Even a fool knows it can't be sustained…

How is it extortion?

Are we also be extorted into having children so we aren't punished in our taxes ?

Jesus... the poster child for why not to smoke dope.
Well, actually what he said is true. The gummit does punish people for not having children. On purpose.

The more familial responsibilities someone has, the more passive and compliant they are apt to be to being forced into submission by the power structure.
We need workers to pay into soc sec and medicare. So we give parents tax breaks, and tax non-breeders for schools. You'd think these guys would have lost their cherries before Obamacare

Although, Obamacare should have used the soft mandate like Medicare has. Enroll now or pay yuuuugely later.
who receives soc sec and medicare dollars? those that paid in. what do the poor pay into? Do they receive free money? Do they receive hard workers money? You think they could at least say thank you rather than constantly spitting on the hand that feeds them. Put hey, you know it's a libturd thingy for sure.
Actually, the soc sec and medicare dollars we MAY receive in retirement is paid by current workers. That's the rub as to why they are not projected to continue having money for promised benefits.

We had the chance to move towards pay as you go, but W had taxcuts instead. Another example of the GOP never really paying for what they enact.
How is it extortion?

Are we also be extorted into having children so we aren't punished in our taxes ?


If you don't have health insurance you get a tax hit . (The extortion, right?).

You take a tax hit for not having dependents too! The government is forcing you to have children !

Gawd you're stupid and anyone having children for a tax write off needs to reevaluate what parenthood is all about

Word .like if we didn't have child tax credits , no one would have children ?? !

Tax credits never entered our minds when we decided to have children....and if they did yours you shouldn't have children

Exactly . Then why do we give parents tax breaks? The irony is that the Childless couple is less of a tax burden on the town, but they end up paying more taxes !?

Will you be surprised if the GOP's replacement creates more deficit spending than did Obamacare?

The only good and decent way of doing this type of thing is people take care of their own shit, don't expect someone else to pay for your shit. Expecting other people to pay for your shit is socialism, socialism is the work of the foolish. Fact

OK, my kid never went to public school or university. Gimme back what I contributed to yours.

If you don't have health insurance you get a tax hit . (The extortion, right?).

You take a tax hit for not having dependents too! The government is forcing you to have children !

Gawd you're stupid and anyone having children for a tax write off needs to reevaluate what parenthood is all about

Word .like if we didn't have child tax credits , no one would have children ?? !

Tax credits never entered our minds when we decided to have children....and if they did yours you shouldn't have children

Exactly . Then why do we give parents tax breaks? The irony is that the Childless couple is less of a tax burden on the town, but they end up paying more taxes !?

As usual you're all over the map with idiotic BS.
How is it extortion?

Are we also be extorted into having children so we aren't punished in our taxes ?

Jesus... the poster child for why not to smoke dope.
Well, actually what he said is true. The gummit does punish people for not having children. On purpose.

The more familial responsibilities someone has, the more passive and compliant they are apt to be to being forced into submission by the power structure.
We need workers to pay into soc sec and medicare. So we give parents tax breaks, and tax non-breeders for schools. You'd think these guys would have lost their cherries before Obamacare

Although, Obamacare should have used the soft mandate like Medicare has. Enroll now or pay yuuuugely later.

Never should have allowed big pharma and the insurance industry in the room.
Big Pharma and insurance companies loved Obamacare because they knew they would fuck over the American people and the federal government would be Right there with them fucking over the American people… Progressives are such petty fuckers.
One thing is certain; the US will continue to trail the technologically advanced world in terms of its health”care” system, which was the case long before the Heritage Foundation’s “Obamacare” approach, and afterward.

I bet our Healthcare Provider Networks and related corporations and businesses are more profitable though. (Well for the CEO's and shareholders, not so much for the grunt workers!)

Will you be surprised if the GOP's replacement creates more deficit spending than did Obamacare?

The only good and decent way of doing this type of thing is people take care of their own shit, don't expect someone else to pay for your shit. Expecting other people to pay for your shit is socialism, socialism is the work of the foolish. Fact

Privatized gains versus soclialized losses for the Wall Street bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk and expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laizzes-faire capitalism for the masses
How is it extortion?

