Eurabia: A Continent in Flight

Most Muslims in the West have sought to escape the violence of their homelands, and their communities are turning over to authorities Jihadists planning attacks on Western targets.

Off to bed you naughty boy .
Telling all those silly stories will frighten the cat .
And wash your mouth out after brushing your tooth .
Swedish Court Sentences Muslim Who Stabbed His Sister 107 Times to 4 Years in Prison

May 7, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


That’s a year for every 26 stabs. Majed, a 17-year-old Iraqi immigrant, stabbed his sister Maria to death inflicting 107 wounds with two knives and a pair of scissors.

The Court also established that the brother on more than one occasions before the murder intimidated his sister and called her demeaning epithets like whore and slut.

His sister had returned to Landskrona after she broke up from a forced marriage in Iraq. She was found dead in his apartment in Landskrona on the evening of 23 April, the day after her birthday.

The call to Maria – who only had six days left to live – came from two psychology students doing a study for an organization working to prevent honor killings.

Maria told them: “I was born and raised in Stockholm. Before I turned twelve, I was kidnapped to Kurdistan with my brothers … When I was 15, I was raped and married off. ”

Majed’s lawyer thought that the original sentence of 8 years in prison was too harsh.


This is what liberal tolerance looks like. It’s not compassion. It’s evil.

Swedish Court Sentences Muslim Who Stabbed His Sister 107 Times to 4 Years in Prison | FrontPage Magazine
Swedish Court Sentences Muslim Who Stabbed His Sister 107 Times to 4 Years in Prison

May 7, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


That’s a year for every 26 stabs. Majed, a 17-year-old Iraqi immigrant, stabbed his sister Maria to death inflicting 107 wounds with two knives and a pair of scissors.

The Court also established that the brother on more than one occasions before the murder intimidated his sister and called her demeaning epithets like whore and slut.

His sister had returned to Landskrona after she broke up from a forced marriage in Iraq. She was found dead in his apartment in Landskrona on the evening of 23 April, the day after her birthday.

The call to Maria – who only had six days left to live – came from two psychology students doing a study for an organization working to prevent honor killings.

Maria told them: “I was born and raised in Stockholm. Before I turned twelve, I was kidnapped to Kurdistan with my brothers … When I was 15, I was raped and married off. ”

Majed’s lawyer thought that the original sentence of 8 years in prison was too harsh.


This is what liberal tolerance looks like. It’s not compassion. It’s evil.

Swedish Court Sentences Muslim Who Stabbed His Sister 107 Times to 4 Years in Prison | FrontPage Magazine

This is disgusting.:evil:
are they going to let this depraved dog free IN SWEDEN after 4 years??
Mum talked down Woolwich terrorists who told her: 'We want to start a war in London tonight'

Exclusive: A cub scout leader confronted terrorists just seconds after they had beheaded a soldier asking them to hand over their weapons and warning them: "It is only you versus many people, you are going to lose."


A mother-of-two described tonight how she put her own life on the line by trying to persuade the soldier’s murderers to hand over their weapons.

Cub scout leader Ingrid Loyau-Kennett selflessly engaged the terrorists in conversation and kept her nerve as one of them told her: “We want to start a war in London tonight.”

Mrs Loyau-Kennett, 48, from Cornwall, was one of the first people on the scene after the two Islamic extremists butchered a soldier in Woolwich, south east London.

She was photographed by onlookers confronting one of the attackers who was holding a bloodied knife.


Robert Buckland, a Conservative member of the justice select committee, said: “If it is the case [that police took 20 minutes to arrive] it is very worrying. If there was any unwarranted delay then that that needs to be investigated.”

Mum talked down Woolwich terrorists who told her: 'We want to start a war in London tonight' - Telegraph
The London Horror and Jihad Denial

May 24, 2013 By Bruce Bawer


Just like this week’s nightly riots by “youths” in Stockholm, the brutal slaughter in Woolwich was plainly a jihadist act. Yet just as the Swedish elites are continuing to dance around that uncomfortable core truth, their British counterparts are engaged in some fancy footwork of their own – led by Prime Minister David Cameron, who described Tuesday’s atrocity as “not just an attack on Britain and on the British way of life” but “also a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country.” (Does it need to be said that for a British leader to haul out this ragged, repulsive lie in the year 2013 is itself a betrayal – a shameless, craven betrayal of precisely what Cameron pretends to be standing up for, namely “Britain and…the British way of life”?)


