Evangelicals never gave a hoot about abortion or Roe v. Wade till they

Actually I live in reality not the fantasy world that all of the bogus paper manufacturers of the last three decades have cooked up. The country cannot afford to continue paying for risky behaviors for whomever can do whatever they want. It was never intended to be a communist or marxist collective and all taht bs your pushing is why people are sick and tired of the corporate's and their nasty ilk on one end and damn tired of the sickos and deviants on the other end. You loose in the end as not everyone is brain dead yet.
"The country cannot afford to continue paying for risky behaviors for whomever can do whatever they want."

Of course it can, we are the wealthiest country on Earth and easily have enough wealth. And the reason you will never win this debate is precisely because we have to prevent the instance of ideologues like yourself deciding which risky behaviors we deem "not covered". Good luck, i think you will be very disappointed when the population of this country does not kowtow to your superstitions
Well perhaps you may be the one disappointed in the end because well over seventy percent of the people in this country have the same or very similar beliefs as myself whether you like that or not it is still a majority.
"Well perhaps you may be the one disappointed in the end because well over seventy percent of the people in this country have the same or very similar beliefs as myself"

No they don't. Are you delusional?

New Kaiser Poll Shows 75% of Americans Support Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: ACA, Replacement Plans, Women’s Health
Polls had Hillary buying homes for her Secret Service team too.
Nobody knows what the hell you just tried to say, there, or how it was relevant to people self-identifying their beliefs.
Most things fly in your ear and out the other without hitting anything.

I've given birth to three children, in what the bible nugs may call "wedlock.", which is to say, I never married the fathers.....plural. My decision to keep and bring up these children was never based on any western religious tenet, but from my own personal belief. With the religious right its, save the child but you are still a whore. I have no use for evangelicals, charismatics, pentecostals, fundamentalists and calvinists.
That is a personal choice you made to keep your children. Kudo's to you.

I've given birth to three children, in what the bible nugs may call "wedlock.", which is to say, I never married the fathers.....plural. My decision to keep and bring up these children was never based on any western religious tenet, but from my own personal belief. With the religious right its, save the child but you are still a whore. I have no use for evangelicals, charismatics, pentecostals, fundamentalists and calvinists.

Thank you for not killing your kids.

I hope you will consider (if not appreciate) the fact that not all of us who oppose abortions are religious or coming from a religious point of view.
That is a personal choice you made to keep your children. Kudo's to you.
I also support a females right to choose abortion if she is not forced into it.
People need to be able to make their own choices be they good or bad as it is a part of growing. The trick is to help people make better choices without being over bearing or intrusive.
I am calling out you Evangelicals and how fake you are, also no, you are not free to abort.

You guys need to make up your mind, either its murder and if so the women and man who impregnated her need to spend life in prison.
No need for me to make up my mind as it is murder of an unborn child as far as I am concerned. If you are pregnant though no one is stopping you from aborting. There are many methods you can use that do not involve anyone else or require anyone else to approve of your choice.

What about the poorer people, I'm past childbearing. They can fly to a state and see a private doctor, the elties do it all the time. I was raised RC, I am pro life and pro choice. I am more pro life after the baby is out of the uterus though.

Show us you have a spine.

Does an abortion kill a child?

Yes or no.

So the fetal Homicide laws have it all wrong?
Don't know what you're talking about, but still no.
No need for me to make up my mind as it is murder of an unborn child as far as I am concerned. If you are pregnant though no one is stopping you from aborting. There are many methods you can use that do not involve anyone else or require anyone else to approve of your choice.

What about the poorer people, I'm past childbearing. They can fly to a state and see a private doctor, the elties do it all the time. I was raised RC, I am pro life and pro choice. I am more pro life after the baby is out of the uterus though.

Show us you have a spine.

Does an abortion kill a child?

Yes or no.

So the fetal Homicide laws have it all wrong?
Don't know what you're talking about, but still no.

Our fetal homicide laws define children in the womb in ANY stage of development as human beings and as children.

Can you tell me why we should ignore those legal definitions and adopt your denials instead?
"The country cannot afford to continue paying for risky behaviors for whomever can do whatever they want."

