Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State Loses 3.4 Million Residents In 10yrs

New York State accounted for the biggest migration exodus of any state in the nation between 2000 and 2010, with 3.4 million residents leaving over that period, according to the Tax Foundation.

Over that decade the state gained 2.1 million, so net migration amounted to 1.3 million, representing a loss of $45.6 billion in income.

Where are they escaping to? The Tax Foundation found that more than 600,000 New York residents moved to Florida over the decade – opting perhaps for the Sunshine State’s more lenient tax system – taking nearly $20 billion in adjusted growth income with them.

Over that same time period, 208,794 Pennsylvanians moved to Florida, taking $8 billion in income.

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”

The Tax Foundation has created a “migration calculator” based on data from the Internal Revenue Service, tabulating the number of individuals moving between states each year, and income affected by the shifts.

The calculator shows that 612,520 people renounced their citizenship in New York State and moved to Florida in the 10-year period, taking with them $19.7 billion in adjusted growth income.

Between 2009 and 2010 alone, 40,195 New York residents moved to Florida, taking $1.3 billion in income.

According to the group, New York ranked second among the states for the highest state and local tax burden in 2009. The Empire State was ranked highest for tax burden every year from 1977 until 2006, except in 1984 when it was ranked second...

Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State Loses 3.4 Million Residents in 10 Years |

Do they exclude the retirees in NY who move to Florida, without any regard for tax issues?

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”


"may" have is the key word there. They don't really know the numbers. New Hampshire has a net loss of people to Florida, and New Hampshire is a very low tax state.

My current boss moved back here from Florida recently.
Do they exclude the retirees in NY who move to Florida, without any regard for tax issues?

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”


"may" have is the key word there. They don't really know the numbers. New Hampshire has a net loss of people to Florida, and New Hampshire is a very low tax state.

My current boss moved back here from Florida recently.

There's also little industry in New Hampshire, but this is about NY.

In this horrible 0bameconomy, people have to go where the jobs are and where you aren't over taxed. The destination seems to be red states.
Do they exclude the retirees in NY who move to Florida, without any regard for tax issues?

Bull- seniors go to Florida for a lower cost of living- sales taxes, a burden to retiree's, is much lower in Florida then in New York. Publications geared towards retiree's that discuss good places to retire, are always based around tax rates and other COL considerations.

You're an idiot. Go back to the 4th grade and learn what the word 'weather' means.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle...

well actually the retirees who move around based on weather are called the snow birds.. they winter in Fla. but maintain residence in their home states.. The ones looking for tax breaks move to Florida and call it home. Ps. Jesus Christ never learned to ride bike.
New York State accounted for the biggest migration exodus of any state in the nation between 2000 and 2010, with 3.4 million residents leaving over that period, according to the Tax Foundation.

Over that decade the state gained 2.1 million, so net migration amounted to 1.3 million, representing a loss of $45.6 billion in income.

Where are they escaping to? The Tax Foundation found that more than 600,000 New York residents moved to Florida over the decade – opting perhaps for the Sunshine State’s more lenient tax system – taking nearly $20 billion in adjusted growth income with them.

Over that same time period, 208,794 Pennsylvanians moved to Florida, taking $8 billion in income.

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”

The Tax Foundation has created a “migration calculator” based on data from the Internal Revenue Service, tabulating the number of individuals moving between states each year, and income affected by the shifts.

The calculator shows that 612,520 people renounced their citizenship in New York State and moved to Florida in the 10-year period, taking with them $19.7 billion in adjusted growth income.

Between 2009 and 2010 alone, 40,195 New York residents moved to Florida, taking $1.3 billion in income.

According to the group, New York ranked second among the states for the highest state and local tax burden in 2009. The Empire State was ranked highest for tax burden every year from 1977 until 2006, except in 1984 when it was ranked second...

Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State Loses 3.4 Million Residents in 10 Years |

Do they exclude the retirees in NY who move to Florida, without any regard for tax issues?

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”


Carbonated is one of the ones that say Red Statates take more Federal money by apportionment than they give...

NOT so much any more...:eusa_shhh:

He's pissed people are leaving his Utopia.
New York State accounted for the biggest migration exodus of any state in the nation between 2000 and 2010, with 3.4 million residents leaving over that period, according to the Tax Foundation.

Over that decade the state gained 2.1 million, so net migration amounted to 1.3 million, representing a loss of $45.6 billion in income.

Where are they escaping to? The Tax Foundation found that more than 600,000 New York residents moved to Florida over the decade – opting perhaps for the Sunshine State’s more lenient tax system – taking nearly $20 billion in adjusted growth income with them.

Over that same time period, 208,794 Pennsylvanians moved to Florida, taking $8 billion in income.

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”

The Tax Foundation has created a “migration calculator” based on data from the Internal Revenue Service, tabulating the number of individuals moving between states each year, and income affected by the shifts.

The calculator shows that 612,520 people renounced their citizenship in New York State and moved to Florida in the 10-year period, taking with them $19.7 billion in adjusted growth income.

Between 2009 and 2010 alone, 40,195 New York residents moved to Florida, taking $1.3 billion in income.

According to the group, New York ranked second among the states for the highest state and local tax burden in 2009. The Empire State was ranked highest for tax burden every year from 1977 until 2006, except in 1984 when it was ranked second...

Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State Loses 3.4 Million Residents in 10 Years |

Do they exclude the retirees in NY who move to Florida, without any regard for tax issues?

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”


Reading certainly is fundamental, and YOU should try it some time!!!

