ET, "Take us to your legal counsel."


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
The Space Review Legal implications of an encounter with extraterrestrial intelligence

"For decades, scientists and filmmakers alike have dedicated tremendous efforts to speculate about two main issues concerning extraterrestrial intelligent life forms. One, do they exist? Two, what would happen if they come to visit us on Earth?

This article scrutinizes the legal issues that may arise after a close contact of human civilization with intelligent extraterrestrials. This includes both legal principles upon which humans can trade and conclude contracts and treaties with friendly extraterrestrials, and also more sophisticated issues such as business and law of war with hostile extraterrestrial invaders have been put on the legal perspective. "

Awesome article. Have wondered about related issues like human-alien sex. Is it considered beastiality? :)
"Law of war with extraterrestrials

In the event that technologically advanced aliens are hostile and come to Earth as invaders, the incurred devastation and causalities in clash of the civilizations would be unimaginable.

During any armed conflict with aliens, there is no ethical justification on humanity’s part to disregard the rights of vulnerable aliens, including prisoners of war, wounded fighters, or civilians. That is to say, the principles of the Geneva Convention and its additional protocols on the treatment of civilians, prisoners of war, and soldiers who are otherwise rendered hors de combat, or incapable of fighting, should apply for aliens equally and without discrimination as well.

What is more, conducting life threatening or physically disabling experiments to examine the biology of extraterrestrial captives ought to be banned via consecutive legislation soon after alien invasion is launched. Such attitudes discussed here conform to Kantian ethics, which argues that for an action to be permissible, it must be possible to apply it to all people without a contradiction occurring. The reason for observing moral law amidst the war with superior alien invaders could be to persuade them to act similarly with human prisoners and civilians based on the reciprocity of social behavior. "

BULL shirt! They're no more entitled to POW-law than if a species of intelligent insect rose up and battled humans for global supremacy.

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