Eric Holder: Some Banks Too Big to Procecute

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
Obama's Attorney General confirms what smart people already know: Some Banks are above the Law. If the AJ's office were to go after these Banks for Criminal Activity those Banks would just torpedo the Economy like Hank Paulson did in 2008.

And by some the AJ means: "Those Banks around the World that receive Federal Reserve Money and favors". Your local neighborhood bank would not be one of those! Haha!

News Link to story:
Eric Holder Admits Some Banks Are Just Too Big To Prosecute

I am not surprised by this because I know International Bankers financed the Glorious Russian Revolution as well as funding Hitler and both sides of most major wars anywhere.

They are the true World Leaders and Owners. They have the money, they make the rules. As it should be.

But don't you write bad check! American "Justice System" don't like you trying to screw their Bosses: the Banks! American Law only for peons like you. Haha!
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Let's consider something.

These banks finance the consumerism (or commodity fetishism as communists put it) which actually damages the free market. That is by splurging in gibberish, people become moral and cultural relativists such that they forget about the properness behind property rights. Communists (among others) call this "social alienation".

If a crisis of capitalism was to happen, it would not need governmental prosecution. It would happen inevitably from these banks simply lending too much money, investing in too much consumerist gibberish, and eventually, leading to a proletarian revolution where citizens simply forget about the legitimacy of property rights.

The one obstacle I see to this, however, ironically is...


Communists often identify with feminism as a way of challenging the supposedly "patriarchic" side of capitalism. However, when you look at the employment of women in the modern economy, the majority of white collar positions are actually female occupied whether in government or the private sector. (I can't post links yet. Sorry.)

In turn, let us note the feminine theme of consumerism a la "sex sells".

If anything, the proletarian revolution will be inhibited because women are in charge of bureaucracy.

The next 50 years are going to be strange times.
If a crisis of capitalism was to happen, it would not need governmental prosecution. It would happen inevitably from these banks simply lending too much money, investing in too much consumerist gibberish, and eventually, leading to a proletarian revolution where citizens simply forget about the legitimacy of property rights.
Banks are not lending to you and I, they are lending to EACH OTHER so they can play the Stock Market with cheap, low risk money. The Dollar will crash and the People will have no means to revolt. In fact, they will BEG the Gov't for help.

And thanks to Eric Holder, no investigation will be done!
If a crisis of capitalism was to happen, it would not need governmental prosecution. It would happen inevitably from these banks simply lending too much money, investing in too much consumerist gibberish, and eventually, leading to a proletarian revolution where citizens simply forget about the legitimacy of property rights.
Banks are not lending to you and I, they are lending to EACH OTHER so they can play the Stock Market with cheap, low risk money. The Dollar will crash and the People will have no means to revolt. In fact, they will BEG the Gov't for help.

And thanks to Eric Holder, no investigation will be done!

Last I checked, credit cards, home mortgages, and student loans are still ballooning.
If a crisis of capitalism was to happen, it would not need governmental prosecution. It would happen inevitably from these banks simply lending too much money, investing in too much consumerist gibberish, and eventually, leading to a proletarian revolution where citizens simply forget about the legitimacy of property rights.
Banks are not lending to you and I, they are lending to EACH OTHER so they can play the Stock Market with cheap, low risk money. The Dollar will crash and the People will have no means to revolt. In fact, they will BEG the Gov't for help.

And thanks to Eric Holder, no investigation will be done!
Last I checked, credit cards, home mortgages, and student loans are still ballooning.
Of course Credit Card Debt explode! No jobs to pay bills or pay off balance of card! All of America's jobs that pay well have been sent overseas in "Free Trade" agreements. Haha!

Most of Credit Cards, Student Loans and Mortgages will never be paid off. Obama can forgive Student Debt but he won't. Students are not favored Bankers.

Besides, that is a mere pittance compared to the 1,600 Trillion in Banker issued Derivatives.

Example: Do you know ANYONE who has had a Mortgage Burning Party in the last 20-30 years?

Why you think a Bank issue you Credit Card anyway? To help you? NO! It's to make you Debt Slave!
Banks are not lending to you and I, they are lending to EACH OTHER so they can play the Stock Market with cheap, low risk money. The Dollar will crash and the People will have no means to revolt. In fact, they will BEG the Gov't for help.

And thanks to Eric Holder, no investigation will be done!
Last I checked, credit cards, home mortgages, and student loans are still ballooning.
Of course Credit Card Debt explode! No jobs to pay bills or pay off balance of card! All of America's jobs that pay well have been sent overseas in "Free Trade" agreements. Haha!

Most of Credit Cards, Student Loans and Mortgages will never be paid off. Obama can forgive Student Debt but he won't. Students are not favored Bankers.

Besides, that is a mere pittance compared to the 1,600 Trillion in Banker issued Derivatives.

