EU May Declare Lithium a Hazard to Humans

A post so gnomic it doesn't really seem to have a meaning.

Let's try to parse it out:

1. Is ding suggesting that nuclear winter will solve our energy problems? No, that doesn't make sense.

2. Is ding suggesting that nuclear power won't be good because it might lead to nuclear winter? No, that's not rational either since nuclear plants won't go out in a nuclear explosion like a bomb so it won't throw up enough stuff into the atmosphere to be a nuclear winter scenario when one meltsdown (as they do from time to time)

3. Maybe Ding is suggesting that with more nuclear power plants we'll see a spike in proliferation of fissile materials somehow enriched beyond what is needed for power and up into the ranges of weapons-grade and that will lead to nuclear wars which lead to nuclear winter.

Hmmm....which is it? Would you care to "explain" your post, Ding? Nah, I knew you wouldn't.
It would be helpful to understand my reply if you understood what I was replying to.
I’ve been studying earth’s climate history for the last 20 years. It’s why I can discuss it and you can’t.

You haven't "discussed" anything! LOL. You post graphics you find on the internet which you can't speak to in any detail (because you don't understand them) and then you make single-sentence "question" posts which you THINK makes you look like you are "insightful" and knowledgeable.

But you aren't! That's the most funny thing! I've NEVER met an engineer who has such limited ability to expand his or her knowledge out to speak about something but you can't. It's amazing. You are clearly not even marginally educated in ANY of this stuff.

If you actually WERE a retired petroleum engineer par excellence, you would have been studying this topic for many more years than just "20". That's hilarious! I've been learning about climate for about 40 years now since I started in undergrad.

See? Again, you show your hand. That's because you don't actually KNOW anything about "petroleum" or "engineering" or anything technical.

Go ahead, post another "what would you do if the downhole pressure was building up while you were running your gamma logger?" as if you understand any of that.

You're such a joke. So weird to see someone who is so clearly uneducated in a field think they can "fake" their way through it just so you can TROLL PEOPLE.

You really should have spent more time building up your fake profile as a "petroleum engineer". For instance, learn more formation names. Hit up the Stratigraphic Code. Learn more about Earth history (pro-tip: the earth is older than 5 million years).

What a buffoon!
You haven't "discussed" anything! LOL. You post graphics you find on the internet which you can't speak to in any detail (because you don't understand them) and then you make single-sentence "question" posts which you THINK makes you look like you are "insightful" and knowledgeable.

But you aren't! That's the most funny thing! I've NEVER met an engineer who has such limited ability to expand his or her knowledge out to speak about something but you can't. It's amazing. You are clearly not even marginally educated in ANY of this stuff.

If you actually WERE a retired petroleum engineer par excellence, you would have been studying this topic for many more years than just "20". That's hilarious! I've been learning about climate for about 40 years now since I started in undergrad.

See? Again, you show your hand. That's because you don't actually KNOW anything about "petroleum" or "engineering" or anything technical.

Go ahead, post another "what would you do if the downhole pressure was building up while you were running your gamma logger?" as if you understand any of that.

You're such a joke. So weird to see someone who is so clearly uneducated in a field think they can "fake" their way through it just so you can TROLL PEOPLE.

You really should have spent more time building up your fake profile as a "petroleum engineer". For instance, learn more formation names. Hit up the Stratigraphic Code. Learn more about Earth history (pro-tip: the earth is older than 5 million years).

What a buffoon!
The earth is uniquely configured to be colder because plate tectonics isolated the polar regions from warmer marine currents which allowed for glaciation to take place in the polar regions as the earth cooled naturally.
You haven't "discussed" anything! LOL. You post graphics you find on the internet which you can't speak to in any detail (because you don't understand them) and then you make single-sentence "question" posts which you THINK makes you look like you are "insightful" and knowledgeable.

But you aren't! That's the most funny thing! I've NEVER met an engineer who has such limited ability to expand his or her knowledge out to speak about something but you can't. It's amazing. You are clearly not even marginally educated in ANY of this stuff.

If you actually WERE a retired petroleum engineer par excellence, you would have been studying this topic for many more years than just "20". That's hilarious! I've been learning about climate for about 40 years now since I started in undergrad.

See? Again, you show your hand. That's because you don't actually KNOW anything about "petroleum" or "engineering" or anything technical.

Go ahead, post another "what would you do if the downhole pressure was building up while you were running your gamma logger?" as if you understand any of that.

You're such a joke. So weird to see someone who is so clearly uneducated in a field think they can "fake" their way through it just so you can TROLL PEOPLE.

You really should have spent more time building up your fake profile as a "petroleum engineer". For instance, learn more formation names. Hit up the Stratigraphic Code. Learn more about Earth history (pro-tip: the earth is older than 5 million years).

What a buffoon!
It’s hilarious watching you accuse me of what you are doing.
I'm actually waiting for you to hit up the ol' Google-Machine to refresh your "character sheet".

Start here: Petroleum engineering - Wikipedia
The northern hemisphere drives the climate of the planet for good reasons. Land locked polar region isolated from warmer marine currents and a threshold for extensive continental glaciation that is just below present temperatures.
The northern hemisphere drives the climate of the planet for good reasons. Land locked polar region isolated from warmer marine currents and a threshold for extensive continental glaciation that is just below present temperatures.

"land locked polar region". Hmmmm.


I know you haven't ever really looked at a "map" but here's a nice one of the Arctic Ocean. The BLUE STUFF is water. Can you find an area where the Arctic Ocean is not landlocked? Landlocked means surrounded by land.

IN FACT there are currents moving water from low latitudes right up to the Arctic circle:


But you probably know better than the folks at Woods Hole (google it so you know what Woods Hole is).

You are such a scientific illiterate it isn't even funny.
"land locked polar region". Hmmmm.


I know you haven't ever really looked at a "map" but here's a nice one of the Arctic Ocean. The BLUE STUFF is water. Can you find an area where the Arctic Ocean is not landlocked? Landlocked means surrounded by land.

IN FACT there are currents moving water from low latitudes right up to the Arctic circle:


But you probably know better than the folks at Woods Hole (google it so you know what Woods Hole is).

You are such a scientific illiterate it isn't even funny.
Mostly land locked. If there were no lands around the arctic circle it would be ice free.
Which would effectively kill the battery industry.
But run out and buy that $70K EV!

Sounds like Bill Gates has a lithium alternative he wants pushed.
See? If you had just looked at a map the first time around you won't have to correct yourself.

You still sticking to your idea that the ARctic is isolated from the rest of the Ocean? LOL
Feel free to argue that plate tectonics does not affect the earth’s climate. I know better.
Feel free to argue that plate tectonics does not affect the earth’s climate. I know better.

OF COURSE IT DID! But that doesn't have anything to do with the current warming we see.

Honestly dude you just seem to randomly grab geologic phrases which you don't understand and you attempt to make simpleton remarks.

What a waste.

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