Are we also be extorted into having children so we aren't punished in our taxes ?
Forced into programs that people don't want/need or will use - is exactly that.. :asshole:

It's a guarantee you'll need it . The only thing forced is that we have to give medical care to ass wipes who skip out on getting health coverage.

Unless you'd be cool wh letting people die in the streets because they don't have insurance .
If it's not a choice it's useless to the freedoms and individuality of the American people… Fact

Don't want health care don't get it. That's your choice .
I've never bought insurance in my life, not about to either…:dance:
Jesus... the poster child for why not to smoke dope.
Well, actually what he said is true. The gummit does punish people for not having children. On purpose.

The more familial responsibilities someone has, the more passive and compliant they are apt to be to being forced into submission by the power structure.
We need workers to pay into soc sec and medicare. So we give parents tax breaks, and tax non-breeders for schools. You'd think these guys would have lost their cherries before Obamacare

Although, Obamacare should have used the soft mandate like Medicare has. Enroll now or pay yuuuugely later.

Never should have allowed big pharma and the insurance industry in the room.
Big Pharma and insurance companies loved Obamacare because they knew they would fuck over the American people and the federal government would be Right there with them fucking over the American people… Progressives are such petty fuckers.
True. And home builders love the mort interest deduction. And the gop will not stop subsidizing HC ... or the gummit will flip to the dems
Jesus... the poster child for why not to smoke dope.
Well, actually what he said is true. The gummit does punish people for not having children. On purpose.

The more familial responsibilities someone has, the more passive and compliant they are apt to be to being forced into submission by the power structure.
We need workers to pay into soc sec and medicare. So we give parents tax breaks, and tax non-breeders for schools. You'd think these guys would have lost their cherries before Obamacare

Although, Obamacare should have used the soft mandate like Medicare has. Enroll now or pay yuuuugely later.

Never should have allowed big pharma and the insurance industry in the room.
Big Pharma and insurance companies loved Obamacare because they knew they would fuck over the American people and the federal government would be Right there with them fucking over the American people… Progressives are such petty fuckers.

Concentrated corporate power and wealth always prevail, the partisanshit is utterly irrelevant.
How is it extortion?

Are we also be extorted into having children so we aren't punished in our taxes ?
Forced into programs that people don't want/need or will use - is exactly that.. :asshole:

It's a guarantee you'll need it . The only thing forced is that we have to give medical care to ass wipes who skip out on getting health coverage.

Unless you'd be cool wh letting people die in the streets because they don't have insurance .
If it's not a choice it's useless to the freedoms and individuality of the American people… Fact

Don't want health care don't get it. That's your choice .
I've never bought insurance in my life, not about to either…:dance:

Tweet it, change the world.
Well, actually what he said is true. The gummit does punish people for not having children. On purpose.

The more familial responsibilities someone has, the more passive and compliant they are apt to be to being forced into submission by the power structure.
We need workers to pay into soc sec and medicare. So we give parents tax breaks, and tax non-breeders for schools. You'd think these guys would have lost their cherries before Obamacare

Although, Obamacare should have used the soft mandate like Medicare has. Enroll now or pay yuuuugely later.

Never should have allowed big pharma and the insurance industry in the room.
Big Pharma and insurance companies loved Obamacare because they knew they would fuck over the American people and the federal government would be Right there with them fucking over the American people… Progressives are such petty fuckers.

Concentrated corporate power and wealth always prevails, the partisanshit is utterly irrelevant.
Yeah. And Rustic is smart enough to get that most of the time.

And basically Trump won running against that truism, but in the end he too will bail out the very rich with workers taxes and debt.

Will you be surprised if the GOP's replacement creates more deficit spending than did Obamacare?

The only good and decent way of doing this type of thing is people take care of their own shit, don't expect someone else to pay for your shit. Expecting other people to pay for your shit is socialism, socialism is the work of the foolish. Fact

OK, my kid never went to public school or university. Gimme back what I contributed to yours.