What artful dodgers! The lesson was clear: with very few exceptions, the British elite is terrified to call jihad by its rightful name. It would rather condemn the English Defence League for the thousandth time than choke out even the most muted, gracefully nuanced acknowledgment that there might, in fact, be something of a causal connection between the instructions to the faithful spelled out in the Koran and the actions carried out in Woolwich on Tuesday afternoon. Yet it’s precisely that elite’s dishonest, irresponsible, lily-livered response to abominable transgressions like this one that is driving more and more people into the arms of the EDL. For while Cameron, Livingstone, and company were responding to the Woolwich killing by defending Islam, feigning perplexity, and/or dismissing the idea that this murder had any larger significance, EDL leader Tommy Robinson was speaking the plain and simple truth, accusing the country’s leaders of being “scared to say the word Muslim” and flatly rejecting the fatuous falsehoods about Islam that are proferred in Britain’s classrooms and endlessly reiterated in its media. Said Robinson on Tuesday: “Our next generation are being taught through schools that Islam is a religion of peace. It’s not. It never has been. What you saw today is Islam.”

The London Horror and Jihad Denial | FrontPage Magazine
Muslim Riots and Left-wing Nonsense

June 10, 2013 By Fjordman


The May 2013 riots in certain immigrant-dominated suburbs of Stockholm raised eyebrows abroad. While I found them disturbing I cannot say that I was totally surprised by them. I’ve consistently warned against such a likely outcome under this pen name for what is now nearly a decade.

The political elites not just in Sweden but also in neighboring Denmark, Finland and Norway watched nervously as the events unfolded. Clearly, major riots by immigrants no longer take place just in slightly more distant Paris or London, but now also in the largest city in the Nordic region. The problems are getting closer.


Muslim Riots and Left-wing Nonsense | FrontPage Magazine
Denial About Stockholm

June 12, 2013 By Bruce Bawer


Why are leading conservative magazines buying into the lie that the Swedish riots have nothing to do with Islam?

The June 4 issue of National Review contained a piece entitled “Torching Utopia” and subtitled “Sweden’s problem is not Islam, it’s multiculturalism.” Its author, Tino Sanandaji, an Iranian Kurd who has lived in Sweden for many years and who studied economics in the U.S., had one principal point to make: that there does exist a “fierce hostility toward Swedish culture” in Sweden, but that it originates not with Muslim immigrants but with Swedish elites. To support this claim, he cited one Swedish politician’s declaration, some years ago, that “Swedes are jealous of immigrants” because the latter “have a culture, an identity, a history, something that binds you together,” while Swedes have only “Midsummer’s Eve and other lame things.” What Sanandaji chose not to point out was that the politician who made that statement, Mona Sahlin, made it while addressing an audience of Muslims in a mosque; and she didn’t say that Swedes were jealous of immigrants generally – she said that they were jealous of Muslims, because Islamic culture is wonderful and manifestly superior to Swedish culture.


It’s not surprising that Sanandaji, Norberg, and Neuding would proffer such nonsense by way of “explaining” the Stockholm riots. Despite certain philosophical differences, they’re all in the business of promoting non-socialist economic ideas in an exceedingly socialist country. When they see something like the tumult in the streets of Stockholm, then, their reflexive response is to blame it on problems with the socialist economy. In short, they’re so preoccupied with economic systems, economic problems, and economic solutions that cultural phenomena such as the Islamic doctrine of jihad simply have no place on their radar screen. That such people would have such a major blind spot is, I suppose, understandable. Less understandable is why ordinarily sensible journals such as the National Review, Weekly Standard, and Spectator would choose to publish such patently misguided “explanations” of Stockholm’s recent unpleasantness.