Example: Do you know ANYONE who has had a Mortgage Burning Party in the last 20-30 years?

Why you think a Bank issue you Credit Card anyway? To help you? NO! It's to make you Debt Slave!

Right, but eventually, the people will become so indebted that they won't respect banks' property rights any longer.
Last I checked, credit cards, home mortgages, and student loans are still ballooning.
Of course Credit Card Debt explode! No jobs to pay bills or pay off balance of card! All of America's jobs that pay well have been sent overseas in "Free Trade" agreements. Haha!

Most of Credit Cards, Student Loans and Mortgages will never be paid off. Obama can forgive Student Debt but he won't. Students are not favored Bankers.

Besides, that is a mere pittance compared to the 1,600 Trillion in Banker issued Derivatives.

Example: Do you know ANYONE who has had a Mortgage Burning Party in the last 20-30 years?

Why you think a Bank issue you Credit Card anyway? To help you? NO! It's to make you Debt Slave!

Right, but eventually, the people will become so indebted that they won't respect banks' property rights any longer.
And then do what, fight back? Soon Americans will have no guns to fight back with, that is plan.

Funny you should mention Property rights. Do you know Derivative is made from many "sub-prime" mortgages that are bundled and sold in the Stock Market. Some of them many times over. The same Mortgage is sold many times to different buyers.

Not Legal you say? Oh that doesn't matter!

Eric Holder just said that "some Banks are too big to prosecute". Can you guess which Banks he's talking about?

Yes. The ones that hold all the Derivatives! :lol:

Bank bundle and sell Equity of your home with no permission from you. American Attorney General say "Too bad. So sad".

This is your "American Justice" system at work! :lol:
Of course Credit Card Debt explode! No jobs to pay bills or pay off balance of card! All of America's jobs that pay well have been sent overseas in "Free Trade" agreements. Haha!

Most of Credit Cards, Student Loans and Mortgages will never be paid off. Obama can forgive Student Debt but he won't. Students are not favored Bankers.

Besides, that is a mere pittance compared to the 1,600 Trillion in Banker issued Derivatives.

Example: Do you know ANYONE who has had a Mortgage Burning Party in the last 20-30 years?

Why you think a Bank issue you Credit Card anyway? To help you? NO! It's to make you Debt Slave!

Right, but eventually, the people will become so indebted that they won't respect banks' property rights any longer.
And then do what, fight back? Soon Americans will have no guns to fight back with, that is plan.

Funny you should mention Property rights. Do you know Derivative is made from many "sub-prime" mortgages that are bundled and sold in the Stock Market. Some of them many times over. The same Mortgage is sold many times to different buyers.

Not Legal you say? Oh that doesn't matter!

Eric Holder just said that "some Banks are too big to prosecute". Can you guess which Banks he's talking about?

Yes. The ones that hold all the Derivatives! :lol:

Bank bundle and sell Equity of your home with no permission from you. American Attorney General say "Too bad. So sad".

This is your "American Justice" system at work! :lol:

...and then the women take over. Here are those sources about how women control white-collar jobs:

The proletarian revolution won't happen because women will be the bureaucrats. Society doesn't fight women, and there's feminist consumerism to deal with. Also, there's what you said about guns.

I don't know what's going to happen. It's a very strange scenario.
Right, but eventually, the people will become so indebted that they won't respect banks' property rights any longer.
And then do what, fight back? Soon Americans will have no guns to fight back with, that is plan.

Funny you should mention Property rights. Do you know Derivative is made from many "sub-prime" mortgages that are bundled and sold in the Stock Market. Some of them many times over. The same Mortgage is sold many times to different buyers.

Not Legal you say? Oh that doesn't matter!

Eric Holder just said that "some Banks are too big to prosecute". Can you guess which Banks he's talking about?

Yes. The ones that hold all the Derivatives! :lol:

Bank bundle and sell Equity of your home with no permission from you. American Attorney General say "Too bad. So sad".

This is your "American Justice" system at work! :lol:

...and then the women take over. Here are those sources about how women control white-collar jobs:

The proletarian revolution won't happen because women will be the bureaucrats. Society doesn't fight women, and there's feminist consumerism to deal with. Also, there's what you said about guns.

I don't know what's going to happen. It's a very strange scenario.

So, the women are taking over.


But what's sadder it's almost true, due to all the deregulations Republicans have done over the past decade or more, which allowed this banks to consolidate and eat up smaller banks to where they've assets have grown enormous over the years.

But that doesn't mean that some carefully written legislation can't be put forth to undo this and some has been done, but not to extent to where we have real safeguards put in place protecting the American economy from these greedy banksters.
This is true! Republican Congress pass repeal of Glass/Steagal in 1999 and was signed by Republican President Bill Clinton.

Or was he Democrat? Had for me to tell, they are so similar. Both party controlled by Banks so it's not matter anyway.

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