EU Constitution: Concentration of Power in Brussels

it is the diveristy of the worlds various economies that make the world economy function....if they all beacame they same the system would not work....look at your business and tell me....if every single person in you company was exactly like you would your company be worth a damn....from conflict comes strength
musicman said:

You don't see socialism coming at you? I'm sorry, my friend, but the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train.

I find the sexual overtones of your post a bit disturbing.

Are you going to tack the last line of Mr. Churchill's speech onto your sig? You're cherry-picking, you know.
No im not going to tackle the last line because i think using it as a signiture is over the top so im going to change it.However if America had to come to Britains rescue i would not have a problem with that, and lets be honest, theres more chance of you rescuing us than vice versa.
ReillyT said:
The sarcasm was his (possibly), not mine. A determination of whether one is deserving of respect is an individual, not collective decision.

You shot your credibility in post#10. Of course there are benefits to joining a welfare state, twit! It's just that they're short-term, and come at a horrific price. Do you read at all?
taff said:
No im not going to tackle the last line because i think using it as a signiture is over the top so im going to change it.However if America had to come to Britains rescue i would not have a problem with that, and lets be honest, theres more chance of you rescuing us than vice versa.

Please understand that I have the utmost respect for Great Britian, and our common language, history, and heritage. You are our greatest ally, and even the occasional heated discussion can't change that.

Your sig is fine - not over the top at all. I was just a'messin' with ya!
Sir Evil said:
fair enough, but I would argue the respect decision. you have how many posts? and you are ready to call out another member with how many post?
See I pretty much run the show around here and respect all, mostly the ones who have been here for sometime laying down opinions and good arguments, these are usually the things that garner respect and MM has done that.

This is a discussion board. As such, I feel I have the right to "call out" (did I propose a duel?) anyone whom I disagree with. I expect others to do the same to me. I don't understand how the number of posts play into it at all. I respond to people on the basis of the content of their individual posts, not the frequency with which they post them. A person with a 1000 (or 10) posts can still be a fool, as perhaps you feel I am.
musicman said:
Please understand that I have the utmost respect for Great Britian, and our common language, history, and heritage. You are our greatest ally, and even the occasional heated discussion can't change that.

Your sig is fine - not over the top at all. I was just a'messin' with ya!

Cheers Bud, i look forward to disagreeing with you
musicman said:
You shot your credibility in post#10. Of course there are benefits to joining a welfare state, twit! It's just that they're short-term, and come at a horrific price. Do you read at all?

Yes, there are detriments to entering into a quasi-socialist system, just like their are detriments to entering a free capitalist system. I was only discussing the benefits that lead countries to join the EU.

Whether the price is horrific can be debated. While growth rates in France and Germany have been lagging for some time, Canada is doing fairly well and Canadians certainly appear to prefer their system to ours. It isn't just the nature of the system that matters, but how it is practiced (it is always in the details). Which is better? I guess the members of each country have to decide that for themselves.
Sir Evil said:
Nope you have it all wrong, I don't think anyone is a fool unless of course they prove it. I was merely suggesting a better way of debating when you are dealing with a respected member of our board, to get it you must give it. nothing wrong with your opinion at all, voice it as often as possible!

Thank you for the advice.
ReillyT said:
Whether the price is horrific can be debated. While growth rates in France and Germany have been lagging for some time, Canada is doing fairly well and Canadians certainly appear to prefer their system to ours. It isn't just the nature of the system that matters, but how it is practiced (it is always in the details). Which is better? I guess the members of each country have to decide that for themselves.

Canadians like it for obvious reasons, although I think the provinces would prefer more power and control over their resources and industries.
taff said:
I know all about your points of views concerning Germany and France yet reading the European threads there is always a lot of negativity about all of Europe.

Now back up just a bit here. Yes, many of us are not fond of some European governments. Personally, I despise Jacques Chirac and his government. I think that we Yanks are damn well entitled to kick his ass because the lying, pompous windbag claims to be our ally on the one hand while on the other he opposes our efforts in Iraq not on any principle, but simply so he can continue to benefit from the graft and corruption.

