Eric the Magic Penguin

If you wish to believe in unicorns, spaghetti monsters, and magic penguins, you're free to do so. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.

Hey. Lookie there. something we can agree on. Believe whatever you want. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.
Whaddoyakno? We can agree on something.

That's good.

So now we can cancel this bathroom thingee and all the other gay shit they're attempting to make into public law because your beliefs in magic penguins and their supernatural powers has no place in our legal system.



I agree with that 100%. Nobody should be trying to put their personal beliefs into other people's children's heads. NOT without the parents' explicit consent. Your children are your responsibility. If they do something wrong, you are responsible, so you are accountable, not the schools. The schools have no right to be making such judgment calls in place of parents, IMO. They are not there for that. They are there as a school, a learning institution, to teach academia. Not to instill their morals or values on others. But I don't know how possible that is, considering we are dealing with human beings who sometimes hold on strongly to their beliefs and can't help but try to convince others that their way is THE way.
If you wish to believe in unicorns, spaghetti monsters, and magic penguins, you're free to do so. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.

Hey. Lookie there. something we can agree on. Believe whatever you want. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.
Whaddoyakno? We can agree on something.

That's good.

So now we can cancel this bathroom thingee and all the other gay shit they're attempting to make into public law because your beliefs in magic penguins and their supernatural powers has no place in our legal system.



I agree with that 100%. Nobody should be trying to put their personal beliefs into other people's children's heads. NOT without the parents' explicit consent. Your children are your responsibility. If they do something wrong, you are responsible, so you are accountable, not the schools. The schools have no right to be making such judgment calls in place of parents, IMO. They are not there for that. They are there as a school, a learning institution, to teach academia. Not to instill their morals or values on others. But I don't know how possible that is, considering we are dealing with human beings who sometimes hold on strongly to their beliefs and can't help but try to convince others that their way is THE way.

Schools should be educating, not indoctrinating and that includes Christianity....but that also includes excluding groups like GLSEN from coming in and preaching the virtues of faggotry and trans-genderism.
If you wish to believe in unicorns, spaghetti monsters, and magic penguins, you're free to do so. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.

Hey. Lookie there. something we can agree on. Believe whatever you want. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.
Whaddoyakno? We can agree on something.

That's good.

So now we can cancel this bathroom thingee and all the other gay shit they're attempting to make into public law because your beliefs in magic penguins and their supernatural powers has no place in our legal system.



I agree with that 100%. Nobody should be trying to put their personal beliefs into other people's children's heads. NOT without the parents' explicit consent. Your children are your responsibility. If they do something wrong, you are responsible, so you are accountable, not the schools. The schools have no right to be making such judgment calls in place of parents, IMO. They are not there for that. They are there as a school, a learning institution, to teach academia. Not to instill their morals or values on others. But I don't know how possible that is, considering we are dealing with human beings who sometimes hold on strongly to their beliefs and can't help but try to convince others that their way is THE way.

Schools should be educating, not indoctrinating and that includes Christianity....but that also includes excluding groups like GLSEN from coming in and preaching the virtues of faggotry and trans-genderism.

They do it because they think it is going to stop bullying or so that kids who are confused will feel more comfortable about sharing instead of keeping it all bottled up inside, which I can agree with to an extent. I just don't believe that it would quell bullying much. Kids who bully enjoy bullying and they probably bully whomever for whatever, whether they be fat, gay, wear glasses, have a funny voice, are unattractive, whatever. What liberals fail to recognize is that some people are assholes to other people because they WANT to be.

Also, this should be handled by the family, and not the education system. That is not what my taxes are paying for, as far as I'm concerned.
If you wish to believe in unicorns, spaghetti monsters, and magic penguins, you're free to do so. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.

Hey. Lookie there. something we can agree on. Believe whatever you want. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.
Whaddoyakno? We can agree on something.

That's good.

So now we can cancel this bathroom thingee and all the other gay shit they're attempting to make into public law because your beliefs in magic penguins and their supernatural powers has no place in our legal system.



I agree with that 100%. Nobody should be trying to put their personal beliefs into other people's children's heads. NOT without the parents' explicit consent. Your children are your responsibility. If they do something wrong, you are responsible, so you are accountable, not the schools. The schools have no right to be making such judgment calls in place of parents, IMO. They are not there for that. They are there as a school, a learning institution, to teach academia. Not to instill their morals or values on others. But I don't know how possible that is, considering we are dealing with human beings who sometimes hold on strongly to their beliefs and can't help but try to convince others that their way is THE way.

Schools should be educating, not indoctrinating and that includes Christianity....but that also includes excluding groups like GLSEN from coming in and preaching the virtues of faggotry and trans-genderism.

They do it because they think it is going to stop bullying or so that kids who are confused will feel more comfortable about sharing instead of keeping it all bottled up inside, which I can agree with to an extent. I just don't believe that it would quell bullying much. Kids who bully enjoy bullying and they probably bully whomever for whatever, whether they be fat, gay, wear glasses, have a funny voice, are unattractive, whatever. What liberals fail to recognize is that some people are assholes to other people because they WANT to be.

