Eric the Magic Penguin

Oh, I get it. It's a faux scenario with which to unleash some faux outrage.
Fundamentalists and some atheists have a common ground. They both think the Bible is speaking literally one hundred percent of the time. From a literal reading, Fundamentalist conclude God does exist. Atheists conclude God does not exist. These atheists and fundamentalists have this in common: They believe everyone else (i.e. the far greater majority) should also take every word in the Bible literally.

So there we have it: Faith based Fundamentalists and Atheist based Fundamentalists.
I always find it a little sad but amusing when some people think they have won something when they prove false what scripture is not about.
If you wish to believe in unicorns, spaghetti monsters, and magic penguins, you're free to do so. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.

Hey. Lookie there. something we can agree on. Believe whatever you want. Just don't expect to be able to teach your beliefs in the school system or make them into public law.
Whaddoyakno? We can agree on something.

That's good.

So now we can cancel this bathroom thingee and all the other gay shit they're attempting to make into public law because your beliefs in magic penguins and their supernatural powers has no place in our legal system.



Funny, I was thinking the same thing: We can drop all this anti-homosexual bullshit, and abortion stupidity because your beliefs in a non-existent God, and his supernatural powers has no place in our legal system.


My God exists and is all around you. I've even provided you proof that you can observe and proof that you can review at your leisure.

As for yours god... I don't recall any magic penguin but if that's what you choose to believe in that's up to you. I'm sure the two of you will get along just marvelously so long as you keep your beliefs to yourself.

If you want be homosexual you're free to one so long as you're not pushing your morals on others who wish to be left alone and not truing to push it into public legislation. Does that sound familiar? It should since that's what you've been trying to push your morals on others in this thread.


God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.

God CAN exist because of Eric the God eating magic penguin. By definition he MUST eat God, thus if Eric exists, God exists. Have fun chewing on that one atheist.

That's the problem with your rants. They are not well thought out arguments, they are merely you demonstrating your hatred for religion, which is fine, but only shows that you have little ability to truly discuss anything other than your hatred of religion.

Here's the deal. There is no evidence that God exists. The part that you don't like to hear though is there is likewise no evidence that God doesn't exist.
So, what do Christians propose that infringe on your rights to live in this country? Be specific and how it all ties into the statutory acts, codes and ordinances? Do you believe that Christians are holding you back from being happy????
My wife's right to do what she wants with her body. When she got pregnant, she had to withstand being verbally, and emotionally assaulted, simply because she made a decision that was no one's business but her own. And you self-righteous pricks now want to make her decision illegal. Is that specific enough for you?

It is disgusting that you want to pretend that Christians aren't trying to impose their religion on this country by force of law.

And atheists such as yourself would never do that right?

Maybe you should go look in a mirror...


Oh, I get it. It's a faux scenario with which to unleash some faux outrage.
Fundamentalists and some atheists have a common ground. They both think the Bible is speaking literally one hundred percent of the time. From a literal reading, Fundamentalist conclude God does exist. Atheists conclude God does not exist. These atheists and fundamentalists have this in common: They believe everyone else (i.e. the far greater majority) should also take every word in the Bible literally.

So there we have it: Faith based Fundamentalists and Atheist based Fundamentalists.
Fundamentalists refuse to see the beauty in the Scriptures; the allegory and metaphor; the poetry. The sheer genius of it. But surely even they wouldn't say that when Jesus calls himself a vine, he's literally calling himself a plant, or that when his followers are sheep, they are literally four-legged mammals that produce wool. Or that when we're born again, we literally issue from a woman's womb a second time.

Even Fundamentalists make allowances for everyday usage. Except as pertains to Bible prophecy, which conjures images of a giant city falling from the sky and Jesus riding in on a cumulus cloud. Their interpretations of the Bible vary and are arbitrary.

It's something they have in common with atheists. They have presuppositions. And they miss the plot.
Fundamentalists refuse to see the beauty in the Scriptures; the allegory and metaphor; the poetry. The sheer genius of it. But surely even they wouldn't say that when Jesus calls himself a vine, he's literally calling himself a plant, or that when his followers are sheep, they are literally four-legged mammals that produce wool. Or that when we're born again, we literally issue from a woman's womb a second time.

