Ethno-Nationalists Against Jeff Sessions


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
The National Council for La Raza another progressive/liberal hate group...
Ethno-Nationalists Against Jeff Sessions
"We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."
January 24, 2017
Alex Mayfield

The National Council for La Raza has been at the forefront of the campaign against Senator Jeff Sessions as well as President Trump’s promise to enforce our immigration laws honestly and equally. Last weekend, the group arranged a march with Rev. Sharpton to protest the Sessions appointment. It has also organized news conferences on the issue, published an anti-Sessions attack on its homepage, are actively promoting the Twitter initiative #StopSessions, and had this to say about the senator in a recent email to its members: “[H]ow can we trust someone with ties to extremist anti-immigrant groups to oversee the lives of immigrants and the Latino community?” His views are “diametrically opposed to those of the Latino community… Tell your senators to protect and defend the rights of all Americans by opposing the confirmation of Sen. Sessions. Adelante.”

The organization’s attack against racial politics and ethnocentrism may leave some scratching their heads given the group’s own forceful ethno-nationalist mandate and long-time racialist ties to anti-white racist UT-Arlington professor Jose Angel Gutierrez. Before becoming a teacher, Gutierrez created a string of extremist ethno-nationalist organizations, including La Raza Unida ("The United Race"), a political party based in Texas, and the beret-and-combat-boot-wearing Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO). He was also a key player in the Brown Berets, a paramilitary organization also from the late sixties that’s recently had a resurgence following its alliance with Black Lives Matter.

Notably, La Raza’s gone out of its way to separate the group from Gutierrez. As it states on its website, Gutierrez “never had any connection to NCLR.” A modest amount of investigative research, however, does indeed show not only does La Raza have connections with Gutierrez, those connections are substantial. The following quotes, taken from throughout the man’s career starting in the late sixties as a key figure in the “Chicano Rights” movement, show why La Raza’s perhaps now wised up to create distance between the two:

[Narrow down to 4-5 if needed]

  • We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him. (Source).
  • We are millions… we just have to survive… we have an aging white America… they are not making babies… they are dying… it’s a matter of time… the explosion is in our population. (Source).
  • Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes (Source).
  • Is it the duty of every good revolutionary to kill every newborn White baby? (Source).
  • It's too late for the Gringo to make amends. Violence has got to come (Source).
  • We realize that the effects of cultural genocide takes many forms—some Mexicanos will become psychologically castrated, others will become demagogues and gringos as well and others will come together, resist and eliminate the gringo. We will be the latter (Source).
  • We are the future of America. Unlike any prior generation, we now have the critical mass. We’re going to Latinize this country (Source).
  • See recent picture of Gutierrez here holding signs reading 1st Illegal Alien in US: Pilgrim and 1st Illegal Alien in Texas: Sam Houston, Davey Crocket, Sam Bowie, etc.
Around the time Gutierrez made the above "aging white America" quote, La Raza, which again states emphatically it “never had any connection” to him, presented the man with its “Chicano Hero Award”, a reward for his apparent ‘service’ to the Hispanic community.

When La Raza presented its award, the organization was led by Raul Yzaguirre. Yzaguirre’s been described as a “close friend” of Gutierrez. Yzaguirre’s also shared platforms with the man, having appeared with him in a book called Chicano! and having lectured with him at activist meetings—Yzaguirre, it should be added, has compared organizations that push for the establishment of English as the official working language of government as the Ku Klu Klan.

Other ties between Gutierrez and La Raza are manifold. Gutierrez once worked for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, a La Raza “sister organization” according to the latter’s website. The founder of MALDEF as well as the San Francisco La Raza Lawyers Association, Mario Obledo, once stated while on the Tom Leikus radio show: “California is going to be a Hispanic state, anyone who doesn't like it should leave… We're going to take over all the political institutions in California… [Whites] ought to go back to Europe.”

La Raza and MALDEF also received the same founding grants as Gutierrez’s United Race and MAYO –All were provided by the Ford Foundation. The ethno-nationalist politics of each of these Ford-funded groups was criticized early on. As the Arizona Daily Star observed at the time of La Raza and United Race’s founding:


With such a well-connected and well-financed organization like La Raza having such ties to a deeply anti-American and anti-White individual, like Gutierrez, one has to ask, what if a conservative organization such as Heritage Foundation ever gave an award or funding to a member from the American Nazi Party? After all, La Raza’s influence on national politics cannot be overstated; not one, but two, senior La Raza officials received top White House advisor appointments during the Obama Administration: Cecilia Munoz and Felicia Escobar. How is it that the media was silent on these appointments, yet so willing to cover criticism for President Trump’s appointment of Steve Bannon. It’s about time the public begin demanding consistency from the mainstream media and the Democratic Party when they legitimize and promote ethnocentric extremist organizations, like La Raza.

Ethno-Nationalists Against Jeff Sessions

The blacks hate the whites... The Hispanics hate the whites..... We need to bring in like 30 million educated Chinese and another 30 million educated Hindus to balance this all out so we can see if the Chinese and Hindus hate white people too.



