ESPN Lost Half A Million Subscribers — Just Last Month

Sports are too hard for conservatives to play or understand

Paddy cake IS NOT A SPORT, but get great ratings in San Francisco.

Last time I watched a football game with a liberal, he got a concussion just watching the damn game.
You still watch football? Must be a RINO.

You watching ballet? Must be a progressive
Ballet’s a Russian thing. That means you’d love it.

It's actually Italian, although some think it's French, I've never been to an Italian (but I love pizza) or French (although I do enjoy their fries) nor a Russian ballet. Which do you like best snowflake?
None. It’s some white people nonsense, desperate for some sport they can compete in.
Paddy cake IS NOT A SPORT, but get great ratings in San Francisco.

Last time I watched a football game with a liberal, he got a concussion just watching the damn game.
You still watch football? Must be a RINO.

You watching ballet? Must be a progressive
Ballet’s a Russian thing. That means you’d love it.

It's actually Italian, although some think it's French, I've never been to an Italian (but I love pizza) or French (although I do enjoy their fries) nor a Russian ballet. Which do you like best snowflake?
None. It’s some white people nonsense, desperate for some sport they can compete in.

Oh, it's a racial thing. Got it buttercup.
You still watch football? Must be a RINO.

You watching ballet? Must be a progressive
Ballet’s a Russian thing. That means you’d love it.

It's actually Italian, although some think it's French, I've never been to an Italian (but I love pizza) or French (although I do enjoy their fries) nor a Russian ballet. Which do you like best snowflake?
None. It’s some white people nonsense, desperate for some sport they can compete in.

Oh, it's a racial thing. Got it buttercup.
Duh. That’s what the whole thread is about.
I can see why kids today wouldn't get into sports. There is so much to do at any given moment, that kids can literally be entertained all the time. Technology is the ultimate in instant, continuous gratification. I'd love to say TIMMY, go play outside, but I like my phone too. My kid wouldn't know nature unless he tripped over a rabbit. Imagine taking a teenager to a National Park and unplugging them. They would feel tortured.
This is juvenile, and I know it, but aren't the dems the ones who are trying to cure men from being masculine? Do dems even watch ESPN? Guys with man buns, painted nails, and manscaping watching sports? It seems like republicans would be their main audience, so lefty talking points seems like a really bad idea.
How the hell is showing you who won and web gems controversial? If they are pissed about the kneeling, ESPN told no one to kneel ! If they are pissed about them reporting it, it would have been called a cover up if they had not and you still would have been pissed! If you are boycotting ESPN you are looking for reasons to be angry. What I have found about people looking to be angry is that there are a lot of people more than willing to give you a good reason for it!So now you want to inject controversy into my morning cup of coffee when I figure out who won the games my old ass was to tired to see the end of! What is next, who am I pissing off fishing or golfing. Lets take all the fun, peace, and quiet out of life!!!!!!!!!!!! We might as well regulate the song ball room blitz be audible in all areas of the United States and beat each other to a pulp now!

Evenflow, It isn't just the kneeling. ESPN isn't about giving the scores anymore. You have Max Kellerman and Jamelle Hill going full left. Interviews with Lebron bashing the president is not just giving the scores. It is like CNN with athletes, yuck.
Late show comics felt comfortable giving up half of their potential audience. They just cater to their left base, but I think ESPN could get in trouble if they just cut the republican part of their audience away. They might lose a majority of their audience.
Late show comics felt comfortable giving up half of their potential audience. They just cater to their left base, but I think ESPN could get in trouble if they just cut the republican part of their audience away. They might lose a majority of their audience.
I guess I am just not a pro basket ball fan. I kind of tune out when that is what is on the tube and get ready for work. I am paying attention when it is football,baseball,and college basketball. I likely tune out if they get politcal at all not some thing I want to mix with sports. I have not realy noticed that part of the broad cast!

I think it also has to do with a gradual indifference towards sports in general

The NFL had started to wane but then really started to tank after the Pittsburg Kneelers incident.

Then you have MLB that essentially was destroyed after the last players union strike. Baseball is now structured with the really rich teams and really poor teams so that fans are either inundated with really good teams playing those that don't have a chance in hell or even worse, the bad verses bad teams that will never see the light of day.

Come to think of it, Left wingers destroyed these two sports as well. LMAO!

I think the NBA has held steady but that is not saying much.
It’s the cost that has killed sports. I just undug my 1982 American League championship tickets behind home plate. $16.75.
My season tickets were $3.00 a seat.

Inflation hasn’t been nearly that much.

I think it also has to do with a gradual indifference towards sports in general

The NFL had started to wane but then really started to tank after the Pittsburg Kneelers incident.

Then you have MLB that essentially was destroyed after the last players union strike. Baseball is now structured with the really rich teams and really poor teams so that fans are either inundated with really good teams playing those that don't have a chance in hell or even worse, the bad verses bad teams that will never see the light of day.

Come to think of it, Left wingers destroyed these two sports as well. LMAO!

I think the NBA has held steady but that is not saying much.
It’s the cost that has killed sports. I just undug my 1982 American League championship tickets behind home plate. $16.75.
My season tickets were $3.00 a seat.

Inflation hasn’t been nearly that much.

I'm almost convinced that the Left wants to do away with sports.