Denial About Stockholm | FrontPage Magazine
German Left Ramps Up Attacks on Islam Critics

June 18, 2013 By Andrew Harrod


Not to be deterred, Die Linke responded on October 31, 2011, with yet another KA (17/7569) about “anti-Muslim agitation” citing several sources such as newspapers warning against PI, Die Freiheit, and other groups. In this KA, Die Linke indicated that it was not so much interested in a “secret service surveillance of the Islam- and Muslim-hostile scene” by the federal Verfassungschutz as a “societal ostracism of this body of thought just like every other form of racism and anti-Semitism.” Among other questions, Die Linke wanted to know what connections PI had to “religious groupings from the evangelical, dogmatic-Catholic, and old Catholic milieus.” The government’s response (17/7761) on November 17, 2011, however, reiterated the position taken in 17/6910 and noted that “individual statements” did not suffice to define an entity as “extremist” but rather demanded an “overall observation.”

In 17/13573 Die Linke repeated many of its previous questions and inquired whether the federal government still maintains its previous outlook in light of recent Bavarian decisions. This is the latest Die Linke salvo in an ongoing campaign to bring about a self-proclaimed political “ostracism” of PI/Die Freiheit and other groups. Yet the irony was not lost on Stürzenberger, who pointed out to PI that Die Linke, with much of its roots in East Germany’s Communist Party, is itself an object of federal Verfassungsschutz surveillance.

The future of a free and open discussion of Islam in Germany seems perilous with the likes of Die Linke, a totalitarian-legacy group, continually demonstrating its propensity to use the German federal government as a tool of intimidation against Islam’s critiques.

German Left Ramps Up Attacks on Islam Critics | FrontPage Magazine
Denmark Refuses to Deport Al Qaeda Soldier Who Raped 10-Year-Old Because He is “Well Integrated”

June 19, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


You wouldn’t want to deport an Al Qaeda serial rapist. Just think of all the cultural enrichment he can offer Denmark. (via Religion of Peace)

The rape of the 10-year-old girl triggered strong feelings in the local community. It occurred on Saturday November, 19, 2011 in a wooded area in ‘Lyngens Kvarter’ in Gullestrup just outside Herning.

The perpetrator forced the two little girls to follow him. The youngest girl managed to escape, but he was able to rape the 10-year-old.

Next time, I’m sure he’ll do better. Now that Mohammed has been given a second chance to follow in the footsteps of his prophet by sexually abusing little girls.


Denmark Refuses to Deport Al Qaeda Soldier Who Raped 10-Year-Old Because He is ?Well Integrated? | FrontPage Magazine
Muslim Riots and Left-wing Nonsense

June 10, 2013 By Fjordman


The May 2013 riots in certain immigrant-dominated suburbs of Stockholm raised eyebrows abroad. While I found them disturbing I cannot say that I was totally surprised by them. I’ve consistently warned against such a likely outcome under this pen name for what is now nearly a decade.

The political elites not just in Sweden but also in neighboring Denmark, Finland and Norway watched nervously as the events unfolded. Clearly, major riots by immigrants no longer take place just in slightly more distant Paris or London, but now also in the largest city in the Nordic region. The problems are getting closer.


Muslim Riots and Left-wing Nonsense | FrontPage Magazine

And these Nordic countries can't blame it on Israel or America. First, they don't support either country financially, politically or militarily! Second, they are some of the most antisemitic and antiAmerican Western countries on the planet!

Nope this true face of Islam. They come as so called 'persecuted refugees' looking for a better life. Once tides rise and their numbers increase, they become biligerent. Their numbers only need to be as small at 2% of the population. They create non-white welcomed ghettos. They intimidate the country's Jews. They riot, push for Sharia law, make outrageous demands, harass, beat and murder women and eventually commit terrorist attacks!

No to Muslim immigration and muslim Student VISAs!
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The Rise of European Islamo-Fascist Police

July 17, 2013 By Bruce Bawer


Here’s another Arabic word that both you and I would prefer not to have to know but probably should: mutaween. It means “religious police” or “morality police.” In Saudi Arabia it’s an officially constituted entity whose officers are fully empowered to arrest and punish anyone who violates sharia law – which, of course, can mean anything from committing various sexual acts to being caught taking a sip of water during Ramadan. The Saudi morality police made international headlines in March 2002 when they physically prevented dozens of girls from escaping a burning school in Mecca because they weren’t properly covered.

