Esteemed Muslim leader: "Women are only for breeding; Gender equality is inhumane and un-Islamic

Leading Muslim Scholar: Gender Equality Against Islam - Women Only Fit to Deliver Children - Breitbart esteemed leader of Islam says women are for nothing but reproducing. Says gender equality is inhumane and is not consistent with Islam.

Says it's a man's world. Women shouldn't hold office and can't perform hard jobs. Says they can't handle stress.

Liberals think this mentality.....should be tolerated and welcomed into America.

And that.....

What about cleaning, playing with children and cuddling?

Islam playing with children is called raping them. Cuddling means they think allowing this means they can then rape you.

Everything is all about "Muh Dick" with these POS.
"With or sans hand-cuffs and riding crops?"

Did somebody say "hand-cuffs"?

Don't forget the riding crops, they're important :dev2:
There is something wrong when you have to put up posters telling them touching in inappropriate places is wrong.


A poster informs about pool rules in a public swimming pool in Munich, southern Germany, on January 12, 2016. The city of Bornheim near Bonn, western Germany, has decided to ban male asylum seekers from its public pool since women have complained about harassment by migrants. (Photo: Sven Hoppe/AFP/Getty Images)

Swimming Pool Poster Teaches Middle Eastern Migrants that Touching Girls’ Rear Ends Is a No-No
There is something wrong when you have to put up posters telling them touching in inappropriate places is wrong.


A poster informs about pool rules in a public swimming pool in Munich, southern Germany, on January 12, 2016. The city of Bornheim near Bonn, western Germany, has decided to ban male asylum seekers from its public pool since women have complained about harassment by migrants. (Photo: Sven Hoppe/AFP/Getty Images)

Swimming Pool Poster Teaches Middle Eastern Migrants that Touching Girls’ Rear Ends Is a No-No

Yes I was made aware of this poster by a friend in Leipzig. This is what Traitor Merkel has caused, it's mind-blowing.
Whines like a bitch when you broad-brush police officers. Broad-brushes liberals with a song in his heart. Too funny.

Stats disprove one. Not the other .

What does that have to do with you being a whiny hypocrite? lol

Um....easy. I'm not a hypocrite. I can disprove the police generalization with pure stats.

Muslim fanaticism? Polls show anywhere from 20%-40%;of ALL Muslims sympathize with suicide bombings.

So you statistically shouldn't be generalized. The other....maybe it fits.
There is something wrong when you have to put up posters telling them touching in inappropriate places is wrong.


A poster informs about pool rules in a public swimming pool in Munich, southern Germany, on January 12, 2016. The city of Bornheim near Bonn, western Germany, has decided to ban male asylum seekers from its public pool since women have complained about harassment by migrants. (Photo: Sven Hoppe/AFP/Getty Images)

Swimming Pool Poster Teaches Middle Eastern Migrants that Touching Girls’ Rear Ends Is a No-No

Notice the males doing the naughty deed in those poster pics all look like they're from Sweden.
Whines like a bitch when you broad-brush police officers. Broad-brushes liberals with a song in his heart. Too funny.

Stats disprove one. Not the other .

What does that have to do with you being a whiny hypocrite? lol

Um....easy. I'm not a hypocrite. I can disprove the police generalization with pure stats.

Muslim fanaticism? Polls show anywhere from 20%-40%;of ALL Muslims sympathize with suicide bombings.

So you statistically shouldn't be generalized. The other....maybe it fits.

My apologies, when you broad-brush it's legit and proper. When others do so you stomp your feet with indignation. :crybaby:

Spare me.
All liberal women should be given to muslims as wives. It will educate liberals and keep the muslims busy.

I agree.

Liberals....male or female....when a herd of Muslim refugees demands your wife or daughter go behind a warehouse with them....will you

A) respect their culture and allow it
B) say no and likely be killed
C) swallow your pride and call the racist cops

I'll wait. I know all 3 answers are equally tough for you. can add to the list option D) pull a gun and blast the savages to meet Allah.
Leading Muslim Scholar: Gender Equality Against Islam - Women Only Fit to Deliver Children - Breitbart esteemed leader of Islam says women are for nothing but reproducing. Says gender equality is inhumane and is not consistent with Islam.

Says it's a man's world. Women shouldn't hold office and can't perform hard jobs. Says they can't handle stress.

Liberals think this mentality.....should be tolerated and welcomed into America.

And that.....

What about cleaning, playing with children and cuddling?

Islam playing with children is called raping them. Cuddling means they think allowing this means they can then rape you.

