Esteemed Muslim leader: "Women are only for breeding; Gender equality is inhumane and un-Islamic

Leading Muslim Scholar: Gender Equality Against Islam - Women Only Fit to Deliver Children - Breitbart esteemed leader of Islam says women are for nothing but reproducing. Says gender equality is inhumane and is not consistent with Islam.

Says it's a man's world. Women shouldn't hold office and can't perform hard jobs. Says they can't handle stress.

Liberals think this mentality.....should be tolerated and welcomed into America.

And that.....

HE isnt moslem.he is salafi-wahabi
Yup, very conservative Muslim.
Leading Muslim Scholar: Gender Equality Against Islam - Women Only Fit to Deliver Children - Breitbart esteemed leader of Islam says women are for nothing but reproducing. Says gender equality is inhumane and is not consistent with Islam.

Says it's a man's world. Women shouldn't hold office and can't perform hard jobs. Says they can't handle stress.

Liberals think this mentality.....should be tolerated and welcomed into America.

And that.....

HE isnt moslem.he is salafi-wahabi
Yup, very conservative Muslim.

wahabi believe it based on this soorah:
our wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like, and do good beforehand for yourselves, and be careful (of your duty) to Allah, and know that you will meet Him, and give good news to the believers.

but shia believe god just teaching sex : it isnt any forbidden time for sex
for example some arab tribe believed = sex only at thursday night .
We see one deplorable incident after another. What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents. We just get more excuses and they are getting more ridiculous by the day.

Muslim refugees have attacked women in the countries taking them in. It's all based on how Muslims see women to begin with. They aren't viewed as people with equal rights. They are barely viewed as people. One Muslim leader says that women are only good for having children and that equal rights threatens to destroy Islam. Well, I say, let the destruction begin.

An Imam was quick to defend the gangs of Muslims who groped, assaulted and raped young women in Cologne, Germany, and other cities on New Year's Eve. The women are to blame for the inappropriate clothing and the fact that they were wearing perfume.

Even when Muslim immigrants attacked filmmakers who were trying to show them in a positive light, the filmmakers made excuses and blamed others for not doing enough for them.

Always excuses, no matter how bad it gets.

Why the hell do we want this shit here? I bet the day will come when we are warned to dress appropriately (according to sharia) and to watch ourselves lest we offend the savages. Because when more people are attacked and killed, it will be our fault for not following their rules.

"Kanthapuram AP Aboobacker Musliar, leader of the traditionalist Sunni Muslim community in the southern Indian state of Kerala, visited New Zealand in January of this year in hopes of strengthening his base of followers in the city of Hamilton by building what he called "a beacon of Islam" in the area.

At a conference of the Muslim Students Federation (MSF) toward the end of last year, Kanthapuram, who frequently calls upon men to "lord over their women," was attacked for his misogynistic statements.

"Gender equality is not Islamic, wise, or humane," Kanthapuram said. "It [gender equality] is not going to happen. Women can only deliver babies. This world is controlled by men. Women can’t withstand a major crisis and they even lack courage to perform major surgeries including open heart procedures."

The 76-year-old Islamic scholar also spoke out against reserving seats for women in elections. He remarked that the 50% of seats reserved for women in civic polls was "too high."

Kanthapuram claimed that allowing women and men to study together in colleges was "part of a calculated move to destroy Islam and culture."

"The obstinacy that boys and girls should study sitting on the same bench is an indirect attack aimed at destroying Islam and its culture," Kanthapuram said."

Muslim Scholar: Woman only fit to deliver children

Girls were raped (by Muslims) because they were half-naked (in chilly weather) and wore perfume

More blaming of the victims. Despite it not being warm on New Year's Eve, the victims of the sexual harrassment and rapes by what appeared to be coordinated attacks are being blamed on the young women and girls for dressing inappropriately and wearing perfume. Why, of course, liberals find it reasonable for Muslims to attack when non-Muslims so batantly disobey sharia law.

