et Would Reduce Deficit By $160 Billion and Increase GDP Growth

That's the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. And, were the clown to get his budget passed, we would rank the end of 2019 with the end of 2008. May well, in any case.
Appropriate, because Weatherman is a nut. LOL I have yet to see the treasonous fat senile old orange clown do anything that would make the economy better in this nation. By this time in his Presidency, Obama already had infrastructure jobs going.
Appropriate, because Weatherman is a nut. LOL I have yet to see the treasonous fat senile old orange clown do anything that would make the economy better in this nation. By this time in his Presidency, Obama already had infrastructure jobs going.
Of course he has. For one thing, he put a stake through the heart of Obama's so-called "Clean Power Plan." What a nightmare that was. We were well on our way to paying three times the current price for energy, just like Germany. He's also putting an end to illegal immigration.
"The CBO projected that the economy would grow at only 1.9 percent under the White House's plan - far below the 3 percent goal the administration continued to outline as recently as Thursday."
CBO: Trump's budget would not add to economic growth or wipe out deficit
When was the last time the CBO correct about any tax plan?

Oh, yeah . . . . . never.
"The CBO projected that the economy would grow at only 1.9 percent under the White House's plan - far below the 3 percent goal the administration continued to outline as recently as Thursday."
CBO: Trump's budget would not add to economic growth or wipe out deficit
When was the last time the CBO correct about any tax plan?

Oh, yeah . . . . . never.
This thread was started by a conservative linking to an article based on the CBO score, dummy.
Nobody gives a phukk about GDP anymore...

What they DO care about is the quality of their own lives... phukk the coupon-clippers and absentee landlords and Corporatists and other bloodsuckers.

And their minions.

The way to sustained political success is to get on the side of the Common Man, to convince him you're on his side, and to stay on his side.

In other words: to out-Democrat the Democrats.

Given the Democrats own disarray and corruption, that should not be all that difficult.

Trouble is, the Retards on the Right don't "get it", any more than the Retards on the Left.

Once upon a time, the Republican Party was the Grand Old Party... the party of the Common Man... before they sold out to the Corporatists in the 1910s and 1920s.

For a century now, it's been the party of the minions and vote-whores of the Corporatists... consummate liars who will say anything, to obtain or hold onto political power.

Which, in turn, results in periodic and spasmodic orgies of Republican tax-cuts and other breaks for The Rich, until the Common Man is disillusioned again and kicks them out.

Should new GOP leadership emerge, that plays upon similar weaknesses within the Democratic Party, and ejects the Corporatists, they can carry the day for decades to come.

But they won't... because they're so deeply and profoundly "bought" by the Corporatists that they could not divorce Corporate America even if they wanted to.

And, with that much Corporate Money slipped to them under the table, they're content to remain "bought"... the whores.
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Nobody gives a phukk about GDP anymore...

What they DO care about is the quality of their own lives... phukk the coupon-clippers and absentee landlords and Corporatists and other bloodsuckers.

And their minions.

The way to sustained political success is to get on the side of the Common Man, to convince him you're on his side, and to stay on his side.

In other words: to out-Democrat the Democrats.

Given the Democrats own disarray and corruption, that should not be all that difficult.

Trouble is, the Retards on the Right don't "get it", any more than the Retards on the Left.

Once upon a time, the Republican Party was the Grand Old Party... the party of the Common Man... before they sold out to the Corporatists in the 1910s and 1920s.

For a century now, it's been the party of the minions and vote-whores of the Corporatists... consummate liars who will say anything, to obtain or hold onto political power.

Which, in turn, results in periodic and spasmodic orgies of Republican tax-cuts and other breaks for The Rich, until the Common Man is disillusioned again and kicks them out.

Should new GOP leadership emerge, that plays upon similar weaknesses within the Democratic Party, and ejects the Corporatists, they can carry the day for decades to come.

But they won't... because they're so deeply and profoundly "bought" by the Corporatists that they could not divorce Corporate America even if they wanted to.

And, with that much Corporate Money slipped to them under the table, they're content to remain "bought"... the whores.
It takes a special kind of stupid to say "no one gives a fuck about GDP" and then claim people care about the quality of their lives. GDP is what measures the quality of their lives, you witless git.
Nobody gives a phukk about GDP anymore...

What they DO care about is the quality of their own lives... phukk the coupon-clippers and absentee landlords and Corporatists and other bloodsuckers.

And their minions.

The way to sustained political success is to get on the side of the Common Man, to convince him you're on his side, and to stay on his side.

In other words: to out-Democrat the Democrats.

Given the Democrats own disarray and corruption, that should not be all that difficult.

Trouble is, the Retards on the Right don't "get it", any more than the Retards on the Left.

Once upon a time, the Republican Party was the Grand Old Party... the party of the Common Man... before they sold out to the Corporatists in the 1910s and 1920s.

