Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State Loses 3.4 Million Residents In 10yrs

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”


"may" have is the key word there. They don't really know the numbers. New Hampshire has a net loss of people to Florida, and New Hampshire is a very low tax state.

My current boss moved back here from Florida recently.

There's also little industry in New Hampshire, but this is about NY.

In this horrible 0bameconomy, people have to go where the jobs are and where you aren't over taxed. The destination seems to be red states.

The unemployment rate in New Hampshire is 5%. Florida's is 8.7%. New York's is 8.5%.
well actually the retirees who move around based on weather are called the snow birds.. they winter in Fla. but maintain residence in their home states.. The ones looking for tax breaks move to Florida and call it home. Ps. Jesus Christ never learned to ride bike.

So your position is that no one moves to Florida and stays there, because of the weather.

You're an idiot.

Actually, you're the idiot for using the wods "no one"... Willow didn't say "no one"... Only the brain dead like you would think in absolutes like that....

Your word games are as boring as you...


If you can show me in her post where she acknowledges that retirees, and other people for that matter, move to Florida, and stay, BECAUSE OF THE WEATHER,

you win.
"may" have is the key word there. They don't really know the numbers. New Hampshire has a net loss of people to Florida, and New Hampshire is a very low tax state.

My current boss moved back here from Florida recently.

There's also little industry in New Hampshire, but this is about NY.

In this horrible 0bameconomy, people have to go where the jobs are and where you aren't over taxed. The destination seems to be red states.

The unemployment rate in New Hampshire is 5%. Florida's is 8.7%. New York's is 8.5%.

Depends on the industry....

I'll bet there's more construction jobs in FL than NH... Further, I'll bet there's year-round work in that field...

This is about NY, though... a diff of 8.5 and 8.7 means little... Less taxes means lots...
A lot of delusional LOLberals in here. I live in NYC. Most of my family lives in the state somewhere...well, they did anyway. Between the ones who took up permanent residence in N.C, Texas and florida the clan has all but left the state.

And it hasn't got a F#$*ing thing to do with weather. People are drowning in taxes in NY. I already have lost several business/networking contacts to moved businesses. In particular, Texas. Where the taxes are much lower.

People have always been retiring from NY to florida as snow birds. That isn't what is going on now. I live here. If you don't and you're projecting what's going on, you're probably full of complete shit.

I don't think that ridiculing people who live in NY when you yourself live in NY is a good tactic.
So your position is that no one moves to Florida and stays there, because of the weather.

You're an idiot.

Actually, you're the idiot for using the wods "no one"... Willow didn't say "no one"... Only the brain dead like you would think in absolutes like that....

Your word games are as boring as you...


If you can show me in her post where she acknowledges that retirees, and other people for that matter, move to Florida, and stay, BECAUSE OF THE WEATHER,

you win.

You already lost for attempting to claim something she didn't say...

But she mentions both types in her post, so you lose on that as well...

You can thank me whenever you want...
Ignore the actual statstics. Ive been assured by some of the left leaning members of this board that people dont leave states because of taxes. Why would they lie?
NH has no State Income tax nor does it have a State Sales tax.

One of the few States that has neither.

Most of the industry is in the Southern part of the State. Not much North.

Lovely State in the Summer but brutal in the Winter. 30-40 below zero is not uncommon.

As for folks and business moving out of NY and other high tax States like Ill and Cali? Who the hell can blame em?

Shit. I'd move too.
New York State accounted for the biggest migration exodus of any state in the nation between 2000 and 2010, with 3.4 million residents leaving over that period, according to the Tax Foundation.

Over that decade the state gained 2.1 million, so net migration amounted to 1.3 million, representing a loss of $45.6 billion in income.

Where are they escaping to? The Tax Foundation found that more than 600,000 New York residents moved to Florida over the decade – opting perhaps for the Sunshine State’s more lenient tax system – taking nearly $20 billion in adjusted growth income with them.

Over that same time period, 208,794 Pennsylvanians moved to Florida, taking $8 billion in income.

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”

The Tax Foundation has created a “migration calculator” based on data from the Internal Revenue Service, tabulating the number of individuals moving between states each year, and income affected by the shifts.

The calculator shows that 612,520 people renounced their citizenship in New York State and moved to Florida in the 10-year period, taking with them $19.7 billion in adjusted growth income.

Between 2009 and 2010 alone, 40,195 New York residents moved to Florida, taking $1.3 billion in income.