Also, this should be handled by the family, and not the education system. That is not what my taxes are paying for, as far as I'm concerned.


There will always be bullies and those who oppose them.


God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.
Your premise is flawed, and rather tedious and silly.

Lets say that Eric, the god eating magic penguin, does exist like there are many people out there that do exist who believe that they can eat God. Who needs proof for that?

Since God, by definition, cannot be eaten, Eric the god eating magic penguin like all of those silly people out there eating godflesh every other Sunday is at best just delusional, whether God exists or not..

It follows then that even if Eric the god eating magic penguin can or can't be proven to exist it has no logical bearing on whether God exists or not.

There is no such thing as magic.Not to mention that God who is incorporeal cannot be eaten by lesser worldly beings.

If there is such a thing as magic, God's magic would be way more powerful than any penguin's.

Please tell me they are not feeding this crap to students.......
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You know what? I'm agnostic/atheist too, but give it a rest dude. We all know that there is no proof, their belief is based on FAITH (which means belief without evidence). Why are you beating a dead horse? One issue poster? :dunno:
Because so many of them keep insisting that their faith is "based on evidence", and so God can be "proven" to exist. That's why. They wanna just admit that their beliefs are nothing more than faith without evidence, then that's all they gotta do. I won't hold my breath, though.

You know, even if someone gave you a detailed factually based report with dates and times and witnesses that provide verifiable evidence for the existence of God it wouldn't do you any good.

Hearing a detailed account about someone else who was kicked by a mule really doesn't give you any real idea about what its like to be kicked by a mule.

If you want proof of God you must do what is necessary to prepare yourself for the experience.

No one can do that for you.
I really believe someone pulled down their britches at the corner of Chaos and Reason and took a Czernobog ...
You can't be for real? You should have provided a :link: instead of passing eric the magic penguin off as an original thought... Are you capable of a original thought? I think not... I pray for you and your kind every night...

Eric The God-Eating Magic Penguin

God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.

Which works well for those with a childish mind, which is probably about 95% of this board.

I prefer to use the one that "If God must exist because the universe is so complex, then God must be so complex he must have been created by a creator, which in turn is in turn so complex it must have been created by a creator. No creator can have just appeared out of nowhere, which then leaves you asking how the first creator was created in order to end up with a God that could create stuff because it couldn't just come out of nowhere."
If you wish to believe in unicorns, spaghetti monsters, and magic penguins, you're free to do so. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.

Hey. Lookie there. something we can agree on. Believe whatever you want. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.
Whaddoyakno? We can agree on something.

That's good.

So now we can cancel this bathroom thingee and all the other gay shit they're attempting to make into public law because your beliefs in magic penguins and their supernatural powers has no place in our legal system.



Funny, I was thinking the same thing: We can drop all this anti-homosexual bullshit, and abortion stupidity because your beliefs in a non-existent God, and his supernatural powers has no place in our legal system.
God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.
I have a 4000 thousand year old love story of GOD for His chosen people. I've only heard from you regarding Eric the God eating Penguin --- and you say you don't believe in GOD ---- end of story. It is not logical to believe anything you say in this regard because you don't even believe God exists. And if God doesn't exist for you then your story of a penguin named Eric is of no consequence.
So, what you're saying is that a position that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. I couldn't agree more. Thank you for playing.
So, what do Christians propose that infringe on your rights to live in this country? Be specific and how it all ties into the statutory acts, codes and ordinances? Do you believe that Christians are holding you back from being happy????
My wife's right to do what she wants with her body. When she got pregnant, she had to withstand being verbally, and emotionally assaulted, simply because she made a decision that was no one's business but her own. And you self-righteous pricks now want to make her decision illegal. Is that specific enough for you?

It is disgusting that you want to pretend that Christians aren't trying to impose their religion on this country by force of law.
If you wish to believe in unicorns, spaghetti monsters, and magic penguins, you're free to do so. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.

Hey. Lookie there. something we can agree on. Believe whatever you want. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.
Whaddoyakno? We can agree on something.

That's good.

So now we can cancel this bathroom thingee and all the other gay shit they're attempting to make into public law because your beliefs in magic penguins and their supernatural powers has no place in our legal system.



I agree with that 100%. Nobody should be trying to put their personal beliefs into other people's children's heads. NOT without the parents' explicit consent. Your children are your responsibility. If they do something wrong, you are responsible, so you are accountable, not the schools. The schools have no right to be making such judgment calls in place of parents, IMO. They are not there for that. They are there as a school, a learning institution, to teach academia. Not to instill their morals or values on others. But I don't know how possible that is, considering we are dealing with human beings who sometimes hold on strongly to their beliefs and can't help but try to convince others that their way is THE way.

Schools should be educating, not indoctrinating and that includes Christianity....but that also includes excluding groups like GLSEN from coming in and preaching the virtues of faggotry and trans-genderism.

