Estimates of antibody test indicate 21% of New York City have been infected.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
That is over 1.7 million people in one city. Another article says that preliminary antibody tests indicate 2.7 million people have been infected in New York State. To me, this suggests the death rate is much lower than advertised.

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That is over 1.7 million people in one city. Another article says that preliminary antibody tests indicate 2.7 million people have been infected in New York State.

How many are dead of those 2.7 million?

You see, that is the real question, isn't it? Sure, even one death is tragic, but life isn't safe and we can all die from a huge list of things on this planet.

But you see, in order to perpetuate the panic and keep an iron grip on control of the people, we have to think that the death rate is super high!
That is over 1.7 million people in one city. Another article says that preliminary antibody tests indicate 2.7 million people have been infected in New York State.

Thanks, Obama!

Good thing he funded ChiCom Covid research
The expert jury is still out over antibodies even working.

What is the relationship between testing positive for the virus and testing for antibodies? Do people who have had it and recovered still test positive?
That is over 1.7 million people in one city. Another article says that preliminary antibody tests indicate 2.7 million people have been infected in New York State. To me, this suggests the death rate is much lower than advertised.

The death rate IS much lower than advertised. WHO fucked up, repeatedly.
That is over 1.7 million people in one city. Another article says that preliminary antibody tests indicate 2.7 million people have been infected in New York State. To me, this suggests the death rate is much lower than advertised.

As of today 20,861 New Yorkers have died. If 2.7 million have been infected that would put the mortality rate at around .1%. That is the same as seasonal flu.
The death rate IS much lower than advertised.
The death NUMBER keeps growing
As of today 20,861 New Yorkers have died. If 2.7 million have been infected that would put the mortality rate at around .1%. That is the same as seasonal flu.

No flu has killed 20,000 New Yorkers in a little over a month

The numbers are the numbers. They don't lie. Sorry if they don't fit your narrative. I also estimated up. The mortality is actually less than .08%.

Here's the link to deaths. United States Coronavirus: 880,204 Cases and 49,845 Deaths - Worldometer

Another Example Of The Impeached President trump’s Genius

The impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics now know they needn’t go to a doctor to cure COVID-19 should any of them contract the disease. They need only buy a hypodermic syringe and shoot up with some Lysol.

The impeached president trump hasn’t decided what will be the exact dosage. But it is certain he will appreciate all reports with definitive results discovered from research done by all of his devoted fanatics to find which manufacturer’s disinfectant is best for his COVID-19 application.

At his morning press briefings, the impeached president trump will then be free to announce the names of all his devoted fanatics who successfully cure their COVID-19 using his recommended procedure.

By working together on this, conservatives across the nation can prove that it is foolish to follow recommendations issued by scientific and medical experts concerning COVID-19 or any other disease.

The death rate IS much lower than advertised.
The death NUMBER keeps growing
As of today 20,861 New Yorkers have died. If 2.7 million have been infected that would put the mortality rate at around .1%. That is the same as seasonal flu.

No flu has killed 20,000 New Yorkers in a little over a month

The numbers are the numbers. They don't lie. Sorry if they don't fit your narrative. I also estimated up. The mortality is actually less than .08%.

Numbers don't lie, but you do badly misuse them.

20,861 is number of people died in the hospital or care center, it does not include deaths at home that shot up 6-fold (200/day vs normal 35).

The sample for antibody test was taken of those out and about, meaning it is higher than would be expected when including those more likely to stay at home.

Cuomo himself has put a ballpark at 0.5% death rate.
That is over 1.7 million people in one city. Another article says that preliminary antibody tests indicate 2.7 million people have been infected in New York State. To me, this suggests the death rate is much lower than advertised.

The death rate IS much lower than advertised. WHO fucked up, repeatedly.
No one, other than the people who could not produce enough tests EARLY on, for us to calculate the mortality rate accurately???
That is over 1.7 million people in one city. Another article says that preliminary antibody tests indicate 2.7 million people have been infected in New York State. To me, this suggests the death rate is much lower than advertised.

The death rate IS much lower than advertised. WHO fucked up, repeatedly.
No one, other than the people who could not produce enough tests EARLY on, for us to calculate the mortality rate accurately???

Us? Because of Trump's heroic actions of closing the border, the virus was not even here until weeks had gone by. WHO did calculate and publish the mortality, problem being, the calculation was completely wrong.
The infectious rate is much higher
That is over 1.7 million people in one city. Another article says that preliminary antibody tests indicate 2.7 million people have been infected in New York State. To me, this suggests the death rate is much lower than advertised.

The death rate IS much lower than advertised. WHO fucked up, repeatedly.
No one, other than the people who could not produce enough tests EARLY on, for us to calculate the mortality rate accurately???

Us? Because of Trump's heroic actions of closing the border, the virus was not even here until weeks had gone by. WHO did calculate and publish the mortality, problem being, the calculation was completely wrong.
Pfft, turns out the virus was here and spreading like wild fire a month or two earlier than the restriction on China flights put on by president Trump.....
The infectious rate is much higher
That is over 1.7 million people in one city. Another article says that preliminary antibody tests indicate 2.7 million people have been infected in New York State. To me, this suggests the death rate is much lower than advertised.

The death rate IS much lower than advertised. WHO fucked up, repeatedly.
No one, other than the people who could not produce enough tests EARLY on, for us to calculate the mortality rate accurately???

Us? Because of Trump's heroic actions of closing the border, the virus was not even here until weeks had gone by. WHO did calculate and publish the mortality, problem being, the calculation was completely wrong.
Pfft, turns out the virus was here and spreading like wild fire a month or two earlier than the restriction on China flights put on by president Trump.....

We were weeks ahead of Europe. California was saved. The infection came from Europe as certain people screeched about racism.

Because of Trump, the death virus was reduced to a mild flu.

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