For a century now, it's been the party of the minions and vote-whores of the Corporatists... consummate liars who will say anything, to obtain or hold onto political power.

Which, in turn, results in periodic and spasmodic orgies of Republican tax-cuts and other breaks for The Rich, until the Common Man is disillusioned again and kicks them out.

Should new GOP leadership emerge, that plays upon similar weaknesses within the Democratic Party, and ejects the Corporatists, they can carry the day for decades to come.

But they won't... because they're so deeply and profoundly "bought" by the Corporatists that they could not divorce Corporate America even if they wanted to.

And, with that much Corporate Money slipped to them under the table, they're content to remain "bought"... the whores.
Thanks for reminding us why the Democrats have lost 1500 seats and Trump is President.

Keep up the good work.
Nobody gives a phukk about GDP anymore...

What they DO care about is the quality of their own lives... phukk the coupon-clippers and absentee landlords and Corporatists and other bloodsuckers.

And their minions.

The way to sustained political success is to get on the side of the Common Man, to convince him you're on his side, and to stay on his side.

In other words: to out-Democrat the Democrats.

Given the Democrats own disarray and corruption, that should not be all that difficult.

Trouble is, the Retards on the Right don't "get it", any more than the Retards on the Left.

Once upon a time, the Republican Party was the Grand Old Party... the party of the Common Man... before they sold out to the Corporatists in the 1910s and 1920s.

For a century now, it's been the party of the minions and vote-whores of the Corporatists... consummate liars who will say anything, to obtain or hold onto political power.

Which, in turn, results in periodic and spasmodic orgies of Republican tax-cuts and other breaks for The Rich, until the Common Man is disillusioned again and kicks them out.

Should new GOP leadership emerge, that plays upon similar weaknesses within the Democratic Party, and ejects the Corporatists, they can carry the day for decades to come.

But they won't... because they're so deeply and profoundly "bought" by the Corporatists that they could not divorce Corporate America even if they wanted to.

And, with that much Corporate Money slipped to them under the table, they're content to remain "bought"... the whores.
It takes a special kind of stupid to say "no one gives a fuck about GDP" and then claim people care about the quality of their lives. GDP is what measures the quality of their lives, you witless git.
I was not talking about myself, nor anyone else with a basic working understanding of Macro Economics...

I was talking about Packaging the Message... about drawing more flies with honey than with vinegar...

Translation: Stop with the emphasis on GDP and starting talking about issues the Common Man is going to both (a) understand and (b) resonate to...

Merchandising... packaging... changing the emphasis of The Message... in effect, re-thinking your Popular Communications...

Leave it to an unimaginative dullard such as yourself to miss the clues throughout the message...
Nobody gives a phukk about GDP anymore...

What they DO care about is the quality of their own lives... phukk the coupon-clippers and absentee landlords and Corporatists and other bloodsuckers.

And their minions.

The way to sustained political success is to get on the side of the Common Man, to convince him you're on his side, and to stay on his side.

In other words: to out-Democrat the Democrats.

Given the Democrats own disarray and corruption, that should not be all that difficult.

Trouble is, the Retards on the Right don't "get it", any more than the Retards on the Left.

Once upon a time, the Republican Party was the Grand Old Party... the party of the Common Man... before they sold out to the Corporatists in the 1910s and 1920s.

For a century now, it's been the party of the minions and vote-whores of the Corporatists... consummate liars who will say anything, to obtain or hold onto political power.

Which, in turn, results in periodic and spasmodic orgies of Republican tax-cuts and other breaks for The Rich, until the Common Man is disillusioned again and kicks them out.

Should new GOP leadership emerge, that plays upon similar weaknesses within the Democratic Party, and ejects the Corporatists, they can carry the day for decades to come.

But they won't... because they're so deeply and profoundly "bought" by the Corporatists that they could not divorce Corporate America even if they wanted to.

And, with that much Corporate Money slipped to them under the table, they're content to remain "bought"... the whores.
Thanks for reminding us why the Democrats have lost 1500 seats and Trump is President.

Keep up the good work.
The Democrats didn't lose massively because they failed to focus upon viable economic proposals...

They failed massively for other reasons... standing alongside Illegals and Muslims... pitching NAFTA and TPP... adopting the Gay Mafia... running $hitty candidates... etc

YOU dorks, on the other hand, are already squandering that lead, and you have elections coming up in both 2018 and 2020...

You lost the popular vote last time, and your Chief Twit(ter) isn't going to help your cause any...

That means you'll have to win more on your own than with a cohesive and competent leader...

That, in turn, means that you're going to have to appeal more to the Common Man than you have in a long time...

That, in turn, means less Happy Hor$e$hit about GDPs and profit margins, and more about what is important to the Common Man...

Ignore that observation at your own very great political peril...

No charge for the clarification...
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