Even Fundamentalists make allowances for everyday usage. Except as pertains to Bible prophecy, which conjures images of a giant city falling from the sky and Jesus riding in on a cumulus cloud. Their interpretations of the Bible vary and are arbitrary.

It's something they have in common with atheists. They have presuppositions. And they miss the plot.

Yes, I agree. I especially agree there is genius in Biblical books, especially the books of the Old Testament. People who consider humans who lived in the Bronze age to be superstitious morons are blind. Bronze age men may have been some of the best story craftsmen this planet has ever seen.
Those of you who claim "God doesn't exist!" please, explain the following miracle.

Once a year on Great Saturday (the Saturday before the Orthodox Easter) an Orthodox priest comes into Lord's Tomb cathedral in Israel and gets the fire WITHOUT any matches. The fire is Holy and doesn't burn you at all during first 10-15 minutes. You can see in the videos I'm posting how the people are enjoying putting it next to their faces. And this miracle has been occurring EVERY year.

Those of you who claim "God doesn't exist!" please, explain the following miracle.

Once a year on Great Saturday (the Saturday before the Orthodox Easter) an Orthodox priest comes into Lord's Tomb cathedral in Israel and gets the fire WITHOUT any matches. The fire is Holy and doesn't burn you at all during first 10-15 minutes. You can see in the videos I'm posting how the people are enjoying putting it next to their faces. And this miracle has been occurring EVERY year.

Okay. First, that first video proves nothing. What that cat did with the "magic candle" you can do with any candle. all he did was wave it around, close to his face. You wanna prove the flame 'doesn't burn"? Hold it still against the skin. Ya know why you don't see anyone doing that? Because it's a fucking fure, dumbass!!!. As to the magic, "fire from nothing", there are any of a number of ways to perpetrate this fraud, and yes, it is a hoax:

Mystery of Jerusalem's Holy Fire comes to light

Time to Prove or Disprove the Holy Sepulchre Fire Mystery

According to Shihab al-Din al-Qarafi, the 13th century Ayyubid ruler Al-Muazzam Turanshah is mentioned as having discovered the fraudulence of the Holy Fire; however, he allowed the monks to continue their fraud in exchange for money.[14]

In 1238, Pope Gregory IX denounced the Holy Fire as a fraud and forbade Franciscans from participating in the ceremony.[15] Similarly, many Christians have remained unconvinced by the occurrence.[16]

The Ottoman traveller, Evliya Celebi, claimed that a hidden zinc jar of naphtha was dripped down a chain by a hidden monk.[17]

Edward Gibbon wrote scathingly about the alleged phenomenon in the concluding volume of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:

This pious fraud, first devised in the ninth century, was devoutly cherished by the Latin crusaders, and is annually repeated by the clergy of the Greek, Armenian, and Coptic sects, who impose on the credulous spectators for their own benefit and that of their tyrants.[18]

Thomas Tegg, a 19th-century Englishman, included a deflationary account of the event in The London Encyclopaedia, published in 1828, speculating that the event is purely natural and motivated by pecuniary interest.[19]

Some Greeks have been critical of the Holy Fire, such as Adamantios Korais, who condemned what he considered to be religious fraud in his treatise "On the Holy Light of Jerusalem." He referred to the event as "machinations of fraudulent priests" and to the "unholy" light of Jerusalem as "a profiteers' miracle".

In 2005, in a live demonstration on Greek television,[20] Michael Kalopoulos, author and historian of religion, dipped three candles in white phosphorus. The candles spontaneously ignited after approximately 20 minutes due to the self-ignition properties of white phosphorus when in contact with air. According to Kalopoulos' website:

If phosphorus is dissolved in an appropriate organic solvent, self-ignition is delayed until the solvent has almost completely evaporated. Repeated experiments showed that the ignition can be delayed for half an hour or more, depending on the density of the solution and the solvent employed.

