Eric Trump: My Dad Is Going to Go After Hillary in a Way That No One Has Ever Gone After Her Before

I'm getting the image of Big Enos Burdette and Little Enos hiring the bandit to run some bootleg Coors from Texarkana.

you know that you're the only one here that knows what you're talking about right ?

Metaphor and analogy are sometimes tough to decipher. No worries, a certain overall experience is needed to figure these things out. No harm if you can't.

Jeezus laughed and that's all that matters.


This is gonna be great. Crooked Hillary is going to have a lot of late nights wondering if the gay, jew, black vote is enough to guarantee a victory.
Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Eric Trump, son of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, weighed in on Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s decision to attack Donald Trump in New York State, which will hold its primary on Tuesday.

The younger Trump predicted his father would attack Clinton in a way “that no one has gone after her before.”

“[Hillary] turned her attention to us — for the last two weeks she’s been running negative ads against us in New York,” Trump said. “She’s already turned her attention to us, which is a great compliment because she’s effectively saying we’re going to be the nominee, and he’s going to be the nominee. So, it’s going to be an interesting battle between the two of them. There’s a lot of things — there’s a lot of fuzz on her record to say the least, and he’s certainly going to go after it. He’s going to go after her in a way that no one has gone after her before.”

Getting to Watch it all on TV ??...... Priceless
and the 7/11 drumph will get his ass handed to him ,,,too many hate his guts with reason and america is tired of his going to make us great again..Already we're greater than ever before
Hillary is a very flawed candidate with a significant record of dishonesty, incompetency and corruption as we are seeing with the investigation by the FBI.

She is a terrible candidate for President. What in the hell were these dumbass Moon Bats thinking making her the front runner?

Bernie was never serious about winning the nomination because he never really attacked Hillary on her significant flaws. He attacked her a little bit on her hypocrisy with Wall Street and complained she wasn't as bat shit crazy Left Wing as him but he ignored the Big Enchiladas.

Trump will not go easy on Crooked Hillary. He will do what the filthy ass Liberal media has refused to do and expose Hillary's terrible record, dishonesty and incompetency.

I am not a Trump supporter but I look forward to him exposing The Bitch for being the scumbag that she is.
even if the donald were to come up with some sort of attack she's yet to endure, which is doubtful, she'd still come out the other side as POTUS. is this a great country or what?

Yep......sad to see that so many Americans support corruption and criminal activity.

What a great country.
the number of people who don't care is still larger than the number of voters.
It will be interesting when Trump "goes after" Hillary

Hillary is not especially likeable. Trump turning her into a victim of his unfair attacks will not sit well with the voters...especially women

Hillary just has to avoid going down into the gutter with him
Hillary is a very flawed candidate with a significant record of dishonesty, incompetency and corruption as we are seeing with the investigation by the FBI.

She is a terrible candidate for President. What in the hell were these dumbass Moon Bats thinking making her the front runner?

Bernie was never serious about winning the nomination because he never really attacked Hillary on her significant flaws. He attacked her a little bit on her hypocrisy with Wall Street and complained she wasn't as bat shit crazy Left Wing as him but he ignored the Big Enchiladas.

Trump will not go easy on Crooked Hillary. He will do what the filthy ass Liberal media has refused to do and expose Hillary's terrible record, dishonesty and incompetency.

I am not a Trump supporter but I look forward to him exposing The Bitch for being the scumbag that she is.

I will admit Hillary is a flawed candidate. Republicans had a choice of 17 candidates to find someone who could beat Hillary in a general election

They chose wrong
It will be interesting when Trump "goes after" Hillary

Hillary is not especially likeable. Trump turning her into a victim of his unfair attacks will not sit well with the voters...especially women

Hillary just has to avoid going down into the gutter with him

Nobody has ever told The Bitch that she is an asshole. She will crumble with that kind of scrutiny.

She has been able to get the useful idiot Moon Bats to vote for her in the Primaries and her and Wasserman Shultz rigged the process to insure her nomination but she has failed at about everything else she has done in her life. Her record of dishonesty, corruption and incompetency is unbelievable.

A Romney or other weak minded RINOs wouldn't have attacked her and would have lost to her. Trump doesn't have that affliction and he will expose her record.
It will be interesting when Trump "goes after" Hillary

Hillary is not especially likeable. Trump turning her into a victim of his unfair attacks will not sit well with the voters...especially women

Hillary just has to avoid going down into the gutter with him

Nobody has ever told The Bitch that she is an asshole. She will crumble with that kind of scrutiny.

She has been able to get the useful idiot Moon Bats to vote for her in the Primaries and her and Wasserman Shultz rigged the process to insure her nomination but she has failed at about everything else she has done in her life. Her record of dishonesty, corruption and incompetency is unbelievable.