"Explaining in the view of Salafist Islam why hundreds of women found themselves groped, sexually assaulted and in some cases raped by gangs of migrant men in cities across Germany the Imam said: "the events of New Year’s Eve were the girls own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire".

The tone of the report was telling, expressing no surprise that Muslim mass migration would result in violence and gang-rape. The narrator of the report told viewers that after the events of New Year’s Eve it was becoming difficult to tell who’s country Germany was, one belonging to Muslims or to Germans. Also expressed was the opinion that the sex attacks were no more than a dress rehearsal for something much bigger to come.

The television interview with a former police officer featured in the short also expressed concern about mass migration. The officer remarks that crimes by migrants are not always recorded by the police in Germany, and even when they are they aren’t passed upwards to the government. He tells the interviewer that in his experience immigrants don’t come to Germany for a better life, but come in groups to engage in organised crime.

Sami Abu-Yusuf is the Imam of the Al Tawheed mosque in Cologne’s Kalk neighbourhood, just one of thousands of such establishments practising in converted residential, retail, and industrial properties serving the booming Muslim population of Europe. The mosque, which is named as preaching the fundamentalist Salafist creed of Islam was raided by counter terror officers in 2004.

A news report from the time states officers moved in to break up a "secret network of Arab Mujahideen" being built by the worshippers there, and suspicion of terror attacks being planned at the mosque. Officers in full riot dress raided the mosque while the "Muslim brothers" there were at prayers, seizing papers and processing the identities of those inside the building at the time."

Filmmakers Attacked While Trying to Show Muslim Refugees in a Positive Light

Initially, they were told not to report this since it would hurt their cause. They made it public anyway but, being typical liberals, placed blame elswhere. As always, not the fault of the savages, but rather the fact that France wasn't doing enough for them.
We see one deplorable incident after another. What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents. We just get more excuses and they are getting more ridiculous by the day.

Muslim refugees have attacked women in the countries taking them in. It's all based on how Muslims see women to begin with. They aren't viewed as people with equal rights. They are barely viewed as people. One Muslim leader says that women are only good for having children and that equal rights threatens to destroy Islam. Well, I say, let the destruction begin.

An Imam was quick to defend the gangs of Muslims who groped, assaulted and raped young women in Cologne, Germany, and other cities on New Year's Eve. The women are to blame for the inappropriate clothing and the fact that they were wearing perfume.

Even when Muslim immigrants attacked filmmakers who were trying to show them in a positive light, the filmmakers made excuses and blamed others for not doing enough for them.

Always excuses, no matter how bad it gets.

Why the hell do we want this shit here? I bet the day will come when we are warned to dress appropriately (according to sharia) and to watch ourselves lest we offend the savages. Because when more people are attacked and killed, it will be our fault for not following their rules.

"Kanthapuram AP Aboobacker Musliar, leader of the traditionalist Sunni Muslim community in the southern Indian state of Kerala, visited New Zealand in January of this year in hopes of strengthening his base of followers in the city of Hamilton by building what he called "a beacon of Islam" in the area.

At a conference of the Muslim Students Federation (MSF) toward the end of last year, Kanthapuram, who frequently calls upon men to "lord over their women," was attacked for his misogynistic statements.

"Gender equality is not Islamic, wise, or humane," Kanthapuram said. "It [gender equality] is not going to happen. Women can only deliver babies. This world is controlled by men. Women can’t withstand a major crisis and they even lack courage to perform major surgeries including open heart procedures."

The 76-year-old Islamic scholar also spoke out against reserving seats for women in elections. He remarked that the 50% of seats reserved for women in civic polls was "too high."

Kanthapuram claimed that allowing women and men to study together in colleges was "part of a calculated move to destroy Islam and culture."

"The obstinacy that boys and girls should study sitting on the same bench is an indirect attack aimed at destroying Islam and its culture," Kanthapuram said."