My young daughters are not old enough to go to a university yet. They are homeschooled and way ahead of schedule, by the way I'm gonna be paying for 100% of their housing and schooling of pocket.
The more familial responsibilities someone has, the more passive and compliant they are apt to be to being forced into submission by the power structure.
We need workers to pay into soc sec and medicare. So we give parents tax breaks, and tax non-breeders for schools. You'd think these guys would have lost their cherries before Obamacare

Although, Obamacare should have used the soft mandate like Medicare has. Enroll now or pay yuuuugely later.

Never should have allowed big pharma and the insurance industry in the room.
Big Pharma and insurance companies loved Obamacare because they knew they would fuck over the American people and the federal government would be Right there with them fucking over the American people… Progressives are such petty fuckers.

Concentrated corporate power and wealth always prevails, the partisanshit is utterly irrelevant.
Yeah. And Rustic is smart enough to get that most of the time.

And basically Trump won running against that truism, but in the end he too will bail out the very rich with workers taxes and debt.

We already see that; recycled swamp rats and Goldman Sachs continuity, same as it ever was.
People can't be forced into legalized extortion, The actions of this law are about ad un-American as possible… Fact:dance:

Democrats open to replacing Obamacare

God damn rustic! I guess you dont know how the federal reserve works then, do you. Hey rustic, did you vote in thre election? Did you partake in this "shit eating Democracy" as you put it? Are you a hypocrite as well as a traitor?
Yes, I voted for Elmer Fudd - he is a write in candidate and gets no respect… By the way this is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy…:lmao:
OK, so, your a hypocrite too then. So, tell me, you stipid hypocrite, do you know how the federal reserve works?
So let's see. Once BarryCare is history his legacy will be reduced to he was the guy who let his wife direct the hired help to plant and tend her vegetable garden in the back yard.

And Jimmy Carter will be doing backflips while laughing his ass off.
People can't be forced into legalized extortion, The actions of this law are about ad un-American as possible… Fact:dance:

Democrats open to replacing Obamacare

God damn rustic! I guess you dont know how the federal reserve works then, do you. Hey rustic, did you vote in thre election? Did you partake in this "shit eating Democracy" as you put it? Are you a hypocrite as well as a traitor?
Yes, I voted for Elmer Fudd - he is a write in candidate and gets no respect… By the way this is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy…:lmao:
OK, so, your a hypocrite too then. So, tell me, you stipid hypocrite, do you know how the federal reserve works?
Of Course I do, but I'm sure you're gonna tell me though… :fu:
Average family will save $2500/ year, according to Obama. When does that kick in, exactly?

By the way. What ever happened to the Obamacare death panels and rationing!?
The big mistake is behind us - celebrate, mandated insurance is legalized extortion… Fact

Timmy's reply to POTUS lying over and over and over to the American people is that some people said there would be death panels?

Dude...come on.

So if Timmy ever brings up Trump lies, I can just say, "Where are the mass deportations?" Them his lies don't matter.

Got it. It's ok if POTUS lies as long as we can point to other people lying.

Will you be surprised if the GOP's replacement creates more deficit spending than did Obamacare?

The only good and decent way of doing this type of thing is people take care of their own shit, don't expect someone else to pay for your shit. Expecting other people to pay for your shit is socialism, socialism is the work of the foolish. Fact

OK, my kid never went to public school or university. Gimme back what I contributed to yours.

My young daughters are not old enough to go to a university yet. They are homeschooled and way ahead of schedule, by the way I'm gonna be paying for 100% of their housing and schooling of pocket.

Guess everyone will have to take your word for that, how convenient. This exactly what concentrated corporate power and wealth want; no personal connectivity among the citizenry, no sense of community among the unsubstantial people, no societal cohesion other than force and subjugation. Everyone embracing the perceptual reality of personal isolation.
People can't be forced into legalized extortion, The actions of this law are about ad un-American as possible… Fact:dance:

Democrats open to replacing Obamacare

God damn rustic! I guess you dont know how the federal reserve works then, do you. Hey rustic, did you vote in thre election? Did you partake in this "shit eating Democracy" as you put it? Are you a hypocrite as well as a traitor?
Yes, I voted for Elmer Fudd - he is a write in candidate and gets no respect… By the way this is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy…:lmao:
OK, so, your a hypocrite too then. So, tell me, you stipid hypocrite, do you know how the federal reserve works?
Of Course I do, but I'm sure you're gonna tell me though… :fu:


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