Eric the Magic Penguin

MUST eat God for sustenance
Nope, two problems:

1) you just arbitrarily added the "sustenance" constraint.

2) I must eat things for sustenance. And if those things are not available, I will eat other things. So you also arbitrarily added "can only eat" as another constraint

Ain't logic fun?
You can see on the videos the people imitate washing their faces with Holy Fire and it DOESN'T burn, however the same Holy Fire starts burning you in 10-16 minutes. Try to do the same with regular fire and we'll see who's a dumbass.'re kidding, right? You inow you are being fooled by a magic trick....right?
Ask thousands of pilgrims from many countries who keep coming to Lord's Tomb in Jerusalem every year a day before Easter for many, many years and feel that Holy Flame on their faces and other parts. Besides Holy Flame comes as an answer to a priest's prayers, without any matches, cigarette lighters etc.

It's you, atheists, who are tricked.
You can see on the videos the people imitate washing their faces with Holy Fire and it DOESN'T burn, however the same Holy Fire starts burning you in 10-16 minutes. Try to do the same with regular fire and we'll see who's a dumbass.'re kidding, right? You inow you are being fooled by a magic trick....right?
Ask thousands of pilgrims from many countries who keep coming to Lord's Tomb in Jerusalem every year a day before Easter for many, many years and feel that Holy Flame on their faces and other parts. Besides Holy Flame comes as an answer to a priest's prayers, without any matches, cigarette lighters etc.

It's you, atheists, who are tricked.
Askimg people what they feel is the most reliable way to get bad information. You're kind of making my points for me.

Anyone can replicate this magic trick. You and they are being conned.
You can see on the videos the people imitate washing their faces with Holy Fire and it DOESN'T burn, however the same Holy Fire starts burning you in 10-16 minutes. Try to do the same with regular fire and we'll see who's a dumbass.'re kidding, right? You inow you are being fooled by a magic trick....right?
Ask thousands of pilgrims from many countries who keep coming to Lord's Tomb in Jerusalem every year a day before Easter for many, many years and feel that Holy Flame on their faces and other parts. Besides Holy Flame comes as an answer to a priest's prayers, without any matches, cigarette lighters etc.

It's you, atheists, who are tricked.
Askimg people what they feel is the most reliable way to get bad information. You're kind of making my points for me.

Anyone can replicate this magic trick. You and they are being conned.
Ye-ah, questioning witnesses doesn't seem to make sense, right? Only in your idiotic liberal world.
MUST eat God for sustenance
Nope, two problems:

1) you just arbitrarily added the "sustenance" constraint.

2) I must eat things for sustenance. And if those things are not available, I will eat other things. So you also arbitrarily added "can only eat" as another constraint

Ain't logic fun?

The original OP. I added nothing...

"Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God"
God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.

Which works well for those with a childish mind, which is probably about 95% of this board.

I prefer to use the one that "If God must exist because the universe is so complex, then God must be so complex he must have been created by a creator, which in turn is in turn so complex it must have been created by a creator. No creator can have just appeared out of nowhere, which then leaves you asking how the first creator was created in order to end up with a God that could create stuff because it couldn't just come out of nowhere."
GOD is the ultimate. There is no time or space without GOD. Let's say one moment before GOD created anything GOD simply was without anything else. Now some might imagine GOD sat around for billions of years and cried. But I find it very logical that GOD was and then there was time, space and matter. and before that was like a blink of an eye for GOD. We do know GOD is love and GOD is capable of love. And GOD intended to interact with HIS CREATION personally and on the "human" level.

Nothing you have said actually counters what I have said.

Your argument has to assume God exists in order for it to be valid in the first place.

If you're saying that God is time, space and matter, then you're saying matter just came into being out of nothing, because God came into being out of nothing.

Therefore the argument that God must exist because nothing can come into being out of nothing, gets thrown out of the window.
A Christian knows that GOD exists. His/her life is changed. He/she sees GOD working in his/her life. Prayers are answered and one gains a joyous feeling of contentment. One's purpose becomes the welfare of others. And the Christian begins to see the truth revealed throughout the Bible. I've seen people who initially believed that Genesis was metaphorical suddenly embrace it and realize that it was totally factual, as they matured in the LORD.

