earlier. Will he take down the White House with him?

Should it really come as any surprise to us that the same man who was responsible for the Marc Rich pardon on Bill Clinton's last day in office would have any qualms about lying to Congress about what he knew about Fast & Furious? Eric Holder is as sleazy as they come. That "he" is our Attorney General disgusts me.

We have thousands that have been killed by these guns--along with a US border agent--It DISGUSTS me too.

No moron in his right mind would deliver semi-automatics to violent Mexican drug cartels. I still believe the undlying intent of this operation was to get these weapons banned in the United States.
it was obvious that he lied at the hearing and I cannot for the life of me understand why he was not called out on it.

Think of the scenario...

The AG was called to a hearing to answer questions of what he knew and when he knew it.

The question came up...

"when did you first hear of fast and furious"

His answer (paraphrased)

'I can not recall the exact date, but it was sometime within the past few weeks'

So tell attorney who is now the AG did not prepare himself for questions of when he heard about fast and furious for a hearing about when he heard about fast and furious?
What kind of attorney does not keep records of important information"? If he really was in the dark about it, he would have documented when he heard about it so he can prove he knew nothing about it before hand.

Nope..he used an arbitrary time frame..the past few weeks.

Now when it is found that he knew 40 weeks ago...he will be able to say "in the overall scheme of things and the extent of my responsibilities, 40 weeks is deemed as "a few".....
Unfortunately Honesty is not a requirement for public office at any level and in Washington you are not dishonest unless you are caught red handed. Give Holder a 22 and let him spend a weekend out on the border defending it against the AK47 and other weapons he is responsible for selling. Save us a lot of money on a trial because he wouldn't make it through the first night.

Honesty at a hearing IS a requirement by law...whether you hold an office or not.
House Republicans are requesting a Special Counsel to probe Holder on the Fast and Furious scandal.

I think this may be the beginning of the end of Holder. I don't even have the words to describe what I think of the highest law lying in front of his peers to save himself earlier. Will he take down the White House with him?

Should it really come as any surprise to us that the same man who was responsible for the Marc Rich pardon on Bill Clinton's last day in office would have any qualms about lying to Congress about what he knew about Fast & Furious? Eric Holder is as sleazy as they come. That "he" is our Attorney General disgusts me.

We have thousands that have been killed by these guns--along with a US border agent--It DISGUSTS me too.

No moron in his right mind would deliver semi-automatics to violent Mexican drug cartels. I still believe the undlying intent of this operation was to get these weapons banned in the United States.
Me, too, Oreo. I'm thoroughly disgusted as well. It's one thing to keep an enemy close. It's quite another to help them hurt the USA. /shaking head :(
No, Holder should be indicted and enjoy a lengthy trial that bankrupts him and then spend a nice long time in prison so he has enough time to figure out just what a fucking moron he is.

House Republicans are requesting a Special Counsel to probe Holder on the Fast and Furious scandal.

I think this may be the beginning of the end of Holder. I don't even have the words to describe what I think of the highest law lying in front of his peers to save himself earlier. Will he take down the White House with him?

Should it really come as any surprise to us that the same man who was responsible for the Marc Rich pardon on Bill Clinton's last day in office would have any qualms about lying to Congress about what he knew about Fast & Furious? Eric Holder is as sleazy as they come. That "he" is our Attorney General disgusts me.
Yeah, too bad his appointment to AG was all aboout payback to the Clintons. Signing off on giving terrorists guns who are anathemas to Mexico is bad enough without lying about it, then hiding evidence he lied about it.
it was obvious that he lied at the hearing and I cannot for the life of me understand why he was not called out on it.

Think of the scenario...

The AG was called to a hearing to answer questions of what he knew and when he knew it.

The question came up...

"when did you first hear of fast and furious"

His answer (paraphrased)

'I can not recall the exact date, but it was sometime within the past few weeks'

So tell attorney who is now the AG did not prepare himself for questions of when he heard about fast and furious for a hearing about when he heard about fast and furious?
What kind of attorney does not keep records of important information"? If he really was in the dark about it, he would have documented when he heard about it so he can prove he knew nothing about it before hand.

Nope..he used an arbitrary time frame..the past few weeks.

Now when it is found that he knew 40 weeks ago...he will be able to say "in the overall scheme of things and the extent of my responsibilities, 40 weeks is deemed as "a few".....
People may say a lot of confusing things to expedite getting out of an issue, but it takes time to find firm evidence against the lie. If it's pretty firm, it's going to take more than a song and a dance to get out of taking responsibility for it.
Damn, if Fox News said it - it must be true. Now, if we could just get WorldNutDaily to confirm it.
You know, Lakhota, one of these mornings you're gonna figure it out all by yourself that you bought the farm, but the acreage is smack dab out there in the middle of the ocean, twenty thousand leagues under the sea. :rolleyes:
Damn, if Fox News said it - it must be true. Now, if we could just get WorldNutDaily to confirm it.
Actually, it was the DoJ who said it.

Now, they are saying that's not what they meant.


As I said, Holder is a lying sack of shit.
And oh yeah, Holder should resign, what a screw-up.
Maybe they can transfer him over to the EPA and he can prosecute people for spreading dust.

No, Holder should be indicted and enjoy a lengthy trial that bankrupts him and then spend a nice long time in prison so he has enough time to figure out just what a fucking moron he is.

House Republicans are requesting a Special Counsel to probe Holder on the Fast and Furious scandal.

I think this may be the beginning of the end of Holder. I don't even have the words to describe what I think of the highest law lying in front of his peers to save himself earlier. Will he take down the White House with him?

Yes--if it were one of us common peasants that lied to a congressional hearing--they would already have the handcuffs on us.

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