Besides those Chinese and Hindu babes are hot!


  • upload_2017-1-24_1-3-10.jpeg
    12.1 KB · Views: 76
The National Council for La Raza another progressive/liberal hate group...
Ethno-Nationalists Against Jeff Sessions
"We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."
January 24, 2017
Alex Mayfield

The National Council for La Raza has been at the forefront of the campaign against Senator Jeff Sessions as well as President Trump’s promise to enforce our immigration laws honestly and equally. Last weekend, the group arranged a march with Rev. Sharpton to protest the Sessions appointment. It has also organized news conferences on the issue, published an anti-Sessions attack on its homepage, are actively promoting the Twitter initiative #StopSessions, and had this to say about the senator in a recent email to its members: “[H]ow can we trust someone with ties to extremist anti-immigrant groups to oversee the lives of immigrants and the Latino community?” His views are “diametrically opposed to those of the Latino community… Tell your senators to protect and defend the rights of all Americans by opposing the confirmation of Sen. Sessions. Adelante.”

The organization’s attack against racial politics and ethnocentrism may leave some scratching their heads given the group’s own forceful ethno-nationalist mandate and long-time racialist ties to anti-white racist UT-Arlington professor Jose Angel Gutierrez. Before becoming a teacher, Gutierrez created a string of extremist ethno-nationalist organizations, including La Raza Unida ("The United Race"), a political party based in Texas, and the beret-and-combat-boot-wearing Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO). He was also a key player in the Brown Berets, a paramilitary organization also from the late sixties that’s recently had a resurgence following its alliance with Black Lives Matter.

Notably, La Raza’s gone out of its way to separate the group from Gutierrez. As it states on its website, Gutierrez “never had any connection to NCLR.” A modest amount of investigative research, however, does indeed show not only does La Raza have connections with Gutierrez, those connections are substantial. The following quotes, taken from throughout the man’s career starting in the late sixties as a key figure in the “Chicano Rights” movement, show why La Raza’s perhaps now wised up to create distance between the two:

[Narrow down to 4-5 if needed]

  • We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him. (Source).
  • We are millions… we just have to survive… we have an aging white America… they are not making babies… they are dying… it’s a matter of time… the explosion is in our population. (Source).
  • Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes (Source).
  • Is it the duty of every good revolutionary to kill every newborn White baby? (Source).
  • It's too late for the Gringo to make amends. Violence has got to come (Source).
  • We realize that the effects of cultural genocide takes many forms—some Mexicanos will become psychologically castrated, others will become demagogues and gringos as well and others will come together, resist and eliminate the gringo. We will be the latter (Source).
  • We are the future of America. Unlike any prior generation, we now have the critical mass. We’re going to Latinize this country (Source).
  • See recent picture of Gutierrez here holding signs reading 1st Illegal Alien in US: Pilgrim and 1st Illegal Alien in Texas: Sam Houston, Davey Crocket, Sam Bowie, etc.
Around the time Gutierrez made the above "aging white America" quote, La Raza, which again states emphatically it “never had any connection” to him, presented the man with its “Chicano Hero Award”, a reward for his apparent ‘service’ to the Hispanic community.

When La Raza presented its award, the organization was led by Raul Yzaguirre. Yzaguirre’s been described as a “close friend” of Gutierrez. Yzaguirre’s also shared platforms with the man, having appeared with him in a book called Chicano! and having lectured with him at activist meetings—Yzaguirre, it should be added, has compared organizations that push for the establishment of English as the official working language of government as the Ku Klu Klan.

Other ties between Gutierrez and La Raza are manifold. Gutierrez once worked for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, a La Raza “sister organization” according to the latter’s website. The founder of MALDEF as well as the San Francisco La Raza Lawyers Association, Mario Obledo, once stated while on the Tom Leikus radio show: “California is going to be a Hispanic state, anyone who doesn't like it should leave… We're going to take over all the political institutions in California… [Whites] ought to go back to Europe.”

La Raza and MALDEF also received the same founding grants as Gutierrez’s United Race and MAYO –All were provided by the Ford Foundation. The ethno-nationalist politics of each of these Ford-funded groups was criticized early on. As the Arizona Daily Star observed at the time of La Raza and United Race’s founding:


With such a well-connected and well-financed organization like La Raza having such ties to a deeply anti-American and anti-White individual, like Gutierrez, one has to ask, what if a conservative organization such as Heritage Foundation ever gave an award or funding to a member from the American Nazi Party? After all, La Raza’s influence on national politics cannot be overstated; not one, but two, senior La Raza officials received top White House advisor appointments during the Obama Administration: Cecilia Munoz and Felicia Escobar. How is it that the media was silent on these appointments, yet so willing to cover criticism for President Trump’s appointment of Steve Bannon. It’s about time the public begin demanding consistency from the mainstream media and the Democratic Party when they legitimize and promote ethnocentric extremist organizations, like La Raza.

