Eric Trump: My Dad Is Going to Go After Hillary in a Way That No One Has Ever Gone After Her Before

No one has ever gone after hilly.

That is what I thought of firstly. But then I remembered Wade Hubble, he must of hit that at least once.
Ask the American public about that, they won't have a clue what you are talking about.

Ask Chelsea about that, she'll tell you to quit talking smack about her daddy. :lmao:

That's how little the MSM has gone after Hildabeast.
The apple does fall far from the tree
that's what steve jobs would have said. hillary and bill have scandals still in the incubator we've never even heard about.
harry reid just said from the senate floor that
"word on the street is that bill clinton and bill cosby are the same guy".

So the RWNJs have another batch of made up accusations. Somehow, I'm not surprised. What are the odds that these will be any more effective than the 25 years of false accusations already tried?

Hillary could be on film shooting people in the street and you'd still think it was a right wing conspiracy

Considering all the other false claims made, I wouldn't be surprised to see RWNJs produce a CGI video showing that. If you could come up with just 1 real, provable accusation of Hillary guilty of any wrong doing, that would be something. So far you haven't. Just a bunch of childish accusations.

Accept of course, the ones she's admitted to.

Trump will not be the GOP nominee. Hillary and others slam him because he invites it and it sells. Double edged-sword that mouth of his. If Trump starts campaigning for the GOP or actually would put up cash to run third party, anything eh says or does will only backfire and assist Clinton. Outside the people in the nasty bubble, the average American is turned of by Trump's NY values.
eric is young.. he has no idea what hillary has endured, and will continue to endure, unless his daddy tells him so...

just get use to saying Madame President, boyz... :thup:

I KNOW, she has been in a WAR ZONE! She has endured SO MUCH! That boy could never understand! :ack-1:


"Now let me tell you what I can remember, OK -- because what I was told was that we had to land a certain way and move quickly because of the threat of sniper fire. So I misspoke -- I didn't say that in my book or other times but if I said something that made it seem as though there was actual fire -- that's not what I was told," she told the newspaper.

"I was told we had to land a certain way, we had to have our bulletproof stuff on because of the threat of sniper fire. I was also told that the greeting ceremony had been moved away from the tarmac but that there was this 8-year-old girl and, I can't, I can't rush by her, I've got to at least greet her -- so I greeted her, I took her stuff and then I left. Now that's my memory of it."

Clinton says she 'misspoke' about sniper fire -
The apple does fall far from the tree
that's what steve jobs would have said. hillary and bill have scandals still in the incubator we've never even heard about.
harry reid just said from the senate floor that
"word on the street is that bill clinton and bill cosby are the same guy".

So the RWNJs have another batch of made up accusations. Somehow, I'm not surprised. What are the odds that these will be any more effective than the 25 years of false accusations already tried?

Hillary could be on film shooting people in the street and you'd still think it was a right wing conspiracy

Considering all the other false claims made, I wouldn't be surprised to see RWNJs produce a CGI video showing that. If you could come up with just 1 real, provable accusation of Hillary guilty of any wrong doing, that would be something. So far you haven't. Just a bunch of childish accusations.

Accept of course, the ones she's admitted to.


That's all you got. No kink to proof?
Trump will not be the GOP nominee. Hillary and others slam him because he invites it and it sells. Double edged-sword that mouth of his. If Trump starts campaigning for the GOP or actually would put up cash to run third party, anything eh says or does will only backfire and assist Clinton. Outside the people in the nasty bubble, the average American is turned of by Trump's NY values.
...which is why he's won way more votes. Shrewd thinking there Marty.
I think we will get all the details about the Hilly Yoko connection....

He doesn't even know the difference between a terrorist attack and a convenient store.

Kinda like Mrs. Tuzla Clinton doesn't know the difference between a protest and an organized attack. Or the difference between sniper fire and no sniper fire.

You're taking my post a little too seriously, lighten up.
The younger Trump predicted his father would attack Clinton in a way “that no one has gone after her before.”
That's a pretty big boast. Hillary has been attacked from the deepest, dirtiest, smelliest, slimiest gutters there are.
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Empty rhetoric. If he is going to be the nominee he should be ready to unleash already
Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Eric Trump, son of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, weighed in on Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s decision to attack Donald Trump in New York State, which will hold its primary on Tuesday.

The younger Trump predicted his father would attack Clinton in a way “that no one has gone after her before.”

“[Hillary] turned her attention to us — for the last two weeks she’s been running negative ads against us in New York,” Trump said. “She’s already turned her attention to us, which is a great compliment because she’s effectively saying we’re going to be the nominee, and he’s going to be the nominee. So, it’s going to be an interesting battle between the two of them. There’s a lot of things — there’s a lot of fuzz on her record to say the least, and he’s certainly going to go after it. He’s going to go after her in a way that no one has gone after her before.”

Getting to Watch it all on TV ??...... Priceless
The apple does fall far from the tree
that's what steve jobs would have said. hillary and bill have scandals still in the incubator we've never even heard about.
harry reid just said from the senate floor that
"word on the street is that bill clinton and bill cosby are the same guy".

So the RWNJs have another batch of made up accusations. Somehow, I'm not surprised. What are the odds that these will be any more effective than the 25 years of false accusations already tried?
shup bodey
Trump will not be the GOP nominee. Hillary and others slam him because he invites it and it sells. Double edged-sword that mouth of his. If Trump starts campaigning for the GOP or actually would put up cash to run third party, anything eh says or does will only backfire and assist Clinton. Outside the people in the nasty bubble, the average American is turned of by Trump's NY values.
...which is why he's won way more votes. Shrewd thinking there Marty.
Average of 35% of votes

What is most telling is that as each of the other candidates have dropped out, Trump's average has stayed steady.

Elections for Dummies: Trump has been stuck, while Cruz is gaining
Trump will not be the GOP nominee. Hillary and others slam him because he invites it and it sells. Double edged-sword that mouth of his. If Trump starts campaigning for the GOP or actually would put up cash to run third party, anything eh says or does will only backfire and assist Clinton. Outside the people in the nasty bubble, the average American is turned of by Trump's NY values.
...which is why he's won way more votes. Shrewd thinking there Marty.
Average of 35% of votes

What is most telling is that as each of the other candidates have dropped out, Trump's average has stayed steady.

Elections for Dummies: Trump has been stuck, while Cruz is gaining
Trump will be soundly defeated in the General Election

Even his own party admits it
Lyin Ted's at Trump's feet. T needs to focus on Crooked Hillary ALREADY.

and after Crooked Hillary falls swiftly at his feet, President Donald J Trump will address the crowd of 300 million American Trump supporters at the Silverdome in his victory speech.

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