Evangelical devotion to Trump

Her diary doesnt say he molested her. It does say she thinks she was molested, but it doesnt list any names. Showering and sexualizing is different.
Imagine your own daughter saying you sexualized her. Its fucking sick man. But here we are.
Dems are fucking perverts. No other way around it.

Orange Bad!!

Orange Bad!!!

Just stop it!
Just doesn’t make sense

It makes plenty of sense considering the Dem's position on things near and dear to evangelicals.

They aren't letting Trump marry into their families, they are voting for him for President, because he matches their political goals more than Dems do.
Christians just need to understand, the only person they can vote for is Jesus himself and not some sinful man.

Otherwise, they need to stay barefoot and in the kitchen and do as their told, that is, if they know what is best for them.

Their bullshit is old, they've been parroting this crap since the 80's, he can shove it up his ass.
Yeah, d's never do anything bad or corrupt, it's all made up bullshit by the right.... and everything the left says about r's is 100% truth, honest to God! :auiqs.jpg: Oh wait, they don't believe in God. :rolleyes: Only a child could believe or think in that manner, leftists are pure idiots. 🤡
Why do evangelicals worship Trump when there are many Republicans with better moral values?
a megachurch is an authoritarian structure. buy or extort their pastor and they are yours.

many of the evangelicals preach a "prosperity gospel" in which god's favor is shown to some men by the earthly riches bestowed by a god grateful for their "seeds, "

and then the definition of "fundamentalist" as believing that every word is literally true while their "originalist " judges display that same childish literalism towards the law.

iow, trump is not contrary to their religion, he is the fulfillment of prophecy.

they have a first amendment right to believe that , i suppose,

I love it when atheists pretend to preach. 🤡
Why do evangelicals worship Trump when there are many Republicans with better moral values?
Sounds like you have something against the man who challenges the systemically racist judicial system in the US.

Why is that?

Are you a racist as well?
It makes plenty of sense considering the Dem's position on things near and dear to evangelicals.

They aren't letting Trump marry into their families, they are voting for him for President, because he matches their political goals more than Dems do.
I can see Trump being a means to an end.

But evangelicals worship Trump.
My 90 year old neighbor tells us she prays for him every day.
The alternative claims to be Catholic but has made abortion the central thrust of his campaign. Biden is also an adulterer and has amassed great wealth illegally through his office. He's also a pathological liar with a long history of plagiarism.

President Trump is a far better Christian than Biden who has endured countless attacks as he only seeks to serve this country. It's an easy choice for Christians.
They could get behind an actual christian. Trump is farrrrrrr from that.

Plus, if an actual Christian decided to run and get nominated, all we'd hear from the left ad nauseum, day in and day out, is how we're forcing our morals on the rest of the country and trying to turn it into a theocracy. Same bullshit, different day.
Yeah, we all control who runs and who gets nominated.
You do control who gets nominated. But you don't have to vote for them, anyway.
Just like the Ds saying they dont support pedophilia, and then vote for a pedophile. How can you believe them when they show their support for them?
The alternative claims to be Catholic but has made abortion the central thrust of his campaign. Biden is also an adulterer and has amassed great wealth illegally through his office. He's also a pathological liar with a long history of plagiarism.

President Trump is a far better Christian than Biden who has endured countless attacks as he only seeks to serve this country. It's an easy choice for Christians.
There are plenty of other Republicans
Look at Mike Pence
As religious as they come

But evangelicals denounce him and support Trump
You do control who gets nominated. But you don't have to vote for them, anyway.
Just like the Ds saying they dont support pedophilia, and then vote for a pedophile. How can you believe them when they show their support for them?

I do not control who gets nominated, the choice was made long before I ever got to vote.
Plus, if an actual Christian decided to run and get nominated, all we'd hear from the left ad nauseum, day in and day out, is how we're forcing our morals on the rest of the country and trying to turn it into a theocracy. Same bullshit, different day.
Cant argue with that! lol
Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?
your unmitigated fear of Trump is noted--------------and laughed at.

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