They want a docile society that has no ambition and no winners or losers.

Just drones.

I think it also has to do with a gradual indifference towards sports in general

The NFL had started to wane but then really started to tank after the Pittsburg Kneelers incident.

Then you have MLB that essentially was destroyed after the last players union strike. Baseball is now structured with the really rich teams and really poor teams so that fans are either inundated with really good teams playing those that don't have a chance in hell or even worse, the bad verses bad teams that will never see the light of day.

Come to think of it, Left wingers destroyed these two sports as well. LMAO!

I think the NBA has held steady but that is not saying much.
It’s the cost that has killed sports. I just undug my 1982 American League championship tickets behind home plate. $16.75.
My season tickets were $3.00 a seat.

Inflation hasn’t been nearly that much.

I'm almost convinced that the Left wants to do away with sports.

They want a docile society that has no ambition and no winners or losers.

Just drones.
National sport will be yoga.

I used to be an avid espn viewer, but after the ESPN leftist garbage I haven’t watched in years nor go to the website.

In fact I have been pretty turned all professional sports other than hockey and baseball (but baseball is a little too boring for me). The NFL and NBA have annoying cry baby spoiled millionaires, I am kinda done with both.

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Don't dems just read poetry and eat cheese?
Obviously not, as you conservatards are boycotting sports, not cheese and poetry
conservatives don't usually stir up many boycotts and run through the streets demanding their way or the highway. that's liberal territory.

cons will just stop doing whatever it is that was pissing them off and move on.
You guys started so many boycotts over the last 9 years that it’s impossible to count them all. You’re even boycotting the group that this thread is about, and you still claim conservatives don’t boycott anything? Really?
Liberal riot and burn towns down.

I think it also has to do with a gradual indifference towards sports in general

The NFL had started to wane but then really started to tank after the Pittsburg Kneelers incident.

Then you have MLB that essentially was destroyed after the last players union strike. Baseball is now structured with the really rich teams and really poor teams so that fans are either inundated with really good teams playing those that don't have a chance in hell or even worse, the bad verses bad teams that will never see the light of day.

Come to think of it, Left wingers destroyed these two sports as well. LMAO!

I think the NBA has held steady but that is not saying much.
It’s the cost that has killed sports. I just undug my 1982 American League championship tickets behind home plate. $16.75.
My season tickets were $3.00 a seat.

Inflation hasn’t been nearly that much.

I'm almost convinced that the Left wants to do away with sports.

They want a docile society that has no ambition and no winners or losers.

Just drones.
National sport will be yoga.


Sports creates inequality both on the field and in the large salaries they earn, and we simply can't have that.
1. Find a respected American institution.
2. Take control of it.
3. Destroy it.

Total garbage.

ESPN (the cable network) doesn’t have subscribers; the cable TV suppliers do. What would have been a correct statement is that Cable TV lost 1/2 million subscribers last month but then again correctness and honesty are foreign things to conservatives.

The hilarious thing is that idiots like you probably think that they can watch Fox news with a clear conscience. Uh no. ESPN makes money on your conventional cable subscription shit brains. As does HGTV, Food Network, CNN, Discovery Networks and Fox News.
conservatives don't usually stir up many boycotts and run through the streets demanding their way or the highway. that's liberal territory.

cons will just stop doing whatever it is that was pissing them off and move on.

i was thinking just that when buying dixie chicks cds at target.


cons are frauds.

on their good days
This is juvenile, and I know it, but aren't the dems the ones who are trying to cure men from being masculine? Do dems even watch ESPN? Guys with man buns, painted nails, and manscaping watching sports? It seems like republicans would be their main audience, so lefty talking points seems like a really bad idea.
How the hell is showing you who won and web gems controversial? If they are pissed about the kneeling, ESPN told no one to kneel ! If they are pissed about them reporting it, it would have been called a cover up if they had not and you still would have been pissed! If you are boycotting ESPN you are looking for reasons to be angry. What I have found about people looking to be angry is that there are a lot of people more than willing to give you a good reason for it!So now you want to inject controversy into my morning cup of coffee when I figure out who won the games my old ass was to tired to see the end of! What is next, who am I pissing off fishing or golfing. Lets take all the fun, peace, and quiet out of life!!!!!!!!!!!! We might as well regulate the song ball room blitz be audible in all areas of the United States and beat each other to a pulp now!

That is the short definition of conservatives; a bunch of older guys who think the world is out to get them and are angry about a figment of their imagination.

ESPN, in point and fact, is no longer about Sports as much as it is about a lifestyle. There are too many theme newscasts, too many shows where they simply try to generate an argument between pundits (several ESPN ex-pats have attested to that), and their stock and trade are too lengthy to maintain the public’s interest. Do you have 3 hours to devote to watching a baseball game? I can do it but I will almost certainly be checking my messages, e-mail, etc… during the proceedings and the game will be background noise.

As for liberalism, conservatives have become their own worst enemy. They nominated a President who calls women pigs, talks about grabbing women by the pussy, makes fun of the handicapped, etc… And when you have an opinion about this small fraction of a human being, you’re branded as a liberal? Bullshit. Anyone with 2 working brain cells should be offended by what this clown said and did but because he had an “R” next to his name, you have people applauding the behavior.

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