Zone1 Evanston reparations

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No one is saying, nor have they said, you personally, that's your problem. It was done by the government, and as a citizen of this government, you partake in it's wins and losses.
Exactly how, SPECIFICALLY, have I personally ever profited from the slavery of a single black person in America?
No, the only scumbags who should pay reparations are the BLACK tribes who stole their fellow blacks and sold them into slavery....and who still ARE engaged in slavery.

Go get it from them.
Which black tribes stopped black people buying property in the US ?
Policies which oppress black folk were to the benefit of white folk.Particularly the white underclass.
Soooo can Americans hold you responsible for the things that the British did to colonial American?
How about if your Father committed a crime, can we punish you for it?
It doesn't pass the ethical and justice tests.
But we know that the Democrats will use "Reparations" to incite more left wing racial hatred.

There is no doubt that if you deny people the right to buy property you put a big block on their prosperity. You also deny their children the benefits that white kids get.

This leads to a two tier society in which black folk become an economic underclass.

The case for reperations is very clear.
Evanston was also the site of a horrific plane crash the killed the entire basketball team.
Soooo can Americans hold you responsible for the things that the British did to colonial American?
How about if your Father committed a crime, can we punish you for it?
It doesn't pass the ethical and justice tests.
But we know that the Democrats will use "Reparations" to incite more left wing racial hatred.
Laughable whataboutism. These reparations were for acts that happened in living memory.
And nobody is asking for reparations for individual acts. These crimes were committed by the state and the state should make recompense.
Laughable whataboutism. These reparations were for acts that happened in living memory.
And nobody is asking for reparations for individual acts. These crimes were committed by the state and the state should make recompense.
And taxpayers fund the state, which means that white people will end up bearing the cost for something they didn’t do.
Most Americans, read white Americans, know that a debt is owed to Black Americans, however, most still like to deny it.
Nope, few Americans other than black ones believe that a debt is owed. Show me a black slave and I will agree than any slaveowner of any color that you can find owes him or her reparations. Tell me who never owned a slave or had ancestors who never owned slaves that I owe people who were never slaves reparations and you can go pound sand.
Most Americans, read white Americans, know that a debt is owed to Black Americans, however, most still like to deny it.
Only 15% of white Americans - undoubtedly the self-loathing ones on the extreme left - are in favor of reparations. Sadly but not surprisingly, 75% of African-Americans like the idea of getting money for nothing (and maybe even the chicks for free) for something they themselves did not experience and from whites who has nothing to do with it.

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