Eugenist Zeke Emanuel: Keep your doc, just pay more

When insurers start cooperating and competing, the doctors will be back...No Dems can ever believe Pub and corporate any rate, in a year or two everyone will be saving more and more over the Pub mess/ horror we have now...hater dupes lol.

"If you like your plan, you can keep it. Period."

Where's my $2,500 savings????
When insurers start cooperating and competing, the doctors will be back...No Dems can ever believe Pub and corporate any rate, in a year or two everyone will be saving more and more over the Pub mess/ horror we have now...hater dupes lol.

Where in the far left mantra did you read that?
When insurers start cooperating and competing, the doctors will be back...No Dems can ever believe Pub and corporate any rate, in a year or two everyone will be saving more and more over the Pub mess/ horror we have now...hater dupes lol.

What is already happening is a two tier HC system, like Cuba has. The schmucks will be in Obamacare, and smart/rich folks in co-ops that end-run the ACA, like BO end-runs congress and the Constitution.

The schmuck system will die for lack of funding.
When insurers start cooperating and competing, the doctors will be back...No Dems can ever believe Pub and corporate any rate, in a year or two everyone will be saving more and more over the Pub mess/ horror we have now...hater dupes lol.

Stupid mantra.

We have lying Affirmative Action Moron for a president and he's made a huge mess of things. What's worse is that smarter people than him will work it out.

They should let it crash. He deserves the legacy of being the biggest moron and biggest liar to ever sit in the White House.
He did let it crash, it was big news.
next comes the crash in life expectancy for the idiots on the exchanges.
Then comes the charge of embezzlement for changing the reinsurance rules.
Then comes the collapse of the states that jumped on this bandwagon.
So please be more specific about which crash you are referring to please.
The only things going to crash are Pubs who refuse expansion of Medicaid, and insurers who don't join in. None of your fear mongered talking points have ever happened, chumps of the greedy rich GOP...
The only things going to crash are Pubs who refuse expansion of Medicaid, and insurers who don't join in. None of your fear mongered talking points have ever happened, chumps of the greedy rich GOP...

We have a quasi-Socialist medical system where $1.2 trillion annually is waste and abuse; it's the worst of both the private and public sectors.

Time to try something new
The only things going to crash are Pubs who refuse expansion of Medicaid, and insurers who don't join in. None of your fear mongered talking points have ever happened, chumps of the greedy rich GOP...

Move to Cuba, asswipe.

If you were ever a schoolteacher, God help those kids.
This IS the something new, and is the GOP style plan. EVERYTHING will work just fine when Pubs and their junk insurance cronies stop obstructing, now that the gd website works. Sorry about your luck, Pub dupes...

As for waste, costs, scams, and everything else- this IS the way to work on it...
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This IS the something new, and is the GOP style plan. EVERYTHING will work just fine when Pubs and their junk insurance cronies stop obstructing, now that the gd website works. Sorry about your luck, Pub dupes...

Looks as if the far left wants to hurt the poor by making them pay more to see their doctor.
Looks as if the far left wants to hurt the poor by making them pay more to see their doctor.
The far left doesn't exist, Pub dupe. Those who earn less than 140 per cent of the poverty level get free Medicaid, ignoramus. That's a doctor and preventive care instead of ridiculously expensive ER care on YOU.
Looks as if the far left wants to hurt the poor by making them pay more to see their doctor.
The far left doesn't exist, Pub dupe. Those who earn less than 140 per cent of the poverty level get free Medicaid, ignoramus. That's a doctor and preventive care instead of ridiculously expensive ER care on YOU.

No moron because unlike some stereotypical poor people, we know to get to the doctor before it becomes a problem...even if we have to pay for it.

Of course, you can't see drug overdoses coming. Or gunshot wounds.

How you gonna prevent that from happening to all those "brothers" ?
The left is in mad panic mode. Affirmative Action "Boy" is headed down the the drain.

People have figured out they got sold a bill of goods by dickweeds Maddow, Matthews and the rest of the assholes at MSNBC.

I love watching Chris screaming to get people's attention...but nobody watches. I'll bet his mother has turned his loud mouth off.

All the poor on the left are now starting to understand that Obama sold them up the river. They are looking to take swimming lessons.
Looks as if the far left wants to hurt the poor by making them pay more to see their doctor.
The far left doesn't exist, Pub dupe. Those who earn less than 140 per cent of the poverty level get free Medicaid, ignoramus. That's a doctor and preventive care instead of ridiculously expensive ER care on YOU.

And the Taliban does not acknowledge that they Muslim extremists.

I guess the far left/you and the Taliban are on in the same fantasy world.

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