Eugenist Zeke Emanuel: Keep your doc, just pay more

What the fuck is a dupe?

Near as I can figure, judging from the context in which it's used, it means you are talking to someone that is way more intelligent than yourself.

Seriously, it's being used in lieu of intelligent debate.
Look at the wiki ''far left'' articleYOU brought up, and see you're ALL WRONG using that term, as well as all your other brainwashed beliefs, DUH.

Hater dupes is the perfect term for you brainwashed ignorami...Mega rich Pubs laugh at you all the way to the bank...CHANGE THE CHANNEL...SEE SIG LAST PARA.
You can watch the entire interview with Ezekiel Emanuel here: Fox?s Wallace Grills Ezekiel Emanuel on Obamacare Enrollment, ?If You Like Your Doctor? Pledge | Mediaite

As a general rule, the broader the healthcare network you are in, the more expensive health care costs. Health care costs go down in areas that have a high concentration of primary care providers.

To bend the cost curve down, limiting the geographical area of your network would be one means of accomplishing this. This is an objective solution, not a political one. And this is what ObamaCare has done. For example, some people are right now discovering they are limited to their county for their choice of doctors.

Did Obama make that plain? Nope. He said, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." That is a lie of omission. He left out the part where you would have to pay more to keep your doctor if your doctor is outside the cost-cutting curve.

Chris Wallace called Emanuel out on this lie of omission.

Wallace also tried to say that not a lot of voluntarily uninsured will sign up for insurance when the mandate kicks in. I think Emanuel made a good point that a PR push will change the dynamic. Current polls are not an indication of the future effect of a PR push. As Emanuel pointed out, the PR push has been delayed until the bugs in the system are worked out.

The web site will get fixed, and is already much improved.

If a person has a choice of paying a fine that is one percent of their income, or receiving heavily subsidized insurance, I think quite a few will take the insurance. More than Wallace thinks will.

This is an educated guess on my part because that is what happened in Massachusetts after the individual mandate kicked in there.
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The federal subsidies for health insurance are going to be another "third rail of politics" much the same way Social Security and Medicare are. Politicians are too afraid to raise the SS and Medicare eligibility ages because old folks are a huge voting bloc. Thus, "third rail". Political death.

Just watch what happens when we have federal subsidies for insurance. It will be political death to talk about reducing them. The GOP sold us all down the river to the Democrats years ago and here we are. This will lead to national bankruptcy. They will lead to a giant ramping up of the devaluation of our currency.

We all take and take and take. Over a trillion bucks a year in tax expenditures. Retirement at 65 even though we live 30 percent longer than when the age was set at 65. Mortgage interest deductions. Tax credits, subsidies, exemption, boondoggles galore.

A $16 trillion shit sandwich, and now these insurance subsidies.

Don't think you are somehow above it all. Every living American is a leech.

Fire up the currency printing presses, boys! Double overtime for everyone! Woo hoo!
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You can watch the entire interview with Ezekiel Emanuel here: Fox?s Wallace Grills Ezekiel Emanuel on Obamacare Enrollment, ?If You Like Your Doctor? Pledge | Mediaite

As a general rule, the broader the healthcare network you are in, the more expensive health care costs. Health care costs go down in areas that have a high concentration of primary care providers.

To bend the cost curve down, limiting the geographical area of your network would be one means of accomplishing this. This is an objective solution, not a political one. And this is what ObamaCare has done. For example, some people are right now discovering they are limited to their county for their choice of doctors.

Did Obama make that plain? Nope. He said, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." That is a lie of omission. He left out the part where you would have to pay more to keep your doctor if your doctor is outside the cost-cutting curve.

Chris Wallace called Emanuel out on this lie of omission.

Wallace also tried to say that not a lot of voluntarily uninsured will sign up for insurance when the mandate kicks in. I think Emanuel made a good point that a PR push will change the dynamic. Current polls are not an indication of the future effect of a PR push. As Emanuel pointed out, the PR push has been delayed until the bugs in the system are worked out.

The web site will get fixed, and is already much improved.

If a person has a choice of paying a fine that is one percent of their income, or receiving heavily subsidized insurance, I think quite a few will take the insurance. More than Wallace thinks will.

This is an educated guess on my part because that is what happened in Massachusetts after the individual mandate kicked in there.

A "lie of omission"?

You're totally fucking insane
You can watch the entire interview with Ezekiel Emanuel here: Fox?s Wallace Grills Ezekiel Emanuel on Obamacare Enrollment, ?If You Like Your Doctor? Pledge | Mediaite

As a general rule, the broader the healthcare network you are in, the more expensive health care costs. Health care costs go down in areas that have a high concentration of primary care providers.

To bend the cost curve down, limiting the geographical area of your network would be one means of accomplishing this. This is an objective solution, not a political one. And this is what ObamaCare has done. For example, some people are right now discovering they are limited to their county for their choice of doctors.

Did Obama make that plain? Nope. He said, "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." That is a lie of omission. He left out the part where you would have to pay more to keep your doctor if your doctor is outside the cost-cutting curve.

Chris Wallace called Emanuel out on this lie of omission.

Wallace also tried to say that not a lot of voluntarily uninsured will sign up for insurance when the mandate kicks in. I think Emanuel made a good point that a PR push will change the dynamic. Current polls are not an indication of the future effect of a PR push. As Emanuel pointed out, the PR push has been delayed until the bugs in the system are worked out.

The web site will get fixed, and is already much improved.

If a person has a choice of paying a fine that is one percent of their income, or receiving heavily subsidized insurance, I think quite a few will take the insurance. More than Wallace thinks will.

This is an educated guess on my part because that is what happened in Massachusetts after the individual mandate kicked in there.

A "lie of omission"?

You're totally fucking insane

Real Clear still shows a huge deficit when it comes to support for the law.

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