Muslim Scholar: Woman only fit to deliver children

Girls were raped (by Muslims) because they were half-naked (in chilly weather) and wore perfume

More blaming of the victims. Despite it not being warm on New Year's Eve, the victims of the sexual harrassment and rapes by what appeared to be coordinated attacks are being blamed on the young women and girls for dressing inappropriately and wearing perfume. Why, of course, liberals find it reasonable for Muslims to attack when non-Muslims so batantly disobey sharia law.

"Explaining in the view of Salafist Islam why hundreds of women found themselves groped, sexually assaulted and in some cases raped by gangs of migrant men in cities across Germany the Imam said: "the events of New Year’s Eve were the girls own fault, because they were half naked and wearing perfume. It is not surprising the men wanted to attack them. [Dressing like that] is like adding fuel to the fire".

The tone of the report was telling, expressing no surprise that Muslim mass migration would result in violence and gang-rape. The narrator of the report told viewers that after the events of New Year’s Eve it was becoming difficult to tell who’s country Germany was, one belonging to Muslims or to Germans. Also expressed was the opinion that the sex attacks were no more than a dress rehearsal for something much bigger to come.

The television interview with a former police officer featured in the short also expressed concern about mass migration. The officer remarks that crimes by migrants are not always recorded by the police in Germany, and even when they are they aren’t passed upwards to the government. He tells the interviewer that in his experience immigrants don’t come to Germany for a better life, but come in groups to engage in organised crime.

Sami Abu-Yusuf is the Imam of the Al Tawheed mosque in Cologne’s Kalk neighbourhood, just one of thousands of such establishments practising in converted residential, retail, and industrial properties serving the booming Muslim population of Europe. The mosque, which is named as preaching the fundamentalist Salafist creed of Islam was raided by counter terror officers in 2004.

A news report from the time states officers moved in to break up a "secret network of Arab Mujahideen" being built by the worshippers there, and suspicion of terror attacks being planned at the mosque. Officers in full riot dress raided the mosque while the "Muslim brothers" there were at prayers, seizing papers and processing the identities of those inside the building at the time."

Filmmakers Attacked While Trying to Show Muslim Refugees in a Positive Light

Initially, they were told not to report this since it would hurt their cause. They made it public anyway but, being typical liberals, placed blame elswhere. As always, not the fault of the savages, but rather the fact that France wasn't doing enough for them.

It's bizarre how all the Feminists are completely quiet about this stuff. This proves what, that Feminists don't actually give a crap about "women's rights".
It's bizarre how all the Feminists are completely quiet about this stuff. This proves what, that Feminists don't actually give a crap about "women's rights".

Hillary is a huge hypocrite after her past defense of rapists and all the accusations against victims. Now she says if a woman claims rape, we should believe her. She is pandering to people who apparently have short term memories and very low IQs.

Then this happens in countries taking in refugees and we get nothing but silence from the left. One even rated my OP as "funny" because they really don't think this horrendous treatment of women is a problem. I don't see where it's funny that all those women were attacked or that Muslim leaders refuse to place any blame on the males who do this because they feel they are justified. They think allowing any rights for women threatens their religion and they insist that women should be fully covered, obedient and that their only purpose in life is to serve their men and bear children. Of course, some idiot finds it funny that I am outraged by this.

Liberals keep pretending that Muslims are just like us or that they will let go of their archaic beliefs once they arrive here and see how nice we are. When they act up, the left quickly places blame elsewhere. I think the liberals in the U.S. will eventually do just as liberals in other countries are doing and demand that women change their behavior to be in accordance with sharia law. If you offend a Muslim by being yourself, YOU are at fault. No one is telling the Muslim males that their way doesn't fly in other countries and that they will be arrested and go to jail for practicing their violent misogynistic acts here. When it comes to mistreating women, they think they have that right and the left isn't about to tell them otherwise.
It's bizarre how all the Feminists are completely quiet about this stuff. This proves what, that Feminists don't actually give a crap about "women's rights".