A Romney or other weak minded RINOs wouldn't have attacked her and would have lost to her. Trump doesn't have that affliction and he will expose her record.

I expect Trump to do just that

He will pay the price in the voting booth
It will be interesting when Trump "goes after" Hillary

Hillary is not especially likeable. Trump turning her into a victim of his unfair attacks will not sit well with the voters...especially women

Hillary just has to avoid going down into the gutter with him

Nobody has ever told The Bitch that she is an asshole. She will crumble with that kind of scrutiny.

She has been able to get the useful idiot Moon Bats to vote for her in the Primaries and her and Wasserman Shultz rigged the process to insure her nomination but she has failed at about everything else she has done in her life. Her record of dishonesty, corruption and incompetency is unbelievable.

A Romney or other weak minded RINOs wouldn't have attacked her and would have lost to her. Trump doesn't have that affliction and he will expose her record.
Very delusional to say the least. It is hard to think of a politician who has been subjected to more scrutiny than Hillary Clinton over the last twenty years. Heck, she recently frustrated a congressional committee full of star Republicans in an 11 hour live TV interrogation that proved nothing more than that she had the stamina and the wit to make the Republicans look like fools.

Very delusional to say the least. It is hard to think of a politician who has been subjected to more scrutiny than Hillary Clinton over the last twenty years. Heck, she recently frustrated a congressional committee full of star Republicans in an 11 hour live TV interrogation that proved nothing more than that she had the stamina and the wit to make the Republicans look like fools.

You have it wrong. She has been protected from real scrutiny because she is part of the political ruling elite. For instance, her emails were not even investigated until Trey Gowdy looked into it.

That shithead Patrick Kennedy has been running interference for her in the State Department big time.

The Liberal press have always love the Clinton scumbags and have not done the job they should doing investigating that scam Clinton Foundation which fed the Clinton $140 million.

Hopefully the FBI will do its job properly and the Justice Department for a change will do the right thing but don't count because they both report to that idiot Obama. Obama isn't exactly known for doing the right thing, is he?

However, in the meantime let us all hope that Trump doesn't get wobbly on us and does a good job letting the American people know what a complete corrupt, incompetent and dishonest asshole Hillary Clinton really is.

Over 60% of the American people think she is dishonest and about the same number have a unfavorable opinion of her so if Trump does his job the Bitch is toast.
Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Eric Trump, son of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, weighed in on Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s decision to attack Donald Trump in New York State, which will hold its primary on Tuesday.

The younger Trump predicted his father would attack Clinton in a way “that no one has gone after her before.”

“[Hillary] turned her attention to us — for the last two weeks she’s been running negative ads against us in New York,” Trump said. “She’s already turned her attention to us, which is a great compliment because she’s effectively saying we’re going to be the nominee, and he’s going to be the nominee. So, it’s going to be an interesting battle between the two of them. There’s a lot of things — there’s a lot of fuzz on her record to say the least, and he’s certainly going to go after it. He’s going to go after her in a way that no one has gone after her before.”

Getting to Watch it all on TV ??...... Priceless
Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Eric Trump, son of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, weighed in on Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s decision to attack Donald Trump in New York State, which will hold its primary on Tuesday.

The younger Trump predicted his father would attack Clinton in a way “that no one has gone after her before.”

“[Hillary] turned her attention to us — for the last two weeks she’s been running negative ads against us in New York,” Trump said. “She’s already turned her attention to us, which is a great compliment because she’s effectively saying we’re going to be the nominee, and he’s going to be the nominee. So, it’s going to be an interesting battle between the two of them. There’s a lot of things — there’s a lot of fuzz on her record to say the least, and he’s certainly going to go after it. He’s going to go after her in a way that no one has gone after her before.”

Getting to Watch it all on TV ??...... Priceless
Coming from someone so clueless he didn't know you had to register to vote so he could vote for his dad...... I doubt they will do much.
Hillary Clinton may have the Gruberididots and Moon Bats snowed and of course the Negroes love her because she goes around campaigning with Trayvon Martin's mother but Trump will make sure that the people in America that are capable of thinking for themselves will understand what a scumbag Hillary Clinton really is.
Are lefties offended by this? Look at what they did to Sarah Palin. Lefties even had a spy renting a home near her. Hillary was involved in shoddy business deals and she was beyond a doubt the enabler for her husband's abuse of women. You have to take Hill and Bill as a team because that's how they were portrayed and therefore Hillary should have to explain why her husband pardoned a corporate thief who was on the FBI's 10 most wanted in exchange for a million dollar "donation" to the Clinton library. What in the world could Hillary say to major financial institutions that they don't already know? Were the 300k speeches a way to get around the campaign laws?

"Tell your mama, tell your paw. Gonna send her back to Arkensaw"....Ray Charles

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