Ethics Of Animal Research


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Looking for other things yesterday I came across some stuff about using animals in deadly medical research (experiments which require the animal to die, or make that a likely outcome.)

Is it ethical to sacrifice animals if the resulting research saves humans?
Not sure, but I think so for now - that it's ethical.

Let me give this more thought.
Looking for other things yesterday I came across some stuff about using animals in deadly medical research (experiments which require the animal to die, or make that a likely outcome.)

Is it ethical to sacrifice animals if the resulting research saves humans?
do research on liberals instead.
I would rather we lose test animals than our loved ones to suffering and disease.
It becomes harder and harder to justify by my reckoning. I think it needs to be last resort activity, and only ever used for true medical NEED. Not for cosmetics or trivial shit. It also needs to be strictly monitored and regulated.

There's way too much of it. It's grotesque.
We cannot experiment on humans, because that would cause death and suffering.
We must experiment on something living if we are to develop life-saving medicines, vaccines, and treatments.
We can experiment on lab rats and other suitable animals.

If we do not further our research, the bacteria and the viruses will continue evolving. We won't have the updated means of combating these threats. Many will die if we stop.
Animals are innocent and there's no shortage of human scum that can be used for testing.
I'm not a bleeding heart liberal but I am an animal lover and have reservations where animal research is concerned. On the one hand, millions of human lives have likely been saved as a result of animal experimentation but I'm opposed to seeing any living being suffer pain and agony regardless of the ultimate good that might come of it. I couldn't personally torture an animal for any reason. So if the animal is killed humanely and painlessly then researched or studied then I suppose I don't have a problem with it.
The millions and millions of dollars that are poured into crap research needs to be looked at for sure...some of the *studies* they do are just nonsense and there is no way anyone should be paid to do them.
Animals make good test subjects for research and scientific advancement, but humans make the best test subjects.

Honestly, I would much rather have humans sacrificed in scientific research than animals. The results are much more accurate when testing things that will eventually be used or consumed by humans.

"Good" and "evil" are irrelevant.

I love animals...........but some research is necessary to combat diseases on this earth...........and unfortunately some animals die in this research...........

I hate it, but say it is necessary.
America needs to initiate a brilliant Eugenics program. Anyone who does not meet the standards can then be used as test subjects for scientific/ medical research & advances.

When those resources have been depleted, America can turn to its prisons, or its even its enemies, for test subjects.


We can clone healthy humans and use them as test subjects. Then you can perform experiments on perfectly healthy babies, children, teens, adults, old people, etc.


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