Ethno-Nationalists Against Jeff Sessions

Flashback: NAACP Gave ‘Racist’ Jeff Sessions Governmental Award of Excellence In 2009

The National Council for La Raza another progressive/liberal hate group...
Ethno-Nationalists Against Jeff Sessions
"We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him."
January 24, 2017
Alex Mayfield

The National Council for La Raza has been at the forefront of the campaign against Senator Jeff Sessions as well as President Trump’s promise to enforce our immigration laws honestly and equally. Last weekend, the group arranged a march with Rev. Sharpton to protest the Sessions appointment. It has also organized news conferences on the issue, published an anti-Sessions attack on its homepage, are actively promoting the Twitter initiative #StopSessions, and had this to say about the senator in a recent email to its members: “[H]ow can we trust someone with ties to extremist anti-immigrant groups to oversee the lives of immigrants and the Latino community?” His views are “diametrically opposed to those of the Latino community… Tell your senators to protect and defend the rights of all Americans by opposing the confirmation of Sen. Sessions. Adelante.”

The organization’s attack against racial politics and ethnocentrism may leave some scratching their heads given the group’s own forceful ethno-nationalist mandate and long-time racialist ties to anti-white racist UT-Arlington professor Jose Angel Gutierrez. Before becoming a teacher, Gutierrez created a string of extremist ethno-nationalist organizations, including La Raza Unida ("The United Race"), a political party based in Texas, and the beret-and-combat-boot-wearing Mexican American Youth Organization (MAYO). He was also a key player in the Brown Berets, a paramilitary organization also from the late sixties that’s recently had a resurgence following its alliance with Black Lives Matter.

Notably, La Raza’s gone out of its way to separate the group from Gutierrez. As it states on its website, Gutierrez “never had any connection to NCLR.” A modest amount of investigative research, however, does indeed show not only does La Raza have connections with Gutierrez, those connections are substantial. The following quotes, taken from throughout the man’s career starting in the late sixties as a key figure in the “Chicano Rights” movement, show why La Raza’s perhaps now wised up to create distance between the two:

[Narrow down to 4-5 if needed]

  • We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to kill him. (Source).
  • We are millions… we just have to survive… we have an aging white America… they are not making babies… they are dying… it’s a matter of time… the explosion is in our population. (Source).
  • Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes (Source).
  • Is it the duty of every good revolutionary to kill every newborn White baby? (Source).
  • It's too late for the Gringo to make amends. Violence has got to come (Source).
  • We realize that the effects of cultural genocide takes many forms—some Mexicanos will become psychologically castrated, others will become demagogues and gringos as well and others will come together, resist and eliminate the gringo. We will be the latter (Source).
  • We are the future of America. Unlike any prior generation, we now have the critical mass. We’re going to Latinize this country (Source).
  • See recent picture of Gutierrez here holding signs reading 1st Illegal Alien in US: Pilgrim and 1st Illegal Alien in Texas: Sam Houston, Davey Crocket, Sam Bowie, etc.
Around the time Gutierrez made the above "aging white America" quote, La Raza, which again states emphatically it “never had any connection” to him, presented the man with its “Chicano Hero Award”, a reward for his apparent ‘service’ to the Hispanic community.

When La Raza presented its award, the organization was led by Raul Yzaguirre. Yzaguirre’s been described as a “close friend” of Gutierrez. Yzaguirre’s also shared platforms with the man, having appeared with him in a book called Chicano! and having lectured with him at activist meetings—Yzaguirre, it should be added, has compared organizations that push for the establishment of English as the official working language of government as the Ku Klu Klan.

Other ties between Gutierrez and La Raza are manifold. Gutierrez once worked for the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, a La Raza “sister organization” according to the latter’s website. The founder of MALDEF as well as the San Francisco La Raza Lawyers Association, Mario Obledo, once stated while on the Tom Leikus radio show: “California is going to be a Hispanic state, anyone who doesn't like it should leave… We're going to take over all the political institutions in California… [Whites] ought to go back to Europe.”

La Raza and MALDEF also received the same founding grants as Gutierrez’s United Race and MAYO –All were provided by the Ford Foundation. The ethno-nationalist politics of each of these Ford-funded groups was criticized early on. As the Arizona Daily Star observed at the time of La Raza and United Race’s founding:


With such a well-connected and well-financed organization like La Raza having such ties to a deeply anti-American and anti-White individual, like Gutierrez, one has to ask, what if a conservative organization such as Heritage Foundation ever gave an award or funding to a member from the American Nazi Party? After all, La Raza’s influence on national politics cannot be overstated; not one, but two, senior La Raza officials received top White House advisor appointments during the Obama Administration: Cecilia Munoz and Felicia Escobar. How is it that the media was silent on these appointments, yet so willing to cover criticism for President Trump’s appointment of Steve Bannon. It’s about time the public begin demanding consistency from the mainstream media and the Democratic Party when they legitimize and promote ethnocentric extremist organizations, like La Raza.

Ethno-Nationalists Against Jeff Sessions

Flashback: NAACP Gave ‘Racist’ Jeff Sessions Governmental Award of Excellence In 2009

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from the left and the terrorist BLM...

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