Kalopoulos also points out that chemical reactions of this nature were well known in ancient times, quoting Strabo, who states: "In Babylon there are two kinds of naphtha springs, a white and a black. The white naphtha is the one that ignites with fire." (Strabon Geographica He further states that phosphorus was used by Chaldean magicians in the early fifth century BC, and by the ancient Greeks, in a way similar to its supposed use today by the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem.[21]

Russian skeptic Igor Dobrokhotov[22] has analysed the evidence for an alleged miracle at length on his website, including the ancient sources[23] and contemporary photos and videos.[24] He has also reproduced fire-bathing and has uncovered contradictions in the story of the "column split by lightning."

Dobrokhotov and other critics, including Russian Orthodox researcher Nikolay Uspensky,[25] Dr. Aleksandr Musin of Sorbonne, and some Old Believers quote excerpts from the diaries of Bishop Porphyrius (Uspensky) (1804–1885),[26] which told that the clergy in Jerusalem knew that the Holy Fire was fraudulent. Porphyrius was a Russian Orthodox archimandrite who was sent on the official Church-related research mission to Jerusalem and other places (Egypt, Mount Athos). While in Jerusalem, he founded the Russian Mission there.

In short, a hoax is not a miracle, and is not proof of the existence of deity.
Those of you who claim "God doesn't exist!" please, explain the following miracle.

Once a year on Great Saturday (the Saturday before the Orthodox Easter) an Orthodox priest comes into Lord's Tomb cathedral in Israel and gets the fire WITHOUT any matches. The fire is Holy and doesn't burn you at all during first 10-15 minutes. You can see in the videos I'm posting how the people are enjoying putting it next to their faces. And this miracle has been occurring EVERY year.

Okay. First, that first video proves nothing. What that cat did with the "magic candle" you can do with any candle. all he did was wave it around, close to his face. You wanna prove the flame 'doesn't burn"? Hold it still against the skin. Ya know why you don't see anyone doing that? Because it's a fucking fure, dumbass!!!. As to the magic, "fire from nothing", there are any of a number of ways to perpetrate this fraud, and yes, it is a hoax:

Mystery of Jerusalem's Holy Fire comes to light

Time to Prove or Disprove the Holy Sepulchre Fire Mystery

According to Shihab al-Din al-Qarafi, the 13th century Ayyubid ruler Al-Muazzam Turanshah is mentioned as having discovered the fraudulence of the Holy Fire; however, he allowed the monks to continue their fraud in exchange for money.[14]

In 1238, Pope Gregory IX denounced the Holy Fire as a fraud and forbade Franciscans from participating in the ceremony.[15] Similarly, many Christians have remained unconvinced by the occurrence.[16]

The Ottoman traveller, Evliya Celebi, claimed that a hidden zinc jar of naphtha was dripped down a chain by a hidden monk.[17]

Edward Gibbon wrote scathingly about the alleged phenomenon in the concluding volume of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:

This pious fraud, first devised in the ninth century, was devoutly cherished by the Latin crusaders, and is annually repeated by the clergy of the Greek, Armenian, and Coptic sects, who impose on the credulous spectators for their own benefit and that of their tyrants.[18]

Thomas Tegg, a 19th-century Englishman, included a deflationary account of the event in The London Encyclopaedia, published in 1828, speculating that the event is purely natural and motivated by pecuniary interest.[19]

Some Greeks have been critical of the Holy Fire, such as Adamantios Korais, who condemned what he considered to be religious fraud in his treatise "On the Holy Light of Jerusalem." He referred to the event as "machinations of fraudulent priests" and to the "unholy" light of Jerusalem as "a profiteers' miracle".

In 2005, in a live demonstration on Greek television,[20] Michael Kalopoulos, author and historian of religion, dipped three candles in white phosphorus. The candles spontaneously ignited after approximately 20 minutes due to the self-ignition properties of white phosphorus when in contact with air. According to Kalopoulos' website:

If phosphorus is dissolved in an appropriate organic solvent, self-ignition is delayed until the solvent has almost completely evaporated. Repeated experiments showed that the ignition can be delayed for half an hour or more, depending on the density of the solution and the solvent employed.