After that horrific incident, which resulted in fifteen deaths, people around the world congratulated themselves on not living in such a backward culture. And yet the Islamic morality police, far from being confined to Saudi Arabia – or even to the Muslim world – are an increasing presence in Europe and elsewhere.

To be sure, Islam’s moral cops in the Western world aren’t officially sanctioned. They aren’t even necessarily an organized force; many, if not most, of them are self-appointed monitors of public morality. And compared to their counterparts in Saudi Arabia, and Iran, and the Gaza Strip, they’re amateurs. But hey, you’ve got to start somewhere. Given time, and given enough leash by the real police and others in positions of public trust who prefer to look away from this deplorable state of affairs, these amateurs will increasingly resemble their Saudi models. In the meantime, they already wield real power. Authentic refugees from the Muslim world – non-Muslims or secular Muslims who fled to the West precisely to avoid such surveillance and control – are very aware of that power. So are an increasing number of natives of Western countries who live in largely Muslim neighborhoods – and who are increasingly being reminded that their ways of life conspicuously violate sharia strictures.

Consider the situation in Oslo, where things are bad, though not quite as severe (yet) as in many other European cities. Zahid Ali, an actor and stand-up comic, recalled in a 2010 interview that he’d been living with Oslo’s morality police for twenty years, ever since his early teens. “If he smoked on the street in Oslo,” reported NRK, “his mother, father, uncles, and aunts know about it before he got home” – because the news had been passed to them via Pakistani cab, bus, and tram drivers, a class of people whom Ali described as the “largest intelligence service” in Norway. Ali, now a familiar face on Norwegian television, said that members of the morality police in the heavily Muslim neighborhood of Grønland now routinely stopped him on the street to tell him: “I don’t like what you’re doing! I hate you! I’m going to kill you!” The threats, which he said had grown steadily worse over the previous five or six years, were usually delivered in Punjabi, and when Ali replied in Norwegian, his tormentors grew even angrier. (“If I answer in their language,” he explained, it means that “I’ve accepted their culture, accepted that they’re right.”) Ali said he took the threats seriously enough to avoid Grønland whenever possible.


And so the problem worsens by the year, and the media continue to exploit it to sell papers – even as they routinely ridicule and demonize those who actually want to do something about it. It doesn’t take a genius to see where all this will lead in the long run; on the contrary, it takes a fool to not see it – or to refuse to. Unfortunately, the fate of Norway – and of most of its Western European neighbors – is, at present, to a dispiriting extent, in the hands of fools of the first water.

The Rise of European Islamo-Fascist Police | FrontPage Magazine
An Island in Revolt: A Window into Europe’s Future

July 19, 2013 By Enza Ferreri

One could be justified for being perplexed about Pope Francis’s choice of Lampedusa, a tiny island off the coast of Sicily and Italy’s — indeed Europe’s — southernmost tip, as the destination of his very first official visit, which took place on July 8. Not a world capital, not a place in some important geopolitical region of the globe.

What is significant, even symbolic, about Lampedusa is its geography: The small island, with a population of 5,000, is positioned in the middle of the Mediterranean, making it close to the Muslim world, even closer to Tunisia than Sicily.

These two conditions explain what’s been happening to Lampedusa for over a decade, and how it could be a miniature model of the whole of Europe in the not-too-distant future.


The island became what one newspaper called “a huge immigrant camp.”

Maybe expecting to find a hotel reception and with scarcely a thought about the crisis they were creating on the small island, the illegal immigrants were complaining, as in the video below, describing what they found in Lampedusa as “shameful” and pontificating “the reception is zero” as if they were giving a hotel review on TripAdvisor:

An Island in Revolt: A Window into Europe?s Future | FrontPage Magazine
Feminist ‘Hijab Solidarity’?

August 23, 2013 By Bruce Bawer


Europe is awash in dhimmitude, but Sweden is a case unto itself. There’s something desperate and demented about the levels of dhimmitude on display in Ikea-land. In no other European country, moreover, is there so little pushback in the media.