They do it because they think it is going to stop bullying or so that kids who are confused will feel more comfortable about sharing instead of keeping it all bottled up inside, which I can agree with to an extent. I just don't believe that it would quell bullying much. Kids who bully enjoy bullying and they probably bully whomever for whatever, whether they be fat, gay, wear glasses, have a funny voice, are unattractive, whatever. What liberals fail to recognize is that some people are assholes to other people because they WANT to be.

Also, this should be handled by the family, and not the education system. That is not what my taxes are paying for, as far as I'm concerned.

I don't care why they do it. They have no business imposing their religion on my kids. And I find it somewhat interesting that a self-proclaimed "agnostic" is so busy being a theist apologist. Methinks you are not as "agnostic" as you claim. I have to say, my experience has taught me that self-proclaimed "agnostics" often seem to have a great deal more sympathy for theists, than they do atheists. One has to wonder why that is...
God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.
Your premise is flawed, and rather tedious and silly.

Lets say that Eric, the god eating magic penguin, does exist like there are many people out there that do exist who believe that they can eat God. Who needs proof for that?
The very same logic that applies to God. Go on...

Since God, by definition, cannot be eaten, Eric the god eating magic penguin like all of those silly people out there eating godflesh every other Sunday is at best just delusional, whether God exists or not..
All you have pointed out here is a paradox - not unlike "Can God create a rock he cannot lift?"

It follows then that even if Eric the god eating magic penguin can or can't be proven to exist it has no logical bearing on whether God exists or not.
We're back to a premise that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Again, the same standard applies to your mythical God.

There is no such thing as magic.Not to mention that God who is incorporeal cannot be eaten by lesser worldly beings.
Yet...the sun standing still in the sky, virgin birth, and coming back from the dead. But, let's not talk about magic!!!

If there is such a thing as magic, God's magic would be way more powerful than any penguin's.

Please tell me they are not feeding this crap to students.......
Says you. Eric is a God-Eater. By definition that makes him more powerful than your God!
I really believe someone pulled down their britches at the corner of Chaos and Reason and took a Czernobog ...
You can't be for real? You should have provided a :link: instead of passing eric the magic penguin off as an original thought... Are you capable of a original thought? I think not... I pray for you and your kind every night...

Eric The God-Eating Magic Penguin

Never claimed it was original. I don't know who "Mark" is. This was a challenge I was given during a critical thinking course. Guess what, almost no one here presents 100% original thoughts. We all share things that we have been taught, and learned through our experiences. so, do feel free to fuck off with your faux outrage.
God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.

Which works well for those with a childish mind, which is probably about 95% of this board.

I prefer to use the one that "If God must exist because the universe is so complex, then God must be so complex he must have been created by a creator, which in turn is in turn so complex it must have been created by a creator. No creator can have just appeared out of nowhere, which then leaves you asking how the first creator was created in order to end up with a God that could create stuff because it couldn't just come out of nowhere."
Addresses an entirely different issue. The point of Eric is to expose the irrationality of the "Prove God doesn't exist" challenge.
God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.

Which works well for those with a childish mind, which is probably about 95% of this board.

I prefer to use the one that "If God must exist because the universe is so complex, then God must be so complex he must have been created by a creator, which in turn is in turn so complex it must have been created by a creator. No creator can have just appeared out of nowhere, which then leaves you asking how the first creator was created in order to end up with a God that could create stuff because it couldn't just come out of nowhere."
GOD is the ultimate. There is no time or space without GOD. Let's say one moment before GOD created anything GOD simply was without anything else. Now some might imagine GOD sat around for billions of years and cried. But I find it very logical that GOD was and then there was time, space and matter. and before that was like a blink of an eye for GOD. We do know GOD is love and GOD is capable of love. And GOD intended to interact with HIS CREATION personally and on the "human" level.
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God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.
I have a 4000 thousand year old love story of GOD for His chosen people. I've only heard from you regarding Eric the God eating Penguin --- and you say you don't believe in GOD ---- end of story. It is not logical to believe anything you say in this regard because you don't even believe God exists. And if God doesn't exist for you then your story of a penguin named Eric is of no consequence.
So, what you're saying is that a position that can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. I couldn't agree more. Thank you for playing.
There is living evidence. There are Christians and there are Jews. And it would seem that both come under constant fire though being considered by some insignificant. History shows otherwise! For some peculiar reason it evolves around ISRAEL. Look at Mideastern history, African history, European history, Asian history, and AMERICAN history and there are always entanglements with Jews and believers. Even the destruction of Pompeii was regarded by the contemporaries of the day akin to the destruction of Sodom and Gommorah ---- and yet where would the Romans have heard of those other cities? Yet Pompeii, Herculeneum, and other towns were forgotten... The Old Testament was not forgotton!
Oh, I get it. It's a faux scenario with which to unleash some faux outrage.
Fundamentalists and some atheists have a common ground. They both think the Bible is speaking literally one hundred percent of the time. From a literal reading, Fundamentalist conclude God does exist. Atheists conclude God does not exist. These atheists and fundamentalists have this in common: They believe everyone else (i.e. the far greater majority) should also take every word in the Bible literally.

So there we have it: Faith based Fundamentalists and Atheist based Fundamentalists.

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