Hillary is a huge hypocrite after her past defense of rapists and all the accusations against victims. Now she says if a woman claims rape, we should believe her. She is pandering to people who apparently have short term memories and very low IQs.

Then this happens in countries taking in refugees and we get nothing but silence from the left. One even rated my OP as "funny" because they really don't think this horrendous treatment of women is a problem. I don't see where it's funny that all those women were attacked or that Muslim leaders refuse to place any blame on the males who do this because they feel they are justified. They think allowing any rights for women threatens their religion and they insist that women should be fully covered, obedient and that their only purpose in life is to serve their men and bear children. Of course, some idiot finds it funny that I am outraged by this.

Liberals keep pretending that Muslims are just like us or that they will let go of their archaic beliefs once they arrive here and see how nice we are. When they act up, the left quickly places blame elsewhere. I think the liberals in the U.S. will eventually do just as liberals in other countries are doing and demand that women change their behavior to be in accordance with sharia law. If you offend a Muslim by being yourself, YOU are at fault. No one is telling the Muslim males that their way doesn't fly in other countries and that they will be arrested and go to jail for practicing their misogynistic and violent acts here. When it comes to mistreating women, they think they have that right and the left isn't about to tell them otherwise.

Agreed on all points.

If the Liberals think that entire populations are going to give in to Muslim demands, well then, the Liberals are even more delusional than we already thought.
It's bizarre how all the Feminists are completely quiet about this stuff. This proves what, that Feminists don't actually give a crap about "women's rights".

Hillary is a huge hypocrite after her past defense of rapists and all the accusations against victims. Now she says if a woman claims rape, we should believe her. She is pandering to people who apparently have short term memories and very low IQs.

Then this happens in countries taking in refugees and we get nothing but silence from the left. One even rated my OP as "funny" because they really don't think this horrendous treatment of women is a problem. I don't see where it's funny that all those women were attacked or that Muslim leaders refuse to place any blame on the males who do this because they feel they are justified. They think allowing any rights for women threatens their religion and they insist that women should be fully covered, obedient and that their only purpose in life is to serve their men and bear children. Of course, some idiot finds it funny that I am outraged by this.

Liberals keep pretending that Muslims are just like us or that they will let go of their archaic beliefs once they arrive here and see how nice we are. When they act up, the left quickly places blame elsewhere. I think the liberals in the U.S. will eventually do just as liberals in other countries are doing and demand that women change their behavior to be in accordance with sharia law. If you offend a Muslim by being yourself, YOU are at fault. No one is telling the Muslim males that their way doesn't fly in other countries and that they will be arrested and go to jail for practicing their misogynistic and violent acts here. When it comes to mistreating women, they think they have that right and the left isn't about to tell them otherwise.

Agreed on all points.

If the Liberals think that entire populations are going to give in to Muslim demands, well then, the Liberals are even more delusional than we already thought.

We have no room for Nazis in America. Please leave.
We see one deplorable incident after another. What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents. We just get more excuses and they are getting more ridiculous by the day.

You lie. You're a retard.

World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
]World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
Please leave America, Clementine.
I saw a western imam, from Virginia maybe, that denounced IS. I liked what he said. As I started researching him, I found out he supports HAMAS, Hezbollah and a worldwide caliphate.
I imagine he would have been supporting IS if they didn't kill their own......
It's bizarre how all the Feminists are completely quiet about this stuff. This proves what, that Feminists don't actually give a crap about "women's rights".

Hillary is a huge hypocrite after her past defense of rapists and all the accusations against victims. Now she says if a woman claims rape, we should believe her. She is pandering to people who apparently have short term memories and very low IQs.