According to the group, New York ranked second among the states for the highest state and local tax burden in 2009. The Empire State was ranked highest for tax burden every year from 1977 until 2006, except in 1984 when it was ranked second...

Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State Loses 3.4 Million Residents in 10 Years |

That is why the Tenth Amendment is so great, you can give the state the finger by moving to a state that fits your beliefs structure/politics....

I've coined the term "self segregation."
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New York State accounted for the biggest migration exodus of any state in the nation between 2000 and 2010, with 3.4 million residents leaving over that period, according to the Tax Foundation.

Over that decade the state gained 2.1 million, so net migration amounted to 1.3 million, representing a loss of $45.6 billion in income.

Where are they escaping to? The Tax Foundation found that more than 600,000 New York residents moved to Florida over the decade – opting perhaps for the Sunshine State’s more lenient tax system – taking nearly $20 billion in adjusted growth income with them.

Over that same time period, 208,794 Pennsylvanians moved to Florida, taking $8 billion in income.

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”

The Tax Foundation has created a “migration calculator” based on data from the Internal Revenue Service, tabulating the number of individuals moving between states each year, and income affected by the shifts.

The calculator shows that 612,520 people renounced their citizenship in New York State and moved to Florida in the 10-year period, taking with them $19.7 billion in adjusted growth income.

Between 2009 and 2010 alone, 40,195 New York residents moved to Florida, taking $1.3 billion in income.

According to the group, New York ranked second among the states for the highest state and local tax burden in 2009. The Empire State was ranked highest for tax burden every year from 1977 until 2006, except in 1984 when it was ranked second...

Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State Loses 3.4 Million Residents in 10 Years |

Yet New York City had a population growth of nearly 300,000 in the last 10 years.
New York State accounted for the biggest migration exodus of any state in the nation between 2000 and 2010, with 3.4 million residents leaving over that period, according to the Tax Foundation.

Over that decade the state gained 2.1 million, so net migration amounted to 1.3 million, representing a loss of $45.6 billion in income.

Where are they escaping to? The Tax Foundation found that more than 600,000 New York residents moved to Florida over the decade – opting perhaps for the Sunshine State’s more lenient tax system – taking nearly $20 billion in adjusted growth income with them.

Over that same time period, 208,794 Pennsylvanians moved to Florida, taking $8 billion in income.

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”

The Tax Foundation has created a “migration calculator” based on data from the Internal Revenue Service, tabulating the number of individuals moving between states each year, and income affected by the shifts.

The calculator shows that 612,520 people renounced their citizenship in New York State and moved to Florida in the 10-year period, taking with them $19.7 billion in adjusted growth income.

Between 2009 and 2010 alone, 40,195 New York residents moved to Florida, taking $1.3 billion in income.

According to the group, New York ranked second among the states for the highest state and local tax burden in 2009. The Empire State was ranked highest for tax burden every year from 1977 until 2006, except in 1984 when it was ranked second...

Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State Loses 3.4 Million Residents in 10 Years |

That is why the Tenth Amendment is so great, you can give the state the finger by moving to a state that fits your beliefs structure/politics....

I've coined the term "self segregation."

Why haven't you moved?
A lot of delusional LOLberals in here. I live in NYC. Most of my family lives in the state somewhere...well, they did anyway. Between the ones who took up permanent residence in N.C, Texas and florida the clan has all but left the state.

And it hasn't got a F#$*ing thing to do with weather. People are drowning in taxes in NY. I already have lost several business/networking contacts to moved businesses. In particular, Texas. Where the taxes are much lower.

People have always been retiring from NY to florida as snow birds. That isn't what is going on now. I live here. If you don't and you're projecting what's going on, you're probably full of complete shit.

I don't think that ridiculing people who live in NY when you yourself live in NY is a good tactic.

"A good tactic" of what? I'm pointing out that if you don't live in NY, you probably have no clue about why people leave. I happen to live at the NY epicenter and know for a fact that businesses are leaving for places like texas to escape the burden of NY taxation and policy. I know wealthy folks who have left the state to avoid losing their wealth to a state that never fails to raise taxes on everything from income, to consumer good taxes....and STILL can never ever, ever...balance a fucking budget. Our infrastructure is crumbling, unemployment is high and taxation is some of the largest in the country. The "it's the retiring people moving for the weather" argument is BS. That's been the case since people started retiring in NY. That isn't what is happeneing now.
After 30 years of Reaganomics only the rich can afford to live in NYC.