Of course it can, we are the wealthiest country on Earth and easily have enough wealth. And the reason you will never win this debate is precisely because we have to prevent the instance of ideologues like yourself deciding which risky behaviors we deem "not covered". Good luck, i think you will be very disappointed when the population of this country does not kowtow to your superstitions
Well perhaps you may be the one disappointed in the end because well over seventy percent of the people in this country have the same or very similar beliefs as myself whether you like that or not it is still a majority.
"Well perhaps you may be the one disappointed in the end because well over seventy percent of the people in this country have the same or very similar beliefs as myself"

No they don't. Are you delusional?

New Kaiser Poll Shows 75% of Americans Support Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: ACA, Replacement Plans, Women’s Health
Their poll doesn't mean anymore than the bs polls put out by mainstream media claiming Clinton was ahead of Trump. It most likely skewed just like the reports that they gave on deaths of children in their vaccine trials not being related to the vaccines given to the children that died shortly after they gave them the vaccines.
"Their poll doesn't mean anymore than the bs polls put out by mainstream media claiming Clinton was ahead of Trump. "

In other words, you are saying it is accurate, just like the polls just before the 2016 election?

Of course it means something. You just went into full "squeeze eyes tight and scream" mode, because you pulled something out of your ass that was false, and now you're all gwumpy about it. Stop blaming everyone else, own your own mistakes and lies. be a grownup.
I am not the one that tried to make big bold letters to attempt to push my off the wall crap onto someone else. It really is not my fault you are such a lost lil twerp.
The bold letters made themselves when copy/pasted, genius. And what kind of fool thinks that saying anything at all about me somehow excuses or reverses the fact that he made up and immediately vomited something completely false? You have some issues with logic that need attention, friend.
"The country cannot afford to continue paying for risky behaviors for whomever can do whatever they want."

Of course it can, we are the wealthiest country on Earth and easily have enough wealth. And the reason you will never win this debate is precisely because we have to prevent the instance of ideologues like yourself deciding which risky behaviors we deem "not covered". Good luck, i think you will be very disappointed when the population of this country does not kowtow to your superstitions
Well perhaps you may be the one disappointed in the end because well over seventy percent of the people in this country have the same or very similar beliefs as myself whether you like that or not it is still a majority.
"Well perhaps you may be the one disappointed in the end because well over seventy percent of the people in this country have the same or very similar beliefs as myself"

No they don't. Are you delusional?

New Kaiser Poll Shows 75% of Americans Support Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: ACA, Replacement Plans, Women’s Health
Polls had Hillary buying homes for her Secret Service team too.
Nobody knows what the hell you just tried to say, there, or how it was relevant to people self-identifying their beliefs.
Most things fly in your ear and out the other without hitting anything.
Hah, if only every pseudo-conservative cackle were is impotent with logic and as easily embarrassed as you, we would have a lot less static in this country.
needed it. it was a Catholic thing.

When evangelical Christians first began debating the issue of abortion, they were nowhere near as unified about the topic as they appear to be today. Shortly after the Supreme Court made their landmark decision on the issue in Roe v. Wade (1973), influential Baptist minister W.A. Criswell, pastor of First Baptist in Dallas, TX, and predecessor to FOX News darling Robert Jeffress, said:

I have always felt that it was only after a child was born and had a life separate from its mother that it became an individual person, and it has always, therefore, seemed to me that what is best for the mother and for the future should be allowed.

As late as five years after the legalization of abortion, Southern Baptists were still listed among the denominations officially affirming the decision. Richard Land, who formerly headed up the SBC’s political action division, points out that in those days there was a clear divide between what Baptists and Catholics believed about the matter:

They pretty much bought into the idea that life begins when breath begins, and they just thought of abortion as a Catholic issue.

An abortion article In November of 1968, Christianity Today devoted an entire issue to debating the subject, including an article written by conservative biblical scholar Bruce Waltke (Dallas Seminary) who argues that the Bible gives no clear answer on the matter.

In that article, Waltke explains that “in the absence of any biblical text forbidding abortion,” we are forced to look at the literature of nearby cultures at the time of the Old Testament to compare their laws with those of the people of Israel. He notes that while neighboring Assyria exacted punishment for performing abortions, no such prohibition existed among the ancient Hebrews.

What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?

Currently the Pope runs around giving sermons on global warming and the virtues of government redistribution while condemning anyone that builds "a wall" while ignoring the genocide of abortion, which is their official theology on the matter.