Then this happens in countries taking in refugees and we get nothing but silence from the left. One even rated my OP as "funny" because they really don't think this horrendous treatment of women is a problem. I don't see where it's funny that all those women were attacked or that Muslim leaders refuse to place any blame on the males who do this because they feel they are justified. They think allowing any rights for women threatens their religion and they insist that women should be fully covered, obedient and that their only purpose in life is to serve their men and bear children. Of course, some idiot finds it funny that I am outraged by this.

Liberals keep pretending that Muslims are just like us or that they will let go of their archaic beliefs once they arrive here and see how nice we are. When they act up, the left quickly places blame elsewhere. I think the liberals in the U.S. will eventually do just as liberals in other countries are doing and demand that women change their behavior to be in accordance with sharia law. If you offend a Muslim by being yourself, YOU are at fault. No one is telling the Muslim males that their way doesn't fly in other countries and that they will be arrested and go to jail for practicing their misogynistic and violent acts here. When it comes to mistreating women, they think they have that right and the left isn't about to tell them otherwise.

Agreed on all points.

If the Liberals think that entire populations are going to give in to Muslim demands, well then, the Liberals are even more delusional than we already thought.

We have no room for Nazis in America. Please leave.
Do we have room for third world savages that know no better than to rape little children and strap bombs to their chests?
It's bizarre how all the Feminists are completely quiet about this stuff. This proves what, that Feminists don't actually give a crap about "women's rights".

Hillary is a huge hypocrite after her past defense of rapists and all the accusations against victims. Now she says if a woman claims rape, we should believe her. She is pandering to people who apparently have short term memories and very low IQs.

Then this happens in countries taking in refugees and we get nothing but silence from the left. One even rated my OP as "funny" because they really don't think this horrendous treatment of women is a problem. I don't see where it's funny that all those women were attacked or that Muslim leaders refuse to place any blame on the males who do this because they feel they are justified. They think allowing any rights for women threatens their religion and they insist that women should be fully covered, obedient and that their only purpose in life is to serve their men and bear children. Of course, some idiot finds it funny that I am outraged by this.

Liberals keep pretending that Muslims are just like us or that they will let go of their archaic beliefs once they arrive here and see how nice we are. When they act up, the left quickly places blame elsewhere. I think the liberals in the U.S. will eventually do just as liberals in other countries are doing and demand that women change their behavior to be in accordance with sharia law. If you offend a Muslim by being yourself, YOU are at fault. No one is telling the Muslim males that their way doesn't fly in other countries and that they will be arrested and go to jail for practicing their misogynistic and violent acts here. When it comes to mistreating women, they think they have that right and the left isn't about to tell them otherwise.

Agreed on all points.

If the Liberals think that entire populations are going to give in to Muslim demands, well then, the Liberals are even more delusional than we already thought.

We have no room for Nazis in America. Please leave.

Huh? So, if people don't give in to Muslim demands, they're a "Nazi"?
It's bizarre how all the Feminists are completely quiet about this stuff. This proves what, that Feminists don't actually give a crap about "women's rights".

Hillary is a huge hypocrite after her past defense of rapists and all the accusations against victims. Now she says if a woman claims rape, we should believe her. She is pandering to people who apparently have short term memories and very low IQs.

Then this happens in countries taking in refugees and we get nothing but silence from the left. One even rated my OP as "funny" because they really don't think this horrendous treatment of women is a problem. I don't see where it's funny that all those women were attacked or that Muslim leaders refuse to place any blame on the males who do this because they feel they are justified. They think allowing any rights for women threatens their religion and they insist that women should be fully covered, obedient and that their only purpose in life is to serve their men and bear children. Of course, some idiot finds it funny that I am outraged by this.

Liberals keep pretending that Muslims are just like us or that they will let go of their archaic beliefs once they arrive here and see how nice we are. When they act up, the left quickly places blame elsewhere. I think the liberals in the U.S. will eventually do just as liberals in other countries are doing and demand that women change their behavior to be in accordance with sharia law. If you offend a Muslim by being yourself, YOU are at fault. No one is telling the Muslim males that their way doesn't fly in other countries and that they will be arrested and go to jail for practicing their misogynistic and violent acts here. When it comes to mistreating women, they think they have that right and the left isn't about to tell them otherwise.