As I wrote just yesterday, Sweden has the highest percentage of rapes in the Western world. And the problem is getting steadily worse. Given the progressive Swedish establishment’s fondness for earnest rhetoric about women’s rights, you might think this rape crisis would be a subject of deep concern in the nation’s media. But no – it’s a non-topic. It’s unmentionable. And for one reason: because everyone understands that the ever-increasing incidence of Swedish rapes is directly related to the ever-increasing number of Swedish Muslims. And in Sweden, you can’t talk critically about Islam. You just can’t – not publicly, anyway. When the subject is Islam, nothing is permitted other than the usual mindless multicultural mantras.


The five authors tweeted their call to action on Twitter. The tweet was shared over 65,000 times. The idea was brilliant, providing politically correct Swedes with an excellent opportunity to posture. And it proved a magnificent success. In “solidarity” with the purported victim, countless Swedish women – including a number of well-known actors, writers, journalists, artists, and politicians – wore headscarves on Monday. And took pictures of themselves doing so. Their photos flooded Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

One of the women who proudly donned traditional Muslim headgear was Gudrun Schyman of the Feminist Initiative, a leading women’s rights group. Another was Social Democratic politician Veronica Palm, who announced on Facebook that she supported the hijab action “because nobody should feel threatened or harassed because of the way they choose to dress.” Sweden’s Humanist organization issued a statement in support of the campaign, declaring that all men and women have a right to dress as they wish.


Even as all this nonsense was underway, Sweden, which has the world’s second highest rape statistics – thanks to nothing more or less than the army of savage Muslim men within its borders who have no respect or mercy whatsoever for unveiled infidel women – was inexorably moving up toward the title of world’s #1 rape nation. And there was no sign of anyone doing anything whatsoever about it.

Feminist ?Hijab Solidarity?? | FrontPage Magazine

Sweden: Muhammad cartoonist Lars Vilks survives jihad murder attempt

September 4, 2013

The Google translation from the Swedish original is garbled as these things always are, but it is clear enough. Islamic law says that those who blaspheme Muhammad must be put to death. Vilks is considered to have done so with his cartoons of Muhammad. "Muhammad Cartoonist Lars Vilks Survives Assassination Attempt," from Blazing Cat Fur, September 4:

NB Google Translate - Malmo - Swedish artist Lars Vilks, who is on the death list of the terrorist network Al Qaeda because of his cartoons of Mohammed's escape an attack on Wednesday.
One of six U.S. women has experienced an attempted or completed rape.[89] More than a quarter of college age women report having experienced a rape or rape attempt since age 14.[90] Some types of rape are excluded from official reports altogether (the FBI's definition, for example, used to exclude all rapes except forcible rapes of females), because a significant number of rapes go unreported even when they are included as reportable rapes, and also because a significant number of rapes reported to the police do not advance to prosecution.[91] As well as the large number of rapes that go unreported, only 25% of reported rapes result in arrest. Many rape kits are not tested.[92] Only 16% of rapes and sexual assaults are reported to the police (Rape in America: A Report to the Nation. 1992 and United Nations Populations Fund, 2000a).[93][94] Factoring in unreported rapes, about 5% of rapists will ever spend a day in jail.[95]
Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Op-Ed: Europe Deserves Islam

September 03, 2013
Giulio Meotti

The anti-gender radicalism of Europe would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic, says the writer.

On the 7th of June, the elementary school "Yves Codou", in the municipality of La Mole, France, celebrated the "Holiday of the Parents" instead of Mother's Day, so as not to upset the homosexual couples of France, where gay marriage is legal.

Now, when the new school year,begins in Mid-September, on the facade of the 55,000 educational buildings of France will be posted two pages divided into seventeen points and two chapters: "La République est laïque" and "L'école est laïque".

It is the long-awaited paper of secularism desired by the Minister of Education, Vincent Peillon. A sort of manifesto of the "révolution douce" or soft revolution, the French political correctness of extreme secularism and gay culture.

Peillon advanced the struggle "against any kind of determinism", family, ethnic, social, intellectual. He also wants to fight "homophobia" at school (read that, opposition to gay marriage and gender theory).
Peillon's ministry has just sent to all schools in the country a circular to "strongly encourage educating children about gender equality". The text recommended by the Snuipp, the main teachers' union, is titled "Daddy wears the skirt".

Some municipalities have already changed the enrollment form for schoolchildren by eliminating the words "father" and "mother", replacing them with "legal manager 1" and "legal manager 2".