Shrug, the Catholic church also remained silent during the Holocaust. It's just a matter of surviving the political climate as best you can, no matter how many people die in a genocide.

Hell, they can't even bring to justice their own priests for child rape.
Well perhaps you may be the one disappointed in the end because well over seventy percent of the people in this country have the same or very similar beliefs as myself whether you like that or not it is still a majority.
"Well perhaps you may be the one disappointed in the end because well over seventy percent of the people in this country have the same or very similar beliefs as myself"

No they don't. Are you delusional?

New Kaiser Poll Shows 75% of Americans Support Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: ACA, Replacement Plans, Women’s Health
Their poll doesn't mean anymore than the bs polls put out by mainstream media claiming Clinton was ahead of Trump. It most likely skewed just like the reports that they gave on deaths of children in their vaccine trials not being related to the vaccines given to the children that died shortly after they gave them the vaccines.
"Their poll doesn't mean anymore than the bs polls put out by mainstream media claiming Clinton was ahead of Trump. "

In other words, you are saying it is accurate, just like the polls just before the 2016 election?

Of course it means something. You just went into full "squeeze eyes tight and scream" mode, because you pulled something out of your ass that was false, and now you're all gwumpy about it. Stop blaming everyone else, own your own mistakes and lies. be a grownup.
I am not the one that tried to make big bold letters to attempt to push my off the wall crap onto someone else. It really is not my fault you are such a lost lil twerp.
The bold letters made themselves when copy/pasted, genius. And what kind of fool thinks that saying anything at all about me somehow excuses or reverses the fact that he made up and immediately vomited something completely false? You have some issues with logic that need attention, friend.
Perhaps you should look in the mirror to see what an ass you make of yourself? There are options for letter sizing in the post box in case you are unaware of that fact. I don't find your links or polls credible.
"Well perhaps you may be the one disappointed in the end because well over seventy percent of the people in this country have the same or very similar beliefs as myself"

No they don't. Are you delusional?

New Kaiser Poll Shows 75% of Americans Support Federal Funding for Planned Parenthood
Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: ACA, Replacement Plans, Women’s Health
Their poll doesn't mean anymore than the bs polls put out by mainstream media claiming Clinton was ahead of Trump. It most likely skewed just like the reports that they gave on deaths of children in their vaccine trials not being related to the vaccines given to the children that died shortly after they gave them the vaccines.
"Their poll doesn't mean anymore than the bs polls put out by mainstream media claiming Clinton was ahead of Trump. "

In other words, you are saying it is accurate, just like the polls just before the 2016 election?

Of course it means something. You just went into full "squeeze eyes tight and scream" mode, because you pulled something out of your ass that was false, and now you're all gwumpy about it. Stop blaming everyone else, own your own mistakes and lies. be a grownup.
I am not the one that tried to make big bold letters to attempt to push my off the wall crap onto someone else. It really is not my fault you are such a lost lil twerp.
The bold letters made themselves when copy/pasted, genius. And what kind of fool thinks that saying anything at all about me somehow excuses or reverses the fact that he made up and immediately vomited something completely false? You have some issues with logic that need attention, friend.
Perhaps you should look in the mirror to see what an ass you make of yourself? There are options for letter sizing in the post box in case you are unaware of that fact. I don't find your links or polls credible.

The scary part for the left is that conservatives actually think for themselves instead of regurgitating the opinions of the powers that be spew to us everyday.
What about the poorer people, I'm past childbearing. They can fly to a state and see a private doctor, the elties do it all the time. I was raised RC, I am pro life and pro choice. I am more pro life after the baby is out of the uterus though.

Show us you have a spine.

Does an abortion kill a child?

Yes or no.

So the fetal Homicide laws have it all wrong?
Don't know what you're talking about, but still no.

Our fetal homicide laws define children in the womb in ANY stage of development as human beings and as children.

Can you tell me why we should ignore those legal definitions and adopt your denials instead?
Because it's the right thing to do.
Their poll doesn't mean anymore than the bs polls put out by mainstream media claiming Clinton was ahead of Trump. It most likely skewed just like the reports that they gave on deaths of children in their vaccine trials not being related to the vaccines given to the children that died shortly after they gave them the vaccines.
"Their poll doesn't mean anymore than the bs polls put out by mainstream media claiming Clinton was ahead of Trump. "

In other words, you are saying it is accurate, just like the polls just before the 2016 election?