You can pretentiously say you believe in Eric the Penguin, but does he make you feel safe and content? HONESTLY?!?!? Do you know where you are headed when you die? Why? How?

Yes, people often "know" things that just aren't true. It's not an uncommon occurrence in this world.
Yes, such things are true also surrounding the theory of evolution and the massively long ages perscribed to the Universe by "learned" men. They lack the revelation of GOD and feel that time is the solution. But if pressured such peole will not willingly give up their lives in the service of such thoughts
God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.

Which works well for those with a childish mind, which is probably about 95% of this board.

I prefer to use the one that "If God must exist because the universe is so complex, then God must be so complex he must have been created by a creator, which in turn is in turn so complex it must have been created by a creator. No creator can have just appeared out of nowhere, which then leaves you asking how the first creator was created in order to end up with a God that could create stuff because it couldn't just come out of nowhere."
GOD is the ultimate. There is no time or space without GOD. Let's say one moment before GOD created anything GOD simply was without anything else. Now some might imagine GOD sat around for billions of years and cried. But I find it very logical that GOD was and then there was time, space and matter. and before that was like a blink of an eye for GOD. We do know GOD is love and GOD is capable of love. And GOD intended to interact with HIS CREATION personally and on the "human" level.

Nothing you have said actually counters what I have said.

Your argument has to assume God exists in order for it to be valid in the first place.

If you're saying that God is time, space and matter, then you're saying matter just came into being out of nothing, because God came into being out of nothing.

Therefore the argument that God must exist because nothing can come into being out of nothing, gets thrown out of the window.
A Christian knows that GOD exists. His/her life is changed. He/she sees GOD working in his/her life. Prayers are answered and one gains a joyous feeling of contentment. One's purpose becomes the welfare of others. And the Christian begins to see the truth revealed throughout the Bible. I've seen people who initially believed that Genesis was metaphorical suddenly embrace it and realize that it was totally factual, as they matured in the LORD.

You can pretentiously say you believe in Eric the Penguin, but does he make you feel safe and content? HONESTLY?!?!? Do you know where you are headed when you die? Why? How?

Yes, people often "know" things that just aren't true. It's not an uncommon occurrence in this world.
Yes, people often "know" things that just aren't true. It's not an uncommon occurrence in this world.[/QUOTE]Yes, such things are true also surrounding the theory of evolution and the massively long ages perscribed to the Universe by "learned" men. They lack the revelation of GOD and feel that time is the solution. But if pressured such peole will not willingly give up their lives in the service of such thoughts. They will not walk into the arena and face the lions. They are all too willing to go along with the crowd.
God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.
Or I could just prove that God exists which seems to be the most logical way to go about it.
View attachment 171056

God exists and the evidence of God's existence is all around you.

*****HAPPY SMILE*****
Case in point, ChrisL .

No, genius. There is a total of zero objective evidence of the existence of God. And, even if you thought there was, God no longer exists, because he was eaten by Eric the God-Eating Penguin.

Did you not read the OP?

The OP is a strawman argument that begs the question and creates false dilemma.

I've provided all the evidence I've needed to prove that God exists however for your preview I will grant you that the following is a basic premise for God's existence...


...At least until something that better describes the existence of God comes along.



So you made up a math formula, and claim that is "proof of God". Whatever. Go troll elsewhere. Like I said, even if your proof were real, God is dead. Eric ate him.

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The only troll I see here is you.

I didn't make up a math formula and I have already informed you prior to that that all the evidence of God's existence lies all around you. If you can't put two and two together and get four, which wouldn't surprise me, that is your issue not mine.

God exists. Live with it.



No, God doesn't exist.

Deal with it.

Any position that can be asserted without evidence, can be ignored without evidence. Simply proclaiming evidence exists does not make it evidence, and just posting one of the formula from Einstein's field equations is not "presenting evidence" for the existence of God.

Besides, I didn't ask you to prove God exists. I asked you to prove Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin doesn't exist.

His creation is evidence.

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