All over Europe, the number of births has dropped in comparison to the number of deaths year after year, but we daily create new types of families. A book used by the French ministry is titled "A New Sexual Order".

If Europe fails to live for faith, decency and family, succumbing to disgraceful political correctness and secular totalitarian bigotry, if the West’s freedom is nothing but promiscuity and license, then European culture deserves to die under Islam.
The caliphate will be stronger than anti-gender naivete.

Europe Deserves Islam - Op-Eds - Israel National News
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The Coming Flood of Syrian Refugees to Sweden

September 6, 2013 By Bruce Bawer


Another week, another jaw-dropping development in Sweden. A couple of weeks ago it was the cockamamie “hijab solidarity” campaign, in which non-Muslim women all over the country donned head coverings in tribute to a Muslim woman who claimed a man had yanked hers off. This week, the eyebrow-raising news is that Sweden is offering instant permanent residency to any and all Syrian refugees who apply. These newly minted residents, moreover, will be entitled to bring over their spouses and kids. The reasoning behind this new policy is that the situation in Syria is extremely dangerous right now and not likely to improve anytime soon.

To be sure, even before this announcement Sweden’s asylum policy was extremely openhanded. Sweden has taken in about 15,000 Syrian refugees since 2012, more than any other EU member state. About half of the Syrians who have sought asylum in Sweden so far this year have been granted permanent residency; the other half have been allowed to stay for three years, but will now be able to trade up to permanent status. All told, just under 8000 Syrians are now temporary Swedish residents and will be eligible to stay in Sweden for good.


Consequently, it has proposed that nursing-home fees be raised significantly; that free meals in nursing homes be phased out, forcing residents to cover their own food costs; that senior citizens who until now have been receiving free home care be forced to pay for it; that the elderly poor, who now receive discounts on various health-care services based on their income, be compelled to shell out the full price; and that old people who aren’t ambulatory, and thus can’t make it to a clinic, be charged extra for house calls. As for old people who simply don’t have the money to pay for food, shelter, or vital medical treatment, they’ll be forced to “abase themselves before municipal officials by asking to be exempt from the fees.”

Meanwhile, the Swedish government has ordered that illegal immigrants be given free medical and dental care.

Seen from abroad, it’s very clear where all this is leading. Why can’t the Swedes see it themselves?

The Coming Flood of Syrian Refugees to Sweden | FrontPage Magazine

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Anti-Semitism in Copenhagen

October 1, 2013 By Bruce Bawer



“Jews have learned to keep a low profile,” Max Mayer, president of the Danish Zionist Federation, told the hearing. “To not exist in the city.” When they come out of the synagogue, they remove their yarmulkes. And they teach their sons to do the same: wear the skullcap at school, but take it off when you leave. This, Mayer said, has become standard practice for Danish Jews: “Don’t see us, don’t notice us.”

It certainly wasn’t easy for Jacob, a shy kid, to testify. But he decided to do so after reading a comment made by Lise Egholm, a school principal in Nørrebro. Apparently, Egholm had privately warned Jewish parents not to send their kids to school in Nørrebro. When the news of her advice made headlines, she was irritated, insisting that the problem really wasn’t all that big a deal. The particular expression she used to make this point was one I’ve never heard before: she said that the issue of anti-Semitism in Danish schools was “en fis i en hornlygte.”


Anyhow, Jacob’s testimony was featured in the media – and, as Jyllands-Posten now reports, the hubbub just made his life even tougher. Some time after the hearing, two Middle Eastern men passed him in the street. “That’s him,” one of them said. “Jew pig!” shouted the other. On Facebook, strangers called him a “Jew pig” and “Nazi pig” and “Jew dog.” (Plainly, the imagination of these people is severely limited.)

In the wake of his moment in the media spotlight, Jacob’s mother was advised by several school officials to transfer him to a school outside of Nørrebro. She was stunned by the suggestion: Jacob had lived in the neighborhood almost his entire life; neither of them wanted to flee. But in August, he finally gave up, packed up, and moved out. He now resides in what he considers a safer part of town. Not that it’s made his life a bed of roses: a couple of weeks ago, he was on Strøget, the main pedestrian street in Copenhagen – Tourist Central, basically – when a couple of “Arabic kids” grabbed hold of him and made a serious effort to drag him away with them. Who knows what they had in mind. Fortunately, two companions of Jacob’s managed to come to his aid. (As someone familiar with Strøget, which is almost always quite a busy, bustling thoroughfare, I can’t help but notice that no passersby appear to have tried to help.)