You've never heard me bad-mouth Britain and I did not do so in my initial post. I merely pointed out the obvious fact that socialism takes its toll on an economy and yours is no exception.

But if it bothers you that I enjoy giving the finger to the french, then you'll just have to learn to live with that. I don't plan to quit any time soon.

ReillyT said:
Yes, there are detriments to entering into a quasi-socialist system, just like their are detriments to entering a free capitalist system. I was only discussing the benefits that lead countries to join the EU.

Whether the price is horrific can be debated. .

I don't see how. Hundreds of millions of dead provide mute testimony to the cruel bankruptcy of this tyranny - which cloaks itself in such fine, flowery language.

Insanity is repeating the same behavior again and again, and expecting different results.
musicman said:
I don't see how. Hundreds of millions of dead provide mute testimony to the cruel bankruptcy of this tyranny - which cloaks itself in such fine, flowery language.

Insanity is repeating the same behavior again and again, and expecting different results.

What are you talking about?
Merlin1047 said:
Now back up just a bit here. Yes, many of us are not fond of some European governments. Personally, I despise Jacques Chirac and his government. I think that we Yanks are damn well entitled to kick his ass because the lying, pompous windbag claims to be our ally on the one hand while on the other he opposes our efforts in Iraq not on any principle, but simply so he can continue to benefit from the graft and corruption.

You've never heard me bad-mouth Britain and I did not do so in my initial post. I merely pointed out the obvious fact that socialism takes its toll on an economy and yours is no exception.

But if it bothers you that I enjoy giving the finger to the french, then you'll just have to learn to live with that. I don't plan to quit any time soon.

I didnt mention you personaly bad mouthing Britain.As for the French i find some of the comments quite funny as we have had our problems with them for longer than you.If you ever hurt your finger , here borrow one of mine.
ReillyT said:
What are you talking about?

Which statement do you believe is closer to the truth:

1) Man is primarily driven by self-interest, or

2) Man is possessed of unfulfilled capacities for reason, freedom, and love?
musicman said:
Which statement do you believe is closer to the truth:

1) Man is primarily driven by self-interest, or

2) Man is possessed of unfulfilled capacities for reason, freedom, and love?

I would say that statement 1 is closer to the truth than statement 2, but in reality it is individual dependent and somewhere in between.
It was the hundreds of millions of dead that I was confused about? Are you talking about WWII/ holocaust, because I definitely think there is a difference between the democratic liberalism practiced in France and Canada, and the nationalist socialism practiced in Germany.
This has been fun, but I am sleepy. I wish you all a pleasant night and good day tomorrow.
ReillyT said:
It was the hundreds of millions of dead that I was confused about? Are you talking about WWII/ holocaust, because I definitely think there is a difference between the democratic liberalism practiced in France and Canada, and the nationalist socialism practiced in Germany.

I'm talking about socialism in the twentieth century. I'm talking about Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot - even Hitler, for he, like all the others, attained power by singing socialism's siren song. There's only one thing wrong with the pretty dream: It doesn't work! "From each according to his ability; to each according to his need" sounds lovely on paper. The problem is that human nature doesn't work that way. The state is then faced with the glaring discrepancy between the socialist dream and the socialist reality. Enter the totalitarian state. I asked you questions about your understanding of human nature because I wanted to see if you UNDERSTOOD human nature. I don't think you entirely do. America's founding fathers did. The natural tendency of self-interested man is to grab what he wants - in short, we are tyrants by our very nature. Therefore, governments - left unchecked - MUST degenerate into tyranny. It is through decentralized government, and its natural devolution to state's rights, community sovereignty, and finally, individual freedom, that we enjoy safeguards against man's unceasing quest for tyranny. Can't you see that Europe is headed in the completely opposite direction? Don't you perceive the long night getting ready to fall across the Old World?

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