Kalopoulos also points out that chemical reactions of this nature were well known in ancient times, quoting Strabo, who states: "In Babylon there are two kinds of naphtha springs, a white and a black. The white naphtha is the one that ignites with fire." (Strabon Geographica He further states that phosphorus was used by Chaldean magicians in the early fifth century BC, and by the ancient Greeks, in a way similar to its supposed use today by the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem.[21]

Russian skeptic Igor Dobrokhotov[22] has analysed the evidence for an alleged miracle at length on his website, including the ancient sources[23] and contemporary photos and videos.[24] He has also reproduced fire-bathing and has uncovered contradictions in the story of the "column split by lightning."

Dobrokhotov and other critics, including Russian Orthodox researcher Nikolay Uspensky,[25] Dr. Aleksandr Musin of Sorbonne, and some Old Believers quote excerpts from the diaries of Bishop Porphyrius (Uspensky) (1804–1885),[26] which told that the clergy in Jerusalem knew that the Holy Fire was fraudulent. Porphyrius was a Russian Orthodox archimandrite who was sent on the official Church-related research mission to Jerusalem and other places (Egypt, Mount Athos). While in Jerusalem, he founded the Russian Mission there.

In short, a hoax is not a miracle, and is not proof of the existence of deity.

You can see on the videos the people imitate washing their faces with Holy Fire and it DOESN'T burn, however the same Holy Fire starts burning you in 10-16 minutes. Try to do the same with regular fire and we'll see who's a dumbass.

Besides the videos I've posted there are tons of others showing Holy Fire on each Great Saturday which doesn't burn you. Go figure.
Those of you who claim "God doesn't exist!" please, explain the following miracle.

Once a year on Great Saturday (the Saturday before the Orthodox Easter) an Orthodox priest comes into Lord's Tomb cathedral in Israel and gets the fire WITHOUT any matches. The fire is Holy and doesn't burn you at all during first 10-15 minutes. You can see in the videos I'm posting how the people are enjoying putting it next to their faces. And this miracle has been occurring EVERY year.

Okay. First, that first video proves nothing. What that cat did with the "magic candle" you can do with any candle. all he did was wave it around, close to his face. You wanna prove the flame 'doesn't burn"? Hold it still against the skin. Ya know why you don't see anyone doing that? Because it's a fucking fure, dumbass!!!. As to the magic, "fire from nothing", there are any of a number of ways to perpetrate this fraud, and yes, it is a hoax:

Mystery of Jerusalem's Holy Fire comes to light

Time to Prove or Disprove the Holy Sepulchre Fire Mystery

According to Shihab al-Din al-Qarafi, the 13th century Ayyubid ruler Al-Muazzam Turanshah is mentioned as having discovered the fraudulence of the Holy Fire; however, he allowed the monks to continue their fraud in exchange for money.[14]

In 1238, Pope Gregory IX denounced the Holy Fire as a fraud and forbade Franciscans from participating in the ceremony.[15] Similarly, many Christians have remained unconvinced by the occurrence.[16]

The Ottoman traveller, Evliya Celebi, claimed that a hidden zinc jar of naphtha was dripped down a chain by a hidden monk.[17]

Edward Gibbon wrote scathingly about the alleged phenomenon in the concluding volume of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire:

This pious fraud, first devised in the ninth century, was devoutly cherished by the Latin crusaders, and is annually repeated by the clergy of the Greek, Armenian, and Coptic sects, who impose on the credulous spectators for their own benefit and that of their tyrants.[18]

Thomas Tegg, a 19th-century Englishman, included a deflationary account of the event in The London Encyclopaedia, published in 1828, speculating that the event is purely natural and motivated by pecuniary interest.[19]

Some Greeks have been critical of the Holy Fire, such as Adamantios Korais, who condemned what he considered to be religious fraud in his treatise "On the Holy Light of Jerusalem." He referred to the event as "machinations of fraudulent priests" and to the "unholy" light of Jerusalem as "a profiteers' miracle".