Agreed on all points.

If the Liberals think that entire populations are going to give in to Muslim demands, well then, the Liberals are even more delusional than we already thought.

We have no room for Nazis in America. Please leave.
Do we have room for third world savages that know no better than to rape little children and strap bombs to their chests?

You know, can we even understand the thinking of the Leftists? No.
We see one deplorable incident after another. What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents. We just get more excuses and they are getting more ridiculous by the day.

You lie. You're a retard.

World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
]World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
Please leave America, Clementine.
I saw a western imam, from Virginia maybe, that denounced IS. I liked what he said. As I started researching him, I found out he supports HAMAS, Hezbollah and a worldwide caliphate.
I imagine he would have been supporting IS if they didn't kill their own......

Then you'd make a good Nazi.
We see one deplorable incident after another. What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents. We just get more excuses and they are getting more ridiculous by the day.

You lie. You're a retard.

World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
]World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
Please leave America, Clementine.
I saw a western imam, from Virginia maybe, that denounced IS. I liked what he said. As I started researching him, I found out he supports HAMAS, Hezbollah and a worldwide caliphate.
I imagine he would have been supporting IS if they didn't kill their own......

So you see, they might denounce ISIS, but then they're supporting some other extremist group.
We see one deplorable incident after another. What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents. We just get more excuses and they are getting more ridiculous by the day.

You lie. You're a retard.

World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
]World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
Please leave America, Clementine.
I saw a western imam, from Virginia maybe, that denounced IS. I liked what he said. As I started researching him, I found out he supports HAMAS, Hezbollah and a worldwide caliphate.
I imagine he would have been supporting IS if they didn't kill their own......

Then you'd make a good Nazi.

Could you explain your comment?
We see one deplorable incident after another. What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents. We just get more excuses and they are getting more ridiculous by the day.

You lie. You're a retard.

World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
]World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
Please leave America, Clementine.
I saw a western imam, from Virginia maybe, that denounced IS. I liked what he said. As I started researching him, I found out he supports HAMAS, Hezbollah and a worldwide caliphate.
I imagine he would have been supporting IS if they didn't kill their own......

Then you'd make a good Nazi.
Did you read what I wrote? The fucker appreciates terrorism when it isn't pointed towards muslims. THINK about it. Your blind denial is fuckin pathetic
Closing your eyes and shutting your mind accomplishes NOTHING.
We see one deplorable incident after another. What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents. We just get more excuses and they are getting more ridiculous by the day.

You lie. You're a retard.

World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
]World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
Please leave America, Clementine.
I saw a western imam, from Virginia maybe, that denounced IS. I liked what he said. As I started researching him, I found out he supports HAMAS, Hezbollah and a worldwide caliphate.
I imagine he would have been supporting IS if they didn't kill their own......

So you see, they might denounce ISIS, but then they're supporting some other extremist group.
my point EXACTLY
We see one deplorable incident after another. What we don't see are Muslims and liberals condemning the behavior or the murder of innocents. We just get more excuses and they are getting more ridiculous by the day.

You lie. You're a retard.

World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
]World's Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
Please leave America, Clementine.
I saw a western imam, from Virginia maybe, that denounced IS. I liked what he said. As I started researching him, I found out he supports HAMAS, Hezbollah and a worldwide caliphate.
I imagine he would have been supporting IS if they didn't kill their own......

Then you'd make a good Nazi.
Did you read what I wrote? The fucker appreciates terrorism when it isn't pointed towards muslims. THINK about it. Your blind denial is fuckin pathetic
Closing your eyes and shutting your mind accomplishes NOTHING.

I cite an organization of 50 million, you cite one guy. You've already made up your mind that Muslims should be exterminated,

so just say so.

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