"Many of THESE" means that retirees are included in the "THESE" number they dishonestly used. And since they didn't break out the retirees, they are just making up shit when they SPECULATE that many more MAY have moved there to dodge their taxes. It is just as likely that very few moved to dodge their taxes.
A lot of delusional LOLberals in here. I live in NYC. Most of my family lives in the state somewhere...well, they did anyway. Between the ones who took up permanent residence in N.C, Texas and florida the clan has all but left the state.

And it hasn't got a F#$*ing thing to do with weather. People are drowning in taxes in NY. I already have lost several business/networking contacts to moved businesses. In particular, Texas. Where the taxes are much lower.

People have always been retiring from NY to florida as snow birds. That isn't what is going on now. I live here. If you don't and you're projecting what's going on, you're probably full of complete shit.
Do they exclude the retirees in NY who move to Florida, without any regard for tax issues?

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”


Reading certainly is fundamental, and YOU should try it some time!!!

"Many of THESE" means that retirees are included in the "THESE" number they dishonestly used. And since they didn't break out the retirees, they are just making up shit when they SPECULATE that many more MAY have moved there to dodge their taxes. It is just as likely that very few moved to dodge their taxes.

That's not his question, dumbass... He aske'd this:

Do they exclude the retirees in NY who move to Florida, without any regard for tax issues?

The answer I posted shows NO, they don't exclude them...

Pay the fuck attention to what is written, you dumbshit...

Now go be fucking stupid somewhere else...
So, with all these people moving from blue states...

Will they turn the red states blue?

Odds are it's the smarter conservatives leaving, so FL will just get redder...

The stuipd libs supporting high taxes will stay on....
Or just smart people that see their wealth being extracted by a nanny state that can't even balance a fucking budget, is corrupt to the core and is pushing businesses out of the state with their LOLberal policies of tax adn then spend twice as much. This state is a massive goose egg on the head for any smart and financially minded folks.

For the herd, it's a wonderful place where they can sit on their ass all day and the nanny state will feed them and give them 600 channels of TV to watch.
“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”


Reading certainly is fundamental, and YOU should try it some time!!!

"Many of THESE" means that retirees are included in the "THESE" number they dishonestly used. And since they didn't break out the retirees, they are just making up shit when they SPECULATE that many more MAY have moved there to dodge their taxes. It is just as likely that very few moved to dodge their taxes.

That's not his question, dumbass... He aske'd this:

Do they exclude the retirees in NY who move to Florida, without any regard for tax issues?

The answer I posted shows NO, they don't exclude them...

Pay the fuck attention to what is written, you dumbshit...

Now go be fucking stupid somewhere else...

You not being able to read does not mean others need to pay attention it means you need a basic education just like aq 3 year old
So, with all these people moving from blue states...

Will they turn the red states blue?

Odds are it's the smarter conservatives leaving, so FL will just get redder...

The stuipd libs supporting high taxes will stay on....

Yep those stupid libs who've made their states have half the poverty as red states 20% more GDP per capital more employment and better living standards
So, with all these people moving from blue states...

Will they turn the red states blue?

Odds are it's the smarter conservatives leaving, so FL will just get redder...

The stuipd libs supporting high taxes will stay on....

Yep those stupid libs who've made their states have half the poverty as red states 20% more GDP per capital more employment and better living standards

One third of ALL welfare recipients live in the liberal state of Californication.. One third.
Bull- seniors go to Florida for a lower cost of living- sales taxes, a burden to retiree's, is much lower in Florida then in New York. Publications geared towards retiree's that discuss good places to retire, are always based around tax rates and other COL considerations.

You're an idiot. Go back to the 4th grade and learn what the word 'weather' means.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle...

well actually the retirees who move around based on weather are called the snow birds.. they winter in Fla. but maintain residence in their home states.. The ones looking for tax breaks move to Florida and call it home. Ps. Jesus Christ never learned to ride bike.

So your position is that no one moves to Florida and stays there, because of the weather.

You're an idiot.
Reading certainly is fundamental, and YOU should try it some time!!!

"Many of THESE" means that retirees are included in the "THESE" number they dishonestly used. And since they didn't break out the retirees, they are just making up shit when they SPECULATE that many more MAY have moved there to dodge their taxes. It is just as likely that very few moved to dodge their taxes.

That's not his question, dumbass... He aske'd this:

Do they exclude the retirees in NY who move to Florida, without any regard for tax issues?

The answer I posted shows NO, they don't exclude them...

Pay the fuck attention to what is written, you dumbshit...

Now go be fucking stupid somewhere else...
You not being able to read does not mean others need to pay attention it means you need a basic education just like aq 3 year old

You're obviously too stuipd to comprehend...

You should have stayed in school...
So, with all these people moving from blue states...

Will they turn the red states blue?

Odds are it's the smarter conservatives leaving, so FL will just get redder...

The stuipd libs supporting high taxes will stay on....

Yep those stupid libs who've made their states have half the poverty as red states 20% more GDP per capital more employment and better living standards

If t's shuch a great place to live, why the exodus?

You should have stayed in school....
Right, sure. And a 2 billion dollar budget gap for 2012-13. Spend, spend, spend! Hey, run out of money? That's ok, it grows on trees in LOLberal land!
You're an idiot. Go back to the 4th grade and learn what the word 'weather' means.

Jesus Christ on a bicycle...

well actually the retirees who move around based on weather are called the snow birds.. they winter in Fla. but maintain residence in their home states.. The ones looking for tax breaks move to Florida and call it home. Ps. Jesus Christ never learned to ride bike.

So your position is that no one moves to Florida and stays there, because of the weather.

You're an idiot.

Actually, you're the idiot for using the wods "no one"... Willow didn't say "no one"... Only the brain dead like you would think in absolutes like that....

Your word games are as boring as you...


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