In 2005, in a live demonstration on Greek television,[20] Michael Kalopoulos, author and historian of religion, dipped three candles in white phosphorus. The candles spontaneously ignited after approximately 20 minutes due to the self-ignition properties of white phosphorus when in contact with air. According to Kalopoulos' website:

If phosphorus is dissolved in an appropriate organic solvent, self-ignition is delayed until the solvent has almost completely evaporated. Repeated experiments showed that the ignition can be delayed for half an hour or more, depending on the density of the solution and the solvent employed.

Kalopoulos also points out that chemical reactions of this nature were well known in ancient times, quoting Strabo, who states: "In Babylon there are two kinds of naphtha springs, a white and a black. The white naphtha is the one that ignites with fire." (Strabon Geographica He further states that phosphorus was used by Chaldean magicians in the early fifth century BC, and by the ancient Greeks, in a way similar to its supposed use today by the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem.[21]

Russian skeptic Igor Dobrokhotov[22] has analysed the evidence for an alleged miracle at length on his website, including the ancient sources[23] and contemporary photos and videos.[24] He has also reproduced fire-bathing and has uncovered contradictions in the story of the "column split by lightning."

Dobrokhotov and other critics, including Russian Orthodox researcher Nikolay Uspensky,[25] Dr. Aleksandr Musin of Sorbonne, and some Old Believers quote excerpts from the diaries of Bishop Porphyrius (Uspensky) (1804–1885),[26] which told that the clergy in Jerusalem knew that the Holy Fire was fraudulent. Porphyrius was a Russian Orthodox archimandrite who was sent on the official Church-related research mission to Jerusalem and other places (Egypt, Mount Athos). While in Jerusalem, he founded the Russian Mission there.

In short, a hoax is not a miracle, and is not proof of the existence of deity.

You can see on the videos the people imitate washing their faces with Holy Fire and it DOESN'T burn, however the same Holy Fire starts burning you in 10-16 minutes. Try to do the same with regular fire and we'll see who's a dumbass.

Besides the videos I've posted there are tons of others showing Holy Fire on each Great Saturday which doesn't burn you. Go figure.

I saw no such thing. I saw people quickly waving the thing around their faces, acting all amazed that it wasn't burning them.

See, nothing magical about it:

God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.

Which works well for those with a childish mind, which is probably about 95% of this board.

I prefer to use the one that "If God must exist because the universe is so complex, then God must be so complex he must have been created by a creator, which in turn is in turn so complex it must have been created by a creator. No creator can have just appeared out of nowhere, which then leaves you asking how the first creator was created in order to end up with a God that could create stuff because it couldn't just come out of nowhere."
Addresses an entirely different issue. The point of Eric is to expose the irrationality of the "Prove God doesn't exist" challenge.

Same thing actually.

Just different way of looking at it.
God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.

Which works well for those with a childish mind, which is probably about 95% of this board.

I prefer to use the one that "If God must exist because the universe is so complex, then God must be so complex he must have been created by a creator, which in turn is in turn so complex it must have been created by a creator. No creator can have just appeared out of nowhere, which then leaves you asking how the first creator was created in order to end up with a God that could create stuff because it couldn't just come out of nowhere."
GOD is the ultimate. There is no time or space without GOD. Let's say one moment before GOD created anything GOD simply was without anything else. Now some might imagine GOD sat around for billions of years and cried. But I find it very logical that GOD was and then there was time, space and matter. and before that was like a blink of an eye for GOD. We do know GOD is love and GOD is capable of love. And GOD intended to interact with HIS CREATION personally and on the "human" level.

Nothing you have said actually counters what I have said.

Your argument has to assume God exists in order for it to be valid in the first place.

If you're saying that God is time, space and matter, then you're saying matter just came into being out of nothing, because God came into being out of nothing.

Therefore the argument that God must exist because nothing can come into being out of nothing, gets thrown out of the window.
God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.

Which works well for those with a childish mind, which is probably about 95% of this board.

I prefer to use the one that "If God must exist because the universe is so complex, then God must be so complex he must have been created by a creator, which in turn is in turn so complex it must have been created by a creator. No creator can have just appeared out of nowhere, which then leaves you asking how the first creator was created in order to end up with a God that could create stuff because it couldn't just come out of nowhere."
GOD is the ultimate. There is no time or space without GOD. Let's say one moment before GOD created anything GOD simply was without anything else. Now some might imagine GOD sat around for billions of years and cried. But I find it very logical that GOD was and then there was time, space and matter. and before that was like a blink of an eye for GOD. We do know GOD is love and GOD is capable of love. And GOD intended to interact with HIS CREATION personally and on the "human" level.