Of course it means something. You just went into full "squeeze eyes tight and scream" mode, because you pulled something out of your ass that was false, and now you're all gwumpy about it. Stop blaming everyone else, own your own mistakes and lies. be a grownup.
I am not the one that tried to make big bold letters to attempt to push my off the wall crap onto someone else. It really is not my fault you are such a lost lil twerp.
The bold letters made themselves when copy/pasted, genius. And what kind of fool thinks that saying anything at all about me somehow excuses or reverses the fact that he made up and immediately vomited something completely false? You have some issues with logic that need attention, friend.
Perhaps you should look in the mirror to see what an ass you make of yourself? There are options for letter sizing in the post box in case you are unaware of that fact. I don't find your links or polls credible.

The scary part for the left is that conservatives actually think for themselves instead of regurgitating the opinions of the powers that be spew to us everyday.
That does seem to bother those who desire to push the collective herd mantra.
Show us you have a spine.

Does an abortion kill a child?

Yes or no.

So the fetal Homicide laws have it all wrong?
Don't know what you're talking about, but still no.

Our fetal homicide laws define children in the womb in ANY stage of development as human beings and as children.

Can you tell me why we should ignore those legal definitions and adopt your denials instead?
Because it's the right thing to do.

Ummm no.

Fuck no.

So the fetal Homicide laws have it all wrong?
Don't know what you're talking about, but still no.

Our fetal homicide laws define children in the womb in ANY stage of development as human beings and as children.

Can you tell me why we should ignore those legal definitions and adopt your denials instead?
Because it's the right thing to do.

Ummm no.

Fuck no.
If we're talking about abortion, which I think we were, then fetal homicide doesn't apply. So if such is the case, yes, ignore those laws/defs.

So the fetal Homicide laws have it all wrong?
Don't know what you're talking about, but still no.

Our fetal homicide laws define children in the womb in ANY stage of development as human beings and as children.

Can you tell me why we should ignore those legal definitions and adopt your denials instead?
Because it's the right thing to do.

Ummm no.

Fuck no.

What about the poorer people, I'm past childbearing. They can fly to a state and see a private doctor, the elties do it all the time. I was raised RC, I am pro life and pro choice. I am more pro life after the baby is out of the uterus though.

Show us you have a spine.

Does an abortion kill a child?

Yes or no.

So the fetal Homicide laws have it all wrong?
Don't know what you're talking about, but still no.

Our fetal homicide laws define children in the womb in ANY stage of development as human beings and as children.

Can you tell me why we should ignore those legal definitions and adopt your denials instead?

No over 20 weeks as defined by the house just recently. And rape and incest, ok to abort, they are not real fetuses. Now if all infants looked like your avatar it would make women quit having babies.
That is a personal choice you made to keep your children. Kudo's to you.
I also support a females right to choose abortion if she is not forced into it.

I've given birth to three children, in what the bible nugs may call "wedlock.", which is to say, I never married the fathers.....plural. My decision to keep and bring up these children was never based on any western religious tenet, but from my own personal belief. With the religious right its, save the child but you are still a whore. I have no use for evangelicals, charismatics, pentecostals, fundamentalists and calvinists.

Thank you for not killing your kids.

I hope you will consider (if not appreciate) the fact that not all of us who oppose abortions are religious or coming from a religious point of view.

As I just said in the OP it was Catholics who were against abortion, not evangelicals or Baptist. I also could careless about your religious beliefs.
So the fetal Homicide laws have it all wrong?
Don't know what you're talking about, but still no.

Our fetal homicide laws define children in the womb in ANY stage of development as human beings and as children.

Can you tell me why we should ignore those legal definitions and adopt your denials instead?
Because it's the right thing to do.

Ummm no.

Fuck no.
If we're talking about abortion, which I think we were, then fetal homicide doesn't apply. So if such is the case, yes, ignore those laws/defs.

Ummm. No. That's not how it fucking works. The legal definitions under one law can be and often ate used as a basis for making new laws or for making changes to others.

Nice fucking try.

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