States like NY, CA and IL ignored Reagon economics you fucking moron! And these people are necessarily leaving the country they are going to more business and job friendly states,

Why don't you point down the bong for a minute and get a job! It's not our responsibility to pay for you!

Reaganomics hurt all Americans no matter what state one lived. And if unpatriotic corporations don't want to pay their taxes and get a free ride let them go somewhere else and let real patriots do business with Americans.
So, with all these people moving from blue states...

Will they turn the red states blue?

Even in States like NY, CA, IL etc, the so called "Blue States," there are a lot of conservatives. The conservative folks, who like to work and don't like to pay for deadbeats, are leaving. Socialist deadbeats, like yourself, stay and don't care where the handouts are coming from, rather they just care the handouts are still coming (otherwise they will riot Greek style)! Even the Latinos in FL and TX are more conservative!
A) CNS News is FOS of course. It's 1.3 million, and people move in a PUB DEPRESSION. Do you enjoy being brainwashed and having your vote bought by the greedy rich?
B) I guess it's time for NY, Cal, NJ, Ill to stop sending their fed taxes to cool RED states. GD rolling stone braindead dittohead azzholes LOL!
New York State accounted for the biggest migration exodus of any state in the nation between 2000 and 2010, with 3.4 million residents leaving over that period, according to the Tax Foundation.

Over that decade the state gained 2.1 million, so net migration amounted to 1.3 million, representing a loss of $45.6 billion in income.

Where are they escaping to? The Tax Foundation found that more than 600,000 New York residents moved to Florida over the decade – opting perhaps for the Sunshine State’s more lenient tax system – taking nearly $20 billion in adjusted growth income with them.

Over that same time period, 208,794 Pennsylvanians moved to Florida, taking $8 billion in income.

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”

The Tax Foundation has created a “migration calculator” based on data from the Internal Revenue Service, tabulating the number of individuals moving between states each year, and income affected by the shifts.

The calculator shows that 612,520 people renounced their citizenship in New York State and moved to Florida in the 10-year period, taking with them $19.7 billion in adjusted growth income.

Between 2009 and 2010 alone, 40,195 New York residents moved to Florida, taking $1.3 billion in income.

According to the group, New York ranked second among the states for the highest state and local tax burden in 2009. The Empire State was ranked highest for tax burden every year from 1977 until 2006, except in 1984 when it was ranked second...

Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State Loses 3.4 Million Residents in 10 Years |

Yet New York City had a population growth of nearly 300,000 in the last 10 years.

Well, that certainly offsets the 3,400,000 in losses.

New York State accounted for the biggest migration exodus of any state in the nation between 2000 and 2010, with 3.4 million residents leaving over that period, according to the Tax Foundation.

Over that decade the state gained 2.1 million, so net migration amounted to 1.3 million, representing a loss of $45.6 billion in income.

Where are they escaping to? The Tax Foundation found that more than 600,000 New York residents moved to Florida over the decade – opting perhaps for the Sunshine State’s more lenient tax system – taking nearly $20 billion in adjusted growth income with them.

Over that same time period, 208,794 Pennsylvanians moved to Florida, taking $8 billion in income.

“Many of these New York and Pennsylvania residents no doubt moved to Florida for the warm weather,” says the foundation, a nonpartisan research group. “ut many more may have moved there because the state does not have an individual income tax, an estate tax, nor an inheritance tax.”

The Tax Foundation has created a “migration calculator” based on data from the Internal Revenue Service, tabulating the number of individuals moving between states each year, and income affected by the shifts.

The calculator shows that 612,520 people renounced their citizenship in New York State and moved to Florida in the 10-year period, taking with them $19.7 billion in adjusted growth income.

Between 2009 and 2010 alone, 40,195 New York residents moved to Florida, taking $1.3 billion in income.

According to the group, New York ranked second among the states for the highest state and local tax burden in 2009. The Empire State was ranked highest for tax burden every year from 1977 until 2006, except in 1984 when it was ranked second...

Escape From New York? High-Taxing Empire State Loses 3.4 Million Residents in 10 Years |

Do they exclude the retirees in NY who move to Florida, without any regard for tax issues?

Yeah... keep telling yourself that
Again for the dupes- 2.1 million move IN....morons. Half the dupes only read the duping headline....Why is NY sending their Fed taxes to these deadbeat, "freedom loving" idiot Red states?
and dont forget the 89 Million rats that moved out of new york, and most went to Chicago where they all felt as if they were back home.
and dont forget the 89 Million rats that moved out of new york, and most went to Chicago where they all felt as if they were back home.

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