Everything is all about "Muh Dick" with these POS.

Yes but if we took on their traditional values we could protect ourselves from them.
There is something wrong when you have to put up posters telling them touching in inappropriate places is wrong.


A poster informs about pool rules in a public swimming pool in Munich, southern Germany, on January 12, 2016. The city of Bornheim near Bonn, western Germany, has decided to ban male asylum seekers from its public pool since women have complained about harassment by migrants. (Photo: Sven Hoppe/AFP/Getty Images)

Swimming Pool Poster Teaches Middle Eastern Migrants that Touching Girls’ Rear Ends Is a No-No
A discerning eye will tell you it is only women of northern European descent that may not be groped.
'Esteemed Muslim leader: "Women are only for breeding; Gender equality is inhumane and un-Islamic'

So you decided to start a thread about it to exhibit your ignorance of a hasty generalization fallacy.

"Fallacy" haha. Never saw libs use this word until a few months ago.'s every post! Some professor must have impressed you all with it.

They like it because it is so close to another favorite word for libs: phallic.
Leading Muslim Scholar: Gender Equality Against Islam - Women Only Fit to Deliver Children - Breitbart esteemed leader of Islam says women are for nothing but reproducing. Says gender equality is inhumane and is not consistent with Islam.

Says it's a man's world. Women shouldn't hold office and can't perform hard jobs. Says they can't handle stress.

Liberals think this mentality.....should be tolerated and welcomed into America.

And that.....

sounds like a bible thumping southern christer

Mohler Reminds Christians That Birth Control Started 'Sexual Misbehavior' Slippery Slope


There are some important differences. Republicans and Conservatives don't:

Burn people alive, crucify people, bury people alive, slice peoples' heads off with the knife, kidnap and sell women and girls as sex slaves, gang-rape women and girls, carry out suicide bombings.

Don't even bother Lucy, as you have been seeing American liberals, just like your European ones, will defend Muslims no matter what.
At times, it's a full-blown defense, at other times when they would look totally moronic, they will just say Christianity is just as bad. They are the ones that are conducting the war on women.
There is something wrong when you have to put up posters telling them touching in inappropriate places is wrong.


A poster informs about pool rules in a public swimming pool in Munich, southern Germany, on January 12, 2016. The city of Bornheim near Bonn, western Germany, has decided to ban male asylum seekers from its public pool since women have complained about harassment by migrants. (Photo: Sven Hoppe/AFP/Getty Images)

Swimming Pool Poster Teaches Middle Eastern Migrants that Touching Girls’ Rear Ends Is a No-No

What the FUCK?!?!
Leading Muslim Scholar: Gender Equality Against Islam - Women Only Fit to Deliver Children - Breitbart esteemed leader of Islam says women are for nothing but reproducing. Says gender equality is inhumane and is not consistent with Islam.

Says it's a man's world. Women shouldn't hold office and can't perform hard jobs. Says they can't handle stress.

Liberals think this mentality.....should be tolerated and welcomed into America.

And that.....

Actually that mentality seems to fit perfectly with speed shooter and your posts...
There is something wrong when you have to put up posters telling them touching in inappropriate places is wrong.


A poster informs about pool rules in a public swimming pool in Munich, southern Germany, on January 12, 2016. The city of Bornheim near Bonn, western Germany, has decided to ban male asylum seekers from its public pool since women have complained about harassment by migrants. (Photo: Sven Hoppe/AFP/Getty Images)

Swimming Pool Poster Teaches Middle Eastern Migrants that Touching Girls’ Rear Ends Is a No-No

Pretty sad, but when you let 100's of thousands of beasts take over your cities, you are forced to do ridiculous things.
Leading Muslim Scholar: Gender Equality Against Islam - Women Only Fit to Deliver Children - Breitbart esteemed leader of Islam says women are for nothing but reproducing. Says gender equality is inhumane and is not consistent with Islam.

Says it's a man's world. Women shouldn't hold office and can't perform hard jobs. Says they can't handle stress.

Liberals think this mentality.....should be tolerated and welcomed into America.

And that.....

Actually that mentality seems to fit perfectly with speed shooter and your posts...

How so? What rights have I said women shouldn't have? Or don't deserve? I've never said women shouldn't be allowed to do anything....I've only argued that standards should be equal.

I'm 100% for gender and racial equality. You?
A socially conservative religious Muslim says something stupid in India and that somehow as something to do with American liberals.The disconnect is as jarring as it is hysterical. Hack bullshit!

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