Nothing you have said actually counters what I have said.

Your argument has to assume God exists in order for it to be valid in the first place.

If you're saying that God is time, space and matter, then you're saying matter just came into being out of nothing, because God came into being out of nothing.

Therefore the argument that God must exist because nothing can come into being out of nothing, gets thrown out of the window.
A Christian knows that GOD exists. His/her life is changed. He/she sees GOD working in his/her life. Prayers are answered and one gains a joyous feeling of contentment. One's purpose becomes the welfare of others. And the Christian begins to see the truth revealed throughout the Bible. I've seen people who initially believed that Genesis was metaphorical suddenly embrace it and realize that it was totally factual, as they matured in the LORD.

You can pretentiously say you believe in Eric the Penguin, but does he make you feel safe and content? HONESTLY?!?!? Do you know where you are headed when you die? Why? How?
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God can't exist because of Eric the God-Eating Magic Penguin. Since Eric is god-eating, by definition he has no choice but to eat God. So, if God exists, he automatically ceases to exist as a result of being eaten.

So, unless you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, God doesn't exist. On the other hand, if you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, then apply that same evidence to God.

There are only two possibilities. Either you can prove that Eric doesn't exist, or you can't. In both cases, it logically follows that God doesn't exist.

Have fun with that one, theists.

Which works well for those with a childish mind, which is probably about 95% of this board.

I prefer to use the one that "If God must exist because the universe is so complex, then God must be so complex he must have been created by a creator, which in turn is in turn so complex it must have been created by a creator. No creator can have just appeared out of nowhere, which then leaves you asking how the first creator was created in order to end up with a God that could create stuff because it couldn't just come out of nowhere."
GOD is the ultimate. There is no time or space without GOD. Let's say one moment before GOD created anything GOD simply was without anything else. Now some might imagine GOD sat around for billions of years and cried. But I find it very logical that GOD was and then there was time, space and matter. and before that was like a blink of an eye for GOD. We do know GOD is love and GOD is capable of love. And GOD intended to interact with HIS CREATION personally and on the "human" level.

Nothing you have said actually counters what I have said.

Your argument has to assume God exists in order for it to be valid in the first place.

If you're saying that God is time, space and matter, then you're saying matter just came into being out of nothing, because God came into being out of nothing.

Therefore the argument that God must exist because nothing can come into being out of nothing, gets thrown out of the window.
A Christian knows that GOD exists. His/her life is changed. He/she sees GOD working in his/her life. Prayers are answered and one gains a joyous feeling of contentment. One's purpose becomes the welfare of others. And the Christian begins to see the truth revealed throughout the Bible. I've seen people who initially believed that Genesis was metaphorical suddenly embrace it and realize that it was totally factual, as they matured in the LORD.

You can pretentiously say you believe in Eric the Penguin, but does he make you feel safe and content? HONESTLY?!?!? Do you know where you are headed when you die? Why? How?

Yes, people often "know" things that just aren't true. It's not an uncommon occurrence in this world.
God CAN exist because of Eric the God eating magic penguin. By definition he MUST eat God, thus if Eric exists, God exists.
No. Just because one must eat something, IF it exists, does not then necessitate that this something DOES exist, if the one mentioned exists.
You can see on the videos the people imitate washing their faces with Holy Fire and it DOESN'T burn, however the same Holy Fire starts burning you in 10-16 minutes. Try to do the same with regular fire and we'll see who's a dumbass.'re kidding, right? You inow you are being fooled by a magic trick....right?
God CAN exist because of Eric the God eating magic penguin. By definition he MUST eat God, thus if Eric exists, God exists.
No. Just because one must eat something, IF it exists, does not then necessitate that this something DOES exist, if the one mentioned exists.

If Eric the Magic Penguin exists, and he MUST eat God for sustenance, then God must exist as well.

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