Evangelical devotion to Trump

Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?
Let's be honest here, for a change. If all the millions of Christians in the US united and stated that they would only vote for someone who seriously followed Christ, you and all your ilk who are wailing about this would be the FIRST to scream, "Theocracy!", and demand that we stop doing it. We would have, for just one example, President Pence and VP Johnson based on their refusal to allow sexual temptation to control any part of their lives, and your heads would explode. So quit pretending you give a flying rat's patoot about whom Christians choose to vote for, because you wouldn't like it if they did what you claim you want them to do.

In fact, I think it would be a great thing to happen. Imagine that in this campaign season, untold millions of Christian voters demanded a strict Christ follower for office, and that none other would get any votes. There would be far more than enough voters to force the issue, and both TRUMP! and Quid Pro Joe, followed by the vast majority of candidates would be eliminated in an instant. And, naturally, you would run shrieking into the woods.
Just doesn’t make sense
no, it makes sense, although deflections from hartley and "his ilk" (-: aren't helpful. Christians are not uniformly in line with what to do with the OT or Talmud. SOME Evangelical Christians see "stories" such as that of David and Solomon as "proof" that their God uses "men" of dubious morality to advance their god's plan of how human events will occur (like Israel ushering the rapture). That's their right.

Although, I don't believe their reading of the OT is shared by most Jews. American christianity continues to shrink, and imo that reading of the OT is one reason for this "change," is that that reading is contrary to what mainstream US christianity taught in the latter half of the 20th century.
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Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?

Translation -- "Laugh at me again, folks. I like it."

Where in the Bible does it say it's a sin to brag about something you may or may not have done to a woman's genitals?

Lots of pedo talk on this thread. Again.

Qanon remains alive and well.
I agree that THAT is weird. I'm not so sure that the evangelical draw by Trump is that weird, though. I'm staring down 70 years old, and I've always encountered people who believe god causes, or allows, evil to destroy innocents to further his will. Most of us find that reasoning to be morally unacceptable. But, people "long" for some certainty in life. It's probably natural and found in all cultures in one way or another.
I agree that THAT is weird. I'm not so sure that the evangelical draw by Trump is that weird, though. I'm staring down 70 years old, and I've always encountered people who believe god causes, or allows, evil to destroy innocents to further his will. Most of us find that reasoning to be morally unacceptable. But, people "long" for some certainty in life. It's probably natural and found in all cultures in one way or another.
As has already been pointed out, those now castigating Evangelicals for voting for <insert favorite Republican strawman here> would be the FIRST to scream "THEOCRACY!" if they did what y'all claim you want them to do.
I agree that THAT is weird. I'm not so sure that the evangelical draw by Trump is that weird, though. I'm staring down 70 years old, and I've always encountered people who believe god causes, or allows, evil to destroy innocents to further his will. Most of us find that reasoning to be morally unacceptable. But, people "long" for some certainty in life. It's probably natural and found in all cultures in one way or another.
I can actually understand the "you need a barbarian to defeat the barbarians" thing, even if it does say a lot about what they think of others. At least it makes sense.

What I don't understand is how so many of them talk themselves into believing he's a Christian.
Let's be honest here, for a change. If all the millions of Christians in the US united and stated that they would only vote for someone who seriously followed Christ, you and all your ilk who are wailing about this would be the FIRST to scream, "Theocracy!", and demand that we stop doing it. We would have, for just one example, President Pence and VP Johnson based on their refusal to allow sexual temptation to control any part of their lives, and your heads would explode. So quit pretending you give a flying rat's patoot about whom Christians choose to vote for, because you wouldn't like it if they did what you claim you want them to do.

In fact, I think it would be a great thing to happen. Imagine that in this campaign season, untold millions of Christian voters demanded a strict Christ follower for office, and that none other would get any votes. There would be far more than enough voters to force the issue, and both TRUMP! and Quid Pro Joe, followed by the vast majority of candidates would be eliminated in an instant. And, naturally, you would run shrieking into the woods.
Reagan said he wasn't much for church, but he encountered god while riding a horse in the mornings, and that was good enough for the Christian right at the time.

But not all evangelicals put a political spin on it, even today.
Have these people even read the Bible they claim to hold so dear?
How can they ignore the basic backbone of their religion to support a man who refuses to admit guilt or change his ways?

He’s been found liable for committing sexual abuse. He’s bragged about grabbing women by the you-know-what. He’s in the middle of a court case over paying hush money to a porn star with whom he allegedly cheated on his wife — the third woman he’s married. And he’s the de facto leader of American evangelicalism.

How could Christians embrace a leader who has seemingly treated half the “thou shalt nots” in the Bible as a challenge?
And you worship a demented, corrupt politician. To each his own.
I agree that THAT is weird. I'm not so sure that the evangelical draw by Trump is that weird, though. I'm staring down 70 years old, and I've always encountered people who believe god causes, or allows, evil to destroy innocents to further his will. Most of us find that reasoning to be morally unacceptable. But, people "long" for some certainty in life. It's probably natural and found in all cultures in one way or another.
You think its weird to address pedophilia and shit when our president fits the bill? All verifiable?
no, it makes sense, although deflections from hartley and "his ilk" (-: aren't helpful. Christians are not uniformly in line with what to do with the OT or Talmud. SOME Evangelical Christians see "stories" such as that of David and Solomon as "proof" that their God uses "men" of dubious morality to advance their god's plan of how human events will occur (like Israel ushering the rapture). That's their right.

Although, I don't believe their reading of the OT is shared by most Jews. American christianity continues to shrink, and imo that reading of the OT is one reason for this "change," is that that reading is contrary to what mainstream US christianity taught in the latter half of the 20th century.
And that should be a concern to Jewish men and women. They support Israel. And the United States is transitioning to an anti-Israel nation. It seems to not bother left wing Jews for some reason.
I agree that THAT is weird. I'm not so sure that the evangelical draw by Trump is that weird, though. I'm staring down 70 years old, and I've always encountered people who believe god causes, or allows, evil to destroy innocents to further his will. Most of us find that reasoning to be morally unacceptable. But, people "long" for some certainty in life. It's probably natural and found in all cultures in one way or another.


Founder of the Gay Rights movement in the U.S.:


This creep is adored by 'Progressives', Nancy Pelosi, and every other Democrat. Obama made one of his fans his 'safe schools czar'.

Reagan said he wasn't much for church, but he encountered god while riding a horse in the mornings, and that was good enough for the Christian right at the time.

But not all evangelicals put a political spin on it, even today.
And if they did as so many seem to be claiming they should and voted as a block only for strong Christian character, those claiming they should do so would be screaming about a theocracy and how they shouldn't. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
Ah, so you have video of her saying her father had sex with her when she was a child.

My apologies.

Please provide a link to that video for future reference. Thanks in advance.
No but her diary did say he sexualized her. And we have videos of him groping children. One of them coming out later and admitting he grabbed her breast.
Why do you ignore this? Is it because you support it? You want to talk about MAGA but deny these facts? LOL
No but her diary did say he sexualized her. And we have videos of him groping children. One of them coming out later and admitting he grabbed her breast.
Why do you ignore this? Is it because you support it? You want to talk about MAGA but deny these facts? LOL
Yeah, I didn't think so.

"Because cult", indeed.


Biden doesn't even have a good relationship with his declared "church". He's no more deserving of the Christian vote than is TRUMP!, so there's that.

You keep ducking the question

Why do evangelicals support a man like Trump with all his moral failings when there are so many other Republican candidates without the moral baggage

How do they support a man who brags about having sex with a Porn Star, grabs women by the pussy, cheats on his wives, is a prolific liar and braggart?

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