Anti-Semitism in Copenhagen | FrontPage Magazine
Op-Ed: Europe Deserves Islam

September 03, 2013
Giulio Meotti

The anti-gender radicalism of Europe would be hilarious if it weren't so tragic, says the writer.

On the 7th of June, the elementary school "Yves Codou", in the municipality of La Mole, France, celebrated the "Holiday of the Parents" instead of Mother's Day, so as not to upset the homosexual couples of France, where gay marriage is legal.

Now, when the new school year,begins in Mid-September, on the facade of the 55,000 educational buildings of France will be posted two pages divided into seventeen points and two chapters: "La République est laïque" and "L'école est laïque".

It is the long-awaited paper of secularism desired by the Minister of Education, Vincent Peillon. A sort of manifesto of the "révolution douce" or soft revolution, the French political correctness of extreme secularism and gay culture.

Peillon advanced the struggle "against any kind of determinism", family, ethnic, social, intellectual. He also wants to fight "homophobia" at school (read that, opposition to gay marriage and gender theory).
Peillon's ministry has just sent to all schools in the country a circular to "strongly encourage educating children about gender equality". The text recommended by the Snuipp, the main teachers' union, is titled "Daddy wears the skirt".

Some municipalities have already changed the enrollment form for schoolchildren by eliminating the words "father" and "mother", replacing them with "legal manager 1" and "legal manager 2".


All over Europe, the number of births has dropped in comparison to the number of deaths year after year, but we daily create new types of families. A book used by the French ministry is titled "A New Sexual Order".

If Europe fails to live for faith, decency and family, succumbing to disgraceful political correctness and secular totalitarian bigotry, if the West’s freedom is nothing but promiscuity and license, then European culture deserves to die under Islam.
The caliphate will be stronger than anti-gender naivete.

Europe Deserves Islam - Op-Eds - Israel National News

Islam is doing a soft caliphate and I fear the natives of Europe won't fight back and will fall to it eventually.

PHASE 1: Make sure Muslim countries move towards 100% Islam. You see this across the Middle East and North Africa. Heck Turkey is supposed to be a secular country, but they are 99% Muslim!

PHASE 2: Have constant unrest in many Islamic countries and support immigration to Europe.

PHASE 3: Immigrate to the West, both legally and illegally, in such high numbers that the spineless politicians (esp on the left) need to placate the growing immigrant group's political clout.

PHASE 4: While immigrating, do no assimulate, demand you religion, culture and language receive special treatment, scream discrimination, Islamophobia, racism etc, well out reproduce your Native counter-parts, and utilize the welfare state to exhaustion. Once the welfare state becomes too expensive (has already hit that point), then Native population will have to carry the burden. With this burden leads to the Native's not reproducing. We are seeing this now.

PHASE 5: With the over-use of the welfare state destroying the Native population's numbers, do not stop using the 'free' services, in fact increase using it, increase immigration and increase the number of children you have.

PHASE 6: While the percentage of the population increasingly become Islamic, they move from a placated demographic class to a political class that starts electing politicians who carry more about Islam, their home Islamic countries then they do about their host country in Europe. They will continue to undermine the country.

PHASE 7: Increase the host European countries Islamic population to 51%! At that point they have the Democratic lead. The Islamic scumbags will vote for other Islamic scumbags and some clueless liberals will do the same (because they like unpaid for freebies also). Some Native will fight back, but the Islamic scumbags will claim victimhood.

PHASE 8: Once they hit 61%, the revolution begins. They take over the military, government, use the Middle East style elections and force the natives to become Muslim or act Islamic!

PHASE 9: Once they hit 71%, open harassment, forced coversions, Dhimmia status, sharia courts everywhere.

Phase 10: They hit 85%, end game. Genocide, forced conversion, outlawing Christianity and